Mahabharat: What if

By MK_Williams

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What if Duryodhan never helped Karn but instead insulted him? After Kunti abandoned Karn, Karn was taken by a... More

Getting ready
Maharthi Karn
About the Chakravyuh
Mata's secret
Mata's story
The welcoming feast
Pitamaha's story
Gurudev's gurudakshina
Mata's advise
Duryodhan's decision
Drupad's defeat
Yudhisthir's vow
Subhadra's prank on me
Rukmini's letter
Abducting Rukmini
Bhrata Yudhisthir's letter
The palace of mirrors
Discovering the truth of the lakshagraha
Escaping from the lakshagraha
Life as Brahmins
The birth of Dhrishtadyumn and Draupadi
Entering the illusory forest
Exiled from Kampilya!
Sacrificing myself
Nirjara AKA Hidimba
The return to Kampilya
Bhrata Bheem to be raja of the rakshaso
Bhrata Bheem's vivah
Birth of Ghatotkach
Bholenath ka varadan (Lord Shiva's boon)
Arjun's identity revealed to Draupadi
Mata's impossible order
Narad Muni's advise
Govind's promise
Kaunteys in Hastinapur
Draupadi proves her innocence
Weapon raised in the court
Pitamaha's decision
We will take Khandavprasth and Ang.
Jyesht's truth revealed to Aryaverth. And the rajyabhishek.
Leaving to Khandavprasth and Ang.
Attack of the serpents and duel with pitashree Indr
Agni dev's gift and Indraprasth
Vrushali's return and her welcoming feast
Jyesht and My exile
Birth of Jagmohini and Janamejay
Jyesht and I arrive at Dwarka
Subhadra and Vrushali's wish
Subhadra and Vrushali marry Karn and Arjun
Panchali's objection and forgiveness
Happy Holi and good news
Madhav's suggestion
A challenge to Jarasandh
The decision of the Rajsuyyajna

Draupadi's Swayamvar

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By MK_Williams

Duryodhan's P.O.V.

We went to our seats

"The arrangements look splendid, mamashree. And the place has also been adorned beautifully." said Ashwathama as we sat down

"What happens when spring graces a desert, Dron putra? One gets to see mirages then." said mamashree

"You still deem Panchal an enemy, mamashree. But if an enemy is praiseworthy brave men praise such an enemy." said Ashwathama

"You deem bravery to be victory. I deem victory to be bravery, Dron putra." said mamashree, he looked at Panchal raj

"The benevolence to praise the enemy does not reside in me." he said

"But gurudev is friends the Panchal raj, mamashree. Now, the Panchal raj is our mitra." said Dushasan, mamashree laughed

"Until proven one's enemy the one who deems everyone his or her mitra, is a fool. And until proven one's friend one who deems everyone his enemies is intelligent, mere bachche! Drupad is still our enemy. If he is intelligent and wishes to befriend Hastinapur," said mamashree he closed one eye

"then he will have his putri married only to my Duryodhan." said mamashree

Draupadi's P.O.V.

I was sitting in front of the mirror the dasis were washed my hair I saw gurumata and Jiji behind me through the mirror

"Draupadi, gurumata is here to have your kesh tied ritualistically." said Jiji, I smiled gurumata took a big conch and put oil in my hair and combed it 

"Why is there a ritual to tie the hair, gurumata?" I asked

"Rajkumari, after marriage women do not leave their hair open. Only women who have lost their husbands leave their hair open. I shall tie your hair after applying this special oil. Then your pati will put a chudamani on it." explained gurumata

"Pray for me, gurumata. Pray for such a person to win the Swayamvar whose face would leave the heart feeling ecstatic." I said

Arjun's P.O.V.

I knocked on a hut door there was no answer I opened the hut door and walked in I looked around it was abandoned I walked back out

"This place is empty, Mata. And it is also safe." I said

"Putra, are we far from Kampilya?" asked Mata

"Yes, Mata. Very far. You go inside and rest. Then we shall proceed towards Naimisharany. We shall not be able to rest properly for days then." said Jyesht

"And we may also not get a proper meal for days." said bhrata Bheem, we all laughed shaking our heads

"Between this place and Naimisharany is there not a big village or city, Jyesht?" asked bhrata Bheem

"No, Bheem. We must ask for alms from a nearby village. You and Kul will stay with Mata." said Jyesht and looked at bhrata Yudhisthir, Sahadev and me

"The four of us will get the alms." he said

"No, No!" said Mata

"If the six of you go together then you will be able to get the alms sooner." she said

"But Mata," I said the looked at me

"you will be alone here." I said

"What should I fear, putra? I will close the door. I shall complete an undertaking I had made a resolution for." said Mata, we nodded

"All of you should go now and return soon." she said, bhrata Yudhisthir, bhrata Bheem, Nakul, Sahadev and I nodded

"No, Mata" said Jyesht, we looked at him

"You five go. I will stand guard here" he said

"As you say, Jyesht" bhrata Yudhisthir, bhrata Bheem, Nakul, Sahadev and I said unison we went

"In which direction should we proceed, bhrata Sthir?" I asked

"Kampilya lies towards uttar, Jun. We cannot proceed that way. We should proceed in this direction." said bhrata Yudhisthir, gesturing to north-east

"There must be a village that way." said bhrata Yudhisthir, 

Fifteen minuets later

We were walking

"But will anyone be here? What if everyone has gone to see the Swayamvar?" asked Nakul

"Why would everyone go to see the Swayamvar?" asked bhrata Bheem

"I've heard, the King of Panchal has organized a grand event." said Nakul

"And whoever goes there today," said Sahadev we looked at him

"will be given gold coins in charity. Such an announcement was also made by him." he said

"And the subjects also wish to see their rajkumari, bhrata Jun. I have heard that the rajkumari is so beautiful that upon seeing her, one forgets one's sadness and pains." said Nakul I remembered the face of the rajkumari in the Shiva temple that is exactly how I felt

"Many rajkumaro would have gone there then with the hope to forget their sadness and pains." I said they laughed

Dhrishtadyumn's P.O.V.

