Bullets & Promises ✔️

By FeralClaws

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BOOK 2 of 'Bubblegum Gucci Punk & Gangster Model Hunk' •Be it night or be it day, the voices in his head, alw... More

1. Gears of Fate Rewind
2. Hope Against Hope
3. Holding Back Scars
4. A Futile Closure
5. The Last Warning
6. Breaking Reality
7. People Shaped Voids
8. Guardian Angels & Reapers
9. The Bullet of No Return
10. Promises Honored, No More
11. The Illusionary Reality
12. Out from the Shadows
13. Emerging from a Blindspot
14. Altruistic Innocence
15. Living a White Lie
16. A Frail Fortress
17. Not Bulletproof Anymore
18. The Eyes Tell
19. Their Bruised Love
20. Dealing with Devils
21. A Game of Cat & Mouse
23. In the Clutches of a Reaper
24. A Piece on the Board
25. Exchange at a Price
26. Entering Personal Space
27. Hanging on by a Thread
28. Heart on a Sleeve
29. The Beginning of the End
30. The Long-Awaited Closure
31. Renewing Losses
32. A Smile to Remember
33. Falling into Old Habits
34. Through the Highs & Lows
35. The Art of Golden Healing
36. Birth of a New Master
37. Close to the Mark
38. The Charming Vixen
39. An Unusual Usual Day
40. Anger Issues & Discoveries
41. The Prepared Goodbye
42. The Final Showdown
43. The Aftermath
44. The Red line of Life
45. Bullets and Promises
Epilogue: The Ever After

22. A Glimpse of the Old Times

41 15 44
By FeralClaws

With a loud screech, the car takes off. Dae Ho runs his tongue over his teeth with a stiff body posture, one hand resting on the door panel, and Haneul taps his foot anxiously, wringing his hands together and pulling at the seatbelt with his thumb. They drive past a few vehicles, Vee's car coming into view. "Haneul," Dae Ho says removing his earpiece and handing it over to the doctor. "Give Yoon a description of the car."

Haneul nods animatedly and puts in the device. "Yoon, the car is a Hyundai Aslan, and it's number plate," he moves to the front to get a better look. "It's 64 거 1276."

"Okay, I'll see if I can pin it down."

Haneul turns to Dae Ho, who is clutching the steering wheel tightly, brows pinched together. He takes a sharp turn, throwing off Haneul. "Hey! Drive properly."

"I already told you this wa—"

"As I suspected, the plate is fake." Choi Yoon cuts in. "Boss, keep chasing it closely."

"Damn it!" Dae Ho slams his fist, a short horn being honked. "Haneul, you better buckle up, this is going to get bumpy."

And Haneul's eyes shoot open in horror.

"There's a red box in the dashboard, take it out."

Haneul does as he's told. He opens the box to reveal a few spherical, button-like objects.

"Tap the tracker twice to switch it on and aim it at Vee's car then throw it, make sur—"

"Are you crazy? How will I do that?" Haneul gasps, "we're not in a movie."

"Just do it, Haneul," Dae Ho groans rolling his eyes. "Don't you rich people go to the shooting ranges for fun?"

"Those aren't moving targets and I'm no pro at that either."

"If you don't want me to kick you out right now, throw the damn thing!" The younger glowers, speeding up the car. "That rat will get away and I can't let that happen."

Perhaps it is the adrenaline rush or an unconscious familiarity the two hadn't noticed, falling into their usual series of bantering. For the moment, Park Dae Ho isn't a man who kills people to move forward nor is Haneul a doctor who saves lives, but a duo out to catch someone who'd taken away a loved one from them and a potential threat.

"Alright, alright." Haneul puts his hands up in surrender. He lowers the window and unbuckles his seatbelt, twisting his upper body through the space. Cold air slaps his face, hair flying in every direction. Haneul fears he'd fall if Dae Ho doesn't stop driving rashly. He holds the door for support and closes one eye, trying to get a good look at Vee's car. He throws the tracker but no luck. It falls on the road and another car crushes it.

He tries again but fails.


"Steer the wheel." Dae Ho orders, picking another tracker from Haneul.


"I'll throw the tracker, till then you take over the wheel."

"I-I can't."

