The Crusader of Rebirth (JJBA...

By Neko_Rangel28

143K 1.7K 1.7K

"Everywhere we shine death and life burn into something new..." โ€• Aberjhani (Y/N) is a 10 year old kid who ha... More

The "Harem"
Prolouge - (Y/N)'s past
Who Will Be Reality's Judge?
I got a question for you.
I'm Sorry?!
One Door Leads To Another
Target Set! Let's Move, Crusadars!
Tower Of Grey With Some Gray Clouds!
Q&A incoming. ask me questions. (Closed)
The Silver Chariot, and The Burning Magician.
About this story
Memories Resurface as the Waves Hit as Strong
Strength In Trust! Strength In Friendship!
New Charecter
Devilish Imposter! The Courageous Rebel!
Anne Bio
Remember the Queen

This Is a Rather Bizzare Day

10.9K 160 251
By Neko_Rangel28

(A/N) Sorry for not updating much. Still have school and I am dealing with some other things as well so don't expect me to update this every week or so.


The year is 1989. We are in Japan right now looking at the beautiful view of the city. This isn't what we're looking for.

Right now, we can see an adult blond woman walking into a police station. Why is she doing so? And who is she?

Third person POV:

Her name is Holly Kujo, daughter of Joseph Jostar! She is just arriving at the front desk where two officers await her.

Officer 1: "Kujo Jotara, 17 years old. Her mother is an American of British descent. Her friends at school call her 'JoJo'."

Holly: "How many did Jotara kill?!" Suddenly, she screams. "Don't tell me! I don't want to hear it! No!"

Officer 2: "Uh, who told you she killed anyone?" The officer asked in confusion. "There were four of them, including a former boxer, and your daughter managed to break 15 bones between them all. Their balls were crushed as well and...."

/small timeskip/

Suddenly, we can see the two officers leading the way to the hallway in which there are many cells for Holly to see her daughter.

Officer 2: "By the way, Miss, your Japanese is very good. How long have you been in Japan?"

Holly: "I've lived here for 20 years."

Officer 2: "Really? no wonder your Japanese is good." The officer said before turning to another officer. "Good work." he said while saluting, now returning to speak with Holly. "We've had our hands full as of late, to the point we have waiting lists for the cells." He informed her.

Officer 1: "Your daughter is just up ahead" He said, causing the women to start running in that direction.

Holly: "Jotara!"

While running, Holly can remember times when played and had fun with her daughter. worried about her daughter, she calls her name in her mind time and time again, until...

Jotara: "Shut the hell up!You're so damn annoying, you bitch!"

Holly: "Ok"

Holly POV:

"She is actually a very sweet girl." I said to the officers, worried for my daughter's safety and future. "She's not capable of doing something so appalling."

Jotara simply lays back down on the bunk.

Officer 1: "Hey! Don't fall asleep, Kujo!" He shouts, kicking the bars. "You're getting released. Get out! What part of 'go home' don't you understand?!"

Jotara suddenly gives us a menacing look and sits back up on the bed.

Jotara: "Go home, mom. I'm not going to leave here for a while." She said to me, surprising me. She continues. "I've been possessed by an evil spirit, I don't know what she'll make me do. Even during the fight, it took all I had to stop it. So don't let me out of this cell." She said while laying down once more.

Officer 2: "For crying out loud... See what i'm talking about, ma'am? We're trying to release her, but she refuses to leave. I'm sorry for asking, but are you sure your daughter is okay upstairs?" the officer asked me.

Officer 1: "This isn't a hotel!"

Suddenly, three thugs came towards us, scared to death.

Thug 1: "Please! Let us change cells!"

Thug 2: "She's telling the truth!"

They kept on yelling, swearing to behave, until one of the officers had enough.

Officer 1: "That's enough! Quiet down!"

Suddenly, we heard the sound of bending metal, only for us to see Jotara using a pen to stab a beer can. Then, she went ahead and drank it.

Officer 1: "Wh-What is that?"

Officer 2: "You've been locked up! How'd you get that in here?!"

The thugs then ran to a corner begging for their life.

Jotara: "I told you." Then, things started to magically act on their own around her. "it's the evil spirit. She brings things to me"

She then started to read a book and the radio started on its own.