"All hail King Drupad!" the citizens yelled multiple times pitashree raised his and the citizens became quite

"I welcome all the rajao and rajkumaro present here. All of you must know that the whole of the Aryaverth was given a divine present by the agni dev. From the sacrificial fire a putri as pure and radiant as fire and bearing divine beauty was created. She is like a flag at the pinnacle of a temple or at the zenith of a palace! Similarly, to have my putri the rajkumari of Panchal, Draupadi as his wife would be the fortune of only the most competent person on the planet! I ask the Kshatriya rajao and rajkumaro present to have their competence tested by coming forth! Yuvraj, Dhrishtadyumn, shall elaborate the competition." said pitashree, I walked down the stairs I joined my hands and bowed at the brahmins

"I welcome the guests present here! Such a competition has been set up here which cannot be conquered by an ordinary warrior." I said I walked to the bow that was covered with a cloth I removed the cloth revealing the bow there were whispers through the Swayamvar

"This divine bow can be lifted only by the person who has nothing but confidence in his competence. If the shadow of doubt creeps up on someone then for him, the weight of this bow will be more than that of a mountain. This bow can be stringed only by a person who can free himself of desire, anger and greed who has true dharm in his heart and knows how to bear it. To him, art should not be a medium to obtain anything but an opportunity to further learn various arts." I said, I picked up my bow said a mantra pulled the string and released the arrow there was a huge blue explosion and a fish appeared.

Then a pool appeared on the floor

"Rajao and rajkumaro present here that fish revolving in the sky! Its eye is your goal! By looking at its reflection in the pool the archer needs to pierce its eye. With, only one arrow. And the person who wins this competition, my priya bahan will place the varmala in his neck" I said

Duryodhan's P.O.V.

"And the person who wins this competition, my priya bahan will place the varmala in his neck said Dhrishtadyumn

"Mere bachche, can you do it?" asked mamashree

"No, mamashree. I am not a professional archer. Besides mamashree, no maiden can be so important for whom I shall have to bear insult." I said

"Mere bachche not Draupadi but the relationship with Panchal is important. You know quite well that Gandhar, Hastinapur and even Ashwathama's half of Panchal is on our side. If Drupad's half of Panchal also comes to our side then very soon you may become the master of the entire Aryaverth." said mamashree

"I cannot do it, mamashree! No one can win this competition. This is not a Swayamvar but a scheme to insult all the Rajao and rajkumaro. If they were truly looking for a competent warrior then they would also have organized a fight with gada and the ones involving swords and spears too! Who, in the whole of the Aryaverth can win this competition?" I said

"I can win it, mitr." said Ashwathama

"Had this competition not been a part of a Swayamvar I would have achieved this." he said 

"But you can still win the competition, Dron putra." said mamashree

"No, mamashree. The rank of the son-in-law of a big kingdom like Panchal lies above that of yuvraj Duryodhan and I cannot permit it." said Ashwathama

"But you can certainly transfer the benefit of your victory to your friend, Dron putra. You can win the competition on behalf of Duryodhan and have him married to the rajkumari." said mamashree

"But would it be dharm? Would winning a patni for someone else ,be appropriate?" said Ashwathama

"Dharm... why not? The Ganga putra, Bhishma has done this all his life. If Duryodhan permits you then you may take part in the competition." said mamashree

"I give you the permission, mitr. You can win this maiden for me." I said

"As you say, mitr. I shall take part in this competition." said Ashwathama

Dhrishtadyumn's P.O.V.

"Before beginning the competition I welcome such a guest whom my old eyes deem of having the potential of becoming the man of the millennium and ushering a dharm era. Welcome, Vasudev Krishna!" said pitashree, the conchs blew and Keshav (Another name of Krishna like Madhav) entered the dasis were offering flowers

Duryodhan's P.O.V.

"Yadav shreshth Vasudev Krishna. He is the only person whom an intelligent person always befriends with him." said mamashree

"Why so, mamashree?" asked Dushasan, mamashree chuckled

"Because in the whole of the Aryan region, he is the one with whom having any enmity cannot be afforded by anyone." he said

Dhrishtadyumn's P.O.V.

Keshav walked to me

"Pranipat, Keshav" I greeted joining my hand

"Pranipat, Dhrisht." Keshav greeted back he hugged me I hugged him back

"Pdharye." I said gesturing to come, he nodded

"I'll be there. There are a few people need to meet first." he said looking at yuvraj Rukmi

"Okay." I said and went

Krishna's P.O.V.

I walked to bhrata Rukmi I joined my hand

"Pranipat, bhrata Rukmi." I greeted, bhrata Rukmi grunted angrily I shook my head thinking You haven't changed one bit

"He is way more intelligent and cunning than me." I heard Gandhar raj Shakuni, I looked at him and walked over to him, bhrata Duryodhan, Ashwathama, Dushasan, Gandhar raj Shakuni got up and walked forwared he had his hand joined

"Vasudev, I always had the desire to see you, in my heart." he said smiling, I smiled and joined my hand

"Pranipat, mamashree." I greeted he stopped smiling

"You deem me your mamashree, Vasudev." he said

"You are the mamashree of my bhrata Duryodhan. Hence, I must address you as my mamashree, right" 

"No, Vasudev. No. I fear in becoming your mamashree." he said, I laughed

"Fear. Why so, mamashree? I had salvaged my mama Kans. I liberated him of his sins." I said, Gandhar raj Shakuni I walked to bhrata Duryodhan

"Pranipat bhrata Duryodhan" I greeted

"Kalyan ho, bhrata Krishna." said bhrata Duryodhan, I looked at Ashwathama and Dushasan 

