
By deep_bluezzzz

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The Salvatore School is a safe place for kids and teenagers that are supernatural. Together they have four sp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
New Characters
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 26

527 7 0
By deep_bluezzzz

Arin's POV

Damn, the spell hurt like a bitch. It felt like my blood was set afire. I open my eyes carefully and saw Leah, sleeping peacefully in my arms. I tried to move my free hand but it stung bad. I move my head carefully and place a kiss on Leah's forehead.

I could that that action woke her up as she stirr awake. Just as she open her eyes, she gasps and hug me tight. "L-leah? I can't b-breath, l-luv", I held in the pain around my body. She quickly apologise and got off my body. "W-Where's Emmy?", I ask her then, cough out and groan as the pain sets in.

"She's either sleeping or with the twins, I suppose. Do you want me to get Freya?", she asks and I shook my head. I tried to move my hands but it hurts so bad. "W-water", I plead her and she quickly ran to the table and pour me a drink. I wanted to use the link with the pack to call for help but everytime I do something, it stings like crazy.

"L-leah", I call her out and she ran to me with the drink. I could feel a shed of tear fall to my cheeks. She put the glass near me and took a small straw for it to reach my lips. I suck the water from the straw and swallowed it slowly. The straw soon got out of my mouth and I stop trying. "Alright, I'll be right back. I'm going to get Freya", Leah stood up, away from the bed and I couldn't protest due to the pain.

I let out a long groan with a small cry. "S-stay, p-please", I look at her with hot tears in my eyes. "Hey Leah - Oh my, Arin!", Keira came in and gasps as she saw me awake. "Go get Freya", Leah told her and she quickly runs off to get her. "It hurts, doesn't it?", she asks as she wipes my tears away. I couldn't nod my head so I carefully said yes.

Not a minute later, Freya rushes in along with my dad, Lexie and my kids. "Leah, help me", Freya says as she walks to my side. She took my left side while Leah stayed on my right. Both place a hand in my back and under my legs to make sure I don't fall. Carefully, they lifted me up and I scream out loud. "It's alright, Arin. You're okay", Lexie says to me.

When the two of them are done letting me sit upright, Lexie hand a piece of cloth to Leah so, she could wipe my tears away. "What are the side effects again?", Leah question the two witches. "As of now, she should feel like her body is being burnt alive or every movement of hers will sting", Freya points out and my tears kept on pouring out. "I-it h-hurts, Freya", I look at her and her eyes soften as she could see the pain in my eyes.

"I know, Arin but you have to push through. This is just the first side effect of the spell. You're doing a great deal, sacrificing yourself so, we'd have more time", Freya brush a small amount of my hair to the back of my ear and I let out another groan. "Mama?", I heard my daughter's voice and I look at her along with the twins.

"Em-Emmy", I put on a small smile. Leah moved aside so the kids could have space for them to sit next to me. Emilia is the closest. I push against the pain and kiss the top of her head. "Μητέρα, you need rest", I couldn't help but smile at Asherah. "Y-you called me your mother", I point out which made then girl blush deeply. "Well, you are our mother. Is that okay?", Skyler asks.

I look at Lexie and she gave me a small nod. "It's more than okay", I let out a chuckle but then, cough out. "Mama!", the kids yell to which Lexie and Leah held them back. A couple seconds later, the whole group came by. "ARIN!!", everyone yells.

Laura, Davina, Ambrose, Prudence and the rest of the Spellmans crowd around the bed while the others stood back. "Drink this, luv", Ambrose hands me a cup of something. A potion, maybe. Freya and Laura both help me stable my body. Ambrose held the cup and raise it as I swallow it.

After I swallow it all, Ambrose remove the cup and I cough up. Laura stroke my back to help me soothe the liquid. "W-what was that?", I ask which then, I realise that it didn't hurt anymore. My eyes widen and soon hug Ambrose. He was taken aback by the hug but hugs me back and sighs in relief. When we pull back he explained how the potion was made and how Helda helped.

"Thank you", I said with more tears falling down. Freya wipes them away and I chuckle. "Let me hug my babies", I open my arms wide and the kids ran to me. "Careful, she's still healing from the spell", Lexie shouts but I wave her off. Freya and the witches move back to let the three of them to hug me. I place a kiss on each one of their heads.

