Viper |Compete|

By KatCWrites

424K 22.1K 3.7K

* Book 2 in the Viper series. Killen Shelby, twenty three years old and in love with his girlfriend of a yea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 42

6K 343 30
By KatCWrites

Having Vanessa back was a huge surprise, but in the best way possible. Yesterday afternoon she took me back to the hotel to collect my things, and then took me back home to the Shelby's where I'm intending to stay until Killen is out of Jail.

While I finished up doing whatever I could do for Killen's case including getting a visit for both Bella and Jex during the rest of the afternoon, Vee went back to Dex's place where she's staying and spend the rest of the day with him, and then she came back for dinner, having dinner with the Shelby family and I.

It was nice to be able to talk to her about what's been happening between Killen and I these last two days. It had been four weeks since we'd seen each other and when he first told me he loved me I thought it was out of fear, but it happened again today, and he no longer seemed scared, he seemed okay, so now it kind of feels like we never broke up to begin with, like I was on some kind of vacation for a couple of weeks.

But for now that can't be my focus, I need to focus on Killen's case and getting him out of jail as fast as possible.

"Morning honey, how did you sleep?" Bella smiles as I make my way down the stairs, today dressed in a tight black dress coming to the knee with small cap sleeves, and my heels on my feet.

"I slept really well, I feel like everything is coming together really well, I just don't know how I'm going to find the person who actually gave Farah the drugs."

"Do you need to do that to prove Killen is innocent?"

"I may have told the judge I'd get him the name of the person responsible if he allowed Killen's trial to take place next week."

"And what if you can't get the name?"

"Then I hope everything I do have is enough to get him out." I sigh.

"Good news." Jex grins as he jogs down the stairs. "We've finished going through all of the footage and there is something you might want to see." He says before turning on his heel, heading back up the stairs.

Turning I jog up the stairs in my heels and make my way to Jex's office, pulling the door open. That's where I find Ace, Jex and Colson sitting at the desk, watching the screen.

"Warning, it's fucking gross." Colson fake gags.

Making my way around the desk, I move my eyes to the screen and Ace presses play.

"This guy has been at the house with Farah, we don't know who he is just yet, but we'll find out. It was him who gave Farah the drugs, and it would appear he has been for some time." Jex speaks. "For the first weeks of footage there was nothing, it would seem any drug taking and everything else happened in the bedroom or bathroom, the only place I didn't have cameras, but in the last weeks of her life she seemed to care less."

As I watch the screen it shows Farah coming home, and she and the male having a fight. There is no sound only images, but I'm almost sure it's about me and Killen as I can lip read our names. It then shows the male showing Farah a box and he takes out a needle, she replies by nodding her head and the two of them head upstairs.

After finishing upstairs, the two of them appear downstairs once more, and it's here they begin to snort cocaine off the coffee table, before shooting up again, the male helping Farah before himself.

Once it's hit them, they begin making out and undressing each other, and it's apparent then how fake Farah's baby bump is. Standing she removes the bump and throws it on the floor, then straddles the males lap and they begin to make out harder.

"I'll skip now." Ace says as he fast forwards the footage at super speed.

"I'm going to be sick, hand me the bin."

"Disgusting huh?" Colson nods.

"No seriously, I'm going to be sick." I say as I turn on my heel and run to Killen's bedroom, just making it into the bathroom in time to be sick into the toilet.

"You okay sweetheart?" Colson questions and I feel his hand on my back. "It was pretty disgusting, but I didn't think it'ed make you vomit."

Moving back, I sit on the ground with my legs out to the side of me. "I have no idea what's wrong with me, the same thing happened to me yesterday morning, I thought it was nerves about Killen, but we're on the right path."

"Do you want me to call Alyssa? Maybe you should get checked over or something, maybe you've got some kind of bug."

"I'll be okay, it was probably just Farah's evil little face that was enough to make me hurl." I giggle softly, doing my best to play it off.

"Hey." Willow smiles softly as she makes her way into the room. "Dad said your sick again, you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I smile softly looking up at her. "I think it's just everything that's happening, it's a lot to take in."

"Are you sure? I could call Alyssa if you wanted to get checked over?"

"I just offered the same thing." Colson says as he stands to his feet and presses a kiss to Willow's temple. "I'll be with the boys."

As Colson leaves the room, I stand to my feet slowly. "I should clean up and get back in there, then I need to get to the jail to see Killen."

"Maybe you are stressed, you haven't stopped for the last three days, you need to slow down a little girl."

"I will, as soon as I get Killen out." I assure her and head for the sink, re-brushing my teeth quickly and shake it off. "Come on." I nod my head toward the door and together we exit the room.

"There you are, are you okay? Jex said your sick again." Bella says as she makes her way toward us.

"I'm okay really." I smile softly. "You look lovely, are you leaving to see Killen now?" I change the subject quickly.

