By JarriaJelese

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Nicole and Tae are closer than ever; Nicole's spa is really taking off while Tae thinks about finally throwin... More



408 13 2
By JarriaJelese


"Do you have everything?" I trailed behind Cali and she exited our apartment, closing the door behind myself. "Your backpack, your waters, your phone, and your lunch kit?" I lifted Cari up on my hip, locking the front door.

"Yes ma'am"

"Are you sure Cali? Make sure." She'd been so forgetful lately. Every day for the past week she'd forgotten something at home and I'd have to double back before picking up Mia and dropping them both off at their separate schools. I was simply blaming it on her being ready for summer vacation.

"I have everything." She told me with a slight attitude. "Sorry Mommy." She immediately apologized once she noticed the look on my face and that I picked up on her tone.

"I know you're ready for Summer-"

"Soooooooo ready!" She dragged as we walked down the hall, cutting me off. "I can go to Auntie Spa every day, sleep in if I want to, and I'm excited to go to Bali again."

"Who told you we were going back to Bali this Summer?"

"My Daddy" She confirmed what I already thought. "He said we can go wherever I want to if I get all A's on my last report card and I know that I did that." She grabbed my free hand while my other one kept her sister up on my hip. "One more week then I'll be on summer vacation." She sang with a smile on her face. "Then I'll be a sixth grader and me and Mia will be in the same school again."

We rode the elevator down the the lobby where the main parking lot was. "Call Mia and let her know to be outside today. I have something to do this morning after I drop y'all off."

"Something like what?" Cali asked, being nosey. "Is it for me?"

"No, little girl." I quickly strapped Cari into her seat before handing her a bag of her cheddar cheese baby snacks to keep her quiet.

After picking Mia up, I took them to get breakfast and dropped them off at their schools. I then took Cari to daycare and went home to take a quick shower, before rushing out of the door to get to my Breakfast meeting I had scheduled with a friend.

I adjusted the top of my blazer as I walked through the glass doors of the Restaurant, literally feeling my heart thumping out of my chest for a reason I couldn't figure out. I spotted him sitting in the corner of the Restaurant, looking down at his phone. I cleared my throat, making my way toward the booth.

"Hey, Goodmorning." I spoke sitting down across from him, gaining his attention."I'm glad you accepted my invitation."

"You said it was important." I noticed he locked his phone and put it face down on the table giving me his undivided attention.

I stared into his eyes before gazing over his face and healthy dreadlocks. "Your fiancé know you here with me?" He picked up what I assumed to be his glass of orange juice from the looks of it, but knowing him it probably was a Mamosa. We held eye contact as he put the glass back down, purposely smacking his lips and clearing his throat. He was giving me a slight attitude.

"I'm not engaged and yes, he does know." My friendly Breakfast Date was the reason why Julio slept at his own House last night. We got into a heated texting argument, mainly because he was jealous and emotional for no reason. He said a few things that actually got to me. For months we'd been talking about putting his House on the market, being that we were still looking for a new Home and his House simply held too many bad memories to have any ties with, but now neither of us was so sure.

Julio always had a way with his words, when he gets angry it gets worse and he'll say hurtful things without any remorse or care for your feelings. In the past I'd just accept his verbal apology and we'd move forward after talking through our issue, but this time I needed more than just an I'm sorry. He insinuated something going on between Montana and I, he insulted my character, and he even went as low as to call me a Hoe.

"Hm" Montana looked at me intensely. "What he say?"

"Does it really matter?" I picked up my menu from the wooden table, pulling at the collar on my blazer out of nervousness. "We're here, aren't we?" I could feel his eyes staring into me as I kept mine on the menu in my hands.

"I'm already knowing you caught hell to be here with me. You don't gotta go into detail."

"I won't"

"What you wanted to meet with me about, Karin?" He changed the subject.

"Well" I sighed, taking a deep breath. "I've given it a lot of thought and if you'll still have me— I'd like to be your Muse again." I said, causing him to raise his brows. "Seriously."

"You wanna get back into Modeling?" I nodded my head. "It's about time." He smirked before his face broke out into a full blown smile. "You know your spot always open." He stared at me with so much admiration. "Can I give you a hug?"

I simply stood to my feet, holding my arms out as he did the same. He grabbed me, holding me tightly against him hugging me across the table.