Officer 2: "Sh-She's listening to a boombox and reading Shonen jump!" He said that, shocked.

Officer 1: "h-How?! Th-This is a problem! This is a huge problem!"

Jotara: "Hold it! This might not be enough to stop you from releasing me." Jotara said to us. "I'll show you what a terror my evil spirit can be." She started to walk towards us. "Just so you'll understand how dangerous it could be to let me out."

As Jotara said that, she stretched her arm forwards a bit, ready to grab something. Suddenly, another arm came out and grabbed one of the officers' pistols, returning it to Jotara. However, it appears as if the officers couldn't see the hand.

Officer 1: "M-My gun! How?!"

Officer 2: "W-We've got trouble!"

Jotara: "Well?! Did you guys see my evil spirit just now?!" Jotara asked, looking as serious as ever. "If you didn't, then..." Surprising everyone, Jotara has pointed the pistol towards her own head and she clocked the hammer, prepared to take the shot!

Holly: "J-Jotara!" She yelled, mere seconds before the shot was taken. A loud bang was heard from the cell and Jotara's face seemed to be that of surprise. All who have seen that were thrown into a state of shock, as a humanoid hand coloured purple appeared from behind Jotara and caught the bullet. However, only Holly could see the hand, as to all others it looked like the bullet was floating in mid air!

Jotara: "There's someone behind me. It seems to have possessed me recently." Jotara said as she handed back the gun, and the bullet fell to the ground.

Holly: 'Her grandpa, Joseph, had strange powers... B-Buu what's happening with my daughter?'She thought to herself, shocked yet mesmerized.

While all of that was happening, Jotara could only think of one thing. Each day at school, she'll see a young kid named (y/n). He never said his last name and he was jumped all the way to her grade due to his immense smarts. However, he was always bullied by the other students. In fact, Jotara never heard him talk and whenever he walked, she could see the strain on him.

Jotara: '(y/n), please forgive me for not protecting you right now from the bullies, but this is also for your safety.'

Jotara, who didn't like the fact he was bullied, protected him from the shadows, even though they never conversed with one another at all.

*Small timeskip*

Currently, we can see an airport. As we can see Holly running towards a group of men, she finds the person she's been looking for.

Holly: "Papa!" She shouted.

???: "hmm?" An elder looking man, who towers over others, looked towards the source of the sound.

Holly: "Over here, Papa! Over here!'' She yelled like a young kid, who's father has been playing hide and seek with his daughter, who always managed to evade being caught.

???: "Holly! outta my way!" The stranger, now known to us as the father of Holly, Joseph Joestar, shoved a man out of his way in order for him to reach his daughter.

Holly: "Papa!'' She ran towards him, and once they colidede they hugged each other, happy to see the other person after a long while. "I'm so glad you came!"

Joseph: "If my only daughter needs my help, I can be anywhere in the world within 24 hours!"

Holly: "Where's mama?"

Joseph: "She complained... but I told Suzie it was business trip for Jostar Real Estate Agency." He said and then laughed.

Holly: "Papa..." she then tightened her grip.

Joseph: "Holly... Holly. Hey Holly! Get off of me already!" He complained.

Holly: "No." She quickly denied the demand. "It's been forever since you've held me, Papa!"

Joseph: "Look you... You're a 45 year-old woman. How can you talk like that?" He said rather matter-of-fact like.

Holly: "Oh, now you've done it! I'm going to tickle you! tickle tickle tickle."

Joseph: "Hey, stop that!"

Holly: "Take that and that!"

Joseph: "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He then stopped screaming. "What the hell are you guys staring at?" Then, all of the surrounding people resumed their business.

Holly: "I'll take your bag."

Joseph: "By the way, Holly, about Jotara..." He began speaking. "You're certain he said 'evil spirit'?"

Suddenly, Holly began to cry as she fell on her knees.

Holly: "Oh... my dear Jotara! Yes. The policeman said they couldn't see it, but I clearly saw it." She explained to her father. "I saw a separate arm... And it grabbed the gun!"

Joseph: "Others couldn't see it, but you could?" he said, trying to hide his worried tone, Only for her to respond with a nod of approval. "So Jotara says that she's been possesed recently, but nothing strange has happened to you?"

