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Por Robin_Shadow

60K 2.2K 1K

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0. Choices
1. You gotta be kidding me
2. What if they don't like me?
3. Familiar
4. Pinky promise?
5. Boys..
6. Permanent and meaningful
Tattoos (pictures)
7. Eternal youth
8. Carnality
9. One touch
11. Heart wants what it wants
12. Long time no see
13. A bloody masquerade
14. Goodnight, boys
15. Between the storm and her
16. Burned to desire
17. Two faithful souls
18. Halfway through Summer
19. Trouble
20. On my mercy
21. Faded memories

10. Divine feeling of infinity

2.8K 121 124
Por Robin_Shadow

Chapter ten

(Just to clarify, this is what Pansy looks like in this book)

There was one day left to the party and I couldn't have been more excited. I was nervous as well, but the excitement made me forget about the anxious feeling.

Why was I jumpy? Well, parties were fun and all, but something always went wrong. I remember this one time when we were celebrating Slytherin's victory over Gryffindor at one of the Quidditch matches in our common room and that night, Draco and I almost got caught by Filch.

Thanks, Mrs. Norris.

Or that one time when Fred and George sneaked me into the Gryffindor's common room for a party and McGonagall stepped in. She almost caught me as well, but I managed to escape just in time. All thanks to Harry, who let me borrow his invisibility cloak.

Draco and I decided to invite Pansy and Blaise to stay over for the night so we all could get ready in the morning.

The four of us were currently sitting in my room, each with a beer in hand and lost in the game. We were bored, so we decided to do something fun before the party, but not get wasted. We took a few beers and decided to play never have I ever.

"Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex," I looked at everyone and took a sip, as Pansy went in and poured the alcohol in her mouth as well.

We watched Blaise and Draco just sit and stare at us.

"I don't believe you guys. Like, seriously? Never? Not even when you were drunk?" Pansy raised her eyebrows, as they shook their heads.

"I mean maybe... But we might just not remember it." Blaise shrugged his shoulders. "Never have I ever had sex," he smirked and peered at me, as everyone took a sip of their beer, except for me.

"Hilarious," I rolled my eyes and heard Zabini chuckle.

"No worries, De Bousquet, there's still time for you," he laughed and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Never have I ever had a crush on a professor," Draco interrupted Blaise and looked at me.

"Seriously, Malfoy?" I sent him a death stare.

"Sorry not sorry," he laughed and I took a sip from the bottle, trying to avoid everyone's on me.

"What? Who?" Pansy looked at me, but I only lowered my head.

"Snape," Draco answered for me, which made me drown in embarrassment.

"Bloody hell!" Blaise covered his mouth with his hand and started laughing, "Are you serious?"

"Come on! It was just a stupid schoolgirl crush and I was sixteen!" I tried to explain myself but I knew they wouldn't just let go of it.

Since I've been good at potions, Snape enjoyed challenging me. He expected a bit more from me than from other students, trying to bring out the potential that seemed to intrigue him.

Sometimes, I stayed after my lessons in additional classes with him and prove what a good student I was. It made me earn a few extra points for my house so it was a win-win situation.

I think that's when I found him appealing. We spent some time alone and he was different from when he was around students, which made me look at him from a different angle. Everyone was calling him the dungeon bat and was either afraid of his person or made fun of him, while I found peace in his presence.

"So you're into older men, huh?" Blaise cocked an eyebrow, making me sigh heavily.

Lord give me patience or an untraceable handgun.

"Talking about Snape, do you remember that one time he thought we had sex before his classes?" Pansy looked at me.

"Oh my– How could I forget that?" I burst out laughing.

"Wait, what?" Draco looked at us confused, "How do I not remember that?"

"You were at the Hospital Wing that day. You fell off your broom and ended up at Madam Pomfrey's, crying over your broken arm," Blaise teased Draco.

"Thanks for the reminder," Draco hissed. "What happened though?" he shifted his eyes at Pansy and me.

