Faith In Me

By BigSadBigMad

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Takes place in 1979, before fhe cure was made. Basically its going to be based around the development of Robe... More



239 12 18
By BigSadBigMad

Robert stared at Mary, who was happily beaming back at him. What was he supposed to do? Robert blinked, his brain suddenly turning on. “M-mary! How- how wonderful to see you” robert blurted out, struggling to understand what exactly he was feeling. He was supposed to be happy right? ‘Act happy Robert’ Robert told himself.

Mary perked up even more and pulled Robert close, wrapping her arms around Robert's neck. “Oh i'm so glad to see you robert! It's been too long '' Mary said happily, squeezing robert. Robert hesitantly hugged her back, wrapping his arms around Mary's waist. “Y-yeah..” Robert said, glancing over his shoulder to see Simon leaning against the wall with what seemed to be a smug look on his face; but something was off as well.

Robert felt overwhelmed, he was still shaking with nerves; adrenaline was still pumping through his veins and Robert did his best to not let it show. Robert turned his gaze away from Simon, feeling his chest squeeze with some unknown force. Robert told himself to feel happy, to hug Mary back. Fake it until you make it; as his mother often said to mock american accents.

Mary cupped Robert's face and smiled warmly at him, “You don't know how thankful i am that you showed up bob. I don't know what would have happened if those brutes had their way..'' Mary said softly, letting her hands fall onto Robert's shoulders. “Y-yeah… yeah; i am glad to… what- what are you doing out here anyways? It's not safe for a lady to be out by herself at night..” Robert said, finally putting distance between himself and mary.

“Oh well… i WAS with my boyfriend but… things happened and he ended up leaving. Then those arseholes came up to me and started giving me trouble..” Mary said with a frown on her face, as if she suddenly remembered that she had in fact been broken up with that night. Robert looked at Simon once more, silently asking for help; but Simon shrugged, looking just as lost as Robert was.

Robert cleared his throat before looking at mary. “Um… do you need us to walk you home mary?” Robert suddenly offered, not sure of what else to say. Mary was just as pretty as she was back when they went to school together; Robert had always pinned for Mary but for some reason Robert couldn't quite bring himself to be as excited to see Mary as she was to see him. 

Robert felt anxious now, he couldn't believe he just started a fight with 3 guys. He hoped he wouldn't regret that later on, he would rather not be jumped in a dark alleyway because of his drug induced rage. 

“Yes.. please, I'd greatly appreciate that,” Mary said, folding her hands in front of her. Robert nodded his head, opening his mouth to speak but he decided not to. What was the use in speaking when he had nothing to say? Robert shoved his bloody knuckles into his pockets, knowing that his hands would be hurting him for a few days now. 

Robert glanced over to Simon who looked about as rough as Robert did, if not rougher. Robert suddenly started to regret dragging Simon into that mess, Simon's poor hands were all bloody too. Without thinking, and completely forgetting about Mary, Robert walked over to Simon and grabbed his hands. “Do they hurt?” robert asked under his breath, inspecting the angry red wounds on simon’s hands

“Only a little. I can handle it.” Simon hummed, glancing up at Robert's face. “You still have blood on your face too. The fucker clipped you good huh.” Simon grinned, his chest feeling warm; he liked Robert fussing over him. It was nice.

“Do i?” Robert said, whipping his face once more. “If you want boys we can stop at my pad and get you cleaned up.” Mary said, unphased by the quiet moment Robert suddenly initiated with simon. Simon looked over to Mary and smiled gratefully; “thank you. Been a bit of a wild night yeah.” Simon said, taking his hand away from Robert's and shoving them into his pockets. 

Robert blinked before turning to Mary, realizing that he was acting weird. Robert nodded his head, his lips pursed into a thin line. Of course Robert was acting strange, he was a strange individual; though as of recently things have started to get more weird. 

First Simon, Robert was obsessing too much about Simon wanting to be around him, last night in the bathroom with his sister’s lipstick and now suddenly Mary has decided to appear once more? Robert felt like the universe was trying to throw a spanner into the works, to get under Robert's skin and ruin him. Robert took in a breath of air before looking down at his feet, doing the same as Simon and shoving his hands into his pockets.

Robert really needed to get himself together.


Once the group of three arrived at Mary's pad, Mary brought them inside and sat Robert and Simon down onto the couch. “Stay here, i'll go get some bandages and cloth.'' Mary said, her dainty little hand lingering on Robert's arm for a moment before she quickly skittered away and disappeared up the stairs.

Robert  sat stiffly, having decided it would be better if he put a respectable amount of space between him and simon. Robert had of course been obsessing over Simon's actions moments before, pulling away so suddenly. Had Robert angered simon? Robert was suddenly regretting taking those drugs and drinking so much; if Simon thought Robert was a druggie Robert would never forgive himself.

