By PaigeParker3000

333K 4.9K 3.9K

A Ginny & Georgia story -- What happens when Ginny has a hotter twin sister? A Marcus x Reader "Did you just... More

Getting Adjusted is Great or Crap - 1
Vanilla Chapstick & Carmex - 3
Bow to the Queen, Bitch - 4
Soccer Moms United and Brown Butter Cookies - 5
Imagine Being Official - 6
I Can Barely Wheeze When You Are Singing - 7
Author's Note
He's Very Pretty - 8
A Hot Girl Halloween -- Don't Even - 9
Boo, Bitch - 10
Literally Overwhelmed, But Love You Too - 11
It Sucks - 12
Like a New Years Resolution - 13
It's You and Me, Kid - 14
Oppression Olympics - 15
This Isn't Real - 16
Concussed - 17
It Was You - 18
Ginny? - 19
Riddle Me This - 20
She Knows - 21
22 - Everything Has Changed(The Finale)
A/N -- The End

Screw You, Virginia Miller - 2

34.3K 508 1K
By PaigeParker3000

(A/N): Outfit for school above! Or comment alternatives!

"Virginia, Y/n, I should warn you. We keep a, uh, rigorous pace in AP English. The AP students take this very seriously. So, if my class proves to be too much for you, I suggest you do yourself a favor and move down to regular English, OK? I'd hate to see you bite off more than you could chew. Uh, we cover all the greats. Steinbeck, Salinger, Miller, Homer, Fitzgerald, Shakespeare, of course. Um... 16 books total. OK?"

Ginny tells him her nick name and I figure it's my turn to speak. "I took AP literature in in 8th grade and have already read all of your supposed 'greats.' I think I'll be alright. Don't underestimate me again please." I roll my eyes when he scoffed and took a seat next to Virginia. She smiled and leaned over, "Sav, why are you always confronting people?" It's fun?

"Welcome back, AP English. Hiding in the back there, you will find our new students, Virginia and Y/n Miller. I trust you will make them feel welcome." Ginny again relays her nickname and the teacher keeps speaking. "I know it's our first day back from summer vacation, but I thought it was an excellent opportunity for a pop quiz. Those of you who didn't do the summer reading of The Crucible are in for a world of pain. Uh, don't worry, Virginia and Y/n, I don't expect you to have read it. Oh. Yes, you have a question?" I was gonna say something, but I guess Ginny decided to take a page out of my book. "There are 16 books on this syllabus." What a burn...?

"Yes. Like I said, you can always drop down..." She continued, "Fourteen of them are written by men, 15 were written by white people, and I'll guess the one Black author
will crop up for Black History Month. Am I right?" I laughed and kicked my feet up on the desk, pulling out some gum to chew. "Excuse me?" He looked a little angry. How cute. "I'm very serious about my education, Mr. Gitten. I'm worried I might internalize
an ideology that the main viewpoint, the viewpoint worth studying in class,
the viewpoint of the greats, is only that of the white male, thus eradicating my voice as immaterial. And finally, I'm worried I won't be stimulated intellectually. Also, I have read The Crucible, and I'm confident I can take the quiz today." 

"Honestly, ditto, one. And two, why is it exactly that you think Fitzgerald is one of the greats? The Great Gatsby, The Beautiful and the Damned, and many of his other works are a collection of stolen letters and journal entries from his wife, Zelda. Do you support plagiarism at this school?" I crossed my legs on the desk and he essentially foamed at the mouth. "Well, I don't know how things were done at your last school, but here, we don't tolerate political outbursts and grandstanding at the expense of your peers' class time. Yes, Maxine? Hi. I'm, like, also super concerned about my subconscious digestion of the superiority of the white male perspective. Also, I have period cramps, so can I go to the nurse?" I laughed again and we took out our pencils to take the pop quiz silently.

"That was bitchin!" I gave my sister a squeeze and walked down the hallway with her, a girl following. "You're new, right? Just moved in across the street?" I see the boy from yesterday speaking to me, at the locker next to mine. ginny is still walking further away. "It's Monday, isn't it?" He smirks, "What cultural wasteland are you from? Never heard of the band Wednesday?" I shook my head "They don't exist. I made 'em up. Grabbed the first shirt I saw this morning." I smiled and put my belongings in my locker, in anticipation of lunch. "I met your mom last night. She can be very friendly." 

"Did you hook up with her or something? Why'd you phrase the sentence like that?" His eyes widened and he shook his head. "She asked me for weed. She wasn't that friendly." I heard a voice behind me add, "Yeah, well, she can also be kind of a bitch."  Ginny was behind me and the girl with weird color lipstick on flicked her hands at him, "Marcus, be gone." He saluted, "See you around, beautiful. Bye neighbor." I bit my lip, as I didn't want him to see me smile when he'd said that. He looked like he said that to a lot of girls. "Sorry about Marcus. He's an asshole." Ginny, wanting to fit in, doubled in on her description, "Yeah, total asshole." What a suck up. "Yeah. He's my twin brother." Ginny looked surprised; duh, they look like siblings. "Oh, I'm sorry. I..."

