Me or that B!tch? Choose one...


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It's a love between two guy who thought they were straight.. But turn out they are homosexual. The worst part... More

Me or that Bitch? Choose one will you?! (BxB)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8.1
Chapter 8.2
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (Epilogue)

Chapter 13

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Yoy Yoy Dawg! Love is in the Air! Coz is Valentine's Day!!!! Duh! Love you all! So! This Chapter is going to about Valentine Day of coz^^... Although Troy is in the hospital and Jess was going to rescue him with the help of Finn. So kinda long n twist~ LOL!

Votez!!!!!! Plz!>< Woot I got 200 votes already!

Me or that B!tch? Choose one will you?! (Chapter 13)

                     "Are we there yet?" He said, with a little tone of annoy in it. He kept asking me the same question everytime I turned a corner of the road and he just couldn't stop drumming his fingers. Oh for crying out loud! I stomped on the gas pedal as far as it went and the car moved with an amazing speed I had never tried before. It felt good but it was not so fun when the person beside you was screaming his life out. I released the pedal and it returned to it normal speed. I got a slap on the face and a punch on the chest. I chuckled and turned the steering weel to the left.

                      "ARE YOU NUT!? EVEN I AM A HEALER DON'T MEAN THAT I CAN HEAL OR REVIVE MYSELF U DUMBASS!" He was grasping the air and put a hand on his heart. What a soffie...

                      "Oh O..." He suddenly broke the silent.

                      "What?" I asked as I turned to face him. His black pupils were covered his whole eyes included the white sclera. I didn't shock to see this because I used to it. It meant he foreseen something in the future. He went to normal after a couple seconds. He looked worried.

                       "What happened Finn! Does something happen to Troy!?" I shouted. afraid to lose Troy. I didn't believe I forget about him just now. I quickly stomped on the gas pedal again but Finn shouted 'NO' at me. I was a little impatient now. I was going to save him here!

                        "Everything is fine babe, he's still in coma. The doctors are still doing a good job on maintaning his situation." I sighed as relief, but still add a little boost on the speed. But his face still looked worried. I put one hand on his shoulder and he was startled by my action.

                         "Tell me the truth now Finn!" I commanded and made him fliched. He was rolling his darkkhaki eyes and crossing his arms and legs.

                          "You know what today is?" He asked, hoping I knew.

                          "Monday? No...Sunday?" I replied. He shook his head.

                           "Is VALENTINE DAY YOU IDIOT!" He shouted and made the car shook a little bit. I was nearly deaf, I meant already deaf.

                            "So????" I said. What's the big deal of having Valentine Day? It just an another stupid occation that made excuses for shy people to tell his or her crushes without rejection. (A/N: It's called fun Jessie, something that you're not capable of) *Hi Ric! Hey, it's not my fault I don't like Valentine Day. You're the one that made me hate it* (A/N: Ops, I take it back><)

                            "So? So you have to buy a bouquet of roses for Troy when he's wake up! I didn't see you a donkey years and you have become more stupid and emotionless." He smacked my back head.

                            "I am driving genius!" I shouted as I stopped when the red light appeared.

                            "Whatever...Wait here!" With that, he alighted from my car and went into a florist shop on the other side of the road. Did he just went out without looking at the cars!? Well, he's a psychic after all. Wait... the red light was going to turn to green at any time! How could I just drive away? I was crossing my fingers. But fortunately, the red light still on when Finn was walking back slowly with a big bouquet of red roses in his arms.

                            "Hurry up!" I shouted. He looked annoyed and he walked even slower. I groaned and hit my head on the steering weel.

                             "Babe, the light turned." I hurried stepped on the gas pedal drove off before someone honked on me. I glared at him, but he was just sitting at there playing with those flowers. But the things that really caught my eyes were a bouquet of lilies. It got red lily, white lily and a yellow lily... I thought Valentine Day only gave roses... Lily? Didn't those to the death people? What!? I pressed the break so fast that made the car shook heavily, caused Finn to hit his head on the review mirror.

                             "What in the tarnation you just stopped the car!?" He was rubbing his head.

                             "Did you hide something from me!? Did Troy d...d.di..diee..died..?" I choked on my own words and tears were rolling down my cheeks. Just saying this it hurts a lot... A hand was petting my head and suddenly it smacked my head hardly.


                             "Wake up Jessie Cameron! Do I ever lie to you? And why you have the thought of your precious died?! Did you just hit your head?" He asked.

                              "Yes..." I smiled, but earned another smack.

                              "Answer me..." He glared.

                               "I saw those lilies...and I thought they were for the death of..." But I got another smack again, but this time was at my thigh. You got the picture...

                               "First. Yes, lilies do give to death people. But same as rose! But the most popular flower you give to death people is chrysanthemum. Flowers got a lot of meanings! I bought lilies because it was for you to give Troy. Yes, the roses are mine to give him." He explained, making me more confuse.