After the kisses, I could see Lexie and Leah smile while the kids laugh. "I've never seen her this happy", I heard my father said. The twins laid by my side while Emmy laid flat on my chest. "How long does the next effect start?", I question Freya. "I'm not sure. Lexie and the Spellmans helped to make the spell better to reduce the effects. We're hoping the pain you felt when you woke up will be the last", she explains and I nod.

"Anything new that I miss?", I ask everyone. "Well, we got a letter from Carlisle that his friends have arrived in Forks. I think it's time to head back there", James said and I nod. "Lexie, Twins and Spellmans, would you like to come along? We need as much help as we need", I ask them and they look amongst each other while the twins had pleading looks to the adults.

"We can't exactly leave the island alone without one of us here", Lexie made a point but Zelda and Helda told her that they would stay and take care of the island. "Guess we're going then", Lexie states which made the twins jump out and hug their mom. "Okay, okay, come on. Let's get some breakfast before. Do you think you can walk?", Dad asks me.

"I'm fine", I told him as I move Emmy aside. Everyone gave me some space as I shift my legs to the side. I carefully lift myself up and stand properly. Laura took my hands and help me balance myself. I remove my hands away from her and took a step. "Looks like I can walk", I smile to myself at the small accomplishment.

Everyone starts to head out of the room but Leah, the kids and Lexie stayed behind. I drop my facade and groan in pain. "Come on", Lexie took one of my arms and put it over her shoulders. Leah held my waist. Skyler and Asherah stood behind me just in case I fall backwards whilst the young one stayed in front of me.

The two women carefully lead me down the stairs and I thank them. "I just remembered you called me Mama", I turn to the twins and saw the two of the acting embarrassed. "It's okay, I'm glad you accept me as you mother even if I have not been there for you two", the two gave me a small smile and hug me.

"Alright, alright. Come on, you must be hungry. You're a wolf after all", Lexie jokes which made Leah giggle a little. I'm glad they get along with each other. Eventually, the twins let go of me and Emmy got jealous so she hugs me as well. Three kids. I wonder if Leah would want more. I'm not quite sure myself but I am happy that I have these three.

We had breakfast and causal conversations were made. Lots of interesting stories from everyone. I mean, we're all getting to know each other better and we're all family now. "Arin, tell us a time when you felt free before all of us came into your life", Sabrina challenges me and I smiled.

"It was a day on a beach. Before everything, before I met Mia, the Mikaelsons and the pack, I had a best friend. Her name was Rose. She was the first vampire I had ever met after dad and uncle Stefan woke me up from my sleep. I was a doctor and one of my patients was her long lost sister, now as you all know as Joey Cullen. After she was discharged and I had to leave the hospital, the three of us went to an island in the Philippines", I let out a small laugh as I recall that day.

"One day, we decided to have a beach day and Joey found this cave as she was running around. She ran to us and told us about it. We went into the cave and found a lot of crystals in there. A local told us tat the cave was sacred and that many witches in the past used the crystals to bring good fortune and health to the people of the island. We didn't have much that day but the local man gave us three crystals each and told us to keep it safe", I thought back as to where I kept my crystal.

"The crystal on her grave, that was the one from the beach?", Dad question and I nod. "Before she passed, she told me that she wanted to have peace and so, I customised her grave to put that crystal in there", I explained and saw the guilt in Rebekah's eyes. "It's not your fault, Bex. It was her time and I knew she would have forgiven you if she had known the situation you had going on", I told her and she nods sadly. Alex had to kiss her head to make sure she was okay.

"Anyways, so we kept the crystals close to us and enjoyed the rest of the day. There was a cliff near the sea and I remembered Joey daring me to jump off it. Rose cautioned me but I told her even if I died, I could be revived again. That whole day, I felt nothing but freedom. No problems, no situations, no responsibilities and no drama just a day with my best friend and her kid sister", I smile and ended the story.

"Is that why you're always near a cliff where its closest to the ocean?", Skyler asks and I nod. "It makes me feel peaceful and I could feel her sitting next to me whenever that happens", I add and felt Leah hold on to my hand tighter. "So you miss her?", Emmy spoke up and I hummed in response. "Everyday. After all these years, I'm glad that she's at peace and Joey is safe from the horrors of this world", I ruffle her hair a little.