Holly: "No. But Jotara said she won't leave the cell until she knows what's going on. What should I do, Papa?"

Joseph: "Thre, there, my beloved daughter. I, Joseph Joestar, am here now, so there's nothing to worry about." He reassured his daughter.

Holly: "Right."

Then, Joseph flicks his fingers together as a signal to a woman nearby. The woman looked to be of African origin and she wore a red cloth as well as baggy white pants and some fancy jewelry. The women stood up and followed Joseph and holly.

Joseph: "First, I'd like to hurry, And see my granddaughter Jotara!"

Back at the police station, we are met by quite the site. During the time We've not been there, Jotara's evil spirit gave her even more gifts. Currently, we see none other than Jotara playing with a remote controlled car. However, it doesn't seem to be the most important thing on her mind.

Jotara: 'I wonder if (y/n) would like this. Barley saw him play now that I think about it.'

The young boy had been on her mind lately. She was wondering if he's okay and if he manages alone with no help at school at the moment.

Suddenly, her car crashed right on the bars.

Officer 2: "H-How terrifying. She's got more stuff again... And it's violent." He said as he coward in fear of the young woman, fearful of the so-called evil spirit. "There's something terrifying possessing her... I-If anyone outside found out about this, I'd lose my job in a heartbeat."

Suddenly, a tall figure appears from behind the officer. That was none other than Joseph Joestar.

Joseph: "Don't worry. I'll take my granddaughter home." He announced.

Jotara: "'Granddaughter'?"

Officer 1: "Hey, what do you think you're doing?!"

Officer 2: "I told you, you can't go any further! Convince her from over here! It's dangerous!"

Joseph: "It's fine. Step aside! Leave her to me."

As the ;officer tried to keep Joseph from going in any further, the two seemed to argue a bit. In the end, Joseph used his strength to pull each officer up from the ground by grabbing the collar of their uniforms, and then he proceeded to throw them aside.

Holly: "Jotara! It's your grandfather! I'm sure he'll be able to help you!" She said with a visible worried and caring expression. "Please come out with your grandfather."

As Joseph and Jotara faced one another, a door was opened next to them.

Joseph: "Get out. We're going home." He shortly demanded.

Jotara: "Get lost." She quickly responded. "I didn't ask you to come here. Help me? What the hell can you do? Sorry you came all the way from New York, but there's no way you can help me." As she finished, she showed a metal piece in the form of a finger, That came from Joseph's prosthetic hand.

Joseph: 'Th-The pinky from my artificial left hand! When was it torn off?

Jotara: "You see? Do you get it now? That's my evil spirit." Then she threw the finger back to Joseph. "Don't get close to me. You'll just shorten what little life you have left." Then, the door closes on its own. Jotara walks back further into the cell in order to not hurt others even further.

Joseph: 'H-How can this be? I don't believe it... It was able to deceive me right off the bat... Yes... I know exactly what Jotara's evil spirit is. But rather than explaining it with words, If she experiences the truth herself, she'll understand it much better. No, she needs to physically understand, because of the dangers she'll face in the future.' Then, he clicked his fingers once more. "Avdol, you're up.'' Thus, the Egyptian women walked from the shadows towards the cell. "This is my egyptian friend I met three years ago, Avdol."

Joseph: "Chase my granddaughter Jotara out of this cell."

Jotara: "Don't." she quickly said. "She looks capable, but do you really think I'd let someone chase me out of here just because you told her to do it? Hell, no. Now I'm just gonna be even more stubborn and want to leave even less."

Avdol: "I'll have to get a bit violent. However, soon enough, she'll be so addled with pain, she'll be squeling 'Please get me out of here.'"

Joseph: "That's fine." That shocked Holly.

Holly: "Papa, what are you doing?"

Officer 2: "H-Hey, we can't have you-" but he was cut off.

Joseph: "Shut up."

Officer 1 & 2: "Yes, sir!"

Suddenly, Avdol started to produce an orange aura around her. Then, out of nowhere, a bird headed humanoid figure came from Avdol.

Jotara: "That's..."

Everyone there who could see it was in shock.

Joseph: "That's right. Avdol also has a so-called 'evil spirit.' An evil spirit that Avdol can control freely! The evil spirit's name is... Magician's Red!"