"You just made my day Karin. You have no idea." We sat back down.

"We create magic, Montana." I covered my mouth, gasping. "I mean— not like-"

He laughed, cutting me off. "I know what you mean, Karin." The smile on his face filled me with joy. "You serious? You been outta the game for a year and now you finally wanna come back? I almost replaced you."

"You can't replace me." We shared a laugh. "I'm irreplaceable, Montana."

"You right"

"How's Pumba?" I asked about his Pit Bull that I hadn't seen since he was a puppy. I was sure he was fully grown or close to it by now.

"I don't know, I gave him away."


"Too bad" He made me laugh. "I was buying new shoes every other day fucking with that dog." He shook his head, scoffing. "I do kinda miss his company though."

"Cali is not going to be happy to hear that when I pick her up from school today."

"Shorty still in school? Ain't it summer time?"

"Yes, but this is her last full week." Normally the kids would get out of school at the end of May or top of June, but this year because of all the snow days we had that required school to be canceled, Cali and Mia wouldn't be out until June 28th.

The Church Summer Camp always started the Monday after 4th of July, meaning the girls would have about a week to do whatever they wanted. I knew Cali would be mad at me for signing her up to go to Church Camp again this Summer, but I didn't want her being lazy and just laying around the house, or trying to go bother Nicole every single day.

"How your girls been? Show me some pictures of my Shorties." It didn't feel like it, but it had been practically a year since my girls seen Montana. He distanced himself once Julio and I made it known we were back together, and I wasn't modeling at the time so there was no reason for us to see one another— which was devastating for me and my girls. Cali and Cari adored Montana. He avoided me if we did cross paths at Nicole's Spa. My first time truly seeing him and not just passing by, was at Nicole's Birthday Dinner. Of course I invited him, he was her Business Photographer and friend. We held a brief conversation with one another that night and the next morning I seen he took it upon himself to follow me on Instagram again.

"Damn, that's Cari?" He looked up from my phone, shocked. "When she get so big? Shorty was—" He demonstrated how small she was the last time he seen her with his hands. "Terrible two's at one still?"

"Yes, but we're teaching her to start saying she's two now. Her birthday is-"

"August 31st, I know Karin." He cut me off, shuffling through different pictures. " His thumb slid across the screen on my iPhone, scrolling to see another picture. "What you got planned for her day this year?"

"I'm not sure just yet. Julio and I haven't even discussed it yet."

"Well what do you want to do?"

I shrugged "Last year we rented out the Flower Garden Museum and that was fun, but this year I'd like to do something more kiddy. Maybe a trampoline park or something."

"An Amusement park would be fun."

"That's what Cali wants to do for her birthday."

We sat in silence for a little while, both occupied with our phones; or so I thought until I looked up and Montana was staring at me. "What?"

"Are you actually hungry or you just wanted to meet here to talk?"

"Talk, really" I hadn't ate anything all morning, but I wasn't necessarily hungry.

"Good, let's go." He leaned over grabbing his wallet from his back pocket.

"Where are we going?"

"We got magic to make Karin and a lot of lost time to make up for."



I put my car in park, taking off my shades as I looked around my surroundings. "Well closed mouths don't get fed." I reminded myself why I was outside Lexi's Apartment. I wanted answers and Nic wouldn't come to me so I had no choice but to go to him.

I'd been out all day, enjoying and pampering myself. I went to get my nails and toes done, did some light shopping, and I'd taken myself on a joy ride in my new car through the city— well, Downtown and through the Suburbs. I was in great spirits and I felt like I could take on whatever Nic would throw my way.

I locked my doors, feeling myself as I walked through the parking lot looking at the building numbers. Lexi posted about her and Nic getting approved for a house, meaning they'd be out of her apartment within the next few weeks and I had no clue where they were going so now was my chance.

I didn't follow her but Mila did so of course she filled me in where I needed to be filled in. She'd picked Nic up a couple times when they hung out so she gave me the exact address too.

I took a deep breath, knocking on the door loud enough for them to hear me. I didn't see Nic's car but I saw Lexi's so I knew somebody was home. I looked down at my sneakers, counting in my head. I told myself I'd wait thirty seconds and if nobody came to the door then I'd leave and forget about it.

