Healing [Still need Correctio...

By ShandiezBooks

362K 15.9K 734

Zanobia Palmer was born and raised in Atlanta Georgia.Coming from an abusive family she really didn't know mu... More

Main Characters
Chapter 1- Zanobia POV
Chapter 2- Zanobia POV
Chapter 3- Zanobia's POV
Author's Note
Chapter 4- Mike's POV
Chapter 5- Zanobia POV
Chapter 6- Zanobia's POV
Chapter 7- Mike's POV
Chapter 8- Mike's POV
Chapter 9- Zanobia's POV
Author's Note
Chapter 10 - Zanobia's POV
Chapter 11-Zanobia's POV
Authors Note
Chapter 12-Mike's POV
Author's Note
Chapter 13-Mike's POV
Chapter 14-Zanobia's POV
Chapter 15-Zanobia's POV Date pt.1
Chapter 16-Mike's POV Date pt.2
Chapter 17-Zanobia's POV
Chapter 18- Mike's POV
Chapter 20- Mike's POV
Chapter 21-Zanobia POV
Chapter 22- Mike's POV
Chapter 23- Zanobia's POV Mother's Day Pt. 1
Chapter 24-Mike's Pov Mother's Day Pt.2
Chapter 25-Mike's Pov
Chapter 26-Zanobia's Pov
Chapter 27-Zanobia's Pov
Chapter 28-Zanobia's Pov
Chapter 29-Zanobia's Pov
Chapter 30-Zanobia's Pov
Chapter 31-Zanobia's Pov
Chapter 32-Mike's Pov B-day Pt.1
Please Read!
Chapter 33- Zanobia's Pov B-day Pt.2
Chapter 34-Mike's Pov
Chapter 35-Zanobia's Pov
Chapter 36-Zanobia's Pov
Chapter 37 - Mike's Pov
Chapter 38- Alexander's POV
Chapter 39-Zanobia's Pov
Chapter 40-Zanobia's Pov
Author's Note
Chapter 41- Zanobia's Pov
Author's Note
Chapter 42- Zanobia's Pov

Chapter 19-Zanobia's POV

6.7K 368 28
By ShandiezBooks

Alot of people have been asking me how do you pronounce Zanobia's name so the correct pronunciation is ZA-NO-BI-A I got her name from Princess Diaries.

Going over to Joliet's house early to get Zeek and to talk to her about this situation with MIke.

When Joliet opened the door she looked tired as hell.

I know kids can wear you out but damn.

"Chica you alright...How much sleep did you get last night?"I was kind of worried at the way she was looking.

"Girl those kids kept me and Josiah up all damn night talking about can we stay with them while they watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles over and over like 5 times!"

"Did you know that those movies are like 2 hours long...That boy better be lucky I love him because if I saw that ugly ass Rat one more time I was going to jump through that screen."She said.

"Uh...ok."I said going into her secret snakes pulling out a super donut.

"OH HELL NO..."She said before calming herself not trying to wake the kids.

"You are not about to eat my last super donut you know how hard it is trying to find these."She said taking it away and eating it herself.

"Girl Please you know I like those too!"I said.

"Whateva...What you doing here so early? You are not suppose to pick Zeek up until like 5 and it's only like 9 in the morning."She said now getting out all of the stuff to start making breakfast."

"Well I wanted to tell about last night and this crazy ass morning I had."I said now taking a seat and helping her stir up the pancake mix and adding strawberries to it.

30 mins later...

"Girl I got to call him he has lost his damn mind putting his hands on you!"She said now picking up her phone about to call Mike before I stopped her.

"No need to call him I do not want him to know that I am I do not need no more chaos this morning especially here where the children are."I said now flipping the Turtle looking pancakes over.

"I'm calling him later though because that is not him to put his hands on any woman our mom would slap the crap out of him of she knew what he did."She said taking the bacon out of the oven.

"I don't think I'm going into work tomorrow I can't handle dealing with him."

Before I could say anything else I heard little paddling feet on the ground.

When me and Joliet looked up we saw Zeek holding his minion stuff bear.

When he looked up a smile spreaded across his face.

"Mommy I missed you!!!"He said running over to me jumping on me.

"Oh and Good Morning Auntie Jolly!"He said going over to kiss joliet's cheek.

He calls her that why I do not know.

"Did you have fun last night little boy?"I asked.

"Yes mommy I want to do this for my birthday next year."he said.

"You sure can."I said bending down kissing his small soft cheek.

"Z can you please go back into the room with the boys until breakfast is ready?"Joliet asked.

"Yes Ma'am Bye mommy!Love you."he said going back into the room.

"That little boy is something else...Last night since me and J.Sr was falling asleep while watching the movie he came over and put his blanket over us and gave us his pillow."I thought that was so cute.

"How long did he hang in with the boys?"I asked curious.

"After the 4th time he was out like a light I wish all of the was like that unfortunately they wasn't."She said making a said face.

"I'm surprised usually he would stay up all night if you let him."

Just before I could speak again the doorbell rang.

"I wonder who could that be this early?"Joliet asked walking to the door.

All I heard was arguing back and forth before I knew it I heard my name being called by the only voice that I knew sounded like that


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