The Stolen Ship • Jim Hawkins...

By VioletMoon05

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This is a Jim Hawkins x Reader and this is the sequel to, "Voyage". (Y/n) and Jim are attending the interste... More

• Chapter 1 •
• Chapter 2 •
• Chapter 3 •
• Chapter 4 •
• Chapter 5 •
• Chapter 6 •
• Chapter 7 •
• Chapter 8 •
• Chapter 9 •
• Chapter 10 •
• Chapter 11 •
• Chapter 12 •
• Chapter 13 •
• Chapter 14 •
• Chapter 15 •
• Chapter 16 •
• Chapter 17 •
• Chapter 18 •
• Chapter 19 •
• Chapter 20 •
• Chapter 21 •
• Chapter 22 •
• Chapter 23 •
• Chapter 25 •
• Chapter 26 •
• Chapter 27 •
• Chapter 28 •
• Chapter 29 •
• Chapter 30 •
• Chapter 31 •
• Chapter 32 •
• Chapter 33 •
• Chapter 34 •
• Chapter 35 •

• Chapter 24 •

655 23 32
By VioletMoon05

We were all still sitting patiently around these small candles. The dim light was making me feel a little drowsy. The shock of the whole situation had somewhat passed now. We were going to have to wait until the screams stopped because that would mean the creatures are gone.

The situation was annoying but somehow I liked sitting here. Just sitting. My drowsiness and the chat amongst us was drowning out the screaming. I was with my friends, not thinking about anything else but how tired I was. It was somehow peaceful...very nice...and..quiet..

~James' P.O.V.~
She had been leaning against me for a while now but I had just felt the weight of her become a little heavier. I looked down to see her eyes heavy, almost closed. She was so tired. I wanted to try and take off my coat so I could put it around her. I was awkwardly trying to pull it off without waking her.

"Hey" a whisper came. "Here." Tom said holding out his old scraggly patched jacket, he smiled ever so slightly. I guess that was pretty nice of him. I took the jacket from his hand and placed it over Y/n, just so she wouldn't get cold whilst we were still waiting down here.

From then on we all spoke quietly so we wouldn't wake her up. We didn't talk about much, just the plans for the rest of the voyage. There wasn't much to talk about, only Silver and I really knew each other, having Tom there was a bit awkward especially because of all the animosity between us.

I had to shush Silver every now and then because he would get a bit too into his stories, and forget to keep his voice down. All of a sudden, it was really quiet. The only thing I could hear was Y/n mumbling in her sleep. The sirens, they must've gone. The quiet was kind of eerie now, after having the screeching non-stop for so long.

"Do you want me to help carry her up Jimbo?" Silver asked me, obviously referring to Y/n, who was still in a deep sleeping using my arm as her pillow.

"No thanks, don't worry. I got her." I carefully picked her up and made my way up the stairs, it was a little hard trying to get all the way to the cabin with her in my arms but I made it. Without waking her at that.

I laid her down in her hammock, took off her shoes then took Tom's jacket, replacing it with her blanket. I made sure she at least looked comfortable then creeped back, trying not to make a sound. She did stir slightly but she was still asleep nonetheless. I walked around to Tom and handed his jacket back.

"Thanks man." I whispered.

"Hey, no bother. Jim, are we good now?" Tom questioned, he almost seemed a little scared to ask.

"I guess, if Y/n doesn't have a problem with you...yea we're fine, for now." I extended my hand. He took it and shook it firmly. We both nodded and headed to sleep.

It's weird how when you're in dangerous situations, it can bring you together. Fear is a really strange thing.

  。 。 。

~Y/n's P.O.V.~
The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was morph floating extremely close to my face. It shocked me but only momentarily, as I sat up he moved further away. He quickly snuggled into my face I hugged him back.

I heard James chuckle from beside me, "I think he was worried about you, after everything that happened yesterday."

"Oh good morning James" I smiled. Then the realisation washed over me, how did I end up in the cabin, the sirens, is everyone safe now. "Wait-" I was about to ask all these questions I had running around my brain.

"(Y/n) before you ask, You fell asleep on me, the sirens eventually left, everyone's ok and I carried you up to bed." he said before I was even able to ask one question.

"How did you know that's what I was going to ask?" I marvelled.

"Well it's what I would've wanted to know." He shrugged.

I could see Morph doing something out of the corner of my eye so I turned to face him and he had morphed into me but asleep, mouth wide open and snoring. "Morph stop, you're making me look stupid on purpose, right Jim?" I laughed.

"I don't know what to tell you (Y/n), that's what you look like." He said with a completely straight face. Silence fell upon us but it didn't last long because we both burst out laughing. Morph seemed very pleased with himself after making us genuinely laugh.

  。 。 。

After a day we were extremely close to this shortcut. We would arrive at the shortcut at the end of tomorrow, then it would be a day until we get to botany bay. The days that passed were filled with anticipation. Jim had seemed to accept Tom as our friend. The three of us had actually become weirdly close. It was something that I didn't really expect.

James was off helping Silver with some of the navigational stuff, it'd be really handy to have B.E.N. around. I really miss him, and my aunt and doppler. It's been a while since i've seen any of them.

I was standing next to Tom, who was mopping up. We were just chatting about things, nothing interesting really. We were mostly just filling the silence. One of the crew members coughed, and Tom looked over at him.

The crew member was gesturing towards something I turned to see what it was when Tom had pulled me in and kissed me. I heard someone shout my name but I too confused to even comprehend who it was. My brain went completely blank. My eyes opened wide with shock and I pulled back as fast as I could. What in the world had just happened...