"Pranipat, Vasudev." said Dushasan

"Kalyan ho, Dushasan." I said raising my hand blessing him

"And you... You must certainly be maha guru Dron's putra, Ashwathama. By looking at the radiance on your face anyone can know of your competence. Pranipat." I said, joining my hands

"Pranipat, Vasudev." said Ashwathama joining his hands

"Meeting you is my good fortune. The whole of the Aryaverth discusses of your dharm." said Ashwathama

"Dharm is such a topic, Dron putra Ashwathama putra that everyone discusses it, but, not everyone can know it." I said

"Then you tell me, what is the path to know what dharm is." said Ashwathama

"Dharm gives respect, Dron putra. If one gets disrespect in one's life, one must deem that he or she did not lead a dharm life." I said

"And the one who has got nothing but disrespect since birth... What should he or she do, Vasudev?" asked Ashwathama

"He should struggle for respect but should not take the side of adharm. He or she must certainly fight for his rights but, not desire something over which he has no right." I said 

"Tatpary?" asked Ashwathama

"Tatpary is that even the biggest of mountains must not desire a small river. The mountain which tries to stop a river ends up breaking. Only the ocean has the right to a river." I said

"Are you talking about the strength of the ocean or the weakness of the mountain, Vasudev?" asked Ashwathama, I put my hand on his shoulder

"I am talking about the fate of the river, Dron putra." I said 

"Prnam." I said joining my hand

Dhrishtadyumn's P.O.V.

Keshav sat on the throne next to me

"Hear all! The most beautiful and serendipitous Yajnaseni, rajkumari Draupadi is making her entrance!" yelled the guard the dancers sang the lyrics Draupadi wrote and and the dancers danced

Tej chappal, roshani ki tarah, gyan ka utsah bhara
Har taraf hai sab naya
Kab main khelun bachpan
Nayi nayi tasvere naye rango ka ujala
Agni meri bhagya rekha
Main Draupadi jisne bachpan nahi dekha
Main Draupadi jiski agani hain dhagya rekha

Kumari chapi Panchali vedimadhya samosthita
Subhaga darshiniangi vedimadya manaorama

Shyaama padma palashakshi neela kunchita murdhaja
Manysama vigraham kritva saksad amara varnini
Neelotpala samoghandho yasaha proshaat pravayati
Ya bibharti param rupam yasyu nasti upama bhuvi

Kumari chapi Panchali vedimadhya samosthita
Subhagaa darshiniangi vedimadya manaorama.

Duryodhan's P.O.V.

I saw the rajkumari coming from the lotus she was truly divine she was exceptionally beautiful I have never seen anyone more beautiful then her Ashwathama has to win her for me. I thought

"Such a beautiful maiden ought to become the rani of Hastinapur, mamashree.

"Avashya, mere bachche. Avashya" said mamashree

"Truly, she has divine beauty. Look at her, Ashwathama." said Dushasan

"Admiring the beauty of someone else's wife to be is inappropriate, Dushasan. Besides if the rajkumari will be married to mitra Duryodhan she will have the status of your Mata." said Ashwathama

"You are correct." said Dushasan

Dhrishtadyumn's P.O.V.

Draupadi walked to the bow touched it and gave her respects to it. She walked us, she bent and touched my feet

"Pranipat, Dhrisht." she greeted

"Shubham bhvatu" I said stroking my hand on her head

"I loved your lyrics, Draupadi" I said she smiled looking down, she looked at pitashree she walked to him and touched his feet

"Pranipat, pitashree." she greeted

"Kalyan ho, putri." blessed pitashree she looked at

"Pranipat, Govind." she said he nodded she bent down to touched his feet he pulled her back up

"No, saki." he said

Draupadi's P.O.V.

"No, saki." Govind said

"Govind, rajkumar Arjun will come to the Swayamvar, right?" I asked

"I have a feeling, Draupadi that if he does arrive you shall know about it before I do." said Govind teasingly

"Govind!" I exclaimed blushing and slightly punching him on his arm he laughed

Arjun's P.O.V.

We were roaming around the empty village

"I told you everyone has gone to see the Swayamvar." said Nakul

"Splendid! Instead of giving dam everyone has gone to receive dan." said bhrata Bheem

"If you do not get any food what will become of you, bhrata Bheem?" asked Nakul teasingly

"I can even eat the leaves of a tree because poison has no effect on me. What will become of you, Kul?" said bhrata Bheem pushing Nakul we all laughed even Nakul laughed

"Let's proceed to Kampilya then. If we stay cautious no one will recognize us." said Sahadev

"No, Dev. There must be another village here. We should go there. We must not go to Kampilya. We have no business being at the Swayamvar there." I said 

"All the villages will be empty, I guarantee that" said Nakul

"We should at least try. Let's go" I said

Time skip

We walked through seven empty villages

"I told you." said Nakul

"I have firm faith that there is indeed a village in this direction." said bhrata Bheem

"And will be empty. Face it all the villages will be empty, let's just go Kampilya" said Nakul, we saw two rishis coming

"I see some sages over there. We should go ask them. What do you think, bhrata Sthir?" said Sahadev

"L-Let me ask them. Let me do it." said bhrata Bheem we walked forwared

"Pranipat, rishiver." we all greeted

"Kalyan ho. In which direction are you headed, young brahmins?" asked one of the rishis

"We are proceeding towards Naimisharany. But before we proceed further we wish to seek some dan. That is why, we are searching for a village." said bhrata Bheem

"When the raja himself has engaged in dan then why do all of you need to seek dan from the villagers? Let's go towards the city of Kampilya. One will be rid of one's poverty for life. Let's go. Come with us." said the rishi, we exchanged looks

"Rishiver, we are grateful to you but we-" 

"Let all this be and come with us" said the rishi interrupting bhrata Yudhisthir

"Rishiver, you lead the way and we shall follow." I said joining my hand

"Alright. As you wish." said the rishis and walked forwared

"Let's go in this direction." I said gesturing to left

Draupadi's P.O.V.