"Do you still have this crystal?", Prudence ask with curiosity. "I do, yes. It's hidden, safe somewhere in the school. Alaric thinks that it's bad luck but I think it makes the school more safe. Sometimes I do take it with me but the kids in that school needs to feel safe and that they belong there", I answer and explain further.

"That makes perfect sense. Not to pry, love but what happened to her?", Helda asks with her regular smile on her face. "I killed her in spite of jealously", Rebekah confessed. The Spellmans, Lexie and the twins gasps. "It's okay. I've made my peace and I've forgiven her. It's in the past so no harassing her", I pointed to them, especially Lexie and Skyler.

"Alright, alright. Since it'll be our last week here before we head back, is there anything we can do?", Dad asks the witches. "Well, a beach day would be fun", Lexie smirk at me and I shook my head. "I thought I needed rest?", I raise an eyebrow and she playfully glare at me.

"I think you can handle a beach day with us, Arin", Freya pats my shoulders and I nod. "Beach day, it is then!", I clap my hands and they all laugh. I volunteered to wash the dishes but Helda and Nick insists that I rest. I smile at them and walk out of the main door. I watch as the locals had bright smiles even if they're working tirelessly.

"They don't mind the labour if that's what you are thinking about", Sabrina's voice came up from behind as she walk to my side. "That didn't cross my mind", I told her and she nods at me. "Wanna take a walk with me?", she asks and I raise an eyebrow at her. "Relax, Lexie is busy with the other witches and you're lover is with the teenagers. It's just a walk", she chuckles then, proceeds to walk first.

I shrug my shoulders and catch up with her. "So, you're the daughter of Lucifer?", I tried to make conversation. "I am and you are the first tribrid", she points out and I nod. "Where are you taking me?", I question. "I'm not gonna kill you if you're worried about that", she answers with a smirk.

We continue to walk until we reach to a large tree on top of the hill. "You remember this place?", she turns to me and sat down, close to the tree. I shook my head and she smirks at me. She motions me to sit next to her. I oblige and sat next to her. I lean into the tree and that's when the memory came back at me.


"Make sure it's even!", Lexie shouts as I dab onto the soil ground. "It is even, my love", I stop and put the shovel down. I turn to look at her and she tackles me down. "Lexie!!", I yelled and all I could here was the sweet sound of her giggles.

The laughter died down and she got off me. "You know, it'll grow into a beautiful tree one day", I point to the small plant that we've planted down. It's been weeks since I washed up here. The alpha is getting to me but the witches on this island help me slow my anger.

Lexie has been a huge help and we quickly connected. "Arin, there's something I have to tell you..", Lexie face fell into seriousness and I raise an eyebrow. "I-I love you, Arin", she confessed and I shook my head.

"Lexie, you can't. I'm no good for you, I'm a monster, Lex", I move further away from her and she grab my hand. "Arin, don't say such things. I know you feel the same as I do", she states. I shook my head and look to the ground.

"Look at me! Look into my eyes and tell me you don't feel the same", she demands and I look into her eyes with tears. She held a small sad smile and wipe my tears away. "I-I-I l-love you too, Lexie", I croaked out.

~~Flashback ends~~

I gasp awake and moved away from that tree. "H-How did you know?", I ask her and she just smiled at me.

"Lexie mentioned the tree being the most precious thing to her and I wondered why. She told me the stories between the two of you and all the moments you had by this tree. It was the first moment that Lexie and I shared that made us closer to each other", she explains and it still didn't explain how she did it.

"Still doesn't explain how you did that?", I ask and she put out her hand. "Give me you left hand", she instructs and I hesitated. "Come on, Arin. I haven't given you any reason for us not to trust each other", she clarifies and so, I place my left hand onto her right.

She pull my hand and connect them to the tree. Little did I know, I felt the bark changing into something else. "What's happening?", I ask her and she shush me, making me watch the whole thing. Once the bark of the tree stop changing, she remove my hand and that's when I saw my name.

