Aru Shah - Jumanji: The Next...

By DemigodAuthor_11

9.6K 218 1.1K

HEY! So, a lot of people enjoyed the first book, and PLB and I wanted you guys to enjoy some more. So, as a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Part 1
Chapter 19 Part 2
Chapter 20
New Schedule
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
JUMANJI 2 CHAPTER 25 ~Last Chapter~

Chapter 21

291 6 44
By DemigodAuthor_11

The Gang had traveled a bit more, but Boo kept complaining about the loss of some Gucci glasses which none of them but Sheela understood. Mini understood what Sheela said, but was even more confused.

Putting her foot down, Aru decided to ask what it was all about, "Okay, what happened in reality? Never in a million years would you get Gucci glasses, or steal, or pretend to be the CIA and-"

Boo glanced at Sheela who seemed to be urging him to tell them what happened. It wasn't like it could stay secret forever.

Bracing himself, Boo opened his mouth to answer the lingering questions from the others. That was, until some strange, glowing water presented itself behind them,

"Guys... what's that?" Boo asked, pointing to the pond.

The others turned around.

"Aiden, that's the water from the berry tree!" Rudy screamed in a falsetto, his voice cracking in his Madame Verity exterior.

Aiden grimaced, "But...that's not possible. We found that cave in the Oasis. How..."

Aru grinned, "IT'S THE WITCH WATER!"

Boo facepalmed, "Seriously?"

Sheela neighed, her wings covering her face.

Aru shrugged, "It was Rudy's idea to call it that. Not mine."

"Well, if it switched you and Aiden, perhaps if the rest of you go in, it will reset you to your original characters," Mini proclaimed wisely.

The others who weren't in the right bodies nodded in agreement.

"CANNONBALL!!" Aru shouted, diving into the water.

Rudy, Brynne, Nikita, Sheela Hira, and Keira all followed suit, diving into the water.

Their excited shrieks changed into wails.

"IT'S FREEZING! OUT, OUT, OUT!" Aru screamed, clutching her arms.

The others tumbled out, each complaining about the temperatures of the water. But they were themselves again - with the exception of Hira and Keira, who were Cleo Featherly and the alicorn respectively.

"Hi, guys! It feels so good to speak again!" Sheela cried out happily, from the Seer's body.

Boo snorted, "I'm sure it does, doesn't it, breadloaf?"

Aru patted herself down and grinned like a madwoman, twirling around and inspecting herself in the water, "I'm Princess Lightningale again. This feels right. I have to say though, I'm going to miss picking locks. Not that I don't remember how to." She rubbed her hands together before looking at Boo and raising an eyebrow, "Wait. Did you call Sheela a breadloaf, Boo?!"

Boo had a deadpan look in his eyes, "When you see talking jaguars, pretend to be a CIA agent, sneak into Sheela's apartment, walk into 20 million poles, wake up near a cliff, and see the NPC Kara pop in every now and then, pretending to be a villain wearing a Fluttershy cape, I'm sure something is bound to come up. Oh! Did I mention that I FINALLY got to wear GUCCI GLASSES cuz I stole it from someone... and Sheela's to be honest... AND MEET FANGIRLS OF A BOOK WHO FREAKING SHIPPED ARU AND AIDEN, MINI AND RUDY, AND HIRA AND BRYNNE! ALL TO GET THE FREAKING TILES, AND SNEAK INTO THE MUSEUM AND-" Boo stopped, gasping for air.

Aru blinked and whispered to Sheela, "Think we can get a discount on those therapy sessions?"

Sheela giggled, "Actually, it's all true. Even the fangirls. They're names were...Nila and Ganga I think. Pretty nice. I got my exercise because of them."

Boo nodded, smiling, "Hey, Sheela... Do you think I'm going to have Green hair Forever? I swear, Rudy your tile was THE WORST. Wait... I think Aru's tile takes the cake though... Sorry again Sheela."

Rudy feigned hurt, "How dare you?!"

Aru smirked, "Lighten up, snake boy. You're back to normal, aren't you? And what did my tile do?"