Half on the rajao and rajkumaro lost

"Even that King got defeated, Vasudev." said pitashree we looked at him

"I have firm faith that the capability to win this competition lies only with Arjun." he said

"In the entire Aryaverth, this competition can be won by three people, Maharaj" said Govind, we looked at him

"The Pandav kumar, Arjun, mahrthi Karn, and Dron putra, Ashwathama" he said

"But Vasudev, mahrthi Karn is sut putra, and Ashwathama is Dron's putra he is like a Jyesht to her" said pitashree

"Mahrthi Karn isn't a sut putra Maharaj Drupad and you will know who he realy is when you need to. And even if he was, I would never oppose any caste, Maharaj Drupad. The right to respect belongs to every competent person. As for Dron putra" said Govind, he looked at Ashwathama 

"I am certainly worried that he is with adharmi people, but, we cannot stop him from taking part in this competition." said Govind, I looked him worried

"However, if marrying Dron putra is not what Draupadi wants then she can certainly say no to it." he said

"The new yuvraj of Hastinapur, Duryodhan is called for the competition!" said a das yuvraj Duryodhan stood up

"Pranipat, Maharaj Drupad. To take part in this competition instead of me, I call upon my mitra, Dron putra Ashwathama who has dedicated his competence to our mitrta. Pdharye mitr Ashwathama" said yuvraj Duryodhan, Ashwathama stood up, I looked around for rajkumar Arjun

"Where are you, rajkumar Arjun?" I asked in a whisper


Arjun's P.O.V.

We were walking though the forest

"Where are you headed, young brahmins?" asked a voice we looked left and saw a old brahmin sitting under the tree we walked at him

"Pranipat, brahmindev" we greeted

"All of us are on our way to seek dan. To seek alms here? Kampilya is like Lord Kuber's treasury at the moment, and you have come here to seek dan? It is just like, despite having a river nearby and a rodent is licking the dry earth." said the brahmindev

"We do not wish to go to Kampilya, brahmindev. We need to proceed towards Naimisharany soon." said bhrata Yudhisthir

"If you can offer us some dan we would be grateful to you, brahmindev." said Sahadev

"What can I give you? I am sitting here with the hope of reaching Kampilya myself. But I am disabled." he said holding his leg

"If I could walk then I would have certainly gone there. One would get to have novel dishes there and would get gold coins. I suggest that you should go there as well and take me there on your shoulders." said the brahmindev we all looked at bhrata Yudhisthir

"Forgive us, brahmindev, but we do not wish to go there." he said we turned around and took a few steps

"Listen." said the brahmindev, we stopped and turned around and looked at the brahmindev

"You need not worry about how I return. I will arrange for it. But just take me there. I would be grateful for it." he said joining his hand we exchanged looks

"Why would all of you serve me when my own putra have forsaken me? A disabled has no one in this world. No one..." he said tearing up we exchanged looks again I took a deep breath thinking. Forgive us Mata we are not going to follow your orders, but you'r the one who has taught us that we should help poor and weak people.

"We will take you." I said, brahmindev

Draupadi's P.O.V.

Ashwathama walked forwered yuvraj Duryodhan put his hand on Ashwathama's shoulder

"Go, on mitra" said yuvraj Duryodhan, Ashwathama walked to the bow he gave it his respects for rajkumar Arjun

Dhrishtadyumn's P.O.V.

I looked at pitashree asking should I stop him? Pitashree nodded I nodded back

Draupadi's P.O.V.

As Ashwathama was going to pick up the bow 

"Forgive us, Dron putra!" said Dhrishtadyumn, everyone looked at him

"But you cannot be allowed to do that. The person who marries my bahan will have to demonstrate his competence himself." he said

"But this is not a fair competition, rajkumar. Competence cannot be judged solely by one's archery skills. Yuvraj Duryodhan is a competent warrior. When it comes to fighting with a gada he is superior than all the rajkumaro present here. Had this competition involved fighting with a gada yuvraj Duryodhan would certainly have emerged as the best one." said Ashwathama

"But to have my sister married to the most superior archer of the world is her wish and desire." said

"Nevertheless on behalf of yuvraj Duryodhan I have the right to take part in this competition. The competence of a raja's trusted soldier is deemed that of the raja. And I, have dedicated myself to yuvraj Duryodhan. That is why, when I achieve the goal my victory will be deemed that of yuvraj  Duryodhan. This is the prevalent tradition of the Aryaverth." said Ashwathama

"This may be a tradition of Hastinapur, Dron putra!" yelled pitashree angrily, getting up 

"But not of Panchal! I do not give you the permission. Please go back to your place." he said still angry

Duryodhan's P.O.V.

Ashwathama was coming back

"This time, you have been defeated in the name of tradition, mere bachche. What will you do now?" said mamashree, I stood up and walked to Ashwathama I put my hand on his shoulder we looked down

Draupadi's P.O.V.

