Your Ghost

By StarlightCevans

86.1K 2.3K 318

Evelyn is like most ladies you would have met: Kind, caring, ambitious and a go-getter. Evelyn loves animals... More

Writer's note
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter: 4
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:
Chapter 37:
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44:
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 49:
Chapter 50:

Chapter 29:

1K 43 4
By StarlightCevans

Ransom's secret diary!

It's right on his work desk, by the windowsill.

Why would the diary be out in the open?

Well I suppose Ransom was probably not expecting me to be in his room alone.

Or did he?

I sit on the bed and look at the diary, contemplating if I should read it or not.

The diary is probably locked.

On one hand, I'll be invading his privacy however; I may just find an answer as to why he gets so possessive.



Curiosity gets the best of me and I walk over to retrieve the diary, but the diary has no lock on it. Usually secret diaries have locks on them. That's like...the whole purpose of a secret diary.

My ears perk up as I hear a noise and I immediately turn around - thinking Ransom would be at the door with his hands crossed, catching me in the act.

Phew! False alarm.

It was just someone walking past the door. I open the diary to a random page, and the first word I spot is "beautiful".

Ransom is surprisingly speaking about me in this diary entry. I cannot help but snort at that word.

How does he find me beautiful?

I look at the date on the page and I see that this diary entry was written when Ransom and I were still in the beginning stages of dating.

The diary entry reads:

"Diary Entry:

This is the 5th date I have had with Evelyn, and finally, I met a beautiful woman who is not after my money! Thank fucking goodness! She is actually interested in what I do - even if it's not that much.

Harlan likes her too! He even told me she may be 'the one'.

She really is beautiful!!

Words cannot describe her beauty!

Her eyes match my own, her hair smells like strawberries - reminding me of my childhood days - and then there are her lips. Oh! Her lips are so luscious and full. My mom had the fucking audacity today to mock Evelyn's lips IN FRONT OF MY WHOLE FAMILY! Her lips fit my own perfectly and if I could, I would kiss her constantly.

Let's not forget her body! Oh my fuck! Her body is so fucking sexy!

She may not be my 'type' of woman, but I don't care. Evelyn is so fucking beautiful!

I am so aroused by her that I may just -"


I stop reading because I really don't need to know what else he wrote after he started writing about my body.

I need to refrain from barfing right now!

Again, how does Ransom see my beauty?

I turn the page and the next 2 pages are...just about the intimacy we both have.

Why Ransom? Why write about the intimacy we both have?

Well YOU are invading Ransom's privacy!

Ransom really liked me back then, like...okay; I knew he liked me, but not this much. Back then he was so kind-hearted and would always be a gentleman. He would open the door for me, he would open the car door for me before I could get out and he wanted to spend as much time with me as possible because he didn't like it when he wasn't with me. Unfortunately, that was a long time ago.

Why did he change?

I shuffle through a few more pages until I halt on one page in particular as it is dated a few days after our break up.

I quickly look at the door to see if Ransom may just come inside the room.


I know reading Ransom's diary is wrong, but I need to read this diary entry. I was so sad after our breakup that I didn't really know how he coped with our breakup.

As I read the diary entry, my eyes expand so much that they could pop out of my eye sockets. I cannot believe what I am reading. It's explicit! It's so detailed! Did Ransom seriously -

"Evelyn, Ransom asked if - oh! Sorry!" Richard opens the door and stomps.

I turn around and keep the diary behind my back. "What did Ransom ask?"

Richard looks down, covering his hand over his face. "Umm...R-Ransom is looking for you. Excuse me, I am terribly sorry I walked in on you like this." he turns around and leaves the room immediately.

I frown in confusion and I look down and I jump, dropping the diary.

I am still in my underwear!


My cheeks turn red. Dammit!

At least Richard left and didn't stare.

I look down at the diary. I need to take a photo of this specific diary entry. There is so much detail in this entry and I haven't read all of it. This has to be longest diary entry Ransom wrote because it is 10 pages long.

I pick up the diary and walk to my bag to retrieve my phone. I take photos of the diary entry and then I put my dress on.

