Oh, Romeo.

By daauroraa

341K 6.2K 2.3K

• WARNING: Contains sex scenes, excessive cursing. Grecia Edmond is 18, and so fed up from her hometown, Dur... More

"Kneel for me, Grecia."
" Do you want to leave?"
"why won't you look at me?"
"make me"
"im baby-sitting you"
"youre soaking wet."
"are you drunk?"
"whatre you doing to me?"
"about last night."
"not god, lucifer."
"oh my god, grecia."
"Dont do that."
"all perfect."
"There you go."
"Is it your back?"
"Trying to play dirty I see."
"Yee-haw to that"
"Couldn't you have done that sooner?"
"Just like that.."
"You motherfucker..."
"I think I love you..."
"Oh, you're killing me."
"Good God, ouch!"
"Oh, Romeo."

"im coming with you."

12K 236 94
By daauroraa

"Grecia, are you done?" Romeo says as he taps his foot repeatedly on the floor.

"ta-da." Grecia sways slowly as he looks at her, "think your parents will like it?"

"My parents don't usually roam the body of a woman, unless it's julia." He rolls his eyes as she laughs and begins walking to the door.

They both loved this, being able to be friends and laugh with each other, ignoring all the awkwardness of before. But only god knows, well god and I, that they both want much more than that.

Romeo's eyes land on the back of Grecia. She's wearing a baby green tall dress with her hair slicked backwards and tiny white heels that made a cute little sound every time they hit the marble floor.

"Can i drive?" Grecia turns around, catches Romeo already looking, and gives him puppy eyes.

"fine." He raises his hand in defeat as she squeals.

The pair settle into their seats, Grecia puts the gps on the phone handle, and pushes the gas pedal.

"jesus woman, let's try to get there alive." Romeo says 2 minutes into driving as he grabs the roof of the car.

"oh come on," she says smirking at him, "live a little." She says slowly taking her hands off the steering wheel and putting them above her.

"Grecia Edmond!" He screams as she laughs at his frightened state.

"Thank god." He says as they step out of the car and she hands the car keys to the valet.

"not god," she comes beside him, "lucifer." He looks at her startled but she just winks at him.

Romeo leads the way to their usual family table to find only his elder brother, Maximo, waiting for the rest of his family.

"Hey ass." Maximo greets his brother standing up and taking him into a hug.

"classy as ever, Maximo." Romeo chuckles under his brothers breath as Grecia stands and smiles at them.

"who's this delight?" Maximo pushes his brother away and kisses Grecia's hand.

"It's Luke Edmond's daughter." Romeo says before Grecia could answer.

"what?! Youre horsing me. This is Grecia?" He gestures to a child's height, referring to me.

"Yeah." She says laughing at his reaction.

"come here." He abruptly takes her into a hug, in which she returns in seconds. "You know, i used to babysit you all the time when your dickhead father wanted too pull my father out of the office every now and then."

"That's daddy?" Grecia says as they all sit and laugh.

"Well, don't tell anyone. I wanna surprise them after dinner." Maximo tells them.

Soon, the rest of the family joined them.

"Hey boo-bear." Julia greets Romeo as he fake smiles.

Maximo leans in to Grecia's ear, "if you didn't notice, he rejects her and she still tries to get into his pants."

Grecia laughs a tad loudly grabbing the family's attention.

"Grino, you came." Julia says looking rather disappointed.

"It's Grecia, Julio." Grecia messes around but soon winks into her chair when she realizes that nobody but Romeo and Maximo laughed.

"Do you really think a lady should laugh like that?" Mrs. Taylor said.

"mom, cut it out." Romeo hisses and she nods.

During dinner, the family, Except Maximo and Romeo, threw comments on how Grecia acted, but she just shrugged them off.

"Young lady, you got something.." Mrs Taylor gestures at her dress. "she can't even eat." Romeo's mother whispers but Grecia heard her, loud and clear.

Grecia breathed hard but contained herself, "excuse me." she said and rushed to the bathroom.

"Great guys. Can't you be normal for once?" Romeo says taking the cloth out of his lap and slums it hard on the table.

"why do you care? It's not like you'll marry her, that's what Julia's here for." His mother said and started playing with Julia's hair as julia enjoyed it like a dog.

"For the last time, i'm not marrying Julia." He says standing up, "and that girl you spent the entire dinner making fun of, she's Luke Edmond's daughter. I think you know him dad." And with that, Romeo takes off to stand infront of the bathroom waiting for Grecia.

what kind of bathroom is on the balcony, he thought to himself as he gets there as fast as possible.

Meanwhile, Grecia is inside whisper-screaming at her self to stop tearing up. "stop it" she warns herself in the mirror. She fixes her hair, removed the excess tears, and heads out, only to be trapped between the railing and Romeo's body.

"Sir.." she gasps by the surprise.

"I'm so sorry about them. I honestly don't know what's wrong with them." He takes a step back.

"i do." Grecia says looking out the balcony, bending her neck to the floor so it gets a wave of wind. "i'm wrong. They just proved everything that i was scared that no one likes about me. And it's true. I'm all the things they just said." she sighs and finally looks out to her city.

"no," Romeo switches closer to her, "no you're not. My family is a high-maintenance tightass. There is nothing wrong with you." He puts his hand on her lower back as she keeps her gaze on the streets, ignoring the tingles where he touches her.

"yeah," she says not sounding convinced. "thank you. I'm leaving but you can get another ride right?"

"i'm coming with you." Romeo declares.

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