One-shots [Reqs: 5]

بواسطة psycho-chair

49.6K 1.7K 1.2K

[Cover is mine!] Welcome to The Chair's Library! Requests are CLOSED until I finish the current ones I have... المزيد

RULES [updated Apr.9.23]
Sweet Melodies(Ew old)
*villager noise*(EW OLD)
For Him(ew old)
Moss Park
Very Original Roommates Story
Day 1&2(RMS)
Day 3,4,&5 (RMS)
Day 6&7(RMS)
Day 8 (RMS)
Day 9(RMS)
Day 10&11(RMS)
Toxic(Kinda old)
Check up(Rat)
"No homo, right?"..."Very homo."
demon sandwich, but with a twist
Birthday and Storytime!(Rat P2)
What Happened?
Get up
He's alright...right?
Sticks and Stones
Just look
Oh, okay then.
That one.
Guys I'm rewriting Celebrity
How Disgusting(Bad Snas Poly)
A Lovely Day
New faces (Rat)
Larger than Life
I'm sorry, WHAT?!
A Date
Hello, what the fuck
Mister Dream's Visit
Books(That One pt2)
Home...???(ALT ENDING)
Contemplate the Consequences
Shitposts/Drabbles UwU
A Lifetime Of This
M y D e a r...
Untitled part 102
Kitchen Fork
A Child.
Goodbye Letter
Sick Minds
No Requests? Okay. Requests Closed.
Drabbles 2
Drabbles 3
A Party? Yes. Gay Skeletons? Yes.
Food Fight(Rat)
Lazy Day
New Challenge!
Nightmares (Rat)
Song of The Lost
Drabbles 4
Drabbles 5
Best Friends
Discarded Oreo
waIT NO-
Ha Ha Ha
crescent headcanons
Ohmygod! W O W!
headcanons: ecto bodies
Intense Uno
Killer Queen(s)
Funny words
Guard Dog
Insults(That One p3)
face reveal
It's A Bumpy Road
Uno Champion
The Courtyard (SM)
Oh, Boy
Oh, Jeez
Nap Time
Treehouse - Princess
Oh, Boy - Shut Up
Sweet Dreams
Oh, Boy - Ink, Please Stop
CrissCross - Part 2
In A Bottle
Dress Up
Treehouse - Horror
Welcome Back
First, Last
First, Last - Memory or Dream?
Important Message [A/N]
Welcome Back - Protectors
Midnight Snacks
Unfinished Stories
Oh, Jeez - 2
First, Last - Melodies From Before
Can U Get Pregante?
First, Last - Growing Up, Sometimes
Treehouse - School
Cross's Sleeping Problems
Cats :]
First, Last - Wake Up
Short/s From Tumblr
[In A Bottle] Meeting The Fam
Short/s From Tumblr - 2
Pirates - 2
Stepping Up [Rat]
Can U Get Pregante - 2
Short/s From Tumblr - 3
Oh Jeez - 3
Note From Alex
Treehouse - Home
First, Last - False Memories
[Leviathantale Short from Tumblr] part 2
Pirates - 3
Treehouse - First Day
Can U Get Pregante - 3
i swear to god he's smarter than this
ur awful, i love u
what now [Rat}
weeping on a friday night god me too
taking your time and making it mine
stupid little puppy
A snack or two
there's a doozy
Can U Get Pregante - 4
A little sip of metaphorical hot chocolate
untitled leviathantale crossmare fic
Oh, Boy - To Be Human
Stray - 2
we're something more than friends and we aren't shy about it
Pirates - 4


284 14 37
بواسطة psycho-chair

the hierarchy of gods, in order:

King Multiverse

Alpha, 404

Ink, Error, Fatal

Dream, Nightmare, Reaper, etc

so basically, there are different levels of god. King Multi is at the top, and directly beneath him are Alpha(Creation) and 404(Destruction). The next level is Error, Ink, and Fatal, though Fatal doesn't exactly have a purpose. He's more like a god-in-training. I dunno what he does yet. There's also the minor gods, they're at the bottom of the pyramid. The minor gods are Dream, Nightmare, Reaper, Life, etc. They don't do much other than regulate the power levels and such. (Death and Life are subforms of creation and destruction, same thing for Negativity and Positivity. The balance called for these things, and because it did, Nightmare, Dream, Life, and Reaper all exist.)

Anyway, My thought is that King Multi rules over the Omniverse(a multiverse contains thousands of alternate universes, and an omniverse contains thousands of different multiverses. there's no higher level) Alpha is the God of Creation, like Ink, but on a way higher level. Ink creates AUs, and Alpha creates Multiverses. Same for 404 and Error. 404 destroys Multiverses, and Error destroys AUs.

there's also stuff like different levels of immortality and lv limits and whatnot, but I'm not getting into that because it's a whole new book on its own.

now for minor headcanons!