Boo started, "I'm not kidding you know. Aru, your tile made me go insane and both of yours made me nearly kill Sheela. Granted all of them made us kill each other... But RUDY'S HAS PERMANENT SIDE EFFECTS! HIS TILE MADE ME BELIEVE THAT ARU HATED ME! It felt so real too! But Sheela convinced me it wasn't real... right?"

Everyone shifted awkwardly, and Aru looked pained. She swallowed, ", real."

Boo paled as his eyes widened, "You lied to me, Sheela! I TOLD YOU! SHE HATES ME!"

Aru waved her hands around frantically, making a move in front of Sheela to protect her, "But I didn't mean it! I would never hate you! Boo, you're literally the one person I'd never give up."

"How about wanting me dead...?" Boo asked brokenly.

Aru took a deep breath and walked forward, grabbing Boo's shoulders to make sure he didn't lash out, "I said that, and there's no point in lying to you about it. And...a-at that time, I meant it."

Boo didn't meet Aru's eyes, "Okay..."

Aru kept her face stoic, but her eyes were broken, "Look. That will never happen again. I just felt like...if none of this ever happened, my mom would have still been alive. I would have made enough money to help her. But you made everything so much better. You were my best friend. I'd jump off a cliff before letting you die, and I mean that."

Desperate to change to subject Boo attempted a grin, "I almost did! Not the jumping off part... BUT I did somehow wake up near one! But...what would you guys think if Sheela and I had tattoos and I had green hair? Again, It's Rudy's fault."

Aru turned away from him, knowing that he was trying to change the subject. She chuckled mirthlessly, "I'm glad you're okay." She looked to Aiden, "Where do we go next?"

While the others talked, Sheela pulled Boo aside, "I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry I lied, But I really thought it wasn't true! And to be honest... I think you're stuck with your green hair."

Boo gazed at Aru, who was shivering slightly despite her warm covering, "I don't really care about the hair anymore. But I don't think that it's the best idea for Aru and I to interact much anymore. Who knew I caused her such pain?"

Sheela huffed and hit him upside the head, "You. Are. An idiot. If anything, you've relieved her pain. Every time we saw her with you, she was always smiling. And I mean genuine smiles. Like the smiles she used to give when her mom was totally fine. Not even Aiden could get those smiles out of her. You're her family, Boo. She wouldn't replace you with anyone. And she was telling the truth about the cliff thing."

Boo thought about it, "Alright. I guess... I'll think about it. But.. I do have a question."

Sheela nodded, "Good. And remember. You're the only true family Aru has left. No one knows how much more isolation she can take."

Boo nodded silently, "What about the power ups? Remember? Some of the characters have power ups because of me? Actually... I think we all have them."

Sheela thought, "I honestly don't know. It might be the game. We might have new powers because it's the second level, but-"

Boo patted his chest, attracting everyone's attention.


-The Glance (Causes extreme exhaustion and fatigue. More powerful.)

-Awareness of surroundings.

-Anything that can Fly


-Flying (Not only as a Pilot but a natural flyer Using wings)

-The Wings (Using the wings will take away 2 lives . It allows Lex to become more powerful than Princess Lightningale.)


-Wounds. If any old wound is reopened 1 life will be removed. If any wound is touched by this character, 1 life can also be removed.

The others stood in awe. Aru kept her face straight, not knowing what reaction would be appropriate. Rudy frowned dramatically, "MY WEAKNESS IS STILL BREAD! I CAN'T EAT BREAD! I MEAN-"

Aiden snorted, "Speak for yourself. He can fly. My strength is muffins. I mean, seriously. This game either has no creativity or has too much creativity."

Boo looked thoughtful, "Sheela, it's got to be the Tiles. You probably have an upgrade given by me."

Sheela looked at everyone, a theory popping into her head, "What if we all have more powers? Did you guys check your stats yet?" Everyone shook their heads.

"We're going by previous experience, I guess," Brynne pointed out.

She pressed her chest, letting her strengths and weaknesses show.


-fortune telling

-her sister

-can turn anything into a needed item that they don't have

-Can fly (Power transfer from Lex)


-Madame Verity

-Sight in the air

Sheela facepalmed, "I still can't fly. Wow. And my weakness and strength is my sister. What in the world."