"In the name of tradition, you have insulted the competence of a person, Maharaj Drupad! I, the yuvraj of Hastinapur ask you what you intend to do. If you wanted to insult so many rajao and rajkumaro then for the Ashvamedha yajna, you could have let the horses run freely in the entire Aryaverth! That way, your competence would have been proved before all." said yuvraj Duryodhan, pitashree was going to stand up 

"Maharaj." said Govind pitashree looked at him he shook his head he stood up and and stepped forwared

"Yuvraj Duryodhan, to worry for his putri's future is not only the right of a pita but also his responsibility. That is why, a Swayamvar is deemed a dharm deed. And to deem the defeat in a Swayamvar an insult is adharm" said Govind, yuvraj Duryodhan smirked

"Ashwathama has no fear of defeat. Snatching the right to take part in the competition is what I deem an insult, Vasudev Krishna." said yuvraj Duryodhan

"A tree can be nourished only by water. Milk cannot do what water can. Similarly the proof of your competence cannot be given by another person, yuvraj." said Govind, yuvraj Duryodhan smirked looking at Ashwathama

"But my mitra certainly can prove his competence. Mitra Ashwathama pick up that bow! Achieve the goal!" said yuvraj Duryodhan

"That is a splendid decision, mere bachche! A splendid decision!" said Gandhar Raj Shakuni

"Listen, Maharaj Drupad! My mitra is the Maharaj of Panchal. He has every right to take part in this competition. He shall marry your putri." said yuvraj Duryodhan

"Very well. Go ahead." said Govind and went back to his seat

"Go ahead, mitra" said yuvraj Duryodhan, Ashwathama looked at the bow and walked to the bow Jiji and I exchanged looks Ashwathama picked up the bow and started tying the string

"Draupadi, Ashwathama may win the competition." said Jiji I looked at her then back at Ashwathama he finished tying the string he pick up the arrow he walked to the pool, looked at the fish and kneeled down

"Stop him, Draupadi." said Jiji he pulled the string


"In the entire Aryaverth, this competition can be won by three people, Maharaj" said Govind, we looked at him

"The Pandav kumar, Arjun, mahrthi Karn, and Dron putra, Ashwathama" he said

"But Vasudev, mahrthi Karn is sut putra, and Ashwathama is Dron's putra he is like a Jyesht to her" said pitashree

"Mahrthi Karn isn't a sut putra Maharaj Drupad. And even if he was, I would never oppose any caste, Maharaj Drupad. The right to respect belongs to every competent person. As for Dron putra" said Govind, he looked at Dron putra Ashwathama

"I am certainly worried that he is with adharmi people, but, we cannot stop him from taking part in this competition." said Govind, I looked him worried

"However, if marrying Dron putra is not what Draupadi wants then she can certainly say no to it." he said

Recalling ended

Ashwathama was going to release the arrow I looked at Govind

"Stop!" I ordered angrily standing up, everyone looked at me

"I will not marry you!" I said angrily, Ashwathama stood up

"You are the putra of my pita's mitra Dronachary, he is like pita to me, hence, you are like a Jyesht to me. I will not marry you!" I said, yuvraj Duryodhan got up

"Maharaj Drupad, your putri has committed a grave sin, Maharaj! Committed a grave sin!

"Keep quiet and return to your place, Ashwathama!" said pitashree, I looked at him

"The decision to whom to get married and in which dynasty to become the putrawadu of is a right that lies only with the maiden." said pitashree

"This is not a right, Maharaj Drupad but the arrogance of your putri! You have turned this Swayamvar into politics, Maharaj Drupad. We had thought that to end the enmity between Kuru and Panchal you had invited us, but, you only wanted to insult us!" said yuvraj Duryodhan

"That is a lie!" I exclaimed, everyone looked at me

"I have no knowledge of any enmity, rajkumar. If my intentions were not pure then this instant may Bhagavan Surya Narayan burn me to ashes!" I said

"You are like a Jyesht to me. I will not marry you!" I said

"If this is what you think, rajkumari Draupadi then listen well to this. I am challenging you, that if you are to get married you must do so in this very Swayamvar that too with such a person who emerges victorious here." said yuvraj Duryodhan

"Avashya!" I exclaimed confidently

"Take a look around you, rajkumari Draupadi! Is there anyone who can achieve this goal?!" said yuvraj Duryodhan I looked down I heard footsteps I looked at the entrance I saw four brahmins I looked at Govind with joy asking Is it them? he smiled and nodded the biggest man turned to the left and revealed rajkumar Arjun he looked at me and smiled I smiled back he joined his bhaiyo

 Arjun's P.O.V.

I looked at rajkumari Draupadi, I smiled at her she smiled back I went and joined my bhaiyo bhrata Bheem kneeled down and Batukeshwar maharaj got off the back chair

"Maharaj Drupad, there is no one here who can take part in this competition." said Duryodhan

"Is there anyone? A rajkumar or a raja! Does anyone want to participate in scheme this facade as a Swayamvar?!" yelled Duryodhan What is going on. I thought no one said anything

Draupadi's P.O.V.

"Is there anyone? A rajkumar or a raja! Does anyone want to participate in scheme this facade as a Swayamvar?!" yelled yuvraj Duryodhan no one said anything,

"Break this bow!" he yelled pointing at the bow

"Destroy that goal, Maharaj Drupad! And take your arrogant daughter and imprison her in the corner of a palace forever!" yelled yuvraj Duryodhan

"Kuru rajkumar!" yelled pitashree in anger and got up, Dhrishtadyumn got up too they looked at Govind, he smiled shaking his head they sat back down I looked at yuvraj Duryodhan he walked to the bow held it and picked it up he held it in both of his hand and tried braking it it flew out of his hand the leaving blood on his hands the bow landed back at it's stand yuvraj Duryodhan was going to pick it up again

"Rajkumar Duryodhan," called Govind we all looked at him he stood up and stepped forwared

"Maharaj Drupad is grateful to you for attempting to break this bow. You have proved that it is not yet time for the bow to be destroyed. You must be aware, yuvraj Duryodhan that the bow of Lord Ram was built for many purposes out of which one was the Swayamvar of devi Sita. Only after the completion of that task did that bow break. This miraculous bow did not break at your mighty hands and that can mean only one thing," he said, he looked at rajkumar Arjun

"that a Kshatriya who can win this competition is still present here." said Govind, I smiled, rajkumar Arjun looked down 

"That is why I request you, yuvraj Duryodhan to allow this Swayamvar to be completed." said Govind joining his hands yuvraj Duryodhan went back to his place. Govind looked at pitashree

"Maharaj, address all the rajao present here for one last time." said Govind 

"I address this gathering for one last time! If a raja, yuvraj or Kshatriya wishes to demonstrate his competent then he may come forth!" announced pitashree, I looked at rajkumar Arjun

 Arjun's P.O.V.

