Truth Behind Lies (Lauren/You)

By __GooDVibez__

391K 11.1K 7.7K

You are a normal teenage girl when all the sudden Simon Cowell knocked on your door and took you to have anot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
The End
Truth Behind Lies

Chapter 10

12.4K 361 242
By __GooDVibez__

1 month later


Can't believe it!! It's Christmas! So far the band is going great, we have been doing covers and attempting to do some music cover videos but it kept on not happening! Also, the song that we have been planning on writing is finally done. The title of the song will be Truth Behind Lies. I am pretty excited about it because it basically describes what I am currently feeling about everything.

As for the girls, I am happy that they still are talking to me normally... On Twitter.. But that's it. Outside of the Internet or fans world, Camila and Lauren, oh Lauren. That one girl that I'm trying to keep close has been distant. The one that usually Dm me night and day if she gets a chance, now just compliments the video for the whole band. Didn't even mention me. While Normani, Ally, and Dinah they still Dm me and it's fun! We've been keeping in touch.

Also, Cara, she has been ignoring the girls too, not really but the way she talks to them in social media kinda sends me a 'no I don't want to talk to them' vibe. well that is because she over heard about everything and she understands me completely so she's mad at the girls for not understanding me or even letting me explain.

"Hey! Y/N! I need some help here!" I hear Cara scream from the drive way since the front door is wide open. I rushed to see that she's taking a huge tree out of the van.

"Cara!?" I asked. "What are you doing with that tree?" I asked.

"It's Christmas! Y/N!" Cara stated like its a matter of fact.

"I know it's the beginning of the Christmas week but what's up with the tree?" I asked again going down the steps to held her unload the van.

"Well, I thought that maybe we could decorate the whole house since my family, yours, Zac's, Andres' and Shay's are gonna spend Christmas here in mansion." Cara said.

We both lifted the tree without breaking sweat, well maybe Cara because she works out with heavier weights, as for me I'm struggling to even lift it off the floor! I mean what the heck? I lift weights too!! But then I checked the part I was holding to see that there are boxes of maybe Christmas decorations hanging off my side.

"Done!" Cara said and went in the kitchen.

"Could you please grab me some lemonade from there too?" I asked. she replied with an ok and I sat on the couch flipping through channels when Simon is trying to call.

I then hear footsteps descending from the stairs and I finally see Andres, Zac, and Shay walking towards the couch. And Cara ran and jumped on me.

"Hello, guys. I'm here to inform you that Fifth Harmony and their family will be there to celebrate Christmas with you. So please try to make an episode about it and don't forget to make the mansion or part of the mansion look Chirstmassy." Simon bluntly said.

I stared at him with my mouth slightly open from shock.

"W-what?" I asked.

"Oh, and the girls of Fifth Harmony would be living with you guys from Christmas till The New Years but just the girls. Their Families would only stay for the night." he then explained further.

"That really doesn't explain as to why they have to stay here." Cara said coldly.

"Well, as I said before, the two bands feeds off from each other's fame." Simon said "But, considering your tone, I don't think that's what you're really asking me."

There was silence because the other three didn't know what also happened with Cara and the girls.

"Is there a problem between you guys and the girls?" Simon asked concerned.

"Oh there's none. Cara is just really having a bad day today." I quickly covered it up.

"Also, she didn't have her coffee because I forgot to get the grocery yesterday." Andres said innocently.

The truth? There are a lot of coffee stacks in the cupboard because we will get insane without coffee and I know it is bad.

"Alright! Also, you guys would be recording their "All I want for Christamas" music video." Simon said and hang up.

"Well, that's how to end the call." Zac said. "Are you guys ready for the interview with Chelsea?"

"Duuhhhh!" I said, excited because I love Chelsea! (I don't if you do, so please tell me)

The gang ignored Cara's sudden change of attitude from grumpy to all smiley. I swear she's having mood swings lately!

We then all piled up in the car and Zac volunteered to drive

~In the interview~

"Alright! This is Chelsea Briggs with the Allegiance my fave Harmonizers!" Chelsea said motioning for us to talk or perhaps introduce ourselves like every other studio interview.

"Heyyoo! My name is Andres."

"Hi, I'm Shay."

"I'm Zac."

"I'm arac." Cara said and smiled. But then there was sinlence and we can't help but to laugh at her.

"I'm kidding guys! My name is Cara."

"And I am Y/N! The most (insert what you think) human being on earth." I said and smiled.

"Alright! So you guys probably heard that Fifth Harmony's album is moved up once again! What do you guys think about this? I mean it has been a while since we've been waiting for this." Chelsea said.

