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For Renn and anyone else who wanted Cristo and Demi to be endgame More

Unless It's With You


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Setting: Kim's House, Calabasas, CA

Keeping Up With the Kardashians was in its last season and Kim had some irrational fear that they wouldn't be as close as usual since they were no longer obligated to film everyday. Demi had no idea why she thought that when they literally lived within walking distance of each other. Well, everyone else did. Demi was now a ten minute drive away, but she still made an effort to see her sisters everyday. Their kids were in the same school so it was kind of hard for all of them not to see each other. As usual, Kim was being dramatic, but everyone entertained her antics by agreeing to a daily "sister" workout. The only problem was that because of her birthing experience, it felt as though it was taking a little longer for her body to get back to "normal."

"So what are our goals here?" Cristo asked from one of the lounge chairs underneath the awning.

They had dropped Muse off at school together, and Jadore had slept over at Kourtney's house so her and Nicolas were both with a nanny until Cristo went to get them.

"I gained like forty pounds during the pregnancy and a little bit afterwards so I need to lose all of it. Like, I need to lose at least fifty pounds, no joke," Demi said to their trainer.

"Demi, that's a huge goal. You want to start with a goal of 25 pounds and then go from there?" Lizzy, Kim's trainer questioned.

"Isn't this your job? If she says she wants to lose 50 pounds shouldn't you help her make that happen?" Cristo interrogated, causing Demi to shoot him a look as her sisters just chuckled.

"Yes, but we also have to be realistic and setting a huge goal like that but not seeing quick results could delay the whole process," Lizzy explained as Cristo stood up.

"I know my wife. Whatever she sets her mind to, she does it. I'm gonna head out," Cristo said, kissing Demi's cheek before seeing himself out.

"I'm sorry about him. And you're right. Let's start small and go from there," Demi agreed.

She knew that she wouldn't see instant results but Demi was going to try her hardest to work all of this weight off. She wanted to feel like herself again and this was one of the only ways to do it.


did you guys see this

see what

see what

I'm waiting for the picture to send my service is slow out here


oh no

king ky
don't you think this should've been in a different chat...minus Demi 🤨


I'm already here
Where is that from

TMZ scammed someone into selling it to them. They know they can't print the story. Mom just got it...no one else has it

do you know who that is

No...but I'm going to find out

do you need backup

Nope...I got this one 😌

sending prayers to Cristo 🙏🏼

Lord knows he will need them 😬

king ky
should I keep the kids...

Wait I do know who she is


she was at fashion week
I saw her with Cristo
He kissed her on the cheek
They looked like they knew each other 😤

king ky
So I should come get the kids...?

hmmmm...no I've got this

send me the guest list so I can narrow it down and try to find her name ☺️

Setting: Cristo and Demi's House, Hidden Hills, CA

Night time had to be one of Demi's favorite times of the day, and it was mostly because their house settled into a quiet calm that would never be achieved during the day. The kids were sleeping, the moon was out, and Demi could hear the sounds of the outdoors because the glass balcony doors were cracked open in their room. The rustling of the leaves outside. The water swishing back and forth with the movement of the wind. It was so serene and it usually lured Demi to sleep, but not tonight.

The earlier texts with her sisters were still weighing heavy on her mind but she hadn't gotten the chance to confront Cristo about it. Dinner and bath time had captured their attention and kept it, both of them struggling to wrangle three kids into their respective rooms and get them ready for bed. Luckily, they had a nighttime nanny who assisted them throughout the night, specifically with Nicolas, so they were able to get a good night's rest.

Demi turned so that instead of facing her balcony, she was facing Cristo. He was knocked out. Sometimes Cristo slept like a log - and snored - but sometimes he slept so peacefully in such a way that it made Demi fall in love with him all over again, despite whatever shit they were going through. This was one of those nights. Demi couldn't help but to run her fingers over his well kept beard, then tangle them through the curls by his forehead, then trace them along the curves of his face until he shifted in his sleep. A few moments later, he opened his eyes.

"What are you doing?" He asked in a gruff voice, his accent thicker and deeper than usual. Demi shook her head and brought her hand back to her side.

"Nothing. Just thinking. Trying to cherish this time. We haven't had alone time in a while."

She wasn't trying to do anything but she missed her husband. Even with the picture she saw...she wasn't necessarily mad. For all she knew, Cristo was telling the truth and she had no reason to suspect that anything was going on. What bothered her was the fact that he wasn't talking to her about it. Why wouldn't he want to introduce her to someone he used to know, someone he clearly still wanted to hang out with? Cristo didn't get close to people easily. He had a few solid friends and he considered everyone else to be acquaintances. What was so special about this woman who had suddenly appeared out of nowhere?

"Three kids...our careers...time has not been on our side," Cristo mumbled, his voice still deep with sleep. "We can talk now though. What's been going on?"

"The premiere for the show is coming up, Muse is starting soccer again so I asked Odell if he could come over and practice with her, and Dior wants Jadore and Muse to do a shoot together," Demi answered as Cristo played with the ends of her hair.