I walk toward the door and just as I put my hand on door handle, I stop and think.

If I walk out this door, then that means I will have to deal with Linda...the woman who literally ghosted me since I arrived here. Also, I may not know many people from this function she's throwing.

I decide to stay in Ransom's bedroom - but I don't feel as safe in this room right now.

Not from what I read in that diary entry.

I step away from the door and then I hear commotion from outside. I step to the windowsill and I see quite a few people outside busy drinking and laughing amongst each other. The commotion was a lady dropping her drink on her friend.

I spot a familiar face, but he appears to be acting a little different.


Jake greets everyone and hugs every woman he sees. He grabs a glass from the outside bar - A bar? Outside? Why didn't I see it earlier? - and he socializes with almost everyone I see outside.

Why was he so nervous at the author function Harlan held? Is it because he knows the people here? Did he maybe not know the other authors and was nervous?

Hang on! Is Jake friends with Linda?


My eyes slowly drift away from Jake and then I spot him. My heart immediately beats faster and my legs start to shake. My cheeks turn crimson and I feel butterflies in my stomach.

Get a grip!

I just saw Ransom earlier, so why would I feel flustered when I look at him?

Because you are under his spell!

I lean in a little more and I see Ransom walking past Jake. They both nod at each other, but they don't utter a word to one another. Ransom walks over to someone that I do not recognize. She is actually very pretty. She is wearing a designer dress - which shows off her cleavage - and she has big loop earrings which nearly touch her neck. She looks taller than me and I notice her thighs don't touch - yet mine do.

Ransom and her embrace one another and she kisses Ransom on the cheek.

Ransom hates it when someone does that! Especially when it is a stranger! Or is she a stranger?

Ransom kisses her back on the cheek, so I guess that answers my question whether she's a stranger to him or not. That, funny enough, is not what bothers me. It's the way Ransom looks at her. It isn't a look you would give to one of your's a look that I know all too well. Ransom has looked at me the same way, that's why I know that the look he gives this woman is a look of lust.

Is Ransom slowly slipping away from me, and I didn't even know about it?

But Ransom has been so kind to me lately.

Am I over thinking this?

"Ransom! There you are!"

I hear Linda's irritating laughter and I see her walking over toward Ransom and this woman. Linda's smile broadens as she speaks to this woman. That's when I realize...this has got to be the woman Linda wanted Ransom to be with instead of me. It's coming back to me now...I remember Linda told me that Ransom would be better off with a successful business woman who has a degree, and someone who is more Ransom's 'type'.

I was aware at the time that Ransom had a certain 'type' of woman he preferred to date. Ransom told me that he preferred a brunette, but when he and I were officially an item, I remember Ransom told me that having a certain 'type' can limit meeting new people. Ransom told me that if he stuck to his 'type' of woman, he wouldn't have discovered me. Ransom also said that it is the personality that counts - although I don't know if he really meant that.

I watch Ransom carefully to see what he does around this woman. He doesn't seem to be too close to her and he is looking at his mother. He then taps this woman's shoulder and points his finger to the bar. The woman hugs him and he walks away, and Linda starts to give praise to this woman about her achievements, and how she is proud of what this woman has accomplished.

Linda is very loud! I can hear her from Ransom's bedroom window. Everyone can hear her!

I can feel my throat starting to hurt and I suddenly hug myself. I start to feel so ashamed of my own accomplishments. I haven't done much, but that's because I knew what I wanted to be when I left school, and I didn't have the money to pay for my degree.

Linda really despises me so much that she would publicly state that I am not right for her son - without her even having to mention my name out loud.

She is such a bitch!

I narrow my eyes at her and I roll my eyes. Linda goes on to say that Ransom is not with anyone physically - yes physically - and that Ransom needs someone who is financially stable.


I am not financially stable?

Its official then. I am nothing but a ghost to Linda.

I can't keep listening to her stupid gloating and praise to some woman I have never met before.

My gaze drifts away from Linda and my eyes land on two eyes looking directly at me. Two beautiful blue eyes.