"We had a girl's night and you know, we did some girly stuff which.. we won't tell you about," I began explaining and peeked at Pansy who was giggling.

"Ouch, Cass.. right in my heart." Blaise placed his hand on his chest dramatically.

"Do you want to listen to how we danced around in our underwear?" I asked and frowned immediately after noticing a smirk creeping on his face.

"Yes, with all the details." he rubbed his hands together, to receive a death stare from Pansy.

"Anyways.." she rolled her eyes, "We stayed up pretty late and just fell asleep at some point, to wake up late for classes with Snape."

"Pansy woke me up by screaming wake up cunt, we're late for potions!" I reminded and looked at the girl, who smiled innocently at me.

"But it worked, didn't it? You got from the bed immediately," she tried to defend herself.

"She did?" Draco asked as he couldn't believe her words and Pansy nodded, "I have to try that one day," he smirked evilly.

"Just try, I dare you," I warned him but Draco wasn't bothered by my words.

"What happened next?" he asked.

"We took a shower and–" Pansy tried to continue.

"Wait, you two took a shower? Like– a shower together?" Blaise interrupted.

"Well, yeah," Pansy confirmed.

"Is there something wrong with that?" I asked and look at Zabini.

When it came to Pansy, we were close with each other. Our relationship was different from mine and Draco, though. After all, he was a guy and I was a girl, so there were things we couldn't do together. We were just friends and wanted to keep it that way.

The relationship between Draco and me wasn't just physical. We talked a lot about our problems and not only. It was more verbal than with Pansy.

However, Pansy and I were comfortable around each other. We would use the bathroom at the same time or change in front of each other. It wasn't embarrassing, since we knew each other for a couple of years. We trusted each other and talked a lot too, but still had secrets.

"I mean– I don't know it's just.. kind of weird. It's as if Draco and I had taken a shower together." Blaise scratched the back of his head.

"Nah, thanks, mate.. I would rather not." Draco chuckled and shifted uncomfortably in the armchair.

"We're comfortable with it. We're not ashamed to walk naked around each other," I revealed.

"I've always wondered, do girls really do that? You just casually walk up to another and say let's take a shower, girly and just.. go?" he mocked us in a funny voice, which made me giggle at how silly he was.

"We were in a hurry, alright? But.. it happened a few times." Pansy pointed at me, with her hand in the air.

"Oh yeah," I confirmed, "Like that one time after finishing our classes when we decided to have a relaxing bath," I smiled as the nice memory replayed in my head.

"Or when it was freezing outside and we took such a hot shower my skin was burning red," she laughed and shook her head at the unpleasant feeling.

The water was way too hot for us, but we took the shower anyway. It was the middle of winter outside, so any warmth was appreciated. We burned ourselves a bit, but we still had a lot of fun and enjoyed our time together.

"Alright, we don't have to know that, do we?" Blaise cringed at Parkinson's words.

"Yeah, just finish the story," Draco added, impatiently.

"You're so impatient, Malfoy," I rolled my eyes and decided to go on, "We took a shower and quickly got ready and sprinted to the classroom. Since we ran, we walked in out of breath and this is when it got weird. In the morning, we jumped into our uniforms as fast as we could and didn't have time to make ourselves look, as Snape would say, decent."

"Also, we fell asleep in them so it really looked as if we just did something," Pansy added.

"So this is why your uniforms looked so creased, huh?" Blaise cocked an eyebrow.

"Yeah, and the dungeon bat thought we just had some fun before his classes. He almost killed us with his stare and talked about how reprehensible our behaviour is. It took everything to not burst out laughing," Pansy continued the story and we saw how boys got more interested in it.

While Snape was yelling at us, I tried to calm Pansy down so she wouldn't start laughing. I knew it would just dig us into some deeper shit than we were already in. Snape could be scary if he wanted to, and as much as I wasn't so terrified of him, I did flinch a few times when he raised his voice even if he raised it on some other students.

