
נכתב על ידי malfoyssbaby

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When two enemies sharing a complicated childhood start living together. Will Davina and Draco learn how to co... עוד

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 11

52 3 1
נכתב על ידי malfoyssbaby

Davina woke up in the middle of the night,she checked her white clock next to her bed. 3:30 AM ,she sighed loudly,she kicked her bed covers off of her ,when she put down her feet on the cold floor shivers went down her spine ,she quickly put on her slippers , happy with the way it shields her from the cold floor tiles.

She opened her bedroom quietly ,she didn't want Malfoy to wake up at such odd timing.

Since when do I care if Malfoy is disturbed by any noise I make..

She went to the bathroom and splashed her face with cold water to wake her up more,she knew that once she's up there is no way she would sleep again,She figured she could do some work until it was time to get ready and leave the dorm for breakfast.

She thanked Merlin that it was a Sunday,she casted a "maffilato" to the living room so she could make herself some coffee without any noise and to just curse without being heard by one annoying git.

After her coffee was done ,she picked it up and went back to her room to read that book Hermione wanted to discuss.It was a really old copy she thought it must be the original one from the cracked spine and worn out parchment,she started reading it focusing into the black inked words to find anything useful ,there was nothing in it that was important just thoughts of some old guy.

She checked her clock again. It was 4:15, it's been forty-five minutes reading nonsense she already knew about the first wizarding war and Voldermort but no mention of Bellatrix of any sort,she frowned at that,she started to play with her hair to ease her nerves and her other hand she was picking her cuticles- a habit she picked when she was younger-,she was done with half of the book ,she encouraged herself that she might find anything relevant in the last pages just like the latest book she had read.

And she was right,the last page of the old book there was a message or some kind of addition of some kind,she had to read it multiple times to understand what it meant,it reminded her of the way Dumbledore gives information to Harry. Cryptic and mysterious ,a riddle if she must say.

'Bellatrix Lestrange is great strategist with great ambition to take back the wizarding world from under the muggle ministry, she may have been Tom's favorite but she was one of the reasons for his fall'

There were so many explanations to this hidden message , what does he mean by she was a reason for his fall? What could Lestrange do to earn the title of Voldermorts favorite? Why was she not mentioned in the book?.

Her head was spinning with all the theories and thoughts ,she picked her journal up from her drawer .She always liked to write down her thoughts so she could never forget them and look back at them in times of need , She had the same journal since she was a kid ,it was a gift from Malfoy on her eighth birthday ,it was a grey journal with little colored birds painted by hand across it all.She had to charm it every now and then to add more pages so it doesn't run out.

She also likes to write with a muggle-like self inking quill called a pen ,because she's afraid that the ink would ruin its beautiful,white parchment.What she doesn't admit is how much easier writing with a pen is.

She wrote down her thoughts about the whole Bellatrix situation with the quote from the book and her interaction with Malfoy's friends ,and a little bit about her feelings regarding her Mother's absence.

It took five pages and forty minutes,she got dressed in some comfortable clothing because its only Hermione and breakfast,She paired a light blue blouse with some grey sweatpants and white shoes and headed out with the book tucked between her arm.

To her surprise Malfoy was sitting on -his- the couch sipping what smelled like coffee,he turned his hand and observed her before settling down on her eyes,he looked well rested ,his hair was messy ,he had on leg on top of the other making a triangle shape gap with white pajama pants and a grey shirt,his eyes were shining like a diamond with his usual smirk planted on his face.

"Rushing out I see?"

"Yeah I have somewhere to be" ,she tucked a loose hair behind her ear and started walking to the door.

"No coffee?" He asked her with a surprised tone to his voice.

"I got up pretty early and had some ,surprised you care" She shot him a smirk just like his ,Malfoy is rubbing off on me she thought.

"Ah don't think too much about it Claire, I got up an hour ago" He was accusing her of lying of some sort because his tone wasn't playful nor witty ,he was stating a fact.

"I have been up since three in the morning" She rolled her eyes ,she was done with the conversation.

"Didn't hear you make coffee" He lifted his eyebrow at her and looked her up and down again.

"I don't have time for your accusations Malfoy ,I casted a silencing charm on the room so I wouldn't wake you up" She turned her back and headed out before he spits some other rubbish from his mouth.


Hermione was standing beside the great halls entrance ,she greeted Davina and asked her how her night was, Davina didn't tell her that she spent it with Malfoy's friends of course ,but she told her it was nice , they made small conversation before Hermione asked Davina if she found anything important in the book.

