
By Medianoki

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(Imperium Saga, Book 3) One year following the start of the war, Edith is faced with a fresh set of challenge... More

Chapter 1: A Promise Broken
Chapter 2: Faceless Enemy
Chapter 3: Blamed
Chapter 4: Devil's Advocate
Chapter 5: With Your Embrace
Chapter 7: Mayor
Chapter 8: The Ones We Left Behind
Chapter 9: Family
Chapter 10: To The Wind
Chapter 11: Undefinable
Chapter 12: The Risks We Must Take
Chapter 13: Hell Bent
Chapter 14: Passage of Time
Chapter 15: Humanity
Chapter 16: Revolution
Chapter 17: The Mind

Chapter 6: Shared Burden

69 5 0
By Medianoki

Regan rushes over and opens the door to his operating room where he fixed CLive over a year ago. He holds it open for CLive and Edith and shuts it behind them before walking over to the terminal, powering it on, and beginning to type on the keypad. He then turns and walks over to the table across from the large window and picks up a black and blue band.

He looks at CLive and hands it to him. "Here, put this on. Then we can get started," he says and returns to the terminal. CLive studies the band curiously.

"What is this?" he asks.

Regan chuckles. "Right. Should've started with that. Just put it around your head, and it will monitor your emotion levels. That's what we need to make an implant based on your emotions," he explains.

CLive nods and slips the band onto his head. He eyes Regan and crosses his arms. "Alright, now what?" he asks.

Regan keeps his eyes on the terminal. "Now, to collect enough energy for the implant, I'm going to need your emotions to spike..." he says as he keeps typing.

Edith and CLive jump and stand tense with panicked eyes trained on Regan. "What?!" Edith shudders.

Regan quickly turns around and looks at their paled faces. He gasps and shakes his head, holding up his hands. "Oh no. No that is not what I meant! I just mean I need you to have a sudden burst of emotion! I didn't mean... I'm sorry, I forgot that you... What you went through to become what you are... Please, I'm sorry." He looks away.

CLive and Edith release their breaths and relax a bit. Edith glares at Regan. "It's fine, just... Maybe word it better next time."

Regan nods and looks back to the terminal. "I... I will. Again, I'm sorry..." He clears his throat. "Now... Unfortunately, that didn't count as a burst of emotions as I hadn't started the detector yet. It's going now, so just feel something very strongly and suddenly," he says.

CLive nods. "Alright, just let me think..." He looks away. Regan shakes his head.

"No! No thinking. That would make the implant be a mental link. We need emotion. Don't think, just feel," he explains and keeps his attention on the terminal. There are a few blue bars that rise and fall as they mimic the glow from the band on CLive.

Edith watches as CLive struggles to feel a sudden emotion and purses her lips, narrowing her eyes on him as she thinks. "...Regan. Can it be just any emotion?" she asks and looks at him. Regan nods.

"Yes! So long as it is strong and sudden, it will work!"

Edith slowly nods as she looks down and bites her lip, resisting a smile. CLive stares at her.

"Doll? What is it?" he asks.

She takes a deep breath. "CLive..." She meets his eyes. "...I'm pregnant."

The blue band illuminates bright as his face completely pales. "What?!" he shouts. Regan claps and quickly types into the keypad.

"It worked! I—Wait, what?" He turns and looks back at Edith as well.

She can't resist the hysterical laugh that escapes her at seeing CLive's face. "I'm kidding! I'm sorry, CLive! But, hey, it worked!" She walks towards him and pulls him into a big hug as she sees the fear physically leave his body. Despite the small amount of guilt for scaring him, she can't stop laughing giddily.

He growls and drops back to lean against the metal bed behind him, leaving her arms. He puts his hand over his EPC and takes deep breaths. "Wait, but we've never even—"

He stares at her as she laughs more, pulling him back into her hug. "I'm sorry, CLive!" She pats him on the back.

He shakes his head and pushes her off him. "Nope. I will never forgive you for this. My God, Edith... You almost gave me a heart attack and I don't even have a heart..." He breathes heavily as he calms himself down.

"I love you! I'm sorry!" Edith giggles and sidles up to him again, trapping him in her arms for the third time. He huffs and looks away.

"No you're not." He frowns.

Edith pouts and leans back to look at him. "Hey, it's not my fault you're so cute when you're flustered!" she teases.