Then, out of the blue, Magician's Red emitted fire that attacked Jotara and pinned her against the wall!

Jotara: 'I-It's hot ! Fire! I'm burning! My arms are burning! Wh-What is this evil spirit?' Jotara thought with some fear in her eyes.

Officer 2: "Kujo's plastered herself against the wall and she won't move."

Officer 1: "I don't get this at all. B-But isn't it getting sort of... How is it that hot?! That's insane! It's way too hot!"

Back to the fight, we see MAgician's Red pulling Jotara closer, only for a new face to appear from her's. With a powerful roar and arms, the new figure frees Jotara of Magician's Red's grip.

Joseph: "There it is! It's finally shown itself! And the fact that it's so clearly visible means it's very powerful."

Jotara: "Why you..." And with a quick movement, it seemed like Jotara commanded the figure as it attacked Magician's Red and grabbed its neck, also affecting Avdol.

Avdol: "I can't believe she's able to make it manifest this clearly!" She said as we can see she's in pain.

Jotara: "I'm surprised you have an evil spirit, too. And Grandpa, the identity of the evil spirit..."

Joseph: "I know it, yes."

Avdol: "Mr. Joestar, you asked me to get your granddaughter out of the cell. I was planning on holding back,but considering its unexpected power, one misstep and we'll be in danger. Please, tell me if I should stop. If you still insist that I get her out, I'll have to get violent enough to send her to the hospital."

Joseph: "There's no choice. Give it your all, I won't stop you."

Avdol: "Yes, sir!" With that, Avdol prepared another attack. "Red Bind!"

Then, more flames are summoned by Magician's Red and are heading towards Jotara. Once they reach her they bind her and send her flying directly towards the cell's bars. Avdol then turns Jotara around so they'll be face to face with one another.

Officer 2: "It's so hot!"

Officer 1: I have no idea what's going on!"

Holly: Papa! What are you doing to Jotara?!"

Joseph: "Holly, be a good girl and keep quiet. 'Kay?"

Jotara: 'I-I can't breathe...'

Holly: "The evil spirit is withdrawing."

Joseph: "If the heat is restricting your breathing, your evil spirit will weaken." Joseph explains. "I shall reveal its identity! It may seem like an evil spirit, but it is not. Jotara! What you believe to be an evil spirit is a powerful vision, created from your own life energy. Due to it appearing next to you, that vision is called... A Stand!"

Jotara: 'A Stand?'

Avdol: "As told in Aesop's fable, the cold wind only made the traveler pull his coat on tight, but the heat made him admit defeat." Avdol said, taunting Jotara. "Do you want to come out of your cage now, Jojo?"

Jotara: 'Enough of this.' Jotara though. "The reason I won't leave is because I keep hurting others without realizing it, and I wouldn't dare hurt him especially!" Jotara says. Holly barely understands the reasoning. "Sure, it interests me that you have an evil spirit, too. But if you keep going, you're gonna die."

Suddenly, JOtara kicks the table that was behind her, directly at the toilet! Once hit and destroyed, the toilet shoots out the water that is inside of it and puts out the fire that binded Jotara, shocking Avdol.

Officer 1: "She broke the toilet! Th-That's destruction of property!" He said as his companion, the other officer, is seen biting his nail out of fear.

As the cell is being filled with water, Jotara is seen calm once more, and then she speaks.

Jotara: "I warned you." She then summuns her now known as stand once more with a loud battle cry. "Bastard! Don't say I didn't warn you!" And with that, her stand breaks the bars of the cell with sheer force alone, only to then take two of the bars and twist them till they're as sharp as a weapon.

With another war cry, Jotara's stand attacks Avdol with the weapon, only for her to turn around and walk away calmly, withdrawing her stand.

Jotara: "Hey! Why'd you suddenly turn your back on me?! Turn and face me!" She demanded.

Avdol: "Mr. Joestar." She said, while sitting down. "As you can see, I'vegotten her out of her cell. but..."

Jotara is then walking away from the cell.

Jotara: "Are you saying you let me win?"

Avdol: "Not exactly. I truly did plan to send you to the hospital, but I did not expect such power."

Jotara: 'If i hadn't stopped this steel rod, what were you going to do?" She asked while pointing it at Avdol.