"We should get Harry and Ron" Davina walked with Hermione side by side to the Gryffindor table,Blaise shot her a smile which she returned and Pansy waved her hand which Davina also returned.

"Since when do they greet you" Harry asked Davina but his eyes were glued to the Slytherin table.

"They're nice Harry" She smiled to reassure Harry and he quickly softened his eyes and smiled back at the witch next to him."Anyway I found something".

All of the trio's eyes were on her,Ron had his mouth full of food but she chewed fast to lean in and listen to what Davina is going to say, Hermione drank some water and leaned in too and Harry looked at her waiting.

"So the entire book was useless" She started but Ron interrupted her "Is that what you found?"

"Shut up and let me continue Ronald" He shut his mouth almost immediately "But,the last page contained this message of some kind. Wait, I have it written" She looked at the book in her hand but it was the wrong one ,she rolled her eyes ,how did I pick this up? "I have to go back to my room to get it but- sorry i'm rambling but it was something about Bellatrix is the reason for Toms fall" ,She didn't say Voldemort because Tom sounded more fitting.

"What?" Harry scratched the back of his head when Hermione said "The books i read didn't have anything like that".

"Yeah well probably because it's a newer edition , Wait let me grab my notes and come back" , She stood up ,fixed her shirt that was showing her back and started walking to the door.

"DAVINA!" It was a voice she recognised ,a female one ,she turned around to find Pansy trying to catch her breath.

"I didn't take you to a morning person Pansy" She smirked at her with a hint of mischief.

"I'm not I'm not but fucking Blaise dragged me from my room to have breakfast" Pansy rolled her eyes "Going somewhere?"

"Yeah back to my room I forgot to grab something"

"Can I join you?" Pansy's tone was soft and calming ,exactly the opposite of how she sounds when she mocks Harry or shouts at Blaise.

"Yeah" The two girls started walking back to Davina and Draco's dorm ,They were talking and laughing about how Blaise literally dragged Pansy out of bed ,Davina felt more calm with Pansy's storytelling than Hermione but she would never admit that out loud or to anyone because they both are different people with different talking styles.

"DRACO" Pansy yelled right after they reached the dorm ,Malfoy jolted up from his seat at the couch and he said something under his breath that none of the girls caught.

"So you're friends with Claire now Pansy?" He corrected his seating position and glared at Pansy but she knew it was meant for her.

"Yeah so what?" Pansy looked at Davina "We're friends now right?" She smiled sweetly.

"Of Course we are why wouldn't we?, Davina couldn't contain her smile which flashed her white teeth at the mention of Pansy calling her 'her friend'.

"One night with her is all it took?" He raised his brows in suspension.

"Don't talk about me as I'm not here" She gave Malfoy a glare and head to her room ,she took out her journal forgetting that Malfoy would recognise it.

When she went out of her room clutching the journal ,Pansy was waiting for her near the door and Malfoy was cleaning his coffee mug using magic of course. Spoiled brat.

"I got what I needed ,Do you wanna stay here until I come back?".Davina stood face to face with Pansy ,ignoring how Malfoy was looking at the journal between her hands.

"When will you be back?"

Davina's eyes were wandering around Pansy before she answered her ,estimating how long she will stay with the trio."Like twenty?".

"Alright then Draco isn't that bad to wait twenty minutes with but any second after that I would explode" Pansy chuckled and Davina laughed softly while Malfoy scoffed.

"Mutual feelings Parkinson" He smirked , Davina went out of the dorm and went back again to join her friends.


She sat next to Harry "Here I got it" She opened her journal on the page she wanted and started reading out the message and her assumptions about the situation ,Harry was nodding with agreement with every theory Davina brought up while Hermione was thinking about all of the information.

"Do you think we could get our hands on an old copy of The Daily Prophet?" Harry questioned ,eyes focused on Hermione.

"I think dad can help us" Ron said with food still stuffed in his mouth which Davina giggled to ,he was adorable really.

"Okay brillant"

The four of them walked out of the great hall when Ron suggested that they should go to The Three Broomsticks in the evening ,they all agreed to meet at Harry's dorm at four to leave together and have a butterbeer or two, they waved goodbye and walked their different paths to their dorm rooms.


"Hey I hope I didn't take long" Davina in fact didn't take twenty minutes her discussion with the trio took thirteen and her walk back took four.