I was on twenty-eight when Nic swung the door open, greeting me with his stunned face. "How you know where I live?" His question stung a little being that it was the first thing he said when he seen me.

"Hello to you too, Brother." I took in his appearance. "I have my sources." I answered his question, glancing over his outfit. He had on a yellow Polo t-shirt and some bullshit black basketball shorts. "You chilling, huh? Aren't you suppose to work at my Spa Monday through Saturday? It's Tuesday, Nicholas."

"What do you want, Nicole? You got your boyfriend with you?"

"Taelor is making money like you should be doing." I knew I was giving him attitude but he was showing his ass so I would too. "Why did you move out of my home without mentioning it to me and more importantly, why did you have your hoe in my house?" I cut to the chase. He obviously didn't care to see me and I didn't want him ruining my great day.

He chuckled but I didn't see anything funny. "Bye Nicole." He attempted to close the door in my face causing me to go ape shit on his ungrateful ass.

"Nigga are you crazy?" I bombarded my way through the door and into the apartment. "Don't you EVER try to slam a fucking door in my face, you ungrateful ass piece of shit! Nic, I will fuck you up!" I lost control of my anger and started punching on him, beating his ass in the doorway while he tried to restrain me.

"You bout to piss me off!" He yelled out as I got a good hit in, busting his lip.

"What you gone do, Bitch?" He pissed me off and now I was about to fight him like a bitch on the street. "You wanna act like a bitch, I'll treat you like one!" I slapped him, slamming the side of his head into the wall. "I've been too good to you!"

"I never said you wasn't, Nicole! I never said you wasn't!" He repeated while I let him get himself together, backing back and putting my fist up. "I'm not about to fight you!"

"You don't got no choice, come on!" I encouraged him.

"You crazy if you think I'm about to put my hands on you! You are my sister!"

"That ain't never mattered to you, it shouldn't matter now!" He always brung up being siblings whenever I got on his ass but he treated me like shit when he didn't need things going in his favor.

"Nicole just calm down. I'm sorry for trying to close the door on you." He held his hands up, surrendering to me. "I'm sorry" He repeated.

I stood where I was, huffing and puffing with a scowl on my face. "Why would you do me like that? Do you have any idea how hurt I was when I watched my security cameras?"

"You got cameras?" He gasped.

"Nigga don't play stupid, you know I have cameras. You thought you were smart and tried to cover one up, remember?" I shot back at him, folding my arms across my chest.

"Oh yeah" He mumbled, realizing he was caught. "My bad, Baby Sis."

"Fuck you Nic." He furrowed his brows but he didn't say anything. "Then to make matters worse, Tae was there and we watched you carry box after box downstairs together. Although he didn't say anything, do you know how that makes me look? Like he was right and I was wrong for even trying with you again."

"That's Tae talking." He insinuated that Tae had gotten into my head.


"Whatever goes on between me and you, why that nigga gotta get involved? Why you always bring him up like y'all my parents and I'm the child? You my sister yet you always run back to him and tell him my business. Every decision you make concerning me, that nigga gotta be in the know."

"Since when Nic?"

"Since y'all started fucking around!" He threw his hand up. "Since you let that nigga get in your head, in between your legs, and in between me and you." He went into the hall bathroom to get some toilet tissue for his busted lip. "Lexi didn't think it was a good idea for you to know anyway. She said it wasn't any of your business whether I moved out or stayed and I agreed so that's why I did what I did." He told me from the bathroom.

"You couldn't look me in my eyes and say that, huh?" I stepped to him once he came out the bathroom, causing him to immediately take several steps back. "Say that shit with your chest, Nicholas." I bucked at him making him jump with fear.

"So you can put your hands on me again?" He held his hands out against me. "Man, move Nicole!" He raised his voice as I slapped the side of his head.

I simply stared at him for a couple seconds, amused that he was so scared of me. We made eye contact but he couldn't even hold it. He frantically blinked, looking down at the carpet. "You a dumb ass nigga." I smacked my lips, looking around for my purse. "Sometimes I feel so embarrassed that we're siblings." I told him the truth out of anger.

"What are you doing?" He asked once he noticed I wasn't leaving. I went into the kitchen, opening the refrigerator door. "Hmmm, let's see." I looked over all my options of drinks and snacks.