"Arin Raul Salvatore, the original tribrid?", I turn to Sabrina, confused. "Your original place may be in Oregon and New Orleans but here, in Greece is where you started to feel more powerful, am I wrong?", she states then asks. I nod at her. "When you leaned into the tree, it unlocked a memory that you've hidden so deep in you. I can feel it. Only two people on this island can manifest such magic which are Lexie and myself", she explains.

"What's the point in telling me all this?", I question her. She sigh and roll up my sleeve on my left arm where the Quileute mark is. "W-what are you doing?", I stutter and she just whisper a spell underneath her breath. Since my hand is still on the tree, the magic from the tree flow through my entire hand.

"Sabrina, what's happening?", I ask her but she doesn't stop chanting. After a minute or two, my whole body started to glow. I felt myself growing stronger. I felt the alpha grew confuse and wanted to come out but I told him to calm down. I then started to notice that Sabrina stop chanting.

"I think Ambrose mentioned that the nature around this island has magic", she states and I nod. "Well, after you left, Lexie and Ambrose made full use of the nature here which includes this tree right here. There's a reason it's the only tree up here", she looks at me and I realised what she meant.

"It's the main power to the island, isn't it?", I conclude and she smile at me again. "It's incredible how love works. Even magic can't do it justice", she states. The glow soon disappear and I smiled. "I had a theory that the tree could help heal you from the spell and it did. Your wolf will not be triggered", she adds.

"Thank you, Sabrina", I said, gratefully. "You know, for a supernatural that has no human blood once so ever, you are more human than any of us are", she points out and I shook my head. "Everyone's saying that but I don't believe it. The things I've done, look where its gotten us. Into war with an extinct coven. Even then, I don't even know if this will be end of things", I told her and she shook her head.

"Arin, I understand the burden of being someone so powerful. I'm the daughter of Lucifer. The Satan", she points out and I smirk a little. "I heard that you died? How did you revive?", I question her and she shrug. "Surprisingly, Ambrose and Prudence found a way with your blood", she answers which made me sit upright.

"How did you get my blood?", I ask curiously. "Your aunt owed my dad a favour", she simply answers and I raised my eyebrow. "Huh", I let huffed out and she just shook her head. "Your blood is more than just a healing property, Arin. You must've had known that", she looks at me and I shook my head.

"All I know about my blood is that is not human, I can be a source of power, like a boost for a powerful spell and that I can heal any wounds even from an unknown supernatural", I listed down. "Did you know that your mother is one of the elders here?", she asks and I shook my head.

"I thought she was from the blood coven that's chasing us?", I raise an eyebrow. "No, your mother was half witch, half wolf, am I wrong?", she question and I shook my head. "Well, Lexie told me how you were a descendant from original covens. You are one unique supernatural", she says in all awe.

"I wish people stop pointing that out. I'm aware of my bloodline and what I am. The only things I remembered from my mother were that she was from a line of crazy blood witches and a loyal pack called The Quileutes. I don't recall anything more than that", I told her and she nods.

We talk more about each other and she did explain what had happened after I left in more details which helped a lot. I'm glad Lexie wasn't alone after I left. When hours passed, Sabrina and I head back to the house. As we went in, we heard fits of laughter from everyone. My heart starts to flutter hearing their happiness.

"Arin, how was the walk?", Ambrose asks with a smirk. "It was refreshing. I'm glad Sabrina showed me to the tree", I answered her question and went to seat in between Lexie and Leah. "I can't believe how big that tree became after all these years", I point out and look at Lexie. She gave me a soft smile and patted my hand that was on my thigh.

"Wait, what tree is this?", Leah asks. "Arin and Lexie here planted a tree when they were together, it's where they're love bloomed", Ambrose smirks and I shook my head. "It's the main source of magic here in Skopelos", Lexie moves on and adds. "I took her there to help her heal faster. It's to make sure the alpha in her doesn't loose control", Sabrina justifies and I silently thank her.

"Well, thank you for that, Sabrina", Leah calmly responds and I studied her facial expression. "Let's change the subject, shall we?", Freya spoke up. "We need to go back to Forks", Dad says in a demanding tone. "Jacob called me and said that there's been more and more attacks coming in. Bonnie's protection spell isn't working well. I'm not risking losing you mom and your sister again", Dad states and I nod.