"No not at all , we were thinking about going out to have butterbeer in the evening wanna join?" Pansy was full of excitement.

"Oh" Davina was already going out with her friends tonight, to the same place "I'm going with the trio actually" She declined sadly , because she truly enjoyed her time with the Slytherins she felt accepted and loved,they listen to each other and throw funny comments.

But,she also enjoyed her time with the trio ,it does get exhausting sometimes having to share little details about her life without actually saying anything out of line whether it was about her upbringing life before Hogwarts or simply her feelings.She loves them but she doubts her place in their hearts quite often.

"Shame" Pansy said in a low voice that Davina registered as disappointed ,she did want to spend time with them ,laugh until her stomach ached or listened to them bickering about professors ,her time with them was short but her judgment for them was gone ,one night it took for her to consider them good company.

Malfoy was sitting listening to the conversation between the two girls but said nothing,Davina really wanted Malfoy to say something about her joining them but as always he never did.

"What about we do something afterwards?" Davina suggested with a small smile on her face when she saw Pansy's face light with joy and excitement to the idea she brought.

"Merlin yes! Blaise's dorm is the perfect place ,what do you think Draco?" , Malfoy didn't have to say anything but Davina caught up with the way his face changed color if that was even possible , she sensed his discomfort with the idea ,his body language was enough for Davina to know that her presence with his friends is not welcome, her eyes starting wandering around the room and her was picking at her cuticles holding herself from getting too anxious about the idea she suggested.


His short simple answer had many answers hidden between it, he couldn't say no because he didn't want anyone around him to think he was just rude to Davina ,he wanted to protest. She was sure about that ,why would he want me close with his friends anyway ,she thought.

Now she regrets ever bringing up the suggestion but she couldn't help it slipping out of her mouth , Pansy's face when she said she won't join them for butterbeer was enough for her to know she was welcomed to be there with the others even if she isn't welcomed by him.

"We'll be back at about seven? Do you want me to come pick you up?"

"No it's alright ,I'll just go straight to Blaise's"


After about an hour Davina found herself cuddled up on -her- the couch with a blanket wrapped around her and a book about Charms between her petite hands.Malfoy didn't talk to her but he also sat in silence on -his- the couch with a book and parchment between his ring covered hands and a quill on his ear.

She was pretty sure that both her and Malfoy were finishing up their work off next week and the week after,since both of them are fighting over 2nd place and their desire to achieve Outstandings in all future O.W.Ls.

The competition between them was fun and adrenaline infusing but with Hermione scoring 1st in every class except potions -Malfoy got 1st- and Ancient Runes -Davina got 1st- ,it took hours to finish her assignment ,she wouldn't settle for nothing but a perfectly written homework so as Malfoy.

They do this silent study session almost everyday but they never talked about it nor pushed it, an unsopken routine.Davina felt that she concentrates more doing her work in his presence because she wouldn't drift off or zone out ,it is peaceful and safe.

Davina lifted her head from the book that she was consumed in to check for the time,she panicked when she found it was fifteen minutes till four ,she got up but almost fell from how fast she stood up ,closed her book and ran to her room to get ready,she had to be decent since she will go to Blaise's after she is done with her friends.

She picked her favorite leather pants with a black top with a brown fur coat and some boots she got from this muggle store when she snuck out earlier this year,she styled her black hair in a low bun and did her makeup,a little mascara and eyeliner with brown lip liner and gloss.

She looked at her reflection bloody hell I look hot.

She had two minutes to go to Harry's dorm ,when she got out of her dorm Malfoy wasn't in the living room but his room's door was open and there was a woman's voice inside.

"-Oh Drac-oo-" The girl was moaning his name,and she heard Malfoy grunting ,the girl's voice kept getting louder and louder , she was moaning his name,gasping for air while she said faster.

"Take my dick like the slut you are" Malfoy was panting while he was thrusting his body against hers "Oh-Just like that".

Davina cursed herself while she dragged her own legs outside of the dorm ,slamming the door shut.She couldn't tell if she was aroused or disgusted by his act ,its so fucking easy to cast a bloody silencing charm or atleast fucking close your door.

She stood her back on the dorm door trying to breathe after holding it in,she wasn't an experienced witch on that matter but she knew enough about what was happening they were either having sex or oral sex she couldn't tell.

She cursed him again and again until she reached Harry's dorm, the trio were standing next to Harry's door talking. "Sorry I'm late" she put on the best and biggest smile she could manage and they returned it to her.