Ransom is looking straight at me from the bar, with a bottle in his hand.

I immediately drop down to the ground - but why? Ransom just saw me.

I crawl to the bed to stand up again. I grab my bag because I want to leave this stupid function, but yet...I didn't drive to this place...SO I CANNOT LEAVE!


I turn around and look at Ransom's keys. I could get in his car and leave...but that means he will be forced to stay here, with his damn mother and that woman!

Plus he will be angry with me!

I throw my bag on the bed and just as I am about to open the door, my phone buzzes.

"Hello?" I answer without looking at caller ID.

"My darling! How are you?"

It's my mom.

"This isn't a good time." I try to sound as nice as possible.

This isn't your dad, so be nice!

"Alright. Just give me a shout when you can." My mom says sweetly.

"I will."
"I love you."

"I love you too."

I hang up and just as I turn around, I bash into someone, and that someone is Ransom.

"Did I catch you rolling your eyes at me?" he smirks.

"It wasn't at you." I snap. "And why were you watching me like that?"

"Well why were you watching me?" Ransom retorts.

"I - I wasn't." My voice is suddenly small.

"Were you spying on me because I was talking to that woman?" Ransom asks, realizing what I was doing.

"No." I say immediately, messaging the back of my neck.

Ransom scoffs in disbelief. "You're lying."

I sigh and bury my head in my hands. "Why does it matter to you? You were fawning all over that woman."

"What?" I hear Ransom burst into laughter.

"It's not funny." I mumble.

"Are you serious Evelyn? How can -" Ransom doesn't complete what he was going to say because he laughs too hard.

"Stop it." I whisper.

Ransom continues to laugh even louder. I uncover my face and see that Ransom has bent down, holding his stomach.

Screw this!

"Whatever. It's not funny. Bye."

I start to walk out the door, but Ransom grabs my arm.

"Wait! Wait!" Ransom giggles.

"Let me go." I say through gritted teeth.

"No." Ransom snickers.
"Ransom I swear, let me go or -"

"Or what?" he challenges, his laughter has subsided.

"Just let me go." I press.

"No because now you think I have something to do with that woman."

"But don't you?" I challenge.

"What?" Ransom's mouth drops open. He looks genuinely surprised.

I don't answer him.

Ransom throws me on the bed and slams the door shut.

"Was that really necessary?" I ask.

"Well I won't shake you because you sound absolutely crazy." Ransom crawls on top of me.

"I'm the crazy one?" I slowly ask.

"Yes." Ransom grins. "Do you not hear yourself?"

I open my mouth to objectify, but I am silenced by Ransom's lips claiming mine.

Ransom pushes his body harder onto mine, and it hurts.

I try to push Ransom off me, but he doesn't let up. He does however, stop pressing his body so hard on mine, and then he interlaces his hands with mine.

"How..." Ransom breaks our kiss and places his forehead onto mine. "...can you think that I would choose a stranger over you? You Evelyn? I want you!" Ransom leans down so his lips are by my ear. "You are mine." he licks my ear.

"Ah! Gross Ransom!" I scrunch my face in disgust.

I try to rub my ear with my hand, but Ransom moves my arms above my ears.

"Also..." Ransom continues, ignoring my disapproval. "I am the only person who can make you feel desires no other man could ever imagine."

Is he gloating?

"I saw how you looked at her Ransom." I state.

"So I shouldn't look at any women then?"

"It's no that! It's the way you looked at her Ransom..." I turn my head to the side. "It looked like you wanted her...intimately." I feel ashamed to say that, but I needed to say it.

Ransom appears to freeze for a few heart beats, but then he looks at me in disbelief.

"You honestly think I want that woman? A stranger who my mother was forcing me to date?"

Guess that confirms my theory of that woman being the one Linda wanted Ransom to end up with.

"Well you kissed Callie. Well, more like sucked her tongue out." I fire back.

"You cannot be serious Evelyn. That was different."

"How is that different?"

"Did you see me kissing that woman outside?" Ransom hisses.