"Also, Pansy's shirt was buttoned only halfway up and her bra was visible, which pissed him off even more and he told us to stay after class, where he yelled at us for at least ten minutes." I nodded my head once.

"And gave us detention," Pansy added.

"Do whatever you want with another, I can't seem to care less about what is going on between you two," I imitated his deep voice, "But you shall not be late for my classes and I will see you dressed properly next time, understood?"

"We tried to explain that we just overslept but he was hard to convince, so we just gave up and let him think whatever he wanted," Parkinson looked at me.

"And this is the story of how Snape thought we had morning sex!" I clapped my hands, cheering loudly.

It was a bit weird for him to think that something might've happened between us, but looking back at this situation, it was hilarious.

"Did you, though?" Draco asked, as Blaise almost choked on his beer.

"What? Of course not! Were you not listening?" I hit him lightly in his chest and frowned.

"Plus, Cassie is a total virgin," Pansy pointed out and poured the liquid into her mouth.

"Oh, yeah, cheers. I totally forgot," I glared at the brunette who winked at me.

"Oh come on! If you're so comfortable around each other to the point where you walk around naked, there must be something going on," Draco pointed out.

"The only thing we ever did was kiss at the parties. You know, when we were playing spin the bottle or when we were dared to," I explained.

"Or we just got wasted," Pansy added and tilted her head slightly.

"Or we just got.. Yeah, exactly," I confirmed her words and heard her chuckle.

Times, when Pansy and I kissed, were uncountable. We fooled around a lot at the parties since we liked to have fun. People from our group knew we were comfortable with each other so they liked to challenge us.

Pansy was a truly good kisser and she even taught me a few things. We didn't kiss outside of the parties besides leaving small pecks on each other's cheeks.

I liked our relationship and how good we felt around each other. She made me feel safe and I knew I could rely on her, even if our bond wasn't as verbal as mine with Draco.

The afternoon soon turned into evening as the passionate red vanished from the sky, letting the cold purple take over its place. Before we got to notice it was nearly ten o'clock. We all decided to end our game and start getting ready to sleep. We had to get up in the morning and make sure everything was ready, as well as make ourselves look like million dollars. Pansy and I decided to sleep in my room together, just like we used to do at Hogwarts.

"I'm so tired," I yawned as Pansy and I were sitting in the bathtub.

The warm water held us in its embrace, while mounds of foam made sure our naked skin wasn't left exposed.

"I can't remember the last time you weren't tired," she teased.

"Draco makes me wake up way too early when I just want to sleep," I complained, not remembering the last time I woke up in the afternoon.

"That boy surely is a rooster," she chuckled and shifted her body to sit more comfortably in the tub.

"Isn't he? He always complains about how he needs his beauty sleep while not letting me get mine. I mean, not that it would help or anything, but still," I laughed while opening my eyes only to notice Pansy shake her head like a disappointed mother.

"Be honest, Pans, do you still have a thing for Draco?" I asked after a while of silence.

"I'm not sure anymore.." she began toying with the foam in her hands, "I mean, I think I still fancy him, but on the other hand, I know he has a thing for Potter. No matter how many times he denies it, you can see those two morons crave for each other's attention." she blew the foam from her hand into the air.

"They totally fell for each other. They're just too proud to admit it," I shook my head and rested my chin on my hand.

"Hasn't this been going on since our fifth year?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Love is blind, I guess," I shrugged and heard Pansy sigh.

We decided to get out of the bathtub and dry ourselves off, then put on our underwear. The evening was surprisingly warm so sleeping in less clothing than usual was more comfortable.

It was summer but the evenings were usually colder, especially here at the Manor. When I was staying at the Burrow they were more pleasant and all you needed was a jumper. I still had to get used to the chilly nights at Draco's place.

I threw myself on the bed, Pansy following me and falling onto me which made me groan.

"You're crushing my boobs, cunt," I choked out, trying to throw her off of me.