"Let's go shall we?" Harry wrapped his hand over Davina's shoulder and walked together while Ron and Hermione were walking close and talking about something she couldn't hear.She liked Ron with Hermione but she always felt like Hermione deserves someone who pushes her to her fullest and can challenge her but if her friend is happy then she is happy too.

"Is there something bothering you D?" Harry whispered to Davina as they were walking, Davina was surprised that Harry noticed that she was off.

"N-No why would I be?" She stuttered with her answer because there was in fact something bothering her but she didn't know if it was because of what she heard Malfoy was doing or Malfoy himself as a whole.

"Don't lie to me ,you obviously saw or heard something that has upset you" He looked at her with his green beautiful eyes and she was this close to telling him exactly what's on her mind but he would never understand.

Or that's what she thought.

"Don't worry Harry I don't get upset easily you know that" She smiled at him and pulled herself tighter against Harry.

Harry for Davina is the closest one from the trio to her,she found comfort within him and he reminded her of who she is and how much she means to him every chance he could get,he wants to see the best in her and he'd listen to her whenever they were alone and not around alot of people. She never told him about Malfoy but he knows the way she grew up and some of the difficulties she faced with her father,he even offered to stay in her house to keep her company when they'd leave Hogwarts for holidays but she never accepted mostly because she didn't want to trap him in and she knows how much he loves spending holidays at The Burrow with the Weasley's so she would never strip him out of the loving household he never had.But, of course she also never had that too.

"You can tell me anything whenever you want D ,I'll always be here for you" Harry reassured her with a kiss on her head "You look beautiful".

Davina blushed and thanked Merlin he couldn't see her face because that one compliment coming from him made her feel more confident in her own skin, "Thank you ,you look good too" She giggled.


Once they reached The Three Broomsticks it was full of life , some people were enjoying their drinks others were enjoying the company and others were laughing and knocking each other off the table.

The Slythrins were sitting on a table so far away from the table she was at but she could see some of their faces from the distance,Malfoy,Pansy and Theo were facing her way but the others had their backs facing her table.

She smiled at the happiness this place is always buzzing with,she relaxed and let the flow guide her for tonight,life has many colors but here in this place all she saw was yellow.

An hour later ,Neville and Luna joined so did the twins and Ginny.They all were making fun of each other, sharing drinks and snacks ,Neville was infront of her while Luna sat next to her ,they were catching up with each other and chatting like there was no tomorrow ,Luna was massaging Davina's hands that was a thing Luna loved to do ,she says it helps with the blood circulation and boosts some type of chemical in the brain to relax the muscles.

When the night ended ,Davina was walking with George. He was asking about her and making sure she is alright ,he told her he broke up with his girlfriend because she was mad he was paired with a girl ,they chuckled at that since everyone knows George doesn't like anyone bossing him around.

He pulled her by her waist and turned her to face him when he bent down and whispered in her ear "You look gorgeous as always darling" , she could swear that the hairs on the back of her neck stood and rushed through her spine,she felt fireworks igniting in her gut and her face was flushing. She smiled at him and stood on the tips of her toes to reach his face then she kissed his cheek.

She didn't notice the grey eyes that were watching her every move.


George dropped her off and continued his path to his own dorm,she took a quick look at her wrist. It was seven thirty no time for her to freshen up nor change to comfier clothes, she headed straight to Blaise's dorm that was buzzing with music from a two meter radius.

She knocked hard on the wooden door until Theo opened the door for her,he greeted her with a small hug and ushered her in.

"Look who decided to join us" Blaise smirked and tapped on the empty spot next to him for her to sit and she gladly sat next to him while he offered her a cup with three ice cubes filled with firewhiskey.

"Did you see Draco?" Daphne was asking but she knew it was meant for her.

"No I didn't stop at my dorm" Davina shot her a tight smile,where would Draco be if he isn't with his friends probably shagging another girl..

The music was so loud ,the Slytherins were passing drinks and filling up their empty cups ,Daphne took Blaises arm and they started dancing ,not long after everyone joined.

Davina was dancing and swaying her hips with no worry in her mind,the alcohol gave her a confidence boost ,she was dancing with Adrian his hands on her waist ,her back stuck like glue to his chest ,he was a great dancer,his body against Davina's was like silk on ice.

Davina didn't notice Malfoy's entrance ,all she could think about how good Adrian was handling her,letting the music guide them to another world with no care, just swaying hips and music.

