Bible Verses With Comments

Bởi She_Flourishes

14.2K 1.8K 281

In this book, we provide Bible verses with a devotional to encourage, teach, grow, and help you in your walk... Xem Thêm

Jeremiah 17:7
Proverbs 4:23
Psalm 145:15
Psalm 118:15
Psalm 118:18
Romans 8:18
Psalm 46:10
Psalm 25:1-7
Pslam 4:7-8
Jeremiah 20:11
2 Timothy 1:7
Psalm 34:4
John 15:7
2 Corinthians 4:18
1 John 2:15-16
1 John 1:5
Isaiah 40:31
Isaiah 41:10
Proverbs 3:5-6
Psalm 25:4-5
Ephesians 4:29
Proverbs 15:1
Psalm 91:2
Psalm 147:3
Jeremiah 29:11
Pslam 119:9
Psalm 119:22-24
Nahum 1:7
Deuteronomy 5:33
Psalms 1:1-2
Psalm 46:1-2/Isaiah 40:31
Romans 8:31
Psalm 119:37
Romans 8:18
Romans 12:11
Psalms 69:3
1 Peter 5:6-11
Proverbs 3:5-6
Philippians 4:6-7
Hebrews 11:1
1 Peter 5:7
Proverbs 6:16‭-‬19
Psalm 121:1-2
Proverbs 19:21
Proverbs 27:19
1 Peter 5:7
Proverbs 24:28-29
Proverbs 15:33
Proverbs 3:25
Psalms 119:11
Proverbs 16:1
Psalm 73: 3; 19; NLT
1 John 2:15
Romans 8:11
Psalm 9:10
Psalm 119:11
Genesis 2:2 KJV
Proverbs 11:28
Psalm 118:6
2 Corinthians 11:30 NLT
Job 11:12 NLT
Psalms 3:5
John 15:19 NLT
Psalms 3:5 ESV
Psalms 9:9 ESV
Psalm 105:4
James 1:17
Psalm 119:68
Romans 5:1-5
Psalm 33:4
Psalm 33:6-7
Psalm 119:59-60
Proverbs 3:15 NLT
Proverbs 5:3-4 NLT
Psalms 33:8-9
Jeremiah 1:4-8
Ecclesiastes 7:1 ESV
2 Corinthians 5:7
Exodus 23:9
Isaiah 26:3
James 1:12
Proverbs 3:3 NLT
Pslam 22:23-24
Matthew 22:36-40
John 14:26
2 Corinthians 4:16‭-‬17
Psalm 96:4-5
Deuteronomy 2:7
James 1:12
Proverbs 1:10 NLT
1 Timothy 6:10 NLT
Psalm 55:12-14
Luke 7:33-34 NKJV
1 Timothy 4:12 NKJV
John 4:14 ESV
Galatians 5:9 NKJV
Psalm 78:13-17; 22
Satan's Tactics of Deception: #1 Doubt (Matt 4:1:11)
Psalm 121 vs 1 - 8
Satan's Tatics Of Deception: #2 Fleshly Hunger
Satan's Tactics of Deception #3 Twisting Scripture ♥️
Psalm 51:16-17
Ephesians 3:7-12
Numbers 11:4 NLT
Proverbs 15:3 NKJV
Malachi 1:6
Proverbs 1:28-29
Pslam 5:1-3
Psalm 92:7-8; 12-15
Galations 4:8-10
Joshua 9:1-6
Pslam 145:19
Matthew 6:21 ESV
Psalm 66:10-12
Psalm 119:28
Isaiah 40:29
Luke 2:11
Pslam 40:7-8'
Proverbs 6:16-19
Romans 5:1-5
Paalm 34:17
Matthew 7:24
1 Corinthians 10:12-14
Proverbs 4:26
Proverbs 15:19
Proverbs 15/16:33
Psalm 119:15-16
2 Timothy 3:1-5
Psalm 118:24

Job 34:31-32 NLT

68 11 0
Bởi She_Flourishes

"Why don't people say to God, 'I have sinned, but I will sin no more'? Or 'I don't know what evil I have done - tell me. If I have done wrong, I will stop at once'?"

Accountability (n.): responsibility to someone or for some activity; answerability; answerableness. In other words, it's when you take responsibility for your actions.

And truthfully it can be a scary thing for some people and rightfully so. It's one thing to be wrong but it's a completely different thing to have to admit that you've done something wrong. For you to do this, you'll have to have courage, wisdom and a deflated ego because pride never wants to apologize.

But thankfully, in Christ Jesus, we have all of these things.

The Word says, "Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)

So in all things, be courageous because God is always with you. Emmanuel.

The Word also says, "If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking." (James 1:5)

With God's wisdom, you can discern from what you did right, wrong and what you did that was almost right but still wrong. And with this, you can direct your steps as to what to do next because your feelings might lead you wrong but God will never lead you astray.

Lastly, what does the word say about Pride?

"Pride leads to conflict; those who take advise are wise." (Proverbs 13:10). And also, let's not forget that, "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." (James 4:6)

Now with the consciousness that you should always be courageous, ask God for His wisdom, and rebuke pride at all times, go correct your wrongs.

Apologize to who you need to apologize to. Fix the mess you made. Admit that you made a mistake. Take courage. Accept wisdom. Rebuke pride.


- Blossom

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