The Daughter of Poseidon (Per...

By this_cute_artist

99K 2.9K 514

Many eons ago, the 3 fates saw a prophecy of the future. It included the fates of 3 daughters. The first daug... More

Before You Begin
The Daughter of Poseidon-Full Summary
Where it All Started
Narissa Jackson
The Arena
Heroes & Prophecies
The Basilisk Bane
Hi Dad!
The Book of Prophecies
Blindfolds & Training
Stone Sisters
Snake Eyes & True Love's Kiss
Sweet Love & Strawberry Pancakes
Incoming Call: Dad
Blondes & Betrayals
The Daughter of Lightning
Sneak peek for Daughter of Zeus!

Camp Half-blood

8.1K 212 42
By this_cute_artist

Chapter Two - Camp Half-Blood

     I arrived at Camp Half-blood two days later. I stand at the entrance of the gate, I didn't quite know the feeling I was getting right now, a mixture of excitement and nervous butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. I don't know why I am hesitating at the gate nor why I keep taking sips of my water. Then I suddenly remembered that I promised Leucothia that I would message her when I arrived here. I pulled my phone out and took a picture of the gate and sent it with the caption: I'm alive and here.

     Then in the blink of an eye, a series of events happen. A tall raven haired boy snatched my phone out of my hand, also bumping into me which caused me to drop my water bottle on the ground. Getting my new pair of Converses wet. I paid $45 dollars for these! In a flash of anger, I trip the boy, making him face plant in the dirt. I noticed that my phone was lying on the ground a few inches from his hand. I went to grab my phone when he grabbed my foot, making me trip and fall. I quickly recover and was able to retrieve my phone.

     "What the hell is wrong with you!" I snapped, "Great, now my clothes are all dirty thanks to you." I tried to brush as much dirt as I can from my clothes, but it was futile they were stained. I looked over at him and couldn't help but notice that he had a bright orange t-shirt on with black lettering on it saying Camp Half-Blood. Really? This kid is actually a demigod? That's just fantastic.

      "You have got to be freaking kidding me. You're actually a demigod?" I scoffed.

      "Yes. How do you even know that?" He questioned. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

      "Sweetie, how many brain cells do you have? 10? No, maybe it's actually 2," I inquired. "Your shirt says Camp Half-Blood on it, which in turn means you are either a demigod or creature. Judging by your looks my bet is on demigod."

      He looks down at his shirt, forgetting for a moment what he was wearing. "Only a demigod or creature knows about this place. So that must mean you are a-"

     "-A demigod. Congratulations, you finally figured it out I'm so proud of you." I snickered. "Now tell me, where is my little brother Percy Jackson?"

     His eyes widened and jaw dropped, "Um, excuse me, lady, I think you have the wrong person because Percy doesn't have a sister." He debated.

     "Sweetie, I think I would be the one who would know who my little brother is or not. He is only other demigod child of Poseidon besides from me." I corrected.

     "Lady, I think I would know if I have an older sister or not." He stated. No, it can't be. This little boy is my baby brother?

     "Dear Gods you have got to be kidding me," I mutter under my breath. "Look, long story short, our dearest daddy decided to hide me away because of some stupid prophecy the fates foretold." I massage my temples I was getting a feeling that I am going to have to explain this story to everyone.

     "Okay, I guess that makes sense, but why do you keep calling me little brother? How old are you? And what is even your name?"

     "I'm 18 years old. I'm 2 years older than you. And my name is Narissa." Now that I take a good look at him I can see the resemblance; the ebony hair, and ocean green eyes. Since he is my little brother I suppose I can look over him ruining my clothes just this once.

     "Okay then..." He ran his hand through his dark ebony hair, I could see he was still trying to process this whole situation. "Well then, Sis. Shall introduce you to everyone?" He offered his arm for me to hold on to as a sign to start over a good note. That made me smile just a little.

     "Yes, please," I took his arm and hooked my arm around his.

     We walked through the gate. I couldn't believe my eyes, all of these demigods training and practicing it was amazing. It's exactly how I imagined and more. Wonder and joy lit up inside me. Percy leaned down close to my ear and whispered, "Welcome to Camp Half-Blood Big Sis."

     I smiled, "Thanks, little brother." Looking back at the demigods training, a sense of gratitude towards Leucothia for the rigorous training she made me suffer through back home, surged up inside me.

     I noticed Percy's smile was gone and sheer terror has taken over, immense fear filled his green eyes. Why is he so terrified all of a sudden? I looked over towards the direction that Percy's gaze was locked on, a tall girl with spun gold hair, stormy grey eyes and a murderous look on her face that was storming towards us. Oh, that's why.

     "Percy Jackson! Who in the hell is this girl dangling from your arm!" She snarled, you could almost see the poison dripping off the word 'girl'.

     Damn, she is loud, I think she just broke my eardrums.

     "Annabeth! Sweetheart calm down," Even his vocal cords are trembling in fear. He unhooked his arm from mine and rested both hands on her shoulders, trying to calm her down. " Annabeth, this my older sister Narissa. Narissa this is my girlfriend Annabeth Chase." Percy put his arm around her shoulders, smiling weakly, knowing that Annabeth is going to kill him later.