He growls and shakes his head. "I'm putting you in the Roomba next chance I get," he deadpans.

Edith shakes her head as well. "No!"

CLive sighs and looks to Regan. "Did you get it?" he grumbles.

He nods and looks back at them, holding up a small chip he pulled from the side of the terminal. "I did! And Edith, that was genius. Good work!" He laughs.

Edith giggles more and leans up towards CLive's face to give him a loving kiss on the cheek. "I love you~." She resists laughing more.

He sighs. "Love you too..." he says begrudgingly. Regan smiles.

"Don't worry, CLive. Karma is going to catch up with her now." He returns to the table and opens a silver case. Inside, he pulls out the implant gun they stole from Yastra a year ago that he never got the chance to use.

Edith groans. "It's going to give me a migraine again, isn't it?" She slumps down.

Regan nods. "Afraid so... However, it shouldn't be as bad as the first time now that your body knows what to expect. So at least there's that," he says.

Edith sighs and looks down. "Right... I've done this before..." She takes a deep breath. Regan inserts the chip into the device and powers it on.

CLive rubs her back in gentle circles. "You know... You don't have to do this... We can find another way..." he says softly.

Edith shakes her head. "No. I want to do this. A headache will go away eventually, but you are forever." She nods to reassure herself.

"But... the Pull doesn't go away. I told you what it feels like... Are you sure you—" He's cut off as she gives him a tender kiss. She leans back and smiles at him.

"I'm positive," she says sweetly.

He sighs and nods. "Okay... If you're sure." They both look at Regan. He watches Edith.

"Are you ready?" he asks. Edith takes another deep breath and nods.

"Yes. I'm ready." She jumps up onto the metal bed and sits stiffly, trying to relax her body. She pulls her hair back and moves it off to the side to rest on her shoulder, giving Regan a clear shot of her neck.

CLive grabs her hand and squeezes it comfortingly. She sucks in a breath and closes her eyes tight as the cold metal device touches her skin. The device lets out a soft 'beep' and then there is a sharp impact hitting her neck, leaving a sting in place as the device pulls away. Edith winces and tightens her face, painfully holding her neck. She feels as the agonizing familiar burning sensation engulfs her skull, pulsing violently with every movement.

CLive's face shifts to concern and he leans forward to look at her. He sees the pain on her face and sighs regretfully. "...Doll? Are you okay...? he asks softly. She tries to nod, but the movement tugs on the pain and she lets out a weak whine.

"...I'm fine... It's not as bad as with Thor..." She breathes sharply, keeping her eyes shut tight. CLive rubs her back again and looks at Regan.

"How long will it last?" he asks, keeping his voice lowered. Regan sets the device back in the silver case and shuts it.

"It shouldn't take too long. Maybe an hour, two at most. Relaxing will help. The pain will go away once her body is used to the new feeling. Edith, since this link is emotional, I would say, expect there to possibly be a pain in your EPC as well. But luckily, you won't begin feeling CLive's emotions or the Pull until the pain goes away, as that is when your body has accepted the change," he explains quietly.

Edith nods slightly. "...Good to know..." She grits her teeth and slowly opens her eyes to squint at them against the light.

CLive smiles guiltily at her. "How about a warm bath, like last time? The dark and candles should help you relax and feel better..." he suggests.

Edith smiles back. "I'd like that..." she says.

Regan nods. "Right. While you're doing that, I will begin writing up all you've told me about these Cogency Elites and the Dominion. With any luck, I'll hopefully find something in my old notes. But it's unlikely."

CLive nods back. "Sounds good. C'mon, doll... I'll walk you up there," he says and helps her slide off the metal bed.

She weakly nods. "Okay..."

CLive leads Edith up the stairs and to the end of the hallway, up to the door that leads into the bathing room. He grabs the knob and pushes it open, letting the soothing lavender scent slowly spill out into the hallway.

He smiles and watches her. "I'm... I'm sure you'll feel better after this... And, please if there's anything at all I can do... Please let me know. I feel horrible that you're suffering for me..." He gently brushes his hand over her cheek.

She smiles up at him painfully. "Don't... This was my choice, and I don't regret it. This will be worth it when the Pull hurts you less," she says.

CLive stares at her. "I hope you aren't doing this because of our fight... If so, you know I already forgave you..." he says softly.