"When's the premiere? I want to make sure I'm there."

"It's the end of next month but it's really not that big of a deal. I was going to take Muse if you were busy..."

"No, you've been working really hard on this and I want to see the end result. I'll be there," Cristo promised, causing Demi to crack a smile.

"What have you been up to? I thought since Fashion Week is over you would get to slow down..."

"I was but Louis Vuitton is doing a capsule collection for my father and they've asked me to take lead. Plus, I've been helping a few other designers..." Cristo trailed off, his eyes shifting to look behind her like he found something interesting in the corner of their room.

"Like the one who came to your show in New York? The one you used to know in Paris?" Demi questioned, trailing her fingers along his collarbone.

"No...not her," Cristo answered, and for some reason that caused a lump to form in Demi's throat.

If Cristo wasn't helping that woman with designs, then what were they doing together? Especially at nighttime? Demi turned on her side so that she was facing the balcony again and brought the covers up to her neck. She suddenly wasn't in the mood to talk anymore.

"I thought we were talking?" Cristo said, brushing his hand over her shoulder but Demi shook him off.

"I'm tired. Goodnight."

Setting: Cristo and Demi's House, Hidden Hills, CA

"So...if you peeped some shit with Lauren, would you say something right away?" Demi asked Odell sat down at the island.

Him and Muse had been outside running soccer drills for at least forty five minutes and he looked exhausted. Demi didn't blame him. Muse had all of the energy in the world, especially when it came to soccer, and Cristo had really gotten her obsessed with the sport. Although Cristo had indeed found her a travel team, she still played on the school's team and she thought it was super cool that Odell had come over to practice with her. Cristo tried his best but obviously he didn't play soccer when he was younger. 

"Peeped what?"

"Like...if you felt like she wasn't being one hundred percent honest with you about things..." Demi said without trying to give everything away.

The texts from her sisters and her conversation with Cristo the other night were still bothering her and this whole thing was really causing a headache. Had she been suspicious during fashion week? Yeah. But she literally never saw them together again after that. How did that woman end up in California all the way from New York and why were her and Cristo hanging out? If they were just old friends, Cristo would've said something to her. Not that Demi kept him on a tight leash but still...he was being too secretive for her and Demi didn't like it.

"I don't think I would say anything to her until I had enough evidence to back it up. If you want to say something, you're going to be accusing him of something no matter what. Besides your gut, do you have proof that he's out there doing you dirty? Sometimes you just have to wait and let that person tell on themselves," Odell explained. "But I don't think that Cristo would do you like that. That man is obsessed with you and he doesn't even seem like the type."

"But you don't know what anyone is capable of until they actually do it. I didn't think that I would get cheated on in my last relationship either and that still happened. So..."

She glanced outside and saw that Muse was still kicking the soccer ball around. Jadore was in the living room playing with the dogs. All of the doors were open so if Muse needed anything she could run right in.

"This is different. I don't see Cristo doing that. But if you feel like there's something off then follow your gut. Maybe you should talk to him about it and give him a chance to be honest. It might not even be that deep."

"I did...maybe I didn't present it in a way where I thought he was doing something, but he had a chance to tell me more of the truth and he just wasn't forthcoming," Demi explained.

"Then ask him exactly what you want to ask him," Odell said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Okay, Odell. You're literally no help," Demi huffed.

"Nah, I'm right. Talk to your mans."

"Whatever Odell. You're so annoying."

"I'm annoying because you know I'm right. You're too grown for the drama and tip toeing around what you wanna say. I know you. Just talk to him before you kick up a fuss over something that's not that serious."

"Hmm...okay. I would offer you water since you've been teaching my daughter soccer but honestly you can choke," Demi chuckled, lightly pushing him to the side.

She looked up just in time to see Jadore happily skipping to the pool, so she had to abandon Odell to run and grab her. The pool wasn't that deep and Jadore had already taken swimming lessons but Demi didn't let her kids swim without her supervision.

"Hey, you know we don't go into the pool by ourselves," Demi said as she swept Jadore into her arms and carried her back inside of the house. Muse decided to follow her. Nicolas was out with Cristo for the afternoon.

"Mommy, I want water," Muse said as she dropped the soccer ball in the kitchen.

"Okay, then get some, sweetie. And please take your soccer ball to the garage. I don't want it all over the house," Demi said. She watched Muse roll her eyes, grab a bottle of water, and then disappear into the garage. Jadore had started to whine because it was around her nap time, and she couldn't help but laugh as she saw the look on Odell's face.

"Lauren told you she was ready to have kids, right?" Demi teased him.

"And I'm honestly not there yet. With that being said, I'm heading out. Talk to your mans. Don't be a drama queen. You're grown," Odell reminded her. He walked around the counter and gave her a kiss on the cheek, said bye to Jadore, and then he was out the door.

theshaderoom: Cristo Ghesquiere, husband of Demi Lovato-Ghesquiere was spotted out at the Los Angeles Farmer's Market with his son Nicolas and a mystery woman! The pictures are innocent enough, but who is that woman and does Demi approve? 🤨

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