     I pity him. Trying to clarify the situation so Percy doesn't get murdered. I introduced myself. "Narissa Jackson, Percy's older sister." I stuck out my hand for her to shake, but she just glared at it. I put my hand in my pocket. Rude much. The look on her face implied that she wasn't convinced with what I was saying.

     "How are you Percy's older sister when Poseidon has only one child?" She proclaimed, a challenging aura radiates from her.

     Jeez, this girl is stubbornly annoying. I rolled my eyes, "Long story short, our dear old daddy and mommy had me but a stupid prophecy made daddy decide it was better for me to be hidden away blah...blah...blah...I turned 18, I'm finally allowed to leave and come here. Any more questions?" I droned. She isn't going to believe me.

     "I still don't believe you. Prove it." She demanded. Bull's-eye.

     "Fine," I groaned. People are so demanding these days. I looked around for some H2O to play with. I noticed Annabeth had an open water bottle in her hand, I smiled. Should I? Yeah, I should. I manipulated the hydrogen and oxygen molecules to do as I wish and splashed Annabeth on her face. Her face was priceless, water dripped from her golden locks. She wiped the water from her face, her face was so hot I was sure that the water would evaporate. Awe how cute she is angry.

    I leaned down close to her face, "Do you believe me now, sweetie?" She nodded yes.

    "Okay, great now that is out of the way, let's start over," I stuck out my hand for her to shake, "My name is Narissa Jackson, Percy's older sister. Nice to meet you." This time she took my hand and nodded. "Nice to meet you too. Annabeth Chase, please excuse my rude behavior from before, I hope we can be friends."

      I smiled, "Definitely." There was no point at holding a grudge towards over something this small. Next, a Satyr came running over.

     "Annabeth! Percy! What is going on?" He yelled while running over. Why does everyone have to be so freaking loud around here? Then he stops in his tracks when he noticed me, glaring at him.

     He pointed at me, "Who is she?" I gritted my teeth. I'm right here you can just ask me yourself, you dimwitted satyr.

     "I am Narissa Jackson," I snapped. I hate when people just ignore someone when they are standing right in front of them it's a pet peeve of mine. Percy must've noticed my irritation and tried to break the tension.

     "Grover! Let me introduce you to my big sister Narissa. Narissa this is my best friend Grover Underwood," he smiled at me, I could see his eyes saying 'play nice'.

     I took a deep breath and sighed, "Hello Grover, Narissa Jackson, Poseidon's other kid and Percy's older sister." I reluctantly put out my hand for him to shake he took it.

      "Oh! Hello! Wait. Percy's older sister!" It finally hit him on what was going on. Here we go again.

      "Before you start blabbering about that can't be let me explain. I was born first, but some stupid prophecy was told about me so daddy decided to hide me away now that I'm older I'm allowed to come here. Okay?"

      "Wait so can you do that water magic too?" He gasped.

      "For your information, it's hydrokinesis not 'water magic'." I corrected, "And to answer your question. Yes, I can."

      "Can I see?" He had this sparkle in his eyes, just like a child on Christmas day. I look at Percy then at Grover, I sighed. What the hell, why not.

      I look over at Annabeth, I gesture towards her water bottle, "May I?"

      "Sure," She gave me her water bottle.

      "Okay, you ready?" He nodded his head 'yes', "Watch carefully." I manipulated just enough of the hydrogen and oxygen molecules to cause an orb of water the size of a plum to levitate in the air. He gasped, Oh, I'm not done yet, sweetie. I smirked, and with a flick of my fingers I separated the H2O molecules into small beads of water hovering in the air, they sparkled in the sunlight. After a few minutes of him being amazed, I decided the show was over. "Okay, the show is over." I released my control over the water and the droplets fell.

     "You know you're pretty awesome."

     I gave a little smirk, "I know." I turn to Percy, "Percy, can you take me to the person who runs this place?"

     "Of course." He replied.

     "Lead the way."

     We reached the main cabin where Dionysus was. When Dionysus saw me he dropped his wine glass, even though it was filled with soda. He was sitting with Chiron, who looked at me, shocked.

      "Narissa! What are you doing here?" Chiron exclaimed.

      "Please to meet ya too." I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

      "Chiron, how do you know about my sister?" Percy asked.

      "Well-" Chiron looked at Dionysus, trying to figure out what to say.

      "They know about the prophecy, they just weren't expecting me so soon," I interject.

      "What prophecy?" Percy asked.

      "I don't know the whole details of it, but it deals with me and two other girls." I shrugged my shoulders, mom never told me much about it. I had to find out that much on my own.

      Chiron and Dionysus composed themselves. "Narissa please excuse my rude manners just now. I was just caught off guard." Chiron apologized.

      "Yeah. Yeah. It's fine," I waved my hand dismissing his rude remark from before, "I just came to tell you that I plan on staying here." I stated.

      "Okay then," He nodded his head in approval, "Well, we will start you off with the basic training."

      "No need. I already have training." I objected.

      "By who?" Chiron raised his eyebrow, in disbelief.

      "The woman who raised me and someone you don't know."

      "I'm sorry, but I do insist that we reteach you the basics." He insisted.

      "Look. How about I prove my skills. Percy is Camp Half-blood's best fighter right? Let Percy and I have a duel. If I win you let me train how I want. If I lose I'll train your way." I proposed.

      "But Narissa-" Percy started to object when Chiron interrupted.


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