"What you doing?" I could feel Nic's presence behind me, watching me.

I helped myself to one of everything that I could get my hands on, stuffing my purse to capacity. "I'm not playing with you or your hoe, Nic! Y'all think being disrespectful is funny— I wanna laugh too." I continued to put shit that I wouldn't even eat or drink in my purse.

He tried to grab the handles of my bag, attempting to yank it out of my grasp but that only earned him a punch straight to the eye; knocking him right into the stove. "Nicole!"

"You better back the fuck up!" I warned him for the last time. I bent down looking in their Crisper, seeing multiple different blends of fruit juice boxes. I used my shirt to scoop up as many as I could. I loved juice and my kids did too.

"Bro you don't even know who stuff you grabbing! Those juices are Sky's!" Nic held his hand over his eye that wouldn't stop watering from me hitting him in it. "All she took was two funky ass Red Bulls and you in here going grocery shopping!"

"I dare you to say something else to me, Nicholas." I rumbled through the freezer, taking out a box of Mozzarella Sticks for Taejin.

"Nicole I will cashapp you some money, please just take the shit you already got and go. I don't know when Lexi will be b-"

"With what money, Nic?" I angrily faced him, accidentally hitting him with the ends of my hair. "What damn job do you work for you to be able to send me some money? Oh— I forgot, I still pay your ass out of the kindness of my heart yet you can't even show up!"

"I never asked you to do that. I'm surprised every Friday when my check hits." He explained. "I don't look for you to do that."

"The point is that you know that I will." I tuned out the rest of what he said, trying to hurry up and find a plastic bag for my new groceries so I could leave. I knew regardless of how much I yelled, hit, and cursed he still wouldn't get it and I was only draining myself and my energy.

"I'm sorry, Nicole." He mumbled behind me on my way towards the front of the house. "I know you think I'm lying, but I never ever wanted us to end up like this. You my sister and I truly do love you."

"I know that you love me, Nic. If you didn't, you wouldn't have taken on the responsibility of raising me after Daddy died. I hope that you realize I love you too, but I cannot subject myself to the bullshit that comes with you. I have to love you from a distance if I ever want to peacefully prosper in my relationship and just in my life in general. We're in two completely different worlds." Although I just beat him up, I went to give a hug, not knowing when we'd see each other again. I remembered the times when Nic was my favorite person. I couldn't imagine going a day without seeing him or talking to him, but now it was like we were literally two strangers that just happened to share the same blood.

We hugged for what felt like forever, squeezing each other, letting our love for one another flow through the other's body. I blinked away my tears as I stared up at a picture on the wall, thinking about how disappointed I knew our Dad was in our failed relationship.

We hadn't gotten this way until our Adult years; not until I got with Tae and Nic's lies and drug usage. We were raised to always put family first and to stay close to one another regardless of what happens. I deeply wanted to honor that, but I couldn't. Nic was completely different now and maybe I was too.

"I love you." He told me again once we finally pulled away from one another.

"I love you too, Brother." I choked out, slowing opening the door. "Bye"

"I'll see you later." I gave him a small smile as we held eye contact, standing in the same spot. It was like we both wanted to say more, but couldn't find the words to say.

"Nic, I-" My words were knocked out of me as I was forced to my hands and knees.

"Oh, my bad." I heard laughter. "Lexi, what the fuck? How you didn't see her standing right there? The door was already open and she was standing in the doorway— the fuck you mean you didn't see her? You did that shit on purpose!" Nic got on her ass while I got myself together, standing to my feet.

She pushed me down so hard, my sunglasses flew off my head and they now were broken. "Baby Sis, I promise I will buy you a new pair." Nic stood in between us as I sadly stared down at my Chanel shades, holding the broken off temple in my hand.

"I just got these, Nicholas." Rage filled my body. I wouldn't have been so mad if it hadn't been Lexi and the bitch hadn't pushed me to the ground on purpose.

"I mean it's just sunglasses." The bitch had the nerve to laugh in my face. "They don't look like they were worth that much anyway. Where'd you get them from? Target?"