"I address this gathering for one last time! If a raja, yuvraj or Kshatriya wishes to demonstrate his competent then he may come forth!" announced pitashree, Madhav looked at me I looked back at him

Draupadi's P.O.V.

I looked at Govind, he looked at me I got up and walked to him

"Govind, can a rajkumari not get married to brahmins?" I asked, Govind looked at rajkumar Arjun

"She most certainly can. But only if you want to." he said gesturing to me

"Yes, Govind. Address the brahmins this time." I said and looked at rajkumar Arjun

"I have firm faith that my hidden fate will appear before the entire world today."I said looking back at Govind, he looked at rajkumar Arjun, and then at pitashree

"Maharaj, it is said in the shastro that when the might of Kshatriyo falls short and the knowledge of the shastr is inadequate then one should turn to brahmins for answers. King Gadhi's daughter was married to mha rishi Richik and all of us know about it. Maharaj address all the brahmins and ask them to take part in this competition" said Govind

"But, Vasudev, my putri was born to become a rajrani. Marrying a brahmin and asking for alms does not suit a rajkumari." said pitashree

"When a fruit gets buried in the earth it cuts through it after some time and grows into a tree. If you putri was born to become a rani then she might just turn a brahmin into a King." said Govind looking at rajkumar Arjun I looked at rajkumar Arjun

Arjun's P.O.V.

"Kings and spectators present here not all dreams are successful in this world. But a resolution never fails. If a person makes a resolution then in some form or through a medium it certainly gets fulfilled.  To have my putri married to the most competent warrior of the world is my resolution and it shall indeed be fulfilled! I address the brahmins present here and if there is a competent person amongst them then he must come forth!" said Maharaj Drupad Batukeshwar maharaj clapped.

"Did you see... Did you see that, Pateshwar? I came here and the King opened this competition to the brahmins. This is certainly a sign." said Batukeshwar maharaj

"Be quiet, Batukeshwar. Just because Bhagavan Parshuram is a brahmin does not mean that all brahmins are Bhagavan Parshuram. How can brahmins win such a difficult competition? We will be insulted." said Pateshwar

"Pateshwar, there is no insult in trying. " said Batukeshwar maharaj, he looked at bhrata Yudhisthir, bhrata Bheem, Nakul, Sahadev and me

"You five bhai seem strong. One of you should go there and give it a try. Arjun's perfect aim" said Batukeshwar maharaj, I looked around the at Madhav, he was looking at me he point his eyes to the bow telling me. Go ahead and win the Swayamvar

"Bhrata Sthir," I called, they looked at me

"it is not right for us to stay here. The gaze of all the spectators is upon the brahmins. If Duryodhan recognizes us then... We should go from here, bhrata Sthir." I said

"You are correct, Jun. Let's go." said bhrata Yudhisthir

Draupadi's P.O.V.

"What kind foolishness is this, Maharaj Drupad? When we Kshatriya could not achieve this task then how can these brahmins achieve it?" yelled yuvraj Duryodhan getting up from his seat

"Yuvraj Duryodhan!" I yelled angrily, getting up

"Your gurudev is a brahmin! Bhagavan Parshuram is a brahmin! And I'm sure that they both can win this competition. And they are others as well." I said looking at rajkumar Arjun who was leaving with his bhaiyo.

Arjun's P.O.V.

"Your gurudev is a brahmin! Bhagavan Parshuram is a brahmin! And I'm sure that they both can win this competition. And they are others as well." said rajkumari Draupadi as bhrata Yudhisthir, bhrata Bheem, Nakul, Sahadev and I started walking out

"Where are you going, young brahmins?" I heard Madhav say we stopped Argh he purposefully put the attention on us. I thought

"Despite having the capability to win the competition leaving the gathering must also be termed competence! But such competence is of no use to anyone. Turning one's back to actions must also be termed excellence. But does such excellence help the world gain anything, brahmino?" said Madhav, we turned around

"To think only of one's joy, sorrow and oath and not of one's duty towards the world is selfishness. But a truly competent person can never be selfishness. Even when a lion is done devouring its prey it leaves a good amount of it for other carnivores. Is such altruistic behavior not the basis of dharm, brahmino? Think about it! If you have true competence then come forth. The welfare of the world is connected to this competition and possibly your welfare may also be connected to it." said Madhav, bhrata Bheem put his hand on my shoulder

"Your mitra Vasudev, not only challenged but also assured you, Jun." he said, and looked at Madhav

"You can't back out now." he said, I looked at him he nodded bhrata Yudhisthir put his hand my shoulder 

"If Keshav has said it then it must be correct." he said, I looked at him

"But what about Mata's ordered?." I said

"Mata will undurstand, it's okay" he ensured

"Go on, Jun." he said, I looked at Madhav, I looked back at bhrata Yudhisthir and touched his feet thinking I know the blessing he is going to give.

"Vijay bhavh" he said Knew it. I thought I touched bhrata Bheem's feet

"Vijay bhavh" he said I looked at the bow I walked forwared

"Even seekers of dan have been filled with the wish to display their might." said a raja everyone laughed I started walking to the bow

"When such people only know how to hold a bowl for dan then how can they lift a bow?" said a rajkumar,

"Go back, brahmin. If you try to lift the bow then you will lose even the last drop of your dignity." said a raja, I ignored them and continued walking forwered 

"Think of Bhagavan Parshuram and move forth!" said Batukeshwar maharaj

"The gurus who teach people the art of weaponry are brahmins. Then you need not be scared, young man. Move forth. Our blessings are with you. Vijay bhavh" said another brahmins 

Draupadi's P.O.V.