"I'm sorry. I should've strangled him with my umbilical cord in the womb and done humanity a solid. Are you coming?" She dragged Ginny with her and Ginny gave me pleading eyes, begging me to follow. "So, where are you from?" We responded Texas and the girl said, "Texas. That's so exotic." It's really not, but whatever. "Are you straight?" Virginia was a deer caught in headlights, "What?" She repeated, "Gay, straight, them, they? Do they even let you be gay in Texas?" (A/N: There are a lot of books that are just straight and I know the majority of the public isn't, so if you don't like it, not my problem!) "Um, I'm straight," Ginny responded. "Ugh! That's such a bummer. There are no good gays here." 

"I'm bisexual, actually." She squealed and starting attempting to give me an awkward hug. I leaned away, as it was getting weird and she kept talking, as she seemingly liked to do often. "You are going to love my friends, OK? So that's Norah, that's Jordan, that's Brodie, that's Hunter, and this is Abby. Guys, this is Ginny and Y/n. They're my new neighbors, from Texas. I'm in love with them, so you need to worship them and be nice." I gave. her a weird look; love? worship? These bitches are crazy "Um, howdy." I spaced out until I felt someone touching my face. "And your skin is flawless. Do you jade roll? Oh, sorry. Is that like when white girls touch Black girls' hair?" No?? The fact that it was the first thing you thought of is kinda sus though...

"If I'm being a dick, it's 'cause we have more Starbucks than Black people." Uh- that was racist, right? And probably classist too. I don't like this girl. "Why'd you move to Wellsbury?" Nosy ass "Um, my stepdad died. Oh, it's fine." Then, she gets even more nosy, "Well, how did he die?"
I cut her off before she can speak, "I don't think Gin wants to talk about this and neither do I." I didn't like Kenny, but I hate nosy people. Why do you have to know our entire life experience?
"Sorry! Anyway, I saw the most gruesome motorcycle accident one time. This guy's arm was literally four lanes away from the rest of him. Know what? My stupid idiot twin, he's probably gonna end up the exact same way. He bought a motorcycle, which is more pathetic than it sounds because our birthday isn't until December, which is when he could ride it. By that point, the roads'll be all icy. He'll probably just die immediately." My eyes sparkled, "Wait, when's your birthday?" 

"December 28th, 2004. Why?" I pushed my nasty food away and responded, "My birthday's December 29th!" She leaned over, "Really? That's so cool! We could have, like, a joint party! Wait, don't you two have your birthday on the same day?" I shook my head, "I came out premature because there wasn't enough room for both of us to grow and Ginny couldn't come out yet or she'd die, so I got C-sectioned." I didn't want to tell them all that, but it'd be hard to explain without that part. "The food here is crap. Let's sneak off campus and get some tacos. Come. Seriously."


We had just gotten lunch and were on our way back to school for the afternoon. "Everyone here is just so happy. It's a front. They're all miserable. Everyone's just slowly marching inevitably and irrevocably closer to death. Marcus has never called anyone beautiful before. Maybe if you get married, Y/n, we can be sisters. Also, I totally saw Hunter checking you out earlier, Ginny. It was very cute." Ginny looked lost in her own head and I snapped my fingers in front of her face. "Ginny?" She pointed across the street, "That's my mom." I got closer, going across the street, Damn, that is her! She looked out the window abruptly and saw me. I gave her a thumbs up and a wink, and she went back to (her date?) Mayor Randolph. Get that bag mom

"Lets get out of here." Ginny stormed off like a five year old and I stayed behind, taking my time to look at the town.


I'm at crazy girl's house with Ginny and I've went to the 'bathroom.' Actually, I was hoping I'd catch Marcus outside, but he's not there, so I head toward the bathroom to stand in it for a sec and go back up. I open the door and there's Marcus: very much naked. "Oh shit, I'm sorry!" I turn to walk out before he goes, "It's okay. You can look. You like what you see?" I make sure I'm only looking at his face and he laughs at me. "Get over yourself, Marcus. It's not funny." He walks over, slowly, and every step is agony, trying to figure out what he's gonna do. Finally, he grabs my hand and runs it down his chest. I subconsciously look where my hand leads, "You sure? I've been thinking about you all day. I was gonna take a shower, but I'm pretty hard. You wanna help me with that?" He finished leading my hands down and I attempted to take a step back. He put his other hand on my waist to keep me there. "It's okay." Marcus moves my hand down and back.

"Are you out of the bathroom yet, Marcus? I think Y/n was looking for it. Go find her." We jumped away from each other and he called out, "Okay, I'll get her," in an angry tone. I waited by the door until Maxine left and walked out the door. "See ya later!" I exclaimed and Marcus looked mad. I didn't know whether it was toward me or not, so I left the room. When my hand was on the door knob to open up her door, I heard a loud moan and hurried up my entrance to the room.