Since I Zac offered me the mic I think I am answering. "Well, it is such a bummer since we have been looking forward into hearing their godly music and I think that I am speaking in behalf of the rest of the Harmonizers that we are dying day by day yet we are struggling to live just to get through and listen to their songs!" I said.

"Also, Like Y/N said, we are harmonizers and we have been asking for this. Because I remebered them saying last year that it will be in fall but then fall came and it didn't!" Shay said.

"So we are kinda pumped because each one of us pre-ordered it!" Andres said.

"And! We have a special treat for Harmonizers out there who is willing and deserving to be gifted by us. I mean we will gift you the album." Cara said.

"Really? That's amazing guys! What shousl the Harmonizers do?" Chelsea asked.

"Well! Watch our next video so that you'll find out!" I said.

Chelsea groaned. "Ooohhh I'm excited! Also, since Christmas is coming up, who are you guys kissing under the mistletoe?"

"Well, For me as you all know my girlfriend, Kendall would be celebrating Christmas with us sooooo." Cara trailed already blushing.

"I'd be kissing a photo of Shawn." Andres said and we laughed.

"Yeah, he has a huge crush on him!" I said.

"Wait who? Shawn Mendes?" Chelsea asked and we all nodded. She then squealed and nodded her head. "How about you Shay? Since I have been watching the thrilling episodes of Pretty Little Liars on YouTube I am guessing you have to kiss someone under the mistletoe?"

"Oh, don't be a tease! Who knows? Maybe it could be Alison, or Paige we never really know." Shay said and smiling.

"And you tell me I'm the tease?" Chelsea said and giggled. "Well, you haven't answered yet, Y/N" Chelsea said.

The truth? Well, this interview is basically me saying that I broke up with me bestfriend.

"Well, I'd be the one kissing the mistletoe." I said and winked at the camera.

"Whhaaaattt?" How about Y/BFN?" Chelsea asked.

"Well, she has been my bestfriend longer than I can even remember. Yes, we dated and we both thought that we are better to stay as bestfriends." I said and smiled.

"Awe! I shippED it!" Chelsea said "Speaking of ship, I have to ask this. Do you guys ship Camren?"

Honesly! This woman has no chill!

"We used to." Zac said.

"But then." Andres continued. I am somehow sensing a pattern here.

"We ship Lauren." shay continued.

"With someone else." Cara said and smiled real big.

"We also ship Camila with someone else." I said.

They were looking at each other but me, which confused the heck out of me and Chelsea started to giggle.

"Oh, I get it!" She said.

"What?" I asked and looked around. "Did you guys just had a telepathic convo? So that others won't know?" I said and pointed at the camera.

"Well, that is it guys! That is a wrap!" Chelsea said and we all said bye.

"So, Y/N?" Chelsea asked once the camera was cut.

"Chelsea." i said.

"So you like Lauren?" she asked.

"Maybe." I answered and smiled at her She was about to say something when Zac yelled m name.

Lauren's POV

It's been a month since that incident. The videos they posted with the bestfriend, I can't even. I feel the sickness of jealousy in me and I can't help it. I like Y/N!

"Hey, Lauren." You hear Normani said.


"I have news for you and I don't know if it's a good one or a bad one." Normani said as she shifted in her place.

"Stop fidgeting and sit beside me." I said calmly placing the book down that I haven't even opened in a while now.

"Well, So basically, Simon called us and he said that we are going to spend Christmas with our family here in L.A" Normani said.

I cocked my eyebrows at her. "Are you serious? That is a good news! Or unless there's a bad part you're not telling me yet."

"Well, we are staying in the Allegiance's mansion." She said and my jaw dropped.

"What?" I asked.

"I know," Normani agreed.

"I'm not ready to see her yet. What if she's still dating bestfriend?" I asked Normani.

"It's Y/BFN." Normani mumbled.

"I don't care! She's still dating the person I really really like!" I said and as soon as I was about to open my mouth to rant here comes the rest of the girls holding there phones with tears in there eyes. Camila then gave me her phone and it is a recent interview of the Allegiance.

"Well, I'd be the one kissing the mistletoe." Y/Nsaid and winked at the camera. I paused the video and looked at the girls.

"What?" I asked.

"Keep watching!" Camila said.

"Whhaaaattt?" How about Y/BFN?" Chelsea asked.

"Well, she has been my bestfriend longer than I can even remember. Yes, we dated and we both thought that we are better to stay as bestfriends." Y/N said and smiled.

"Awe! I shippED it!" Chelsea said.

I paused the video again. "Are they serious?" I asked the girls.

I looked at them to see that they are holding in there squeals and nodding their heads.