"I'll seriously kick you out." Dae Ho deadpans, propping one leg on the seat, while the other stays on the accelerator. He lets go of the steering wheel and Haneul quickly wraps his fingers around it.

"Do it fast," he titters, training his eyes on the road. "I don't want to die today."

Vee's car is up ahead but Dae Ho isn't able to get a clear shot due to the SUV covering it. "Move to the right."

"Huh? But there's a car on our right."

"And how is that a problem? Just move till we don't crash into it."

Haneul scoffs, muttering a quiet, "You're still an insufferable, rude brat." He steers the car with caution, dipping his head down when the woman in the next car raises her brow.

"Keep steady now," Dae Ho says adjusting his position to throw the tracking device. He aims it at Vee's car, the gadget latching itself in one throw. The charcoal-haired man slips back into the car with a huff, taking over the wheel again.  He pushes a few buttons on the dashboard touchscreen. "Pandora, tracker 37 is on his car now."

"Got it, boss!" Choi Yoon's voice booms through the speakers. A few seconds later a map opens up on the screen, pointing at the location of their and Vee's cars. A lopsided smile kisses Dae Ho's face, his forehead lines fading. He presses on the gas pedal, speed increasing and maneuvering through vehicles. They're just behind Vee's car but another vehicle cuts through them from the left lane.

"Damn it!" Dae Ho punches the horn when the car stops at the red light, and Vee's car drives off.

"You put a tracker on him, so calm down." Haneul draws the younger's attention. "You being antsy can cause an accident."

"The tracker doesn't work if he distances more than fifty meters."

"Why'd you get such a cheap tracker then?" The doctor shrugs, followed by a giggle from Yoon.

Dae Ho stomps the accelerator, throwing a glare at his side. Haneul jerks due to the sudden bolt, slapping his hand against the window to steady himself. The ride then is a blur. The red and fluorescent lights of the cars, yellow lights of the street lamps, and busy roads clear into one broad lane, the area beyond the sidewalk covered in green, a few trees along the trail. The place is darker than before, Dae Ho switching on the headlights, and Vee's car about three meters away. "Haneul, get into the seat behind me and put on the seatbelt."


"Because I'm low on petrol and this is a long road."

"And...?" Haneul tilts his head with a slight shake.

"I already told you this isn't a smooth drive you take for fresh air." Dae Ho gives a stolid face, clicking his tongue. "Seriously how stupid are you?"

"How am I supposed to understand when you talk so cryptically?" The doctor bites back with a frown.

"Just do as I say."

Haneul unlatches his seatbelt, props his hands on the door panel and the driver's seat, turns to pull one of his legs over the armrest, and struggles to move his body between the seats until a palm pushes him with force. He falls in the back but not before bumping his head on the roof. Murmuring a few curses, the doctor yanks the seatbelt but it locks due to the safety system. "Oh, lord!" The blue head grunts in irritation, slowly pulling the strap and buckling it.

"Hold on tight," Dae Ho instructs cracking his knuckles and changing the gear, the car picking up speed. They come on par with Vee's car, the man side glancing at them and trying to distance himself but with a swift turn of the wheel, Dae Ho's car crashes into the other's vehicle.

"Damn it! Park Dae Ho! Warn a man before doing something like this!" Haneul holds a hand over his chest and grabs onto the seatbelt and the door. "W-what are you trying to do! I don't want to die so young!"

Dae Ho pays no attention to the man in the back, focused on bashing the other car. He goes in again, the wing mirrors clashing and breaking down, golden-red sparks flying with a shrilling sound when metal frictions over other metal. He rails against the car, Vee trying to escape but Dae Ho keeps slamming until there's smoke rising and the car flips over to their front, glass shattering.

"You're going to kill him!" Haneul grabs Dae Ho's jacket collar from behind and brings him out of his malicious trance. "He must already be injured."

The car comes to an abrupt stop, Dae Ho slapping away Haneul's hand and getting out. The doctor follows behind but doesn't close in, only taking in the view in front of him and trying to comprehend what's to become the fate of Vee. The man stumbles out of his car, blood dripping down his forehead, pulling out the glass shard knifed in his arm. He holds the area and starts walking but Dae Ho wastes no time in blasting toward him and pushing him to the ground. He turns him like a rag doll and throws a punch.