I laughed hysterically. "Nic, don't your hoe got any home training?" He dropped his head, knowing I was about to let her ass have it. She was lucky I decided against letting her ass have an ass whopping instead. "You been stripping and hoeing for how many years and you still don't know what real Chanel looks like when you see it? That would explain all those Walmart tags I seen sitting in the top of your trash can— time to take the trash out by the way."

"You're in Walmart on the daily buying seven dollar graphic tees and biker shorts." I motioned my hand up and down her outfit, providing her with an example. "While I'm already wearing sunglasses from NEXT Summer's collection, so no Baby, these are definitely not Target."

Now that's how you clear a bitch....

Her face turned red as she started huffing and puffing, expecting Nic to say something to me in her defense but he never did. "You let her look in my trashcan?" She yelled in Nic's face, causing me to erupt with laughter.

"Nicole, please" He held his hand up for me to stop laughing while he tried to calm her down.

"Thanks for the snacks and drinks. I had fun." I let myself out, hearing her yelling and cursing at him as soon as I closed the door.



"Tienes suficiente comida?" I read off my phone screen, reciting each word from Google Translate. "Y la ropa? Están todos lo suficientemente calientes? No hay calor."

She nervously rubbed up and down her arms, still understandably terrified of me. "Nosotros estamos bien gracias." She mumbled, avoiding eye contact me. I observed her body language, noticing her uneasy breathing. I didn't feed into it too much, but then again— I did. I kind of cared and I didn't want her nor her children being afraid of me, although they each had every right to be. I'd threatened their lives, killed their Grandpa, played a part in their Father/Husband killing himself, and I'd forced them to completely change their lives in order to protect my own.

I had every intention set on killing Lupè's wife and children, but once I took them in that house and it came down to do it, I couldn't. For the first time in my life I locked up. I let my emotions get in between business and chose to make another drastic decision. It was my choice and I didn't want Julio getting more nervous and stressed than he already was, so I chose to leave him clueless.

I moved Lupè's wife and children into the Duplex Nicole bought me for my birthday. It was just sitting and I figured this was the way I needed to put it to use. I know it's gonna take time, but I planned on turning it into a something and making Lupè's wife the Manager once she was more comfortable with me. It was important to me that she trusted me. My life literally depended on her trust and ability to keep quiet and out of sight.

"Cuál es su nombre?" I asked, waiting for her to start walking along the side of me. I was taking her on a tour through the entire Duplex and letting her pick which one she wanted for her and her children. "No puedo hacer mucho con un nombre. Usted me puede decir." I didn't want her to be hesitant.


We went through eight different apartments and by the time we finished she was a lot more comfortable. She'd asked me my name several times but each time I acted like I didn't understand her, or hear what she was saying.

She ended up picking out a three bedroom up and downstairs Apartment with two bathrooms. Each placed needed to be renovated, but she picked one of the nicer ones.

I made sure I set the property alarms and cameras once I got in my rental car, seeing Sofia and her children settling in their place on my IPhone. I didn't have any electricity in my Complex yet but I went out and bought them candles and flashlights and I had running water, so I knew they'd be fine until I was able to get in touch with someone to come turn the power on.

"Ugh" I groaned lightly, trying to get comfortable in my little ass Driver's seat. I had no choice but to buy myself a Ford Focus to use as my little business car. Of course I couldn't risk Sofia knowing and seeing what I really drove, it was bad enough she knew what Julio and I looked like. If there was some type of drink to make her lose her memory I would've been bought that shit already.

Nicole once again had no idea of my whereabouts or what I was up to and I planned to keep it that way. I rented a storage garage to keep my Focus parked in and everything.

I switched cars and cleaned up before going to pick up Taejin and Troi from my Mama's House. Today was Taco Tuesday and Nicole texted me, letting me know she needed me to stop by the grocery store before heading home since she had somewhere to be.

"Daddy!" Troi ran into my leg, not letting me even take my key out of the doorknob.

"Hey Fat" I picked her up, eyeing her to see what piece of her clothing she'd gotten dirty today. Sometimes she did really good, but majority of the time she came home with food stains as well as marker and crayon markings. "What's that stain I see on your shirt?" I held her sleeve up to show her was I was talking about, walking further into the House with her in my arms.

"Kool-Aid!" She happily answered. "Pink!"

"You a Kool-Aid kid."