I look at Lexie and the twins. "We're coming with you, Arin. The Spellmans will watch over the island", she states and I nod. "Great, we can leave this weekend then", I confirmed and they all went along with it. "Can we have a beach day tomorrow? We'll just have a family night today", Asherah suggests and the adults look at Lexie, Leah and I. I nod and they all agreed as well.

"We can have a beach day tomorrow. So, is there anything else anyone wanna talk about?", I ask them all. The teenagers sprung up and ask more about ourselves, our past and all our adventures.

The Mikaelsons and Dad laugh and start to tell them everything from beginning to the end. About Niklaus, Hayley, Stefan and the school. After a while, I excused myself from the group and went outside to get some air. "It is a beautiful place, you know", a familiar sweet, calming voice spoke behind me.

"I'm aware, my luna", I turn to face her as she stood next to me. I couldn't help but admire how she look like. I don't think I've ever seen her in a dress before. It's peach in colour and as long until her knees. "Have I told you how beautiful you are?", I blurt out and she hides a blush by looking down.

I lift her head up by her chin gently and told her not to hide her blush. I held her closer to me as we look out to the island. Her head rested on my shoulder and I felt at peace for the first time. These were the small moments I always wish for in my life. With Mia, I never really felt that because of Niklaus and his paranoia. With Lexie, I was trying not to kill her with the alpha still out of control. He always disagreed my relationship with Lexie but I couldn't help but fall in love with her as well even if she isn't my soulmate at the time.

"Wanna go for a run?", she lift her head up and suggested. I smile and nod, agreeing to the idea. I lead her to the trail that Sabrina and I went on earlier on to the open field on top of the mountain. "Is that the tree Ambrose was teasing about?", she points to the one tree that's left alone. I nod at her. "I'm not mad at you if that's what you're worried about. It was the past, whatever that's new now from the past, I'll find a way to cope with it", she calmly assure me.

"So you're okay? With the island, the twins and Lexie?", I spoke up for the first time since we've walked here. "I mean, you did warn me about the surprises that might happen. I'm okay with the island, it's very beautiful. As for the twins, as long as Emmy is happy about having siblings, I'm more than happy for it. In fact, seeing as how you have three kids already, I won't be opposed to having more in the future, when you're ready of course", she explains then, gave me a smile.

"Wait, really?", I ask her and search for any sign of regret. "Yeah, you're my imprint, Arin Salvatore. I love Emilia and I am getting fond of Skyler and Asherah but I do want a few more, little pups running around", she kiss my cheeks and confirm by nodding. "I love you, Leah. Thank you for being so patient and understanding", I peck her lips and she gladly return it.

"Well, you're stuck with me till our last breath so", she shrugs jokingly and kiss my shoulders. "You know, Lexie has a lot to say about you", she teases and I roll my eyes. "What'd she say?", I curiously ask. "It's mostly about how soft you can be despite you being an alpha. You know, you and him are completely opposites", she points out and I chuckle.

"You've never seen me in charge without the alpha, luv", my voice went an octave deeper. Her eyes became darker as a reaction to my change in voice. I pull away and walk away to phase into the alpha. He let out a strong bark to let Leah know he's there. "It's been a while, luna muem", the alpha greets her while lowering his head.

"Hi there, fluffy", she cooed and pets him. The alpha titled his head at the nickname and whine as he feels that its childish. "Oh come on, if Arin can be mean and tough, I'm sure you can be a big softy as well", she teases as she scratches the spot behind his ears.

"Don't you want to phase?", he question her and she shrugs. "Just give it a while. I wanna admire you", she says with a soft smile. It made my heart and the alpha's flutter with happiness and joy. The alpha soon sat down with her on the grass and put his head onto her lap.

Leah started scratching down his body and that's when the alpha react with a cute goofy grin. Leah let's out a symphony of laughter and kiss the side of his jaw. The alpha licks her cheek back in return. "Wait here, okay?", she starts to get up and the alpha obeyed.

She went behind the same place I went and phased into her greyish brown wolf. The alpha stood up and stroll to her. "You look beautiful, luna muem", he compliments her. "Why thank you, alpha", she spoke back. Can I tell her? He asks me through our own mind link and I nod. "Please, call me Adoff", the alpha bow his head a little as a sign of trust and respect towards our imprint.