"You can fly! You just... can't. And if Sheela's flying... I'll take a boat. Seriously, she almost killed me numerous times. And... you're welcome by the way. It's because of me you have new powers," Boo said, chucking modesty out the window.

Aru couldn't help herself. She laughed, a full snorting, happy laugh. She wiped the tears coming out of her eyes mumbling, "Man, I missed that." She sighed, immediately putting her face back into the emotionless mask it was in previously. Sadly, she was completely oblivious of the concerned looks she was getting from Aiden, Mini, and Rudy.

Sheela sighed, "For all of you who think that's sarcasm... it's not. As much I would like to avoid feeding Boo's ego, it's true. So... Thanks. And... watch as I force you to come with me when I'm flying."

Boo rolled his eyes, "Be happy that I'm not as bad as Rudy."

Rudy pouted, "Hey! I can be humble if I wanna be. But...I don't wanna be."

"Yeah right. Sheela, if I change my behavior, it's Rudy's fault." Boo said sarcastically. "Yes, I know I'm more irritable. Rudy's tile has... Side effects."

Sheela snorted, "You wish. It's all you Mud Boy. You can be just as arrogant as him, and I don't have to be The Seer to see that."

"Ah, but Captain Short, you fail to perceive the numerous times, my plans got us out of trouble."

Aru was the only one who understood what they were saying, just barely - having read Artemis Fowl after Sheela had forced her to. She rolled her eyes, "Honestly, you two. Both of you are pretty. And both of you are smart. Now chill."

Boo and Sheela glanced at each other, shaking their heads, "Don't murder the Aru, don't murder the Aru."

Then Boo and Sheela cracked up.

"Friends bonded by trauma right?" Boo said with a grin.

Sheela giggled at the reference.

"We need help," They said together.

Aru smiled, letting down her guard a little. She looked at Aiden, "As I said a deca-phoebe ago...Aiden, where to next?"

No one understood that reference and Aru huffed, "It's from Voltron! Seriously. I hate you guys sometimes."

"What? What's Voltron? Also... I heard about Zac Efron. Who's that?" Boo asked cluelessly.

Rudy agreed.

Keira neighed, allowing her presence to be known, as she was now an alicorn now.


Boo shrugged, "Does living over 288 years count?"

Keira looked at him concerned.

Aru grinned at Keira, "Finally! Someone who speaks English!"

Keira smiled slyly, although it looked rather strange on an alicorn.

Mini translated, "Iron Man quote. Avengers. The first one, right?"

Aru hugged Keira's horse torso, "You are now my adopted sister, whether you like it or not."

Hira glared, possibly from jealousy. No one saw it.

Mini paled, " She says, I don't mind. Let's just see how long I live to get that far," She said quietly.

Aru smacked the equine's head, "Don't say that. You'll be fine. Think happy thoughts! We need to finish all the Avengers movies before you do anything remotely related to dying."

Hira took a sharp intake of breath, "You aren't, are you? You- You know something! Please... Please don't tell me you're dying!"

The others stared, looking at the tension in the air.

Keira simply shifted around.

Aru stepped in skillfully, still being able to lie. She wasn't going to this time, though. She gripped Hira's shoulders the same way she did Boo, "Yes. Yes she is. But, it'll be okay. I've dealt with it. M-My mom died of cancer, and," she sighed, "it was the most painful thing I've experienced to this day. My dad left me, and I wished for my closest friend to die - and thought he did. I know how you feel. So do Niki, and Sheela. Their parents barely pay any attention to them. And the same goes for Aiden, and even Rudy. Brynne, and Mini sometimes too. Boo especially." She looked into Hira's eyes, "We all know how it would feel, and how it felt. It's too hard, but you have us now. And you're stuck with us. We're here with you and Keira all the way. No matter the cost."

Keira neighed, wing bumping Aru, then nuzzling Hira in a big hug,

Mini smiled, "'I'll still be here though! In this game!' She said."

Everyone looked at Keira weirdly, not understanding what she had meant, but they brushed it off. It was supposedly nothing with meaning. And that was that. Now, it was time to see where to go next.

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