-dream turned to stone because of the major imbalance that the apple incident caused. it was basically his body's way of dying in response to it. once everything leveled out(to a degree), dream broke free.

-dream's bow came from his mother's stump

-dream has a photo(from ink) of him and nightmare when they were younger

-the reason his crown and his cape have lasted so long(500-800 yrs) is because when he was younger, him and nightmare used their magic to put wards on them to protect them from time and elements. nightmare's crown has wards on it too, so the corruption goop on him can't touch it or stain it.

-since they were kids then they put wards on the crowns and cape, their magic was at its purest and its strongest(in a way) so their more matured magic can't do anything to the crowns/cape.

-they were 6 when the villagers showed up, they were 16 when they started to drift apart, and the apple incident happened when they were 20.(i can't remember if this is canon to the story, or if it's just a headcanon lmfao)

-ink's blush changes colors with his eyes. (ex. blue eye and pink eye= blue and pink blush gradient)

-ink's brush is made of slivers of metal and other materials, and that's why it's so heavy. but, because all of those materials are pressed together so tightly, they give off a wooden look.

-there was a time when ink called his brush "inky" but it made too much confusion so he changed the name to broomie.

-ink can hear the creators, but instead of talking to them like error does, he ignores them. he's been ignoring them for so long that he can't tell the difference between his thoughts and the voices. because of this, people call him scatterbrained. (his mind has accepted the creator's voices as his thoughts, which is why he talks to himself or does weird things that make no sense. he's trying to keep his mind in order, but he's unaware that some of those offhand thoughts aren't his thoughts at all.)

-ink's vials are bottomless. they refill on their own

-ink doesn't have to drink from the vials. he absorbs the paint from them, but sometimes he does it manually just for kicks.

-ink doesn't eat, but sometimes, you may find him chewing on various art supplies.(ex. error found ink sucking on a bottle of actual paint.)

-ink has an obsession with fire

-error bites on the tips of his fingers, sometimes enough to make them bleed.

-he wears fingerless gloves because of his haphephobia.

-if error trusts someone enough, he'll take their code and fuse it with his. this nulls their touch and he doesn't react to it badly.(he's done this with the gang, and he's debating doing it with ink.)

-blue's code isn't fused with error's but he's known error long enough that his touch doesn't activate error's haphephobia.

-nightmare was the first person that error fused his code with.

-error has a phone, but he hardly ever uses it unless he's hiding in the antivoid

-error has amnesia, like really bad, so he has no clue where he came from or what made him.

-error was the first sans to ever be created in his multiverse. ink came after him.

- unlike ink, error is aware of the omniverse

-error has a huge collection of horribly life-like cow plushies that he uses to torment cross.

-nightmare can shapeshift

-blue went through a horse-girl phase.

-dream smokes, but only when he's incredibly stressed.

-nightmare is acutely aware of where his gang is at all times.

-error changed the gang's code so that when he checked them, it would display their chosen name, and not sans. he did the same thing to nearly everyone in the multiverse, but he didn't tell anyone.

-error secretly fucked around with ink's code so that when ink was checked, it would display things like 'ink(squid)' or 'rainbow bastard' and would give descriptions like 'he's fucking stupid, don't trust him with anything.' and the most famous one, 'call him short, he hates it.'

-because there are so many aus and au variants, everyone (who is aware of the multiverse) runs on dreamtale time, mainly because there is only one dreamtale per multiverse.

-dream likes to wear dresses

-the gang jokingly calls the star sans 'glitter gang'

-nightmare refers to dream as 'glowstick' ninety percent of the time.

-cross simps for nearly everyone

-cross gives the best hugs, second to horror.

-nightmare has healing magic but it sucks.

-dream's healing magic is only good because of the positivity in his soul. if he didn't have all that positivity, his healing magic would be worse than nightmares, and both of them know this.

-dust has a pet rat named cyanide

-dust plays around a lot with chemicals and whatnot. unlike most sans, he never really quit being a scientist, even if he did kill everyone and go insane.

-dust has nightmares that are eerily similar to the 'life flashing before your eyes' thing.

-horror eats three to four snacks every night

-nightmare always leaves some energy bars on horror's nightstand so that if horror woke up, he wouldn't panic about not having food.

-nightmare sometimes sings to his boys to help them sleep

-the gang has movie nights every friday(dreamtale time)

-ink ate a record once and is very embarrassed about it

-dream has never eaten a green apple.