Pansy took her hands and turned her to face her,Pansy's hands were on Davina's arse and her own hands were on Pansy's shoulders,the gap between them was so small .Their noses were almost touching while they were laughing.

"Let me take my coat off i'm hot" Davina took a step backwards from Pansy and took her coat off to reveal her black top ,it was tight on her body making all the curves from her boobs visible, Blaise whistled at her and Pansy nudged him with her elbow.

Malfoy was sitting on the love seat with his legs spread apart a cup of whiskey on his left hand and a cigarette with his other,his eyes were dark no indication of the grey glory ,he looked at Davina with a cocky smirk on his face which made her breath shallow and her heartbeats racing as if she was running a muggle marathon ,she was filled with nerves and confidence at the same time.

And she wanted to show him that she is having fun ,even if he doesn't want her presence in the room.She guided Adrian to where Theo,Daphne,Pansy and Blaise were dancing containing eye contact with his dark eyes while she grinds up and down on Adrian.

Adrian clutched Davina even tighter,one hand on her hips and the other an inch or two away from her breasts.His hands started moving in a circular motion that made Davina hold her breath and pull his neck closer to her with her hands.

Malfoy got up from his seat and started getting closer and closer to Davina ,He glared at Adrian while he took her wrist and pulled her off of Adrian,she stumbled and caught herself "Stop acting like a whore it doesn't suit you" ,His voice was filled with poison and anger,his breath was on her neck.He was acting like he hasn't done anything with the way he kept dancing with her face-to-face."Not quite the whore with me then yeah?".

She caught his eyes and all she saw was an awaken beast,a dragon even.

She was scared.

She remembers this look vividly when they had a big fight in 4th year,he looks exactly the same ready to tear her from limb to limb and throw her off to fend for herself in a forest.

But now,he wasn't angry because they were fighting; he was angry because she is invading his personal life with his friends,fitting in with them like a lost puzzle piece and he hates that their attention is on her rather than its on him.

After all these years knowing him,his eyes never failed to express whatever he is feeling inside.No matter how hard he tries to conceal his emotions ,she sees right through him,like he is made of glass,an open book.Davina had all the time in the world to memorize his every expression ,sneer,yell and cold eyes.

She can pick him up as if he is a sort of star constellation ,waiting to be studied and worshipped.

They held eye contact for what felt like hours but in reality it was for a few seconds,he walked past her and sat again on the loveseat like he hadn't just stared into her soul and extracted her deepest secrets,he walked away after he pulled her off of his friend and danced with her ,he walked away after he whispered such obscene words to her,he walked away like he always does,he walked away on her when they were kids,he walked away from her when he pushed her down in the halls,he walked away when he saw her crying in the prefects bathroom in forth year,he walked away.Always.

Davina collected herself and went to the bathroom to take a few breaths of air so she could calm down,her nerves were over the roof ,she could feel her lungs tightening and heartbeat slow down.

Ten minutes later,she was still on Blaise's bathroom floor when Pansy came in "Davina are you okay?",She sat next to the crumbling girl and started patting her back for some sort of comfort,"Talk to me".

"Don't worry about me I think I had too much to drink f-for one day" Davina tried to maintain her calm tone but her voice failed her,she looked at Pansy hoping she would understand that it wasn't the drinks.And she did.

"It was Draco wasn't it?" Pansy was angry and confused "What did he say to you Davina?".

"N-nothing I'm going back to my dorm" Malfoy didn't need to use words to express that he wants her to leave,she hates that she will give in but she needs time before she stands up to him ,just a little more time to show him that he can't boss her around like a toy. "Come with me?" ,Davina doesn't want to be alone tonight in a room with the ghost of him and his intoxicating smell.

She realised that Draco's world and her world would never collide in some mysterious ways.

"Ofcourse" Pansy stood up and offered her hand which Davina took with a small smile,they fixed their clothes and went back out,the music was turned off and the Slythriens were all sitting with drinks in their hands.

"Me and Davina are leaving ,No questions!" ,Pansy pulled Davina out of the room and slammed the door shut behind their backs before any of them could say anything or talk them into staying a little longer.

This sparkling friendship she is developing with Pansy is going to be one of a kind,she could feel it in her bones.


A/N Hello loves,I hope you all had a great week.

I actually wanted this story to be Dramione but all Dramione's were amazingly well-written so maybe in the future when my writing gets better I will write one.

Tell me your thoughts about Bellatrix's plans!

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