"You have boobs?" she got off me and collapsed on the bed, next to me.

"You think you're so funny, huh?" I rolled over on my stomach and clicked my tongue.

"Oh, I know I am."

I rose from the bed, then walked up to one of the dressers and took a music player out of it.

"How about some music then, Miss Hilarious?" I looked at her and waggled my eyebrows, as she nodded excitedly.

Pansy also rose from the bed and the melody of the song Bad Enough by Night Traveller filled the room. I lay the music player on the nightstand and walked up to her, as we started swinging to the beat. We danced around the whole room, spinning around and messing up our wet hair while singing the lyrics out.

"I'll lay it on the line now, honey. You're the one that I love. I'm right by your side. When the times get so tough!" our voices filled the room.

"Pans, do you remember the promise we made in our first year?" I asked and she stopped spinning for a while, then something clicked in her head.

"You mean the love promise?" she questioned and I nodded my head, "Oh, I remember!" she responded and I noticed her pupils dilate a bit.

"Still available?" I sent her a suggestive look.

"Of course, Cassiopeia Parkinson," she winked at me, causing me to giggle.

It was a silly thing and we were just kids, but we promised that if we wouldn't find anyone until the end of our last year at Hogwarts, we'll end up together. It was a joke, of course, but I was curious about what would happen if we really couldn't find anybody.

"Good to hear, Pansy De Bousquet." I laughed, while we tangled our fingers together and started dancing together, continuing our singing.

As the song ended, another one pulled on. This time it was something more energetic, so we started jumping around and singing the lyrics, yet again.

It made me remember all the times we fooled together in our dorm at Hogwarts. We acted so stupidly, but nothing around us mattered. I felt alive for a moment and enjoyed every second we spent together.

"I want your love, and I want your revenge. You and me could write a bad romance. I want your love and all your lover's revenge. You and me could write a bad romance!" our off-key singing echoed against the walls.

We collapsed onto the bed, trying to catch our breaths, which seemed impossible because of the laughter. Our hearts beat so fast as if they were about to jump out of our chests. Everything about this moment was just perfect. She and I, laughing and jumping around, to the point where we couldn't breathe.

The summer vibe filled me with joy I didn't expect to feel, making me wish we could just stay like this forever.

After a few more songs we decided to have mercy on anyone who might've heard us and just go to bed. It was difficult to fall asleep since we were pretty awake, but it was nearly midnight and we had to get up in the morning, after all.

As the morning came, Pansy woke up first and had to pull me out of bed. We went to the bathroom and did our usual routines and threw some clothes on us. I decided to wear some sweats with a top and tied my hair in a loose ponytail since there were still a few hours left to the party. Pansy threw some shorts on and a big white shirt, when we heard the door open.

"Good morning, ladies!" Draco greeted us enthusiastically, followed by Blaise who closed the door behind them.

"Don't you two know how to knock?" Pansy hissed while brushing her hair out, but the boys only smiled innocently.

"Don't be so grumpy, Pans, we're going to have some fun today," he answered, but Pansy ignored him and went into the bathroom.

"Can we go eat first? I'm starving," Blaise placed his hand on his stomach and looked at us with a pleading face.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Draco agreed and we all left the room.

We went downstairs and entered the dining room, where Lucius was already sitting at his usual spot.

"Good morning, Mr. Malfoy," I smiled at him and bowed my head, hoping he wouldn't try to use the Legilimency on me again.

I felt uncomfortable with the fact that he tried to penetrate my mind, especially when I had no idea what his intentions were.

Blaise and Pansy followed my lead and also greeted Draco's father, bowing their heads lightly. He nodded at everyone, not paying much attention to us.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked and we all took our seats.

"Okay, so the party starts at seven which means we have–" Draco looked at the watch on his wrist– "six hours to get ready and make sure everything is prepared."