-nightmare knows how to make blueberry pie by heart(bonus: he uses this as a threat to blue sometimes)

-horror hallucinates regularly

-killer always carries over fifteen knives on his person.

-killer was the first person to join the gang

-horror nibbles on things in his sleep

-horror sleeps with his ax

-horror named his ax 'Cleveland' as both a pun and out of affection

-the gang never wastes food, mainly because horror will throw a fit if they do. leftovers usually go to horror's bedroom fridge/freezer or to dust's rat

-dust's rat used to be an experiment

-blue accidentally addresses people as 'sweetheart' sometimes as a result of hanging out with red.

-killer loves eating cupcakes

-killer hates color for no reason other than insulting the gang

-error is a part of nightmare's gang

-killer is skilled in wielding katanas

-cross has a pet fox named Stalk that he picked up from an au during a mission

-cross covers for everyone else ninety percent of the time

-cross is the youngest in the group(ignoring the immortality part, cross joined when he was abt 22 or so)

-error joined the group when he was around 862 or something

-nightmare is around 700

-dust joined the team when he was 32

-killer joined when he was 27

-horror joined when he was 36

-dream is the same age as nightmare

-ink is around 803

-blue is 37

-since they all leave their aus or have none, all of them are immortal, but if they ever want to know how old they are, they just get someone to check them.

-despite all of them, minus dream and night, being sans, they don't have the same birthday. since their aus were created at completely different time, they all have different birthdays. (anything that is time related is based on dreamtale time.)

-because both cyanide and stalk were taken out of their aus, they were also granted immortality

-outcodes are people who no longer have aus or were blocked out of theirs

-geno is an outcode, and so is the gang and the stars.

-reaper is almost never in his au because of his job.

-there is only one reapertale, but since immortality is canon there, time doesn't matter and no one keeps track of it.

-ink's vomit can sometimes tie-die clothing.

-sometimes, if ink vomits, he uses said vomit to paint since he is vomiting ink.

-dream sometimes forgets that his birthday is the same day as nightmare's so he'll celebrate nightmare's birthday and completely forget his own, which is really weird

-ink and error have monthly meets where they do activities together.(error insists that they aren't dates)

-blue took up knitting after his time in error's antivoid

-dream paints sometimes

-the castle has been set on fire a total of 80,201,640,003 times, and counting

-dust was the cause of most of those fires.

-the rest were either fights, cooking accidents, or just pure coincidence.

-the castle resides in a dead Heaventale au, which sits suspiciously close to Dreamtale's remains

-nightmare and dream hang out sometimes in dreamtale

-nightmare and dream always give each other gifts either before, during, or after their birthdays.

-ink created a golden apple and ate it and threw up immediately after.

-error has gotten lost in multiple ikeas 

-after the christmas party fiasco, geno started throwing one every year, as well as a new years party. after a while, though, he combined the christmas party and the new years party.

-nightmare fucks around in random aus by doing dumb things like turning someone's bed upside down or making unsettling drawings of chickens.

-dust once used acid to dissolve a table and neutralized it with some chemicals so that it was as harmless as water and drank it just so he could say that he drank a table

-the table tasted awful, thanks for asking

-error has no basic knowledge of anything, so nightmare's constantly trying to teach him what a shower is or what tomatoes are.

-error's computerized system combined with his soul makes him both vulnerable and stronger than most people. he's tried putting passcodes on his system, but he reboots so often that the codes are never saved.

-when error reboots, there is a menu that pops up that could allow someone to gather all of error's information and basically dissect him without his knowledge. because most sans have respect for privacy, they never do it. ink's the only person who has and he's completely forgotten about it

-error has eaten kitchen utensils before and he will continue to.

-error has become numb to a majority of pains.

-ink likes lasagna

-dream has a pet squirrel named Fae. he had ink create a pocket universe for him, and dream basically carries fae around with him everywhere.

-blue doesn't like dogs

-ink can detach his body parts at will

-one time, ink threw his hand at dream's ass and in response, dream took ink's hand and threw it to one of the dogs in a classic undertale timeline. 

-ink calls dream 'dreamboat' as a joke

-ink also calls blue 'casanova' for no reason other than it makes blue blush

-ink has eaten a total of eighteen erasers

-nightmare listens to my chemical romance

-killer has really bad sleeping problems

-cross forgets how to read sometimes.

-horror doesn't remember what the alphabet is

-dust summons blasters in his sleep sometimes

-after multiple fiascos, nightmare built a separate building for training

the end!

man, 1931 words. wow lmfao

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