Deep down Robert always had a bit of a temper on him, though he normally keeps it hidden, sometimes he just has random bursts of anger. Tonight was one of those nights; Robert was a firm believer in the rights of women, and how they should not just be looked upon as objects. He was rather passionate about the situation.

Robert set his jaw, feeling like the room was swallowing him up until he saw Simon let out a sigh and lean back onto the couch; practically melting into the cushion. “Bloody hell, this couch is probably the softest thing I have ever sat my ass on,” Simon mused, looking at Robert who was visibly tense.

“Yeah… guess so.” Robert mumbled, lowering his head and staring at the ground; his hands twisting and pulling at a loose thread that hung from his shirt. Robert felt silly, really he did but he couldn't help it. He wished he could.

Simon raised an eyebrow at Robert, seeing his discomfort. Simon hesitated for a brief moment, opening his mouth to say something to pull Robert out of his intrusive thoughts; but before he could get the words out Mary appeared once more with a first aid kit and a few rags.

“Right then boys, lets see those hands.'' Mary said, placing down the items in her hands before flashing a warm feminine smile to the both of them. Robert stared at Mary, his blue eyes clouded with heavy thoughts, decisions filtering around inside his head; while Simon flashed a quick smile back, masking the worry he felt for his new friend.


After Mary had cleaned up Robert and Simon's wounds, she offered theme tea. Mary wanted to show Robert her womanly worth; but she quickly realized that Robert did not actually care about all that, that Robert actually preferred personality over actions/looks.

Robert had been enduring Mary's advances for a while now, he didn't really know how to act since no one had really noticed him like this before. Robert had always been a bit of a wallflower; existing but invisible to others. Robert had grown used to such treatment, he didn’t care, however the attention was nice.

Robert supposed he should be happy, he should reciprocate Mary's advances. It was obvious she fancied him, though Robert honestly couldn't wrap his head around it really. All too suddenly he was being sucked into an ALL too sociable group. Robert didn’t want to make a mistake.

“I suppose it's time for us to go. It's getting late and i don't want to give you trouble if your parents return home.” Simon said, setting down his tea before standing up; effectively pulling robert’s from his swarming thoughts. Robert stood up on instinct and nodded his head, “yeah; that would be a good idea.” Robert said quickly, rubbing his jaw in a nervous manner.

“Oh, well if you two are so sure then i guess i could finally release you.” Mary giggled, making Robert smile a little. So, she had jokes. Who knew.

“Robert… actually, i was wondering if maybe i could phone you? I'd love to make up for lost time, maybe we could go get food sometime?” Mary said, looking up at Robert through her long eyelashes. Robert blinked before blurting out the first words that came to mind.

“Really?” Robert said stupidly, fully caught off guard by the blatant request of a date. Mary laughed, her cheeks turning pink. Mary pinned some hair behind her ear before nodding her head, “of course, why not?” she said, biting her bottom lip. Robert swallowed thickly before weakly nodding his head, thinking that that was all he could do.

“Great! Here, give me your number”Mary said softly, taking out a piece of scrap paper and pen, before handing it to robert. Robert parted his lips, hesitating for a moment before sighing softly and giving in. Robert took the paper and scribbled down his number, his eyes lingering on the paper for a moment before he handed it back to mary.

“There you go” Robert said, forcing out a small smile before turning away. Robert glanced at Simon, seeing how Simon had his jaw set for a moment before looking away and shuffling to the front door. “Thank you again for saving me!” Mary said, leaning against the wall with a dreamy expression; watching as the two men left her home.

When Robert entered the dark street he still felt rather perturbed. Robert had always thought about meeting Mary again, rekindling their friendship maybe; however the way they reunited was not exactly as Robert had hoped for. Robert rubbed his eyes before sighing and looking back at simon.

“Do you have a cigarette?” Robert said softly, looking tired.

Simon looked at Robert before nodding his head, already fishing out a carton of cigarettes to offer robert. “Here.” Simon said, putting a cigarette between his own lips as well as Robert lit his. The two men stood there for a moment, smoking and letting their pent up stress relax; it was a rough night. A very eventful night too.

“Let's start walking hm?” Simon said, stubbing out his cigarette with his boot before smiling at robert; who in return flashed a weak smile and nodded his head. “Mn.” Robert hummed, dropping his cigarette as well before starting to walk back in the direction they came; hoping that he could successfully remember where exactly he was since he was rather far from home now.

Simon quickly caught up to robert, feeling relaxed since now it was just the two of them.  Simon had decided that he wanted to get closer to robert; who in his eyes was an enigma. Robert’s actions were too careful at times, so delicate; yet tonight he was so bold. Simon saw how far Robert was pushing himself to leave his comfort zone, to grab new experiences even if they scared him.

“Mn. it's late, do you just want to crash at my place again rob?” Simon mused, suddenly feeling a bit hungry. “I can make some food as well; feeling a bit peckish.'' Simon mumbled, looking over to robert.