"Kool-Aid!" She repeated loudly in my ear. I carried her up the stairs and into my Mama's room where she and Taejin were laid out across the bed.

"Hey Dad" Taejin gave me a quick glance before going back to whatever he was writing.

"Hey" I put Troi down. "What's up Mama?" I spoke to my Mom, lifting my falling pants up. "What y'all up here doing?"

"I'm helping him with his school work." She sighed, folding her arms across her chest as she watched him write out his sight words. It was four o'clock in the evening yet she still had her night scarf wrapped over her head. I noticed she was in pajamas and she had snacks and drinks all over her nightstand letting me know she hadn't moved all night, but besides to pick up my kids from Daycare.

"What you been doing all day?" I stole a few gummies from her stash, sitting down at the end of the bed. I put her feet in my lap, shocking her. We didn't have a very affectionate relationship— not even a little bit besides a hug here and there, and that was my fault but today I wanted to lift her spirits. I already knew why she was down without her telling me.

"You want the truth or a lie?" I gave her a look, tossing gummies into my mouth. "I been laying around watching my shows all day long." She stared straight ahead. "Korea came and got Mia for school this morning and I didn't move again until it was time for my to go pick up the little ones."

"That's a shame Mama."

"Son, I haven't felt like doing anything. I don't even want to get out of the bed to go to the bathroom and that's not like me. I had to force myself to go to Church last Sunday and I just been drinking-" She cut herself off, shaking her head. "This too shall pass and I know it. I just pray this depression off of me."

"You depressed?" I figured she was but this was the first time I'd actually heard her say it.

"Things just will never be the same with Emory gone." She answered without answering. "I'll never be the same."

"We gotta get up outta here." I stood to my feet, lifting my pants up again. "Taejin, gather all your stuff and put everything back in your backpack. Troi, go find your sandals and bring to them Daddy so I can help you."

"You leaving with them already?" My Mama asked sadly. "I was gonna try to cook a little late-"

"Nicole making Tacos tonight. I gotta get to the store and get home before she does so she can go ahead and start cooking." I helped Taejin put his pencils in his bag. "Hopefully she in the mood to make something else on the side."

"Awww, I hate to see y'all leave but I understand." She didn't even attempt to get up to walk us to the door like she normally would. "Mia should be home soon."

"Look Daddy! There go Mommy!" Taejin lit up, realizing the lady I was parking next to was his Mama. She was in her coupe and neither one of the kids recognized her car just yet, all they knew was her G-Wagon.

"Hey" I met her behind my Wraith. She leaned into me for a hug, lifting her head up for a kiss. "I would've beat you home but your bad ass kids...." I trailed off. "What you been teaching them?"

She laughed "Those are your traits and that's what you get. That's exactly why I don't take them grocery shopping with me." She went to let them both out of my car, engaging in conversation while I carried all of the bags through the parking garage and up to her Penthouse.

"How was your day? I haven't seen you in hoursssss." She laid out on the bed dramatically, kicking off her sneakers.

"It was cool." I thought back over all of the events that my day consisted of. "I did a few good deeds and then I went to pick them up from Mama's, went to the grocery store and that's about it."

"How's my girl holding up today?"

"In her damn pajamas with her bonnet on." Nicole laughed then immediately covered her mouth, feeling bad. "You going to Hell."

"It's the way you said it!"

"She told me she depressed."

"Really? We should do something for her or send her somewhere to help her out of her funk."

"You can"


"When you bout to cook? I'm hungry." I whined, stripping down to just my boxers and getting in her warm ass bed. I would never admit it to her but her sheets felt good than a mothafucker, I seen why she spent so much money on them.

"I was gonna take a nap first."


"Why don't you get up make them yourself? You claim your tacos taste better anyway." I smirked, hiding my head in one of the million pillows she had.  "Or go get a snack because I'm not getting up to do anything for at least an hour."

"What if the kids need you?"

"They got a Daddy!" She playfully raised her voice. "You're literally right here."

"I'm tired too."

"You didn't have to deal with your crazy sibling and his retarted piece of a girlfriend today, so I win."


Hey Lovessss 💛 just a filler chapter, things are about to get crucial! Please pay attention, it's becoming important!!

Tae is not as bad as everybody thinks 🥺 he triessssss

Thanks for reading and love y'all! 💛💛💛

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