"Adoff, huh? Doesn't it sound weird?", Leah asks and the alpha answer with a short bark. "It means noble wolf. The elders gave me my name when I turned. I've never told anyone that before", he admitted and I felt proud of him. "It's unusual because they wanted to protect from our enemies and hide my real identity as the alpha wolf. Arin hates that we had to hide it and always complains of changing it", he goes on and exposes me.

At least he's being honest to our future Luna. He never once opened up to people about himself. Not even Mia, we never got to that point. Since then, he refuses to talk about his identity and what he went through as the alpha. I tried to help him once in a while but he would shut me off. "Well, I'm glad you opened up to me, Adoff. As I've said to Arin before, I love you regardless and I think the name suits you", Leah compliments which made Adolpha lick her cheeks.

"Come on, I know a track we can take without scaring the people here", Adoff changes the topic and heads out first, not long after, Leah chases him. There were a few small playful banter here and there but that's mostly teasing who's faster and stronger. Adolpha won, of course but he let her win once to make her happy. When she did, Leah jumped around like a little pup almost like Emilia did.

I am truly happy the alpha finally opened up and felt a sense of safety towards Leah. Despite him wanting to be tough and only showing his strength, Leah managed to make him want to open up. After what seems like hours, we head back to the house still in our wolf forms. Leah let out a soft howl to let our presence known.

They came out of the house and I watch as the twins and The Spellmans look at me in awe. "That's Arin? She's humongous!", the alpha heard Ambrose claim. He let out a bark which scared them a little only for Leah to lick his cheeks to stop him from scaring them. Adoff's gaze shifts to Lexie and guilt washed over us.

Leah must've felt the guilt and push him forward towards Lexie. The alpha only bow his head a little and I could feel the tears in our eyes. Lexie got the message of the gesture and step forward to pet him. When her fear fades, he let her wrap her arms around his neck. "It's okay, it's in the past. I'm just glad you're happy now", Lexie whispers into his ear and I felt him being more calm.

"Mama!!", the alpha's head pop up to see our 14 year old running towards us. "Hi cub", he uses the pack link to speak to her. Lexie let's the alpha go to give way for Emmy. Emmy hugs the same way Lexie did. I'm pretty sure you can't see her as she's buried in all his fur. The alpha starts to sit down which now Emmy is completely burried in his fur.

"Let her breathe, Adoff", Leah says and the alpha move slightly further down so, they could see Emilia's face. She only chuckle and continued to pet him. The alpha gives her a loving lick before looking in between the twins. "Don't be scared. He's not going to hurt you", Lexie reassures the two. "HE?!", Ambrose exclaim while the Spellmans and the twins only widen their eyes.

"It's a long story", Dad chuckles then, gave the twins a pat on the back to assure them it's safe. Skyler is the first to step up and put his hand out to reach for his fur. Emilia wiggles her way out under the alpha and let Sky interact with him. "His fur is always soft. It's like hugging a big bear", Emmy states which made the alpha huff in annoyance.

Emilia only kiss the top of his nose then moves on to stand next to Leah. Once Emilia is at her mother's side, the alpha focus his attention to the twins. They are his as well. The alpha only now his head lower to them. Only to his kids and his future luna that the alpha can bow as a sign of affection or respect.

Asherah walk next to Sky and the two started petting him. A few minutes later, the twin started to get comfortable and scratch the alpha's head in between his ears. The alpha lick her face and Sky's as well. "Aww, the alpha's gone soft", Lexie tease and that's when he bark at her.

Leah growl at the alpha, telling her that that was rude. He got the message and back down. Leah walk to a nearby bush and shifts back. Lucky for her, she had her undergarments and a pair of pants to change in. "She only goes soft for me and her kids", Leah spoke as she got out of the bushes. Emilia stays next to her and Leah kiss the top of her head.

"You can get on him if you want? He won't hurt you, I promise", Leah points out and the two look back at him. "Can we?", Asherah turn to Lexie and she nods. The alpha laid down and let them climb on his back with Leah's help of course. Once they're comfortable on his back, he slowly stands up on fours and shake his head.