Robert looked to Simon before a small smile effortlessly appeared on his face, appreciating how Simon could easily read the mood. “Yeah, as long as you don't mind.'' Robert said, nudging Simon playfully before trotting ahead; his face burning a bit in embarrassment at how dorky he sounded.

Simon laughed and caught up with robert, nudging him back before grabbing his wrist and pulling him down the street faster so they could return home and eat; he was starving..


After robert and simon returned to lol’s house, they left a note telling lol they left before actually taking their leave. The two had greatly sobered up by now, and were driving right to Simon's pad; which was about 25 minutes away- 15 if Simon.

Robert was looking out the window as they went along their way, thinking about mary. Robert felt unsure of what to do next, what kind of guy gives a girl his number? That just felt odd really, maybe robert was overthinking it. ‘

“That bird seemed to really fancy you, Robert,” Simon suddenly brought up, making Robert internally cringe. “I think you should pursue her, she seemed to really know you” Simon said, parking the car; they had arrived at Simon's place.

Simon turned to Robert, looking serious. “When was the last time you were pursued by a girl hmm? Have you ever shagged before?” Simon said, making Robert frown. Robert cut his eyes at Simon, “of course I have you idiot- I just… i'm not terribly interested in shagging some girl i barely know anymore..'' Robert excused, looking away.

“Then get to know her, what's the worst that could happen mate? You really need to loosen up, get your dick wet.” Simon said quite vulgarly; and Robert suddenly had had enough. “Simon, leave it.” Robert said sharply, turning away and opening the door.

Why did Simon care so much if Robert was getting laid, it was none of Simon's business. 

“I was just suggesting that maybe… it might be good for you.'' Simon persisted, getting out of the car as well and following Robert to his house. “I didn’t mean to come off as pushy, I'm saying that that bird really likes you. Obviously there is history there” simon reasoned, standing in front of robert now; keeping him from walking any further.

Robert sighed and looked at Simon, “really si? Let's be honest, Mary is too pretty to want to be with someone as bland as me alright? I'm nothing special and shoes..'' Robert said, trailing off at the end. Simon raised a questioning eyebrow at Robert, siently urging him to continue.

Robert set his jaw before shaking his head, “i don't want to talk about it anymore..’ Robert said quietly, hugging himself. Robert lowered his eyes to the ground, sure he was spitting out bullshit; but Robert really did feel like he was boring to look at. Bland even.

Robert wished there was a way he could feel more comfortable in his own skin…

Memories of the night Robert tried Janet's makeup suddenly flashed inside his head and he pursed his lips, remembering just how much he secretly enjoyed it. Robert hoped that he wouldn’t become too weird after trying her makeup; but it seems weird things like that have a tendency to follow Robert around.

Robert set his jaw before daring to look at Simon, who in return was giving him an unimpressed expression. “W-what?” Robert dared to say, glancing around. “You are putting too much thought into this river. The girl likes you, if she likes you she'll call you, if she doesn't then so what! You are a handsome lad, plenty of birds would want you.” Simon said, poking Robert's arm.

Robert blushed, he swatted away Simon's boney finger, “oh bug off… have you seen me simon? I'm plain looking, I'm pale, my hair is boring, I'm not super fit like other men; I dare to say I'm even a bit chubby!” Robert suddenly blurted out; all his frustrations and self loathing coming out in a small little rant.

“- but you're not robert! You’re really not, you see a boring person i see a artist, a creative mind with a stupid angel face” simon said back, crossing his arms. Robert sighed, looking down, “you don't mean that.'' Robert mumbled.  “But i do mean it robert. I've only known you for a few days now, but i really do think you have a gorgeous heart.'' Simon said, grabbing Robert's arm and squeezing it gently.

Robert felt his face burn and he dared to look up at Simon, his blue eyes flickering around Simon's handsome face before trailing down to Simon's lips. Robert felt his heart jump to his throat and quickly looked away, feeling like there were butterflies in his stomach.

‘W-what is this..’ Robert thought, bringing the palm of his hand up and holding it against his warm cheeks. 

Robert was quickly brought out of his thoughts when Simon took his hand away and pulled out his keys. “I mean honestly, how much self loathing can someone as short as you fit in them?” Simon teased, a shit eating grin resting on his face. 

“Oi! Bastard we are the same height!” Robert barked back, suddenly feeling a lot better knowing that Simon already thought so highly of him.  Robert huffed, and shook his head, “fucking tart, you need to get glasses” robert said, walking past simon and walking up to simon’s front door.

Simon grinned, watching Robert's back as he walked before biting his tongue. Simon felt oddly about that Mary girl, something was telling him that maybe he should keep an eye on her; or at least keep an eye out for robert; poor bloke was as naive as a child. 


Hiii~ yes I know this chapter is a bit short, but lemme tell you the next chapter I have planned is gonna be a loooong one ;)

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