"Oh thank-you, I am." She nods. "I know I only get to see him for twenty minutes but you have no idea how grateful I am for you arranging it."

"Oh Bella of course." I smile and take her hand. "Tell him I'll be in soon after you."

"I will honey, thank-you again." She says as she turns and heads for the stairs.

"Hey Mom, wait up a second." Willow calls as she follows after her down the stairs.

Making my way back into Jex's office, I smile softly feeling a little embarrassed. "Sorry about that. Okay so we have proof that this guy was the one giving Farah drugs and we have proof they were having sex, and that he knew she wasn't really pregnant, so he was in on all of it."

"So this is good right?" Ace questions.

"It is, but I can't use this in court."

"Why not?"

"You've recorded people without consent, and even though it's your house you can't do that. Taking photos was okay because its your property and there was no rental agreement but that wasn't photos of them, it was just photos of your home which is fine. The same reason I had to get you to put her laptop back for the detectives to find."

"So it's pointless finding out who he is?" Jex questions crossing his arms over his chest.

"No not at all, I just meant we can't do anything with it legally."

"So?" Ace says, drawing out the o.

"So take matters into your own hands, get the Vipers together, find the asshole and beat the shit out of him until he admits his part." I shrug.

"Dam, Killen would be so turned on right now hearing you talk like that." Colson smirks.

"See I said let's do things the Viper way, but you said no." Ace folds his arms over his chest, looking much the same as Jex as he looks up at him.

"I just didn't want to mess anything up for Killen's case." Jex shakes his head. "But if your giving me the go ahead, then I'm ready to go and so are the rest of the boys."

"Good." I smile. "Find him and do whatever you have to do for him to show up in court and admit it was him so we can get Killen out."

Killen's POV:

"Shelby, visitor." The guard speaks as he pulls the bar of my cell back.

"What time is it?" I question.

"Almost 10am."

"I didn't think Luna was coming until 10:30." I speak as I allow him to cuff me and follow him down the hall.

As we reach the door and he pushes it open, he uncuffs me and I make my way into the room. It's then I see Mom sitting there waiting for me, she looks nervous. "Mom." I smile.

"Killen!" she exclaims and stands to her feet.

"I had no idea you were coming." I say as I wrap my arms around her, embracing her in a hug.

"Luna arranged it yesterday afternoon, she said to tell you she'll still be in at 10:30, and your Dad is allowed to come in this afternoon as well." She smiles and sits down.

"How is everything at home? Is everyone okay?" I ask as I take a seat next to her.

"Everyone's fine, everyone is doing what they need to do." She nods her head slowly, her eyes telling me the Vipers have something worked out to help me out of here.

"That's good." I nod with a small smile. "And Luna, how is she really? She's amazing when she's in here, but I want to make sure she's okay at home as well and not just putting on a show for me?"

"She's fine for the most part, she's smashing out this case Killen, you have no idea how many witnesses she has and how much digging she's been able to to get you out of here."

"But?" I raise a brow.

"I'm a little worried about her, she's been sick the last two mornings."


"Vomiting, it happened this morning and it happened yesterday as well, she said she thinks its just because she's stressed you being in here and her needing to get you out, but I'm not so sure about that."

"Call Alyssa and get her checked out?"

"We offered that this morning, but she said she's fine, I can't make her if she doesn't want to, the choice is hers."

"Yeah your right, I just don't like the idea of her being sick."

Luna's POV:

As a lawyer I know I shouldn't be telling Jex to go ahead and get the Vipers together, and do whatever they need to do to get Killen out of jail, but at this point I'll stop at nothing.

I told the Judge I'd have the name by the end of the week and that's what I intend to do, if the Vipers are able to make this guy come forward I won't need my witnesses, I won't need the Pathologist to prove Farah died of a heroin over dose and not a cocaine overdose, I won't have to do another thing, Killen will be able to walk, so I'll turn a blind eye.

Arriving at the jail, I park my car and head toward the stairs, as I do I see a large group of Media standing around, some with cameras, some with microphones.

"That's her." One yells as I make my way toward the stairs.

"Luna, how is Killen doing? Is he still pleading not guilty to the murder of Farah Waldorf?" One asks with a microphone in my face.

As I push through, I ignore the question and keep walking. If I had of known there was a media circus I would have opted for the back door.

"Luna is it true that Mr Shelby is not only your client he's also your boyfriend?" another questions, and again I ignore it.

"Luna, over here." A female reporter yells. "Mr. Waldorf has said he'll stop at nothing until Killen is locked away for life, how do you feel about that?"

I want to turn, I want to tell them Killen is innocent and to get the hell away from me, but I can't do that. I need to keep moving and ignore them, because I don't want to make things worse for him.