                                "Oh My Lord babe, you should read more. Red lily means undying love, white means your pure and innocent only for him to break. You know, your V-card. Yellow means you take him as your royal king. Got it?" He explained again.

                                "Oh..Sorry.." I said and drove off again... But my...... Whatever...


                              After arriving at the hospital. Together me and Finn rushed into the door with bouquets of flowers. I didn't care everyone is watching at us. But I needed to see Troy now! I went towards the counter and saw a nurse typing whatever in her computer. She looked up and smiled, probably she saw a hot guy, me.

                               "May I help you?" She said in a flirty tone. I could see Finn is rolling his eyes.

                                "Yes, can you help me to check a patient name Troy Hex Jordan?Thanks" I said, tapping the counter top nervously.

                                 "May I ask you you are.."

                                 "Boyfriend." I said without hestitation. I didn't mind any of this, I just want to see Troy! I thought the nurse is going to make disgusting face but she just smiled and kept typing at her computer.

                                  "Yes, he's in room 666 at floor 4D." She said, along with another smile.

                                  "Wow..bad luck number..." Finn said. I glared at him.

                                  "You're very kind. Thanks..." I saw her name tag "Melody..." I grabbed a rose from the bouquet and gave it to her. She was smiling and blushing. I hurried off with Finn followed me.

                                   "Crazy and weird..." He whispered.

                                  The corridor was full with people with white and blue or green. Some were in wheelchairs and some of them were handicapped. The smell of drugs and medicines were unbearable. I saw Finn was trying to avoid eyescontact with those people. I shouldn't bring him into this. 

                                    Room 666 was in front of me. I sighed and held up my tears, turned the knob and swung opened the door. What I saw in front of me was making those held tears broke like volcano. Water burst down from my eyes. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran toward his side, holding his lifeless hand. I caressed it with my cheek.

                                   "I''m here Troy babe.. Please be patient... I'm going to save you..."

                                   His head and body were bandaged and there were casts on his legs and hands. The beeping sound on the monitor was dying slow. I slided my fingers on his cheeks, it would be okay...

                                   "Finn..Please..." I said as Finn was standing aside. He came at the other side of Troy. But he didn't do anything.

                                    "What you waiting for!?" I shouted. I needed him to save him now!

                                   "I'm serious here Jess. Once you save Troy, I can't help you with the Angela case anymore..." He was serious.

                                  "I know... But Troy's life is more important..." He shrugged and put his hand on Troy's head.

                                 "But Jess... You know what Angela's capable of... Even I save him now, I can't confirm that he will not be hurt again. Please be reasonable here Jess... You know what I am trying to say..." He was begging me to change my mind. But the answer was still no...

                                  "Do it now Finn... I know.. I don't care..." I didn't look at Finn's sad face of my choice. My focus was all on Troy...

                                   Finn sighed and pressed his hand on Troy's head. He closed his eyes and put another hand on Troy's heart. He retreated three fingers from the heart and drew a line from the heart with his two fingers, slowly went to the brain. The air around me was very hot and making me sweat so much I think I wanted to remove my clothes. When the fingers almost to the brain, it stopped at the cheekbone of Troy's head. Suddenly, he moved back his fingers back to his heart and removed both his hands back and opened his eyes. But his eyes were sadness and depression.

                                  "What happened?! Did it work?" But I was heart broken when he shook his head. But his medication never failed! I cried.

                                   "No Jess, My medication worked. But it's the will inside Troy that didn't want me to save him." He explained.

                                  "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" My voice had broken but still managed to speak.

                                 "Sometimes, when a person is umconcious. He or she still can hear the outside world voice around him or her. So he managed to hear our conversation just now and deicided to stop you from saving him because he wants you to beat Angela. He didn't want to lose this one chance just to save him..." Finn sobbed when he said that... I thnk he felt what Troy was trying to tell me.

                                  "No...Troy... You're so stupid... We can be together and beat Angela ourselves. But if I did beat Angela without having you besides me. What's the meaning of winning it... It meant nothing... I just want you... My undying love for you.. You die, I die..." I said, hugged him tightly. Finn was crying now.

                                   "Can you force it to recover him?" I asked, wiped off my tears.   


                                     "Do it... Now.."

                                     Finn sighed and did the same thing he just did. But he kept going until it reached it brain. All of sudden, the monitor went beeping crazily and it stopped, then went normal heartbeat motion. Finn removed his hands and sat on the nearby sofa. I grabbed Troy's hand...

                                    After a few minutes of waiting... He finally opend his piercing emerald eyes... But he spoke a word that made my heart stopped beating...


         OMG! Guess now! So what do you think Troy exactly said to Jess? Love you all!!!

Happy Valentine Day^^ <3<3<3<3<3


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