Avdol: "My stand is Magician's Red. It could melt a steel rod like this in air with ease." She answered, carefully pulling the rod away from her.

Joseph: "Avdol has the same power as you." Jotara then throws the rod away from them. "You don't have to stay in that cell to research your evil spirit any longer."


A young boy, no older than 10, is seen walking towards an alleyway with difficulty while leaning on the walls for support. Once he reaches his destination, he slowly falls to a sitting position. His name is (y/n) (l/n). However, he never said his last name to anyone. He can't trust anyone. Anyone but his own spirit, Reality Rebirth.

(y/n): "Another day of school." was all he said.

Then, his spirit came out.

Reality Rebirth: "Well, at least you didn't get bullied as much as usual." He tried to cheer the young boy.

Unknown to the two of them, a car has passed nearby. Inside said car is none other than Jotara and her family with the addition of Avdol.


Back with Jotara, she was still with the group. However, this time they were all in a restaurant.

Holly: "Ohh, thank goodness. Jotara finally came out of her cell." She said as she clung to her daughter's arm, hugging it tightly.

Jotara: "YOu're being annoying, mom. Free my damn hand already."

Holly: "Okay."

Joseph: "Hey! Treat your mother better will ya Jotara?! She was worried sick you know! And Holly, why aren't you disciplining her after that?! Stop simply smiling as if nothing happened!"

Holly: "Okay!"

Jotara: 'Grandpa, there's one thing... I'm going to ask you about one thing I don't understand. Why did you know about my evil spirit- no, my Stand or whatever? That's what I don't understand."

Joseph: "Very well. I came all the way from New York to explain that. But in order to explain it, I must start at the beginning. This has to do with the Joestar family." He said, pulling into his coat. "First, take a look at this pictures." He then shows them a picture of a boat, a coffin, the inner part of said coffin and a writing on it.

Jotara: "What are they?"'

Joseph: "That's a hundred-year old coffin pulled up from the Atlantic Ocean, off the African coast four years ago."

Jotara: "Coffin?"

Joseph: "After I obtained and researched it,I found out that it was on the boat where my grandmother, the woman four generations before you, Jone Joestar, died. It was apparently empty when they discovered it. But I know exactly what was inside! Avdol and i are trying to locate her as we speak."

Jotara: "Her? Hold on a moment. You're making it sound like there was a person in there. Why would you call something lost at sea for a hundred years 'her'?"

Joseph: "She is evil incarnate!" He said as he stood up. "Her name is Dia! She has awakened from her hundred-year sleep. We are fated to fight her!"

After that, Jotara only sighs as she turns around to look to the outside.

Joseph: "What was that, Jotara?! Don't make a face like this has nothing to do with you!"

Jotara: "This face means, 'That was so stupid, I don't know what to say,' Gramps."

Joseph: "G-Gramps?"

Jotara: "Avdol, was it?I don't know who you are, but you're sure full of yourself." Jotara said as Joseph was getting irritated. "And Old Man, do you expect me to hear such a crazy story and just say, 'Oh I see,' and believe it?"

Avdol: "But is it not a fact that our evil spirits are crazy, as well?" Avdol said in defense of Joseph.

Joseph: "Well, whatever. Soon you'll have no choice but to believe. If you ask me why I know of Dia's existence,..." He said while emotioning to Avdol, who pulled out a camera. "and whu I'm after her... I'll show you the reason. Actually, about a year ago, I also suddenly obtained an evil spirit, or rather, the power of a Stand."

Holly: "What?"

Jotara: "Grandpa, what did you-"

But she was cut off by Joseph smashing the camera on the table.

Joseph: "I shall show you!" He said, preparing his hand in a chopping position. suddenly, purple vines came out of his hand. "This is, My Stand!" Then, he crushed the camera, which then produced a photo. Joseph then took it out in order to show it to Jotara and Holly. "Did you see it? The thorns that came from my hand? This is my stand! Its power is to take spirit photos of visions I captured from far-off places! Though I have to smash and destroy a 30,000 yen camera every time I do it."

Waiter: "Sir, is something wrong?"

Avdol: "We're fine. Go away."

Waiter: "Right..."

Joseph: "The vision that's going to appear in this picture, Jotara, will be what determines your fate!"

Jotara: "What?"