"No." My voice is small again. "But that doesn't change -"

"That woman outside is a stranger to me. I don't know her that well. The only thing I know about her is what my mom has said, and she hasn't said much about her. Just her dumbass achievements."

Ransom looks directly into my eyes and then he looks down at my body, and I suddenly feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

His eyes lock back onto mine. He sits up and trails his fingers from my neck to my stomach.

"It's you I want." Ransom says softly.

His hands lift my dress above my legs.

"We can't!" I say, already sounding out of breath.

"Oh we can, and we will, but not far as seeing you completely naked." Ransom's voice is low, and sexy!

Ransom rolls to the side so he is lying next to me.

I turn my whole body to look at him.

"Turn back." he orders.

I do as he says - although I should rebel against what he tells me to do.

He props his elbow up and leans his head on his hand while his free hand is on my upper thigh. He moves his fingers right there.

I close my eyes, knowing full well I have already surrendered to his touch.

"Open your eyes! I want to watch you come undone." Ransom orders.

My eyes fly open and I look straight into Ransom's eyes.

I feel Ransom's finger enter by my entrance and I moan.


I moan so loud.

"Try to be quiet. I don't want anyone ruining this for me." Ransom growls.

For me?

I feel another finger enter and he starts pumping in and out, and I struggle to keep my voice low. I really do.

"Oh sweetheart! You're so wet. Do you see why no other man will make you feel this way?" Ransom grins.

I don't answer because I don't think I can.

My one hand grips on the sheets, while my other hand grips Ransom's sweater. I tilt my head back, arching my back. I am so close...

"Open your eyes." Ransom orders again, but I can here he is sounding breathless.

I look at Ransom and with one more pump, I come undone.

"Now do you have any idea how fucking sexy you look right now?"

I don't answer. I am breathing too heavily, trying to catch my breath.

"When I say you are mine. I mean it! That also means I will not lay with another woman because you are all I want."

My Ransom!!! He's here!!

But I cannot help but shake the feeling he is also lying about not wanting to lay with another woman.

He has cheated on me in the past.

Ransom retracts his fingers, making me wince a little. I look at Ransom and I grab his face so our lips can meet, but Ransom pushes me back down so he can lick his fingers. "You taste so good!" he coos.

I look at his beautiful face and my eyes trail down to his pants.

I can see his bulge. He was turned on by watching me come undone.

I can help him with that!

I twirl around so I can sit on top of Ransom.

"What are you -"

I silence Ransom this time by kissing him.

"Now..." I break our kiss. "It's my turn."

My hands trail down to his pants.


I spot a few more cream puffs left.

I quickly run to grab them all.

They taste so delicious!

A few people look at me from the table while they pick out the food they want.

"What?" I ask them.

The people shrug and continue picking up food.

I look up at the mirror to make sure it didn't look like I stuffed my face with cream puffs - even though I did.

I make my way through the crowd of people outside, but I bash right into someone -again!

"Sorry about that. I - oh! Hello Jake!" I smile immediately.

"S-Sorry. That was my fault. I-I was-wasn't looking where I was going." Jake smiles, but his lips twitch.

He does not make eye contact me with. His eyes are looking down. His shoulders look tense and his hands are gripping the sleeves of his shirt.

"Are you alright?" I ask, concerned.

Why is he suddenly nervous?

"Y-Yes." Jake looks up at me and then looks down again.

"Are you sure?"

"I-I'm fine." Jake's voice sounds shaky.

He turns his head away from me, but he doesn't walk away from me.

I need to ask him why he is suddenly nervous. "Jake, why -"

"There you are!" I hear Ransom shouting, which makes my heart skip a beat.

"Ransom." I say as Ransom approaches Jake and me.

I look at Jake. "This is -"

"Jake. You are working with my granddad. How's he been?" Ransom smiles at Jake, but it does not look sincere.

"He has been good." Jake says bluntly.

Jake looks at Ransom, and he straightens his back.

"Good." Ransom says slowly, placing his arm tightly over my shoulder.

Oh Fantastic!

He isn't just putting his arm around me because he likes me.

This is Ransom's way of showing another man than I am his, and only his.

Oh Great!

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