Edith shakes her head and winces. "No. I'm doing this because I love you." She cups his cheek. He smiles and sighs.

"Right... Now, I'll... I'll leave you to relax. And... Thank you... for doing this for me." He lightly kisses the top of her head.

He goes to turn away, but she catches him in a hug. "Wait... You said... To let you know if there's anything you can do, right?" she asks.

He looks back at her and nods. "Yes. Of course, anything. Just name it," he says. Edith clears her throat and looks up at him, biting her lip.

"Would you... Relax with me? I want to keep talking to you... It helps," she asks.

He tenses and holds his breath. "Wait, you mean..." He looks to the bathing room. "With you, in... there?" he squeaks out.

Edith grins and nods. "We can have our backs turned if you want... But I just... Your voice helps me relax... You don't have to, but... If you want..."

CLive chuckles and nods. "Of course. Anything to make you feel better," he says. She grabs his hand and turns to enter the dark, candle-lit bathing room with him following. He shuts the door behind them and smiles at her. She chuckles at his nervousness and gives him another kiss on his cheek.

"I'll look away, don't worry," she says and steps back.

He nods. "Alright... Thanks." He smiles and takes a deep breath.

They both turn away from each other as they undress and grab towels. They get into one of the large baths, keeping their backs turned. The water feels exactly as Edith remembers, the perfect balance of warm and hot that instantly eases her nerves. She sighs happily. "Thank you, CLive... This means a lot to me. I know how self-conscious you are... Especially around me," she says quietly.

He smiles. "Don't mention it, doll. This is nothing compared to what you're doing for me. I... Sometimes feel like I don't deserve you... I don't really know how to accept all the kindness you've given me..." He chuckles meekly.

"Well, you're going to have to get used to it, CLive. I fell for you by choice, so I think I have a say in whether or not you deserve it. I love you, and that's that."

CLive nods with his smile and takes a deep breath. "You know... I don't think you realize how lucky I count myself to be able to hear you say that..." He looks down.

Edith cocks a brow. "What do you mean?"

CLive sighs. "I remember the moment I started feeling something more than friendship towards you. It was the night after we left Sage... You and I had gotten into a fight because I was too scared to tell you the truth about what you were... It was the first time your emotions caused you harm..." He closes his eyes and smiles as he remembers.

"Then, later that night, you came back and talked to me... I told you about Autumn... You showed that you actually cared about me as more than just an asset for getting you home. You... asked me if I had a heartbeat... Then you... you listened for it and told me that I did. That I was alive, not as a machine but as a real person... Looking at you then... I felt something change. I thought it would go away by morning, but it didn't. It was still there, but I didn't understand it, not until that night in Idyll, before everything happened, when I talked to Regan about it..." He chuckles meekly again.

"I didn't exactly have time to tell you, either. As later that night... Idyll fell. I couldn't tell you, after what happened... I remember the pain, and seeing you crying and wanting to help me... Then there was nothing. The next thing I know, I'm waking up in the Citadel to Regan and the others... And to find out that you were learning the truth... I thought you hated me." He opens his eyes again.

"CLive..." Edith whispers.

"It's okay... I know now that you didn't. That you don't hold my lie against me. And I am so damn grateful for that. So I just want you to know, thank you, doll. For letting me love you despite everything I did."

Edith smiles and closes her eyes, leaning back against him. She feels him tense for a moment, but he eases into her touch, relaxing at feeling her back against his own despite being unable to see her. "CLive, you're an emotional mess." She chuckles softly. "And I love you for it."

He closes his eyes as well. Somehow forgetting about his anxieties he was feeling when they first came in here. Somehow Edith always manages to help him just feel comfortable as himself, and with who he is. She did that night by the road, and to this day she still does. But he can't help but feel that these anxieties are holding her back. Not just her, but both of them.

"Doll... Your little, um... Trick you pulled down there got me thinking..." he starts, unsure of exactly how to follow up.

"Hm? What, you mean how I got your emotions up?" She giggles lightly, already feeling her headache lessening.

CLive chuckles low and nods. "Yeah... That."

"I really am sorry for that. I didn't mean to—" she's cut off as she feels him grab her hand below the water. She waits for him to talk, unsure of exactly what he's getting at. But her curiosity is definitely peaked.

CLive clears his throat. "I've always been... Insecure about intimacy. Maybe it's because I don't have a mind that I lack confidence. I don't know... but..."

