By hotTraunasaurus

9.7K 326 24

"Pack your bag, you're off on the next chopper tomorrow morning." I said as I stand up, ready to leave for th... More

Author's Note


237 9 0
By hotTraunasaurus

Which one do you like the most? I personally like the last one.

Is he a psychopath? Is doing evil his hobby? Oh my God I am seriously mad at him, but more to bat shit scared as I scroll down the pictures he sent me.

The first three are showing my sleepy face as I dozed off on my bed at the rig. The next picture shows a full view of my naked body under my polkadot blanket that covered only my chest and private part.

It gets worse on the sixth picture when my chest is revealed while I'm licking him, it was definitely taken when I didn't even realise it since I was too absorbed with my little assignment. Shit.

I stop looking at them as I close my eyes, my tears are blurring my view as the Uber driver takes me to the hotel.

Braving myself to expect what's coming, I take a deep breath and open my eyes again, scrolling to the next picture. It's my back view with my ass flying in the air, as my long straight hair falls to the sides.

I glance at the driver to ensure he doesn't know what's happening, or to be honest, to make sure he doesn't see what I'm seeing. Good thing he's occupied with the driving so I put my attention back to my phone.

The next picture is the same as before but with his dick in me, oh God. I'm sure the rest is probably worse.

I was right, because the next one shows my full body from the front, being fucked as I close my eyes shut. That's why I didn't notice this was taken before. Bloody hell, he's been taking my pictures all this while?

What do you think? Should I post it now?

My heart feels like it's jumping out of my body by how fast it's beating once I read his latest text message. I scroll down faster to get to the last picture. All while being more shocked as I go through the following photos. Of me naked and in ecstasy, from the orgasms.

"We're here." My phone almost escapes my hands when the driver announces our arrival at Four Seasons.

"Uhh, okay. Thanks." I scramble to lock my phone immediately before anybody sees anything then pick up my bag.

Once I'm at the elevator I got knocked over the fact I can't go up since I don't have the key card. I panic then run to the receptionist, please please please don't post the picture! Please!

"Welcome to Four Seasons, how may I-"

"Can you call 406 for me?" It comes out in a high pitch tone, almost yelling. She's startled at my impoliteness but smiles anyway, "Sure."

"Sorry. I'm uhh-" I don't know what to say, I just want to rush her into calling his room but I can't jump on the other side of this high reception table and push her to the phone. Calm down, Char. Calm down.

"It's okay. I'll call Room 406 for you. But can you tell me your name?"


"Alright Miss Charlie, please hold on," she is still smiling.

"Thank you." I return a weak smile even though my heavy heart just wants to bring my feet to a corner and hide. Why is this happening to me? What did I do in my past life? Was I so bad that I'm fated to be unlucky like this?

I watch her take all the time in the world swaying her hips walking to the phone, picks up her manicured fingers to dial the number one by one in a painfully slow motion, and stop breathing altogether as both of us wait for it to be picked up.

"Good evening Mr Black." The name makes me panic. It's really him. It's really my rapist.

"I'm sorry to disturb you but there's a woman who would like to speak with you. Miss Charlie. Would you like to take the call?" Maybe this is a bad idea. Maybe I should go home and hide? I don't have the courage to face him again.

I thought my nightmare is over once I board my flight to come home, to be back at my safe haven. But it seems that the devil has followed me here and is planning to turn my safe haven into a hell.

Another nightmare. Only this time around I don't know if it's ever gonna end since I have nowhere else to go.

"Alright. Have a good evening, Mr Black." She hangs up on him then walks to me. What's happening? Did he reject my call? Because he already posted that tenth picture? Is it too late? Am I too late?

"Mr Black will be waiting at the coffee house," she smiles as I can feel the sweat covering my forehead, "Would you like me to show you the way?"

I look at her blankly. I can't think. There are so many things running in my head at the same time.

Cursing how stupid I can be to ask the front desk instead of asking him myself, dragging this receptionist into our business which could mean more people might know about us, about me, about my humiliating self.

While there's another part urging me to check my phone if he has sent another text while I was busy being nervous and stupid at the front desk. Perhaps to see that last picture he was talking about because there's a big possibility he has already exposed me.

But I'm here, aren't I? He can't possibly have already released that picture?!

"This way, Miss Charlie." She's already standing in front of me instead of on the other side of the tall reception table.

I drag my feet following her straight to a corner, which in less than 30 seconds we are already at the entrance of a fancy in-house coffee shop.

"Mr Black will be joining you shortly. Is there anything else I can help?"

Again I just stare at her like an idiot, my fingers clutching on the strap of my handbag. Yes, get me out of here. Call the police. Send the rapist to the prison. Please. Get me out of here.

"Uhh, have a pleasant stay, Miss Charlie." She says awkwardly as she nods a little then walks away. No, don't leave. Please. Get me out of here. Help.

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