Beastly (Male! Belle X Reader...

By Love_Aki

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9K 383 154
By Love_Aki

Beale and Y/n rushed into the cell and embraced Maurice.

"I should have been with you." Beale told his father mournfully, while Y/n nodded her in agreement hugging the older man.

Maurice broke the hug and looked at them with a firm look. "Beale, Y/n, listen to me. It's all right."

He placed one hand on Y/n's head and the other one on Beale's cheek, looking at them back and forth. "Go. Live your life. Forget me."

Y/n looked at the man scandalized. " Forget you?"

"Papa, Everything we are, is because of you. How could you ask for something like that from us!?" Beale asked his father in disbelief.

Maurice gave them a sad smile, shaking his head. "I love you, Beale, Y/n." He gave his son a stern look and demanded, "You will keep her safe. Promise me."

"I promise." Beale answered without any hesitation. He had made that same promise to himself a long time ago.

Maurice smiled, looking at them. "Don't be afraid."

"We love you, Papa... '' Beale whispered, pulling him close.

"We aren't afraid." Y/ns added, hugging the father and son duo.

Beale nodded, then whispered, " And I will escape, I promise. "

"What?!" Maurice and Y/n said together, looking at Beale in confusion.

With that, Beale spun and swung his father and Y/n through the door just as the beast slammed it shut.

Maurice tripped to the ground and Y/n helped the old man while glring at Beale(who at least looked at her apologetically).

The beast growled, looking at Maurice and Y/n then at Beale. "You took his place." He asked angrily, but also confused.

Beale (who was pleading Y/n with eyes to not to do something stupid) frowned turning his eyes at the beast, "He is my father."

The Beast scoffed, "He's a fool."

"Hey! Don't say that you don't know him!" Y/n snapped, glaring at the beast, who stared down at her unimpressed and ignored her.

He looked back at Beale saying, "So are you."

"Yo you overgrown Kitten! I am talking to you; don't ignore me!" Y/n fumed with a new-found courage, poking her pointer finger on the beast's chests.

"Y/n!" Beale and Maurice scolded in unison as the older man tried to pull her away from the beast (who halfheartedly growled at her in warning).

Y/n scoffed. "I don't fear you, you big bad kitty! And you!" Then she turned to Beale(who instantly gulped, being the new target of her wrath) with an accusing gaze. "How dare you think I am gonna leave you here?"

Beast stared at the young girl in wonder. He was 100% sure this was her sister. Her name and eyes are the proof and she looked a lot like their mother. But she seemed to forget him and her former home.

But She definitely grew up into a beautiful, strong woman.

He sighed, having had enough of this drama.  Sister or not, she was giving him headaches right now.

"Quiet!" He growled and grabbed her forearm tightly, but not tight enough to leave a bruise.

"Keep your hands off me, you Beast!"

"Don't touch her!" Beale shouted in anger as he helplessly watched from the other side of the iron bars. He was now regretting his decision.

Beast rolled his blue eyes, "If you don't want to leave, you can just rot in the cell with this fool." With that he opened that door and pushed Y/n inside and closed the door again.

Beale caught Y/n before she could fall on the dusty ground. She gave a frustrated huff and moved away from the man she loved.

"What the heck is wrong with you people! Just because I am a girl, don't think I would hesitate to kill you." She seethed, glaring at both Beale and Beast.

Beale, who looked like a kicked puppy, was instantly babbling apologizes for his previous actions.

The beast glared at Beale. He didn't like the hazel-eyed man touching his little sister! She is still an innocent little girl who shouldn't be talking to any boys until she is thirty, no, forty!

But he kept the sentiments to himself, because right now he needed to clear the garbage from his castle. With one last look at the e/c eyed girl (who was busy giving the man beside her death stares) he dragged Maurice away.

Beale, who noticed first, yelled out, "PAPA!!"

"Don't hurt him!" Y/n shouted as Both of them saw the beast and Maurice disappear down the corridor.

They rushed to the window and worriedly watched as the beast carried Maurice down the spiral staircase of the prison tower.

"Beale! Y/n! I'll come back! I promise!" Maurice's voice echoed.


Y/n couldn't help herself as she slumped to the floor and the tears started to fall, praying for the man who took care of her when no one else did.

Beale rushed to her side and pulled her in a tight embrace, also worried for his father.

"Shhh, everything will be okay." He promised, kissing her head.

Suddenly the cell door swung open and they heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Forgive my intrusion, Mademoiselle, Monsieur; but I have been sent to escort you to your room."