"You ruined everything!" Dae Ho bellows landing another blow. "You're not getting away now!"

Haneul stands frozen in place, eyes wide open and mouth gaping like a fish. He understands Dae Ho's actions, after all, Vee killed his dear sister. But that doesn't stop Haneul's blood from curling or the churning of his stomach. His feet feel heavier with each smack that hits Vee. A shaky hand comes forward to stop the fighter but no words leave his lips. All Haneul does is, close his eyes till he can calm down the thundering of his heart and the tottering of his limbs.

Dae Ho's fists are bloody, sweat trailing down his strong, chiseled jaw. His sticky, raven locks fall over his eyes, teeth clenched together, and specks of wet crimson on his cheeks.

A heavy hand on his shoulder jolts Haneul from his stupor, a shorter man behind him. "And here I thought you'd be stopping the kid from doing that." Shadow voices gesturing his chin towards Dae Ho.

Haneul mentally slaps himself for not noticing the car Shadow and Yoon have come in. He pinches the bridge of his nose. "I'm...I'm not going to lie, I'm scared to approach him in that state but I do understand him. Minji was the most important person to Dae Ho and if he's been searching for this man for years, there's got to be quite a lot of pent-up frustration." Haneul gives a guilty smile. "And as you said it yourself the first time we met, I'm no saint either."

Shadow quirks an eyebrow at the comment, a chuckle escaping his lips. "You sure are an interesting man, Haneul-ssi."

The doctor sets his eyes on the ex-model. "But this is what Dae Ho's been af—" Haneul gasps at the leaking petrol from Vee's car reaching the sparking wires. "Dae Ho, move away!" He shouts but the other doesn't budge. "Damn it!" Haneul sprints as fast as his legs can take him, grabbing Dae Ho's jacket with both his hands and hurling him away, subsequently reaching for Vee and—

Boom! Boom!

The vehicle blasts, igniting a fire and tossing a few metal fragments. Dae Ho falls to the side of the road, his palms scraping against the rough graphite. He recovers himself quickly, searching for Haneul. The latter's head is slammed on the guardrail, a stream of blood making its way from his temple, one eye and cheek coming together for a wince. An unconscious Vee lies not too far from him. Dae Ho jogs towards them, crouching near Haneul. "Are you oka—"

"What in the world is wrong with you!" Haneul pushes Dae Ho. "That blast could've killed you! How can you be so overpowered with animosity that you forgot your surroundings?" He stands up, wiping off the blood with the back of his hand. "You beat him to a pulp, now what, huh?"

Dae Ho stares at Haneul with hollow eyes, the same look he'd given in the basement when he killed a man. His lips are pressed into a thin line, the bloody fists he hid behind his back falling to his side. "None of your business. Walk away silently."

Haneul grits his teeth together and yanks Dae Ho. "It is my b—"

"Boys, boys, time out." Choi Yoon intervenes, stopping both men with a palm on each chest. "You both have all the time in the world to slit each other's throats but that car blast has probably alarmed people so I suggest we take off from here immediately."


"Especially you, Haneul," Yoon points out, "if anyone sees you, you'll be all over the news."

At that, Dae Ho takes a step back and walks to his car but Shadow stops him. "You're in no state to drive. I'll take your car and put Vee in the backseat, you and Haneul should go with Pandora." He puts his palm up. "No arguments, Dae Ho."

"...Alright." The younger nods and moves away. He opens the passenger seat but Yoon already has his devices dumped on it. With a groan, he closes the door and takes a seat in the back beside Haneul.

Shadow watches the vehicle drive off and retrieves his phone from his overcoat and dials a number. "We've got a situation here." He announces when the other line picks up.

"What happened?" An elderly voice asks.

"A car blasted on Yang-gyeong road. There are no casualties so I want you to cover it up."

"How did this happen?" The man asserts in a hard tone.

"Dae Ho was chasing Vee, the blast was unintended."

"Oh, so he finally caught that man. But if Dae Ho crosses a line you know what to do or have you gone soft for him?"

Shadow rolls his eyes. "It's not like tha—"

"Officer ChangMin, shoot him on site if he causes trouble."

"Roger that."

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