"You are indeed rajkumar Arjun. Bhagavan Shiva has given me the sign, this competition is hosted for you, rajkumar. You will indeed be successful." I said, rajkumar Arjun looked at me

Arjun's P.O.V.

I looked at rajkumari Draupadi she was looking at with a smile on her face. I looked at Madhav he nodded I nodded back. I kneeled down joining my hands

"Prnam to Maharaj Drupad." I said, still had my hand joined Maharaj Drupad nodded

"Prnam to Vasudev Krishna." I said, Madhav joined his and nodded

"Rajkumari Shikhandini and rajkumari Draupadi I bow before you" I said rajkumari Shikhandini and rajkumari Draupadi nodded smiling, I heard laughter

"Look! He is bowing before rajkumari Draupadi!" said a raja

"Every woman is a form of Mata Durga. One who does not respect women has no competence." I said Madhav, rajkumari Shikhandini and rajkumari Draupadi smiled

"If you accidentally get married to the rajkumari, young brahmin" I heard Rukmi, I looked at him

"then what will you do? Will you accept the rajkumari as your patni or establish her in a temple?" said

"Every home is a temple, yuvraj Rukmi." said Madhav

"And the wife... The wife is the deity of the temple."he said, Rukmi stopped smiling

"I assure you that I bow before your sister Rukmini, every single day." he said, Rukmi grunted angrily I looked at Madhav

"Move forth, young brahmin. Let's see if the sanskar imparted to you have given you the adequate strength or not." said Madhav, I walked to the bow and gave my respects to it. I held the bow and picked it up I heard whispers, I tied the string I picked up the arrow I walked to the pool, I kneeled down and looked at the fish I pulled the string and released the arrow it hit the eye of the fish and there was a huge firework explosion and flower petals fell on the rajkumari

"All hail the brahmin mahrthi! All hail the brahmin mahrthi! All hail the brahmin mahrthi!" yelled the citizens I smiled

"Maharaj Drupad," said Batukeshwar maharaj everyone looked at him

"I, Batukeshwar Sharma, from village Panchapuri, I brought them to the Swayamvar. Now, you must reward me handsomely, Maharaj Drupad." he said, I smiled shaking my head

"They are my mitra. My mitra." said he said

"The brahmin won! He won!" said the brahmins they started dancing with joy

"Har har mhadev!" they yelled

"Rajkumari, place the varmala around his neck this instant otherwise I shall have my pothi (granddaughter) married to him." said Batukeshwar maharaj

Draupadi's P.O.V.

"Rajkumari, place the varmala around his neck this instant otherwise I shall have my pothi (granddaughter) married to him." said a brahmin I looked at Govind he looked at me he pointed his eyes to rajkumar Arjun, rajkumar Arjun looked up at me he stood up the pool disappeared

Duryodhan's P.O.V.

"Arjun." said Ashwathama, mamashree, Dushasan and I looked at him

"Mamashree," I called they looked at me

"that is Arjun." I said

"Mere bachche, those four young brahmins... They are his bhaiyo." said mamashree I looked at mamashree then looked at where he was looking

"Mere bachche h-how are those five people alive? Today, your fate stands at a very dangerous point." said mamashree

Yudhisthir's P.O.V.K

"Bheem," I called, Bheem, Nakul, and Sahadev looked at me

"if the five of us are seen together then everyone will know who we are." I said 

"But bhrata Sthir," called Sahadev, we looked at him

"is it not the time to reveal ourselves now?" he asked

"That decision can be taken only by Mata, Dev, not us. Bheem." I said

"Yes." said Bheem

"You and Dev will with Jun. Kul and I will leave. We will wait for you at the hut, we have to tell Jyesht as well I have a feeling her is going to be more happier for Jun then any of us" I said, looking at Arjun

"Bheem, on my behalf, you must bless Arjun and the rajkumari" I said

"Wait for a while, bhrata Sthir. Just look, how excited the brahmins are." said Bheem gesturing to brahmins who were dancing with joy

"And look at the rajkumari's face, it is glowing with happiness." said Bheem

"The look of happiness on bhrata Bheem's face is no less." said Nakul teasingly we laughed

"And Kul might just get married to one of the brahmins daughters." he said, Nakul blushed Sahadev poked twice Nakul with my elbow and raised my eye brows twice Nakul blushed harder, Bheem and Sahadev laughed

"Yes, Bheem. That too is one of the fears. And Kul might just not be able to refuse a marriage proposal like you." I said, Nakul and Sahadev laughed

"Kul, I think bhrata Sthir is finally joining our side, like bhrata Jun and Jyesht." said Sahadev

"Yeah, You, Jyesht, bhrata Sthir, bhrata Jun, me verses bhrata Bheem." said Nakul teasingly Nakul Sahadev and I laughed Bheem pushed Nakul

"Let's go, Kul." I said putting my hand on his shoulder, Nakul nodded and we left

Arjun's P.O.V.

Rajkumari Draupadi walked down and walked at me I looked at her three dasis came with talies in there hand two had varmalas and the other had flower petals the conchs blew rajkumari Draupadi took the varmala she tried to place the varmala on my neck but I was too tall she she did tip toes but still couldn't reach, bhrata Bheem, Madhav and rajkumar Dhrishtadyumn laughed I chuckled, rajkumari Draupadi sulked, I sightly bent down and rajkumari Draupadi placed the varmala around my neck she blushed a bit bhrata Bheem, Madhav, the brahmins the citizens, rajkumari Shikhandini and rajkumar Dhrishtadyumn threw flower petals on rajkumari Draupadi and me, I took the other varmala and placed it around her neck I and rajkumari Draupadi turned to Maharaj Drupad and joined our hand and bowed our heads

"Kalyan ho." said Maharaj Drupad raising his hand blessing us

"Pitashree," said rajkumari Draupadi, I looked thinking She has a beautiful face and beautiful voice.