Joseph: "Jotara, Holly, have either of you ever looked carefully at the back of your necks?"

Jotara: "What do you mean?"

Joseph: "You've probably never taken a close look. But right around the base of my neck, there is a star-shaped birthmark." He then pulls down his collar a bit so he could show it. Holly moving her hair a bit and seeing it, and Jotara knowing it's there.

Jotara: "I'll ask again, what does all this mean?"

Joseph: "I asked my mother about it, and she said that my father, who died when I was young, also had it. Apparently, those of the Joestar bloodline all have this birthmark."

Jotara: "Hey, Grandpa, I'm asking you what's going to show on that photo." Jotara said, completely serious.

Joseph: "It is our destiny, as yet undiscovered!"

Holly: "Papa..."

Jotara: "Damn it, just show me what's on it already!" She said as she took the photo. looking into it, she sees a blonde woman posing.

Joseph: "Dia! She is always the one who shows up in my spirit photos. And on the back of her neck... From this bastard's neck down, Is the body of my grandmother, Jone Joestar, which that bastard has taken over!" That statement shocked Holly and Jotara. "A hundred years ago, an incident occured in the Atlantic Ocean. I only know what I heard from Granny Erina, a close friend of Jone, but Dia took over the body of my grandmother and survived! And this much is certain: She is currently hiding somewhere in the world, plotting something! It's been four years since she came back. the reason my spirit photos and your evil spirits all began manifesting in the past year... is most likely Dia!" then Avdol stood.

Avdol: "In the wider world, our gifts are considered psychic powers. I've had my stand since birth, but your powers are bound by Dia's body... in other words, Jone's body, by invisible threads. All we can say now is that Dia's existence is what brought forth the powers that were dormant within you."

Joseph: "Avdol, from this photo, can you tell where she is now?" Joseph asks Avdol, handing her the picture.

Avdol: "I cannot. There's hardly any background visible." She said as Jotara pulled her hat down.

Joseph: "As in thought."

Avdol: "I'll take a closer look." She said putting the photo in her coat.

Joseph: "Please. Hm?" He looked at Holly. "Oh, Holly, I apologize for bringing all this up so suddenly. Now, let's go home."

Holly: "Y-Yes..."

Joseph: "I'll be staying in Japan for a while. And I'll be staying at your place."

Holly: "Yes, Papa. Let's go, Jotara."

Then they all left the restaurant.

Meanwhile, at an Unknown place, we can see the figure known as Dia laying on a bed.

Dia: "It happened again... Just now, it felt as though someone was watching me again. Is it Jone's descendants, after all? This body must be sending out some kind of soul signal to her descendants." She said, as we can see both man and woman lying dead on the floor near her, drained of blood. "Very well. This might be called fate... A fate I must get rid of, a destiny I must erase. I have already made my move." And with that, she moved further into the darkness, only to say something else. "And (y/n), threat not, for I , Dia, will make sure you'll be by my side soon, my precious little child."

To that, in an alley, we can see (y/n) suddenly sneeze.

(y/n): "Achoo. Who would be talking about me?"

Reality Rebirth: "I don't have a clue, little boss. Let's just rest for tomorrow 'kay?"

To that, (y/n) only hummed, getting ready mentally for another day of school.

After a while, Joseph asks Jotara a question.

Joseph: "Hey, Jotara. Earlier at the police station, you said that there's someone you can't afford to hurt, right? Who is that person?"

Jotara: "Tch, it's a young kid who's smart enough to be in my class. I'm probably the only one who does anything to stop people from bullying him. Mom knows about his situation too."

Avdol: "Really, what is his name if I may know?"

Jotara: "I never really got to talk with him. In fact, I never heard him talk. All I know is that his name is..
















Whoo, this took me a good while.

Sorry for not updating this sooner, I've just had some health issues and stuff at school.

I made Jotara nicer than the original. I think that since she is helping and caring for (y/n), she'll be a tad bit softer to others close to her, like her mother for example.

Also, This chapter was more of a Jotara POV since it's the first one. we already know a bit about (y/n) but he'll make his real apperance at the next chapter, and i asure you, it'll be a great splash, some would turn green from jealousy.

I'll try to update as soon as possible.

Also, 4786 words, That's a lot!

Till next time, Sayonara!

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