"OH! MY! She's single! Y/N is single!" I cheered.

*End of POV*

~Skipping through the day of Christmas~

You've been waiting for so long to see the girls of Fifth Harmony again. Your parents and your bestfriend are setteled in their rooms and so are the other familes. The thing is your mansion has thousands of bedroom and yes I am exaggerating.

You're looking through the balcony that looks out the drive way and pass the gates of band's mansion.

"They'll be coming soon!" You hear multiple of chuckles behind you. You turned around to see your siblings and your bestfriend their. The parents are downstairs maybe socializing, who really knows. But you just can't sit there and not think of the girl that you like, you can't wait to see her green eyes once again.

Littls did you know that Lauren on the other hand is bouncing from her seat in the car. Her brother Chris has been teasing her and she can't help but to smack the living daylight out of him whle their sister, Taylor just laughs or perhaps videotaping them.

"I know they are guys, but I am scared, or more of nervous. To be honest I didn't even know how I did because it kinda just happen." You explained.

They all laughed and decided to leave you be, maybe time to think alone. They left except for one. Cara.

"hey," She said so quielty beside you that you jumped.

"What the heck! Cara you scared me." You said patting your chest lightly.

"Well, hi." Cara said positioning beside you. Proping her arms to lean on it.

"I'm waiting for me Kendall too!" She said and sighed "So I know excatly how you feel."

"Not excactly." You said.

"How so?"

"Well, Cara, first, you are waiting for the person that you are in a relationship with, second, you guys are in a god path, and third atleast its her own decsion to come here."


"True but still, Atleast even partially I got you." She said. We laughed and talked for a while only to see vans and cars starting to line up on our driveway. I opened it using the remote and I watch as the cars spreaded themselves in the space given. First that comes out was Kendall and Cara already lunged herslef to her. Followed by the Hansens, then Cabellos, then Hamilton's, then Hernandezs and finally the Jaureguis. I admired her from where I am standing and I can't help but to wonder

does she know my feeelings about her? I then decided to go down and greet the family. It's the day before the day of Christmas Eve. So the families of the girls would be here for three days.

"Welcome!" I scream from the top of the staircase.

"I'd be happy to help you gys settle in." I said and started to carry bags of the Hansens and lead them to the bedrooms. They followed me and the others did the same too. Once I finished telling them where is where I can feel someone's gaze on the back of my head, only to see Lauren holding her bag.

"Do you need any help?" I asked and offered my hand.

"I don't where my room is since all the rooms on this side is already taken." She said.

"Oh! Here let me help you." I said and grabbed the bag out of her grasp and lead her towards the room near mine. We then bumped into my bestfriend and she said hi to me and Lauren. I then stopped infront of the door and I was about to open it and help her settle in but she just took the bag out of my hand and mumbled a quick thank you and walked in the room.

Not really wanting to step in her personal place I walked down the stairs only the little kids beat me to it. They are playing tag and I can't help but to scream "Be careful"

Then the day has passed and we have been having fun decorating the christmas tree and ofcourse we video taped for the tomorrw's episode. But the day passes by Lauren did nothing but sends me glares. On the other hand Camila and I talked about what happened last month, turns out that she just didn't understand the concept.

Everyone's saying good night and this is my chance to talk to Lauren. Then as soon as she was about to close the door I stuck my foot in between the door and the door frame to avoid for the door to complelye close.

"Hey." i said and pushed the door open, slowly.

"What's up" she said on the other side of the door.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

She just walked further in the room but opening the door wide open. "Also close the door once you're in" She said coldly. I did close the door and I walked closer to her the distance between us is maybe 12 feet away.

"Are we good?" I asked. "I mean did I do something wrong?"

I don't know why but I feel as if I need to explain myself here even though I know I did nothing.

"You did nothing." She said coldly and shrugging.

"Well, then why are you glaring at me the whole day?" I asked getting a bit annoyed.

"Maybe because I don't know why you're supposed to be acting so close and touchy with your bestfriend!"


"She's your ex girlfriend and you are hers and still you two acts as if you guys are dating!"

"Lauren! She was never my ex girlfriend nor I was hers! But bestfriend yes! She has been my bestfriend ever since we are in diapers and it's the management that wants us to date because peole in social media ships it! So stop talking like a jelous girlfriend and know what is going on first before you judge someone!" i said nad walked out of her room closing the door calmly since there are other people sleeping.

Lauren's POV

IIt was the management? wow, I feel like crap, her saying that I should stop acting like a healous girlfirned. The thing that hurt is that yes I am jealous but I am not her girlfiend even though I wanted to be.

Also, maybe I do have a chance with her afterall....

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