"CLive, I love you as you are. I would never be upset if you didn't want intimacy. You don't have to worry about that with me." She smiles, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.

He sighs and keeps his head down. "It's not that I don't want it, it's just that I... I don't know... I guess I don't really know what I'm trying to say... Just one more thing that would take time to think about, I guess..." he says, sounding a bit frustrated at his lack of a mind.

"So... are you saying that you do want it...?" Edith asks slyly.

CLive clears his throat. "I... So, how's your head feeling? Any better than before?" he asks.

Edith rolls her eyes and grins, ignoring his poor attempt at changing the subject. A subject that he brought up no less. "Yes. I'm feeling much better. Thank you, I think talking has helped me forget about the pain," she says.

He smiles as well. "We should get out, then. It's probably getting pretty late and we need rest," he says. Edith shrugs.

"I guess so. I've already gotten my sleep for the week, so I'm fine. But I'll never say no to a cuddle if you're offering." She chuckles.

He laughs lightly. "Always. I'll get out first and get covered, then I'll look away while you do the same," he says and slowly stands up. Edith nods and keeps her eyes away as he gets out and wraps himself up in the towel. "Alright, it's safe," he says.

Edith gets up and sees him standing by the door with his back turned. She smiles at him and wraps herself in her towel as well, then grabbing her clothes into her arms and dropping them in the laundry hamper by the towel rack, but she holds onto the bandana. "All clear," she says.

He slowly turns around and smiles at her. "C'mon. Let's go get dressed," he says and opens the door, stepping aside for her to go first.

She smiles back at him and exits out into the hallway. He gently shuts the door behind them as he follows her towards the guest room she stayed in when they were last here over a year ago. He opens the door for her again and she rolls her eyes with a grin, entering the room. Right away, she sees the two fresh sets of clothes neatly folded on the bed. More comfortable sleepwear by the looks of it.

She sighs happily. "Once again, Regan insists on parenting us." She grins and walks over to the bed, examining the clothes for her. Light blue silk pajama pants and a soft white cotton tank top. Edith smiles. "We can keep our backs turned as we get dressed as well if you want," she says and starts unfolding the clothes.

CLive is still standing beside the door across the room. He nods to himself as he slowly shuts it, taking a deep breath. He can feel his EPC beating fast and the heat rising in his cheeks, but he fights his nerves with another deep breath and speaks before he can convince himself otherwise.

"Edith, wait," CLive says softly but has to force the words out.

Edith turns and glances back at him. "Yes?" she asks. He stares at her.

He clears his throat. "Before you get dressed... There's... something I want to say." He nervously twitches his fingers but manages to keep his eyes on her.

Edith looks at him sideways. "Can't it wait until after we're dressed?" she asks. He sighs.

"It could, but... This makes it easier."

She cocks a brow and grins a little. "Okay, now I'm curious. What is it?" she asks and crosses her arms, leaning her back against the wooden pole of the bed's canopy.

CLive takes another deep breath. "It's just... Back there, I... didn't answer you. You asked me if I wanted intimacy and you let me change the subject... But..."

"CLive, it's okay. You don't need to be ashamed of not wanting that. I completely understand that you—"

CLive shakes his head. "No, that's not it... I think... No, I know... I do want it. I'm ready for it." He glances away from her for a moment. Edith pushes off from the wooden pole and stands straight with a small sharp intake of air. CLive chuckles nervously.

"I'm just going to ignore how excited you looked when I said that."

She takes a deep breath of her own and steps towards him. "CLive... Are you sure you want this? There's no pressure for you to be ready if you're not yet."

He nods and smiles at her. "...I'm positive."

Edith nods slowly and walks towards him, stopping directly in front of him and cupping his face in her hands. He gently grabs her wrist and holds her by her waist.

"Doll..." He bites his lip. "...Do you want to make love with me?"

She accidentally lets out a small squeak and looks down, her cheeks turning pink.

He tilts his head at her. "What is it?"

She quietly giggles and looks back up at him. "How is it possible that even the way you ask for sex is adorable?" she teases.

He pouts with a smile. "Shut up." He chuckles. She peers up at him and shrugs.

"Make me."

He rolls his eyes and leans down to kiss her softly. She wraps her arms around his shoulders as they slowly begin moving back towards the bed.

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