A Broken Mirror Of Ourselves...

By hellowolf2

117K 3.2K 123

Harry always knew that he didn't deserve any of the fame or praise that is towards him because they truly don... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 4

7.2K 182 6
By hellowolf2

Harry- I get stopped by the twins on the way to my next class which luckily was Divination anyway, so nothing new is going to happen there anyway which I have been skipping anyway practically for the start of the year. They drag me into an abandoned classroom which they luckily got me before Granger and Weasley notice, seeing as they have been stalking me not like Ginny of course but to keep an eye on me because apparently I have been playing up recently which what do you expect because can't I be myself truly for once.

I turn towards them once I seeing them make sure that no one could hear us and that the door I locked so no one else could come in. Luckily I knew that they won't hurt me and that they must have a reason behind why they dragged me into here "what is it that you too want, I can't have Granger and your little brother know that I am up to something, so this better be quick"

Fred- "don't worry we have everything covered anyway, seeing as they are off to class and we have noticed you have been skipping the lesson just those lessons though not the others which I am surprised our head of house or anyone has told you off but I bet they have other important thing to think about or to do"

George- "yeah we get it there busy, now come on Fred he wants to know why we dragged him into the room, now stop chatting and tell him"

Fred- I huff "fine, well we got sent this from Bill, he gave us one of our own a few years ago but seeing as Charlie contacted him and knew that Dumbledore probably wants to control you with not just spells but potions too especially Ginny with her love potions which we heard mother, our little sisters and Dumbledore talking about"

George- I roll my eyes putting my hands in his trousers pocket and pulling the wrapped up present out "here, open it"

Harry- I open it seeing a bracelet "let me guess protects me from spell and potions" I say when seeing the little potions cauldron charm with a potion vial charm as well which was on the other side of  a little wand charm which is between the too.

George- I nod "yeah pretty much it but our brother helped to increase everything on it adding a few things here and there because when you buy the charms well they already have the stuff on them to protect the person that getting them, so pur brother wanted to make sure it had the best of the best on it"

Harry- "where did he get them from" I see them share a look "let me guess Knockturn Alley?"

Fred- I nod "yes it was from down there, from down one of the side street that are connected to some hidden shops that can only be found when looking for them because don't want to Ministry finding the really because they try and get their hands on everything but can do much seeing as there is a contract that whatever people self is there own consequence as well as the Ministry can't get there hands on much even if it's dark arts or not, all the rules were made back even before Merlin existed, meaning that the Ministry can't change them even if they want to because they have tried but the rules always go back into place no matter what"

Harry- "must of been a powerful person who made sure they stayed in place then"

George- "yeah but no one knows who"

Harry- "not surprised, it's so no one can there hands on the family who is connected to said person, so that the Ministry can't force them ti change it"

George- "that also pretty much Dark or grey wizards can only go down Knockturn Alley"

Harry- "remember when I said to wrong, I ended up down there also saw Hagrid down there, do that mean he's either grey or dark"

Fred- "well he is half giant and all creatures are classed as Dark creature even Vella's, light Fae and more innocent creatures, like unicorn and majorty of our own familiars like cats and that"

Harry- "that's bullshit, not that I don't believe you or anything but why would a magical cat be classed as dark or a fae who is a light on who can control magic or water"

George- "agreed, that's why the dark lord wants to make a change within this world, so that creatures and none creatures are equal"

Harry- "I heard he wants to build orphanages and make sure those who are abused are taken from there families and be put into a better home where they will be give love, as well as making sure the muggles don't know about us because we might have magic but they have bombs, weapons and everything that could kill all of us and no magic will ever exist again"

Fred- "I don't see why the light side including father has an fascination with muggles"

Harry- "maybe it's nothing to do with them, he might know what they can do maybe he just fascinated by there technology and wants fo learn more about them"

Fred- "that would explain it because one time we asked to go into the muggle world and he refused saying it was a dangerous world out there"

George- "oh yeah I remember, were like what five of six at the time"

Fred- "six, we where six"

Harry- know one knows the difference between the two but if you hang around them you notice little things here and there, the both intelligent but Fred is more talkative towards things that interest him the most while George will lose patients easily and blurts things out which is out of his control because he just doesn't have a filter, Fred is Autistic while George has Adhd. One twins has freckles the other barely has none, Fred has darker hair then George, Fred is Right handed and George is mainly left handed but is Ambidextrous but all together even though they are twins they like opposite things now again even though sometimes though do dress similar but not exactly because Fred likes different material then George does but together they just go well together, if they were twins or family they would totally be lovers



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