Y/n wiped her tears and stood up along with Beale, sharing a wary glance. Beale grabbed a small stool, held it tightly in front of him, ready to strike.

"Our room? But I thought --" Y/n looked confused as she slowly followed Beale towards the now open cell door.

" What?" The voice mimicked the beast's voice while continuing, "That once this door closes it will not open again; you will rot here along with this fool. Rarrr?" The voice snorted. " I know, he gets so dramatic."

"Yeah, you can say that again." Y/n scoffed, crossing her arms.

But both her and Beale's eyes widened when they saw a candelabra hanging from the iron liver, as it talked to them.

Y/n stared at it dumbly as it waved at her, enthusiastically saying, "'Allo."

"AHHHHHHH!" Y/n screamed dramatically (dramatic runs in the family) as Beale came out of his shock and bashed the candelabra.

The Candelabra grunted as it clattered on the stone floor and the candles were extinguished.

The first candle relights on its own. Then the second.

"Oh, you are very strong. That's a great quality!" The candelabra commented as he recovered from the previous hit. "And you have a really strong voice which can get Madame De Garderobe running for her money."

Y/n's cheek heated up as she sheepishly smiled at the talking Candelabra. "Thanks."

Beale gave her a look then turned back to the Candelabra, "What are you?" He asked, looking at it suspiciously.

"I am Lumière." The Candelabra introduced himself as he lit the main candle with the help of his candle arm.

"And you can talk."

Cogsworth, the old clock from downstairs, appeared from the stairs, breathing heavily. "Of course he can talk, it's all he" he took a long breath and continued, "ever does!" He turned to Lumiere. "Now Lumiere, as head of the household, I demand that you put them back in the cell at once!"

Officially freaked out by now, Beale retreated to their cell, in search of a better weapon and picked up a metallic vase while Y/n watched in fascination as the two antiques talked to each other.

"What do you want to be for the rest of your life, Cogsworth: a man or a mantle clock?" Lumière whispered to Cogsworth.

They turn back to see Beale, re-emerging from the cell. Y/n scowled at him, disapprovingly seeing his new 'weapon'.

Lumière decided to ignore it and asked, "Ready, miss, sir?" Then he turned back to Cogsworth,  "Trust me."


Holding Lumière in her hand, Y/n and Beale followed Cogsworth across a stone walkway high above the grounds.

Both of the human's eyes darted around, looking for an escape route. But to their disappointment, the only thing they saw was how huge the castle and woods.

"You must forgive first impressions. I hope you are not too startled." Lumière stated, trying to break the awkward situation they were stuck in.

"Why would I be startled? I'm talking to a candle." Beale said sarcastically, earning a soft punch in his shoulder from the h/c haired girl beside him.

Lumière looked at him, offended, and corrected, "Candelabra, please. Enormous difference. But consider me at your service. The castle is your home now, so feel free to go anywhere you like -"

Cogsworth, who was walking in front of them, turned around. "Except the west wing!"

Lumière threw him a 'shut up' look.

Realising his mistake, Cogsworth added, "Which we do not have."

Beale looked at him suspiciously, "Why, what's in the west wing?"

Lumière hesitated, "Uh... nothing. Storage space. That's it."

Belle and Y/n shared a look that said 'I don't believe him a little bit' then looked at the spooky tower of the west wing.

Y/n turned back at the two talking antiques with one raised eyebrow and announced, "Now I am definitely going there."

Lumière sighed but didn't comment, trying to change the conversation, "This way, please! To the east wing."

"Or as I like to call it, the only wing! Regardez your step s'il vous plaît."


Y/n stood outside of a bedroom door along with Beale. She slowly touched the door, running her hands through the beautiful carvings.

It looked so familiar. She closed her eyes, feeling a headache coming. She opened her eyes again when she felt a comforting hand on her shoulder. She looked up and saw worried Hazel eyes looking back at her.

"Are you not feeling well??" Beale asked, checking her temperature.

Y/n smiled in assurance, "I am okay." She looked back at the two talking antiques, who were also looking at her worriedly. "So what were you saying?"

"Oh yes. Welcome to your new home. It's modest, but comfortable.." Lumière told them to open the door.

Y/n and Beale walked inside the room, admiring the beautiful room. The ceiling is a painting of white clouds in a blue sky and golden ornaments. There was a large dresser and a comfortable bed. The room was huge.