"I'm supposed to subtly and casually ask you if you have a boyfriend? Hunter wants to know." Ginny responds with way too much information, "Oh, uh... No, I don't. I've never had a boyfriend. I've never even kissed a guy. We move a lot, so I'm always the new girl." Max seemed to like this answer, "That sounds awful...or potentially thrilling. Like, you can utterly change your personality..." I explored her room my my eyes and got distracted by the decorations. "Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend Y/n?" I'd spaced out of the conversation when they went from Hunter to our mother. I looked around at the both of them, surprised I was suddenly added into the conversation. "Um, no. I dumped my last one when we left, so yeah. It was mutual or whatever, I'm not heartbroken or anything. He/She/They  was/were actually kinda clingy, checking my location, Life 360 and shit, so I'm good. Ready to meet someone new, I guess." Your brother, I mean, but I can't say shit about that.. I heard the soft creak of wood outside the door.

"Noted," she shifted in her seat and leaned over, twirling her hair and moving her shirt, in an attempt to push up her breasts. I hope you're not into me... "Well, you can't move. I've decided I really like you two." Ginny smiled, she's never really had friends, so I'm happy for her. She says, in a suprised tone, "Really?" And Max nods, "Uh, yeah. 'I'm confident I can take the pop quiz today. Do you support plagarism?' Pfft! You're my idols. Do you want a soda? 'Cause my blood needs sugar and chemicals to focus." 'Ginia says yes and I do as well.

"Are you stalking me?" I look to see Marcus at the door, fully clothed, a smirk on his face. I wasn't about to be flustered and stared him down, "You think someone would wanna stalk you? Fuck no, Max invited me." He walked further into the room and towered over Ginny as if he was going to kiss her. I looked away; I know it's only been a day, but I want him to be into me, not my twin. "Marcus, what are you doing?" He grabbed a baggie when I peeked and was kinda relieved when I knew he came for drugs and not my sister. The minimum, but still. "Why is that in my room?" Marcus threw it up in the air and caught it, winking subtly at me. My eyebrow raised and he responded to his twin, "No one checks your room." She kicked him out, "Gross. Get help. Also, can you please leave? We're trying to study. Sorry about him." Before he left the room, he mouthed Tonight.


After a while, we leave to go back home, a new sweater for Virginia in tow. Ginny was still saying goodbye, so I left without her. "So, what's your favorite song by Wednesday?" I chuckled and walked by Marcus. He wasn't letting me off that easily, though, and grabbed my waist, pulling me back to the conversation. "Wanna finish what we started earlier? I could drive us somewhere on my bike." I shook my head, "It sounded like you finished it on your own pretty fine. And you can't drive till December." He was caught off guard and took a minute to return back to his usual smug composure, making me laugh. "Our birthdays are actually super close. Mines the day after yours." Marcus nodded. "Cool. We can hang out and celebrate the both of them. Also...I heard you were single?" 

"Why? Is this something you're interested in? Me, I mean?" I bit the inside of my cheek. That sounded stupid, didn't it.  "Why else would I ask. I mean, you're-" He saw me looking behind him and turned to see what I'd been staring at. Max was leading my sister out and I had to leave. I waved at him and walked away before he could finish. I figured, make him wait?? I was almost in the house when I realized I left Ginny there. I looked and she was getting off his bike and kissing him. Fuck. It's just my luck that the only guy I'm interested in, my sister is too. And Hunter likes her?? Screw you, Virginia Miller.


I heard yelling from my room, but simply turned in my bed, attempting to ignore it. I put my music up louder and sat in silence, pissed, but also not.  I haven't even kissed him yet! Who just kisses random people they meet once? I was mad that she kissed him, but she also didn't know I liked him. Loving you and hating you is depending on the day... that was so accurate to how I feel about my sister. My mom knocked on the door and I gave her the ok to come in. "Are you okay? You listen to music all somber like that when you're upset." I shook my head and leaned in for the embrace I expected from my mother. She brush my hair with her hand and sat with me for a minute. She knew when I wanted to speak, I would. "It's Ginny." She stopped brushing, "With that guy?" I nodded and she continued the brushing. "It's only been a day. Not like I like him or anything, but I don't even get a chance to because Ginny's all over him. She does shit like that all the time. She comes in and takes things from me." 

Mom was silent for a while before adding to the conversation. "You have to cut Gin some slack. She feels the same about you. She told me 'Y/n's good at everything, so I always have to make an impression so people don't chose her over me.' She doesn't mean anything by it, she's just trying to make an effort." I let her continue to sit with me as I pondered what she'd said. Okay....well she needs to make an effort with another guy. I'm gonna try my best to "make an effort." And if Virginia's in my way, I'll get her out of it. That not a threat, either. It's a promise.

(A/N): Hey! I figured you could pick out the gender or no gender at all of the ex, as it's about you, not me! And the way the character acts is not to be cool or whatever. It's just how I speak and act, as well as my best friends. 

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