"allow your daughter..." she trailed, and looked at me then back at Maharaj Drupad

"to leave with her good fortune." she said, Maharaj Drupad nodded. She looked at me I gestured forwared saying Let's go.

Duryodhan's P.O.V.

Arjun rajkumar Dhrishtadyumn and rajkumari Draupadi were walking to the entrance

"Mere bachche, if a swan enters the territory of crows then all the crows peck that swan to death." said mamashree

"Tatpary?" I asked angrily mamashree closed his left eye

"With the help of all the rajao and Kshatriya present here we need to have Arjun killed today." he said I looked at him

Krishna's P.O.V.

Parth, Draupadi and Dhrishtadyumn were walking were walking to the entrance

"What kind of a mockery is this?!" yelled Gandhar raj Shakuni getting up, Parth, Draupadi and Dhrishtadyumn turned around, Gandhar raj Shakuni walked forwered

"What kind of an insult is it, rajao? Can the might of the Kshatriyo of the Aryaverth be insulted in this manner and go from Panchal?!" he said gesturing to Parth

"We are Kshatriyo ! We are protectors of the land. We are nourishers of the subjects! The maiden who was gifted to us by the agni dev will be taken by that destitute brahmin?" said Gandhar raj Shakuni

"Destitute Brahmin." I said

"If a mouse steals a gem from an elephant's crown then that does not denote the greatness of the rodent! The elephant... The elephant! It is the elephant's insult! Today, as the rajkumari got married to that destitute brahmin all the rajkumariya of the Aryaverth and the Kshatriya maidens will henceforth, renounce all the rajao and marry such destitute brahmins." he said, bhrata Bheem stepped forwared

"Bhrata Someshwar!" called Parth yelling 

"How many times should we be insulted?! Pick up!" he yelled drawing his sword

"Pick up your weapons! And put an end to this brahmin and his family." he said the rajao and rajkumaro stood up drawing their weapons

"And punish the impudent rajkumari!" he yelled, Maharaj Drupad looked at me worried I shook my head telling him not worry all the rajao and rajkumaro ran to Parth, bhrata Bheem, Draupadi and Dhrishtadyumn. Parth stepped in front of Draupadi, Dhrishtadyumn drew his sword Parth raised the bow, when the rajao and rajkumaro were going to strike their weapons Parth made a shield with his arrows, all the weapons of the rajao and rajkumaro broke, I smiled, I looked at Maharaj Drupad and pointed my head at Parth, he nodded 

Arjun's P.O.V.

I stepped in front of rajkumari Draupadi, rajkumar Dhrishtadyumn drew his sword I raised the bow, when the rajao and rajkumaro were going to strike their weapons I made a shield with my arrows, all the weapons of the rajao and rajkumaro broke into pieces, I looked at bhrata Bheem

"Batukeshwar maharaj," I called, Batukeshwar maharaj looked at me

"Why do you not challenge the Gandhar raj to a fight?" I said 

"Hey you Gandhar raj! where are you?! Show yourself! I will behead him this instant! Hey Gandhar raj!" yelled Batukeshwar maharaj, rajkumari Draupadi giggled I looked at her and smiled

"Batukeshwar maharaj, that side." I said pointing left

"That side... King of Gandhar! You want to fight, correct? Come here! You must fight me first. Come here! Come here! Come quickly!" he yelled

Duryodhan's P.O.V.

"King of Gandhar! You want to fight, correct? Come here! You must fight me first. Come here! Come here! Come quickly!" yelled a old brahmin

"Mere bachche, go and kill Arjun and Bheem. The rest of them will perish on their own. Do not ponder, mere bachche. This is your opportunity. Pick up your weapon." said mamashree I looked at Ashwathama he shook his head saying No. I walked forwarded

Arjun's P.O.V.

Duryodhan walked forwarded 

"Not today! Today, you may savor your victory. But you will certainly get to meet Yama raj someday. Let that brahmin know this." said Duryodhan and left 

"Dhrisht," I heard Madhav say

"when one invites people to a ceremony one must never draw a weapon on them. Control your anger Dhrisht." he said point at rajkumar Dhrishtadyumn's sword, he put his sword back in its case

"Rajao, yuvrajo and Kshatriyo, I request all of you to bless this young man and the rajkumari and leave for your respective kingdoms." said Madhav, the rajao and rajkumaro left Madhav looked at me

"Now, you too should leave, young brahmin. Dhrisht, will arrange for a rath and a palanquin for you two." he said

"Yes! Yes!" said Batukeshwar maharaj, we looked at him

"Arrange for a palanquin for me as well. I am from the groom's side." he said

"Forgive us, sire but we will not take the rath. We have taken an oath to walk." I said Madhav nodded

"Very well." he said

"Prnam." I said and turned around

"Stop... Stop! Stop!" said Batukeshwar maharaj we turned back around

"I will complete the rituals of your vivah. And you have got that maiden only because of me. Do not forget that." said Batukeshwar maharaj, I smiled

"But before the vivah I must seek the blessings of my Mata's." I said

"Then let's proceed. I will accompany you. After all, I was the first to stand up to protect you"said Batukeshwar maharaj he said trying to stand

"Arthat, I took the initiative. Hey Someshwar carry me now." he said, bhrata Bheem looked at me I nodded bhrata Bheem walked forwered

"Turn around, Someshwar. Turn around." said Batukeshwar maharaj, bhrata Bheem turned around

"Now, all the brahmino may leave. This right belongs only to me." said Batukeshwar maharaj I and rajkumari Draupadi touched Maharaj Drupad's feet

"Kalyan ho." he said, Maharaj Drupad looked at rajkumari Draupadi with tears filling his hands

"Aagya dijiye, pitashree" said rajkumari Draupadi

"Aagya hai, putri, After seeking the blessings of the brahmin's Mata you should return soon. We shall conduct your vivah here." said Maharaj Drupad

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