"It's... beautiful." Y/n breathed while Beale nodded in agreement.

"Of course. Master wanted you to have the finest room in the castle." Lumière quipped, leaping onto the bed, and a large amount of dust fills the air. "Oh dear! We were not expecting guests. "

Plumette, a beautiful flying feather duster, swooped into the room, giving the surfaces a quick dusting. "Enchanteé, Mademoiselle! Monsieur! Don't worry, I'll have this room spotless in no time!"

She landed in the arms of Lumière, whose candles burned a little hotter, once she spoke to him with her heavy French accent, "This plan of yours is... dangerous."

"I would risk anything to kiss you again, Plumette." He went to embrace her, but she stopped him.

She shook her head, "No, my love. I've been burned by you before. We must be strong."

Lumière looked at her fondly,  "How can I be strong when you make me so weak?"

Y/n smiled at their sweet interaction. She wanted love like that.

She glanced at Beale, who was already looking at her like she was the most beautiful thing in the world.

Cogsworth cleared his throat.

Both of the couples (one official and one unofficial) looked at him, startled.

Beale's ears turned slightly red as he coughed a little and asked, "Is everything here alive?" He picked up a hair brush, "Hello, what's your name?"

Cogsworth looked up at him, weirdly,  "Um... that's a hair brush."

Y/n laughed a little while Beale glared at her, playfully, embarrassed, and put down the brush.

"What's behind this?" Y/n asked as she went to a white cloth hanging on a wall, covering something.

"Nothing important." Lumière said hurriedly.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows, still looking at the white cloth with interest.

Suddenly they heard a loud snore behind them, and turned to see the dresser bursting open with an operatic 'laaaaaa!' , scaring Beale and Y/n, who back away from it.

"Do not be alarmed, mademoiselle. This is just your wardrobe. Meet Madame De Garderobe. A great singer." Lumière introduced.

Cogsworth added,  "When she can stay awake."

"Cogsworth! A diva needs her beauty rrr- " Madame De Garderobe the dresser yawns loudly.

"Ah, stay with us, Madame! We have someone for you to dress!" Lumière told her hurriedly before she could fall asleep again.

Garderobe's gilded  arms stroke Y/n's shoulder and face. "Finally. A woman. Pretty eyes. Proud face. Perfect canvas." Then she stared at her for a moment, nodding approvingly, " Yes! I will find you something worthy of a princess."

Y/n frowned, "But I'm not a princess."

Lumière, Plumette, and Cogsworth shared a look, all having the same thoughts. Their beloved princess had forgotten her life in this castle. And it saddened them to know that she had forgotten them as well.

"Nonsense! Now, let's see what I've got in my drawers." Garderobe's doors opened and a few moths flew out. "Oh, how embarrassing."

Beale hurriedly moved aside as Garderobe placed a large hoop skirt over Y/n's head, and proceeded to create an outfit using fabrics.

Froufrou, a piano stool, barked like a dog as he ran inside the room.

"Come here, Froufrou. Come help mama!" Garderobe called her piano stool dog.

Froufrou obediently tugged at the fabric, helping Garderobe complete the outfit, which was too huge, too uncomfortable, and too much for Y/n.

Garderobe placed a white fluffy wig on Y/n's head, exclaiming, "Perfetta!"

Lumière and Cogsworth put on a fake smile while Beale was trying hard not to laugh at how hideous that outfit looked.

"Mm. Subtle. Understated. I love it! " With a deep bow and a whistle for Froufrou, Lumière dragged Cogsworth out. Plumette and Froufrou followed.

Garderobe called out after her piano stool dog, "Froufrou, send my love to the maestro!"

The door closed, leaving Beale and Y/n alone.

Garderobe instantly fell asleep with a big snore.

Beale finally lost control, started to laugh freely, coughing a little, "Don't you look beautiful, Ma chérie?"

Y/n rolled her eyes. "Ha Ha. Very funny." She deadpanned and crawled out from underneath the vast dress, which remained standing.

"Just a little." Beale smirked teasingly and held his arm to her, which she took and stood up with a huff.

"Any plans for our grand escape?" Y/n asked, looking around the room.

"Still thinking. Maybe the window will help." He offered, noticing the large window.

They quickly moved towards it and opened it. Beale looked down and cursed under his breath, noticing the distance to the ground.

"We are really going to need a long... really long plan to get down there."

░T░h░a░n░k░ ░y░o░u░ ░f░o░r░ ░r░e░a░d░i░n░g░!!

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