The twins held close to his fur as the alpha turn to face the field. "Be careful, alright?", Lexie asks the alpha and he only nods at her. He starts to run off to the same trail he went with Leah earlier on. Asherah scream a little but got use to the speed as they went. The alpha stop at the beach and bent down so they could get off his back.

"That was fun", Skyler chuckles which made the alpha lick his face in response. "Stop it, Ma", he says and the alpha growls in response. "It's alpha to you cubs", the alpha spoke through their mind which spook them.

"What the? - Its called a mindlink. Emilia has it as well. Its not as strong but once you've phase into a wolf, you will be connected to the pack. Now, seeing that you are half-witch and warlock, you do have a choice to saperate yourself from the pack but you're mindlink with me will stay because you're my blood. I apologise for the scare, cubs", the alpha explains and then apologise.

Asherah only leans onto him and brush his fur. "I don't mind it", she says to him while Sky is still trying to take everything in. "Sky? Are you okay?", Asherah asks her brother and he nods. "Yeah, I just need time to take it all in, that's all", Skyler smiles at the alpha as he run his hand over the alpha's fur.

A while of having fun later, the twins got tired and the alpha too. He knew he should gone back earlier but he wanted to spend time with them and I let him knowing his guilt of the multiple times he let his anger get in the way of his duties to protect the innocent. "So, how exactly do you and Arin communicate?", Asherah asks curious and we are on our way home.

"You know what Venom is, right?", the alpha asks and Sky nods while Asherah shook her head. "Venom is an alien that was brought to earth and can't live without a host. Now for us, she is my host and I am her stronger, better half. She's sensible while I can be aggressive. She keeps me at bay. We communicate by the same mindlink but it's a different kind. I am not an alien because I was created by the goddess in Arin's body. When she phased for the first time, I explained to her what it means for us. What we have to do and what our duties are. Her being stubborn and wanting to do what's right, she stepped down for the sake of family and friends. I understood and stood by that decision. Up till Mia's passing", he paused.

The alpha felt two hands petting his fur and it brought him comfort. "I let my anger get the best of me and killed many many innocent lives. It ruined Arin in the process. It should be me apologising to you and your mother. I made her leave this island", the alpha continues then let out a small whine but Sky hug him tighter.

"We're glad you're gonna be our papa", Skyler spoke and the alpha smiled at that name. At that moment, we finally reach back to the house. He let the kids climb back down from his back. Leah changed into a new outfit and is cuddling with Lexie and Emmy. The alpha and I tilted our heads then started to fall down to the ground.

"ARIN!!", We heard Lexie and Leah call us out. The alpha slowly let's me shift back to my human self. "Baby, stay with us, okay?", I heard Leah's soft voice and I smile. "I d-did it a-again, huh?", I tried to joke but it didn't work as I groan. I felt the alpha whimper and I knew this is bad.

"Arin I need you to lift your shirt up", I heard Lexie say and I didnt know why. I reach the end of my shirt and pull it up. The all gasps and I ask why. I look down and saw black veins coursing through the old scar that the gargoyle gave me. You've got to be kidding me.

"The black magic didn't leave her body", I heard Freya's voice pop in. I felt myself being lifted and brought inside. I look up and saw James with worried eyes. That's not a normal look on him. He's always smiling and laughing even when things look very dim. I gasps as air became a problem and started shaking.

"Guys, she's seizing!!", James exclaim. The witches gather around me and I just smile despite the pain I felt down my stomach. "I thought the tree helped?", Ambrose questions Sabrina and Lexie. "This is entirely different, Ambrose", I heard Helda spoke up.

"How did she even get all these darkness in her?", Nick asks. "She was protecting the school from monsters", Freya simply answers. My eyes are getting heavy and I couldn't help but blink a couple of times. "Arin, you gotta stay with me, luv", Ambrose's voice pop in and I just smile at them. "Its okay, I know I'm in good hands. I'll see you on the other side, warlock", I whispered to him and closed my eyes.


A/N: Merry Christmas, luvs💙💛 Its been a hell of a year for me, mostly good but it ended not so well But I'm okay and I hope you are too. Enjoy this chapter and I'll see you next time

Oh, oh!! I'm also going to post a new book on New year's day :))

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