As I push the door open, a guard locks it behind me, so the media can't enter, and I take a deep breath. "Sorry about that, they arrived a little while ago, I didn't have your contact details to give you the heads up."

"It's not your fault." I smile softly. " I had no idea it was in the media now."

"Bill Waldorf made sure it was public knowledge, he went on T.V this morning, some sob story about his daughter and everyone is lapping it up, they're calling it the battle of the billionaires, you know the Waldorf's vs the Shelby's."

"Of course they are." I roll my eyes. "Well they can demonize Killen all they like, he's innocent in all of this, it was Farah who was the devil."

"I don't doubt that, I used to go to school with her." He says as we walk toward the doors of the interview room. "She was a crazy bitch then, I don't imagine she got any better as the years went on."

Pushing the door open, I make my way into the room to find Killen already sitting there. "Hey beautiful." He stands to his feet.

"Hey." I smile and make my way toward him, wrapping my arms around him.

"They made Mom take the back door, apparently my case is in the media now."

"It is." I nod. "I didn't know that until I got here and there was a group of people waiting outside for me. Bill went and did an interview about his poor little Farah, and now everyone is interested in your case, it's the battle of the billionaires apparently, the Waldorf's vs the Shelby's."

"Yeah well the Shelby's always come out on top."

"Yes, they do." I smile softly and take a seat next to him. "And we will again, because you didn't do anything wrong and I have everything under control."

"You seem even more confident today then yesterday."

"I am." I nod. "Some more evidence rolled in this morning, and I have no doubt you'll be getting out of here soon, maybe even sooner then your trial."

"Your serious?"

"Serious." I nod with a smile. "Was it good to see your Mom this morning?"

"It was a very nice surprise, yes." He nods. "She mentioned you've been sick the last couple of days though, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't want you to worry, I'm fine Killy, we just need to get you out of here so things can get back to normal."

"Okay." He nods once more. "I wont fight you on it, but it would really mean the world to me if you'd allow Alyssa to check you over or run some test just to make sure." He says as he places his hand on my cheek, stroking it gently as he looks into my eyes.

Damn I hate it when he does this, I could be an Eskimo and he could be a sales man for ice and I'd buy it when he looks at me like this.

"Fine." I say softly. "I'll call Alyssa this afternoon and I'll get her to check me over."

"Thank-you." He presses a quick peck to my cheek before moving back.

"But for now, how are you doing in here?"

"I'm fine, you've got me a cell on my own, the guards I've met so far are pretty nice, I know this isn't what jail is really like, I'm hidden away from general population, but it's fine."

"You'll be out of here before you know it." I squeeze his hand.

"So what are they saying about me in the media? Am I officially the new hot mugshot guy or what?" He smirks, which causes me to giggle.

"Killy." I swat his arm playfully.

"I'm kidding beautiful, but I'm happy to see you smile like that and hear you laugh, you have no idea how much I've missed it."

Sighing deeply I nod my head. "I know this isn't the place to talk about it, but I'm really sorry about everything, I should have been by your side every step of the way."

"Hey, don't do that." He rubs my hand with his thumb. "You have been, you just needed a little time for yourself and that's fine." He whispers so only I can hear. "You always said if its meant to be it will be, and we've found our way back to each other again."

"Yeah, your right."

"I promise you as soon as you get me out of here everything will go back to how it used to be."


"Time is almost up." The guard speaks as he sticks his head into the room.

Checking my watch I realise he's correct, I've been in here talking with Killen for the passed hour and none of that time has been anything to do with his case. "Crap." I say as I pull my phone from my bag. "I was meant to ask you, have you ever seen this guy before?"

As he looks at the image of the male on my screen, the male who gave Farrah the drugs, his eyes narrow and he nods his head. "That's Doctor York from the hospital, he was looking after Farah's so called pregnancy."

"This is Dr York? Are you sure, because Doctor York from the East Cliff hospital is about seventy years old."

"I know, and that's who Dad and Ace found when they were looking for this Doctor York, they found the real Doctor York who I'd never seen in my life, but this is him Luna, this is the guy that faked the scans for Farah."

"Times up guys." The guard speaks as he makes his way into the room.

"Luna that's him, he holds the answers to all of this."

"I'm on it" I smile softly, but look away once it's time for him to get cuffed once more.

"Can I say goodbye to her properly?" Killen asks looking at the guard.

"Go on, make it quick." The guard speaks and turns his back.

Making my way toward Killen, I press my lips to his, then whisper. "The vipers are looking for him as we speak." Then pull back. "I love you."

"I love you too." He smiles, seemingly even more happy I said it first.

The moment Killen is taken back to his cell, I leave the building via the back door and pull out my phone calling Jex.

"Luna, how was he?" He answers after a few rings.

"The guy who gave Farah the drugs, that's Doctor York, Killen assures me that's the man who was Farah's Doctor. I'm on my way home."

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