~ James' P.O.V. ~
As we were making sure we were on course, Silver stopped for a minute and pondered.

"Jimbo, my boy. You trust me don't ya?" Silver said taking a seat. "Cmon, sit down." He was acting strange.

"Uh yeah." I said hesitantly because I had no idea where this was going. "What's this about Silver, why are you being weird?" I laughed nervously.

"See Jimbo, I could use your help." Silver replied.

"Help with what Silver? Just spit it out." I said just wanting to know what was going on.

"Jimbo you trust me, and I trust you. I know there's something in you that still loves the idea of being a pirate just like the great Captain Flint." He said a mischievous glimmer in eye. "Me thinks that you and me could take that big fancy ship for ourselves." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, apparently it was obvious that I was in shock because Silver quickly added, "Jimbo, I know your shocked but just imagine the great adventures we'd have on that there Centurion. I could use a man like you." He pleaded.

"I really thought you'd changed." I laughed dryly. I quickly got up, to leave and tell (Y/n). I was surprised Silver didn't try to stop me.

I heard him talking to himself faintly whilst I closed the door. "I shouldn't have said anything." through a sigh same from inside.

I ran quickly to tell (Y/n) so we could figure out what to do. She was stood over talking to Tom. Tom glanced over at me just before I shouted "(Y/n)!". That's when I saw it, I couldn't believe my eyes. They were kissing?! I honestly feel like my heart shattered. I didn't know how to react. I can't believe she would do this.

That's the moment I made my decision. I ran back towards Silver. He was already walking towards me, "Jimbo, I was only codding ya, my boy-".

"Silver, i'll do it. I'll help you." He looked really confused at my sudden switch up. It didn't matter, if (Y/n) is planning on leaving, i'll get there first.

"What?" he asked.

"You heard me." I said. I was just full of rage and sadness.

"Oh well, right. We'll talk later so." Silver replied.

"James! James!" I heard coming from behind me. I turned to see (Y/n) running towards me, I turned straight back around, I didn't even want to look at her.

"Don't call me James!" I called back angrily. I kept walking towards Silvers small stateroom. She eventually caught up with me.

"James, you don't understand-" she started breathlessly.

"Oh I understand." I laughed bitterly. "And it's Jim to you." I stepped into the stateroom and slammed the door.

"Jim please, let me explain." She shouted from the other side of the door.

"(Y/n) I don't want to hear it, leave me alone." I yelled back. She sighed and began to walk away. Every second the sound of her footsteps got fainter, was every second I got closer to breaking down. When the sound disappeared I leaned against to sort and slid down to the floor. Head in hands, I couldn't stop the tears. It was too much. Too much was happening.

~ Silver's P.O.V. ~
"Jimbo" I said knocking softy on the closed door. I heard him pull himself from the ground, and he opened up the door.

Poor craythur was standing, looking up at me with puffy bloodshot eyes. I put my arms out and brought him into a tight hug. I didn't know what the hug was for but it was clear he needed it. He explained everything to me, I don't know what had possessed (N/n) to do such a thing. I s'pose time will tell.

  。 。 。

A knock came at my door. "Come on in." In my stepped (Y/n), looking fairly similar to Jim, in the way that she'd obviously been crying. "Ah (Y/n) darling, why would you do that to our poor Jimbo?"

"Silver please, he won't talk to me. Can you at least listen to my side of the story? and then maybe talk some sense into him" she pleaded.

I gestured for her to sit down in front of my desk. "Go on then." I sighed. "I've only heard what Jimbo seen, couldn't hurt to hear the other side."

"I-I it wasn't even my fault. Tom just kissed me out of nowhere. We were just talking, and he just- I don't know why he did it. He won't talk to me and explain why, and even worse Jim thinks that I wanted to do it. Like it was a choice, he won't even speak to me." She rambled on.

"It's hard to believe you, i'll admit. If you really want me to I can tell Jim, i'll do my best but I can't guarantee it'll change anything. You've really hurt him." I explained to her.

~ (Y/n)'s P.O.V. ~
I felt a small bit relieved that Silver was going to try to help. "Thank you Silver. It means a lot." I smiled weakly and pulled myself up off the chair to leave. I put my hand on the door handle to open the door up. Just before I could turn it the door opened, I stumbled forward slightly and looked up to see James staring down at me.

I smiled up at him, but he just looked at me with complete disgust. He really hated me. I felt my stomach twinge at the sight of his angry eyes. I quickly slid past him and ran out. I went to find Tom but I couldn't find him anywhere. Hiding from Jim no doubt, Jim would probably kill him if he got too close.

I decided that i'd wait for James to come out of the stateroom. I sat down and pulled my knees up to my chest because it was quite chilly. I couldn't really hear anything coming from inside the room. I eventually started to nod off but I wasn't completely asleep.

The opening door of the stateroom woke me up, as I looked up James was walking towards the cabins. I jumped to feet and ran over to him in hopes that he'd believed my side of the story.

"Jim?" I asked quietly as I caught up. He was walking really fast and I was trying my best to keep up.

"What do you want (Y/n)?" He asked, the bitterness had still not left his tone of voice.

"Are we ok now?" I questioned hesitantly.

"What you mean are we ok now?" He scoffed. "(Y/n) I just can't be around you right now." Jim sighed.

"Oh..." I replied and stopped trying to keep up, he kept walking into the cabin. Even after hearing what actually happened he still hates me.

(A/n) This changed Pov's a lot, I hope it wasn't too confusing lmao

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