"Six hours? That's a lot of time," I pointed out and started wondering why we had to get up when I could sleep for another three hours. "What are we supposed to do for six whole hours?"

"Draco and I will make sure everything is ready and talk with the elves, while you and Pansy have a lot of time to do all that girly stuff or whatever," Blaise confessed.

"Do we really need that much time?" I asked and peeked at Pansy.

"Do you have a dress?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I brought some dresses so–"

"I saw them all," she interrupted, "They're pretty, but.. not accurate for the party."

"What does that mean?" I sent her a confused gaze.

"My dear, Cassie, it means we are going shopping to find you a perfect one, so Draco and Blaise will have to pick their jaws up from the floor," she winked at me.

"I want to see that," Draco scoffed, causing Blaise to smirk.

"Good morning, kids," we were cut off by Narcissa walking into the room.

Everyone greeted her and I focused my eyes on her for a while longer. She radiated happiness and the smile wouldn't come off of her face. She walked up to Lucius and a heavy feeling nested in my chest when she left a peck on his cheek. She took her seat and soon the elves served breakfast to us.

After everyone ate, Pansy and I went to my room to get changed once again, since going out in sweats wasn't a good idea.

We decided to use the Floo Network in order to get to Diagon Alley. I stepped into the fireplace and spoke the location, feeling the emerald flames consume me.

As we appeared on Diagon Alley, we started looking for a dress, which turned out to be quite a challenge. We stepped into many clothing shops but every time I found a dress, Pansy grimaced at each and every one. She was stubborn to find the perfect one. After two hours of walking and looking, we decided to take a break and took a seat on the bench.

"How much time do we have left?" Pansy asked and looked at me.

"About four hours, but let's count on finding this goddamn dress and getting back to the Manor, plus getting ready so.. not that much really," I smiled tiredly at her, exhausted by walking around so much. "Can't I just wear something from my wardrobe? I have a few dresses and they're really good," I begged, hoping she would drop the idea of still looking for the dress.

"Cassie, this dress can't be really good or pretty. It has to be perfect," she debated, causing me to sigh.

The party was about to start in a few hours, yet we still haven't found the thing we came for. I bet Draco and Blaise were ready by then and just chilling while waiting for us.

"Wait! I know where we can go next!" she announced excitedly and rose from her seat.

I followed Pansy through the muffled street and we reached yet another shop. We entered the building and I looked around to notice all the hangers were filled with different types of dresses. From short ones to those that reached the ground, shiny and subdued, as well as classy and party-like dresses. You could find every dress you desired and I wondered why we didn't go there in the first place.

"I bought my dress for the Yule Ball here. I'm sure we'll find something!" she exclaimed and clapped her hands.

We started looking around, squeezing between all the people that were there as well. I walked to the back of the shop, looking at each dress until one of them caught my eye.

"How about this one?" I took it in hand and showed it to Pansy.

"Go and try it," she pointed at the dressing room and went back to browsing through the clothes.

I stepped into the room and locked the doors behind me, then stripped from my clothes and threw the piece of clothing on me. It was a dark red, silk dress on thin straps. The neckline was deep and it reached my mid-thigh. I walked out of the changing room, to see Pansy waiting in front of it.

"Merlin, yes!" she raved and clapped her hands. "This is the perfect one!"

"I'm in love, Pans," I spun around, pleased with the fact that we finally found the dress.

I changed back into my clothes and when I left the dressing room once again, Pansy snatched the dress from my hands.

"I'm paying for it. Let's say, it's a part of your birthday present from me," she smiled and started heading to the cash register.

"No way! I told you all, no presents," I protested and grabbed her quickly by her arm gently.

"Cass, you turn nineteen only once in your life. I want to get you an awesome present, as your best friend."


"Don't even try to argue. You won't win with me." she tilted her head playfully, not giving me much of a choice.

Pansy paid for the dress and we left the shop, ready to head back to the Manor. We appeared in the fireplace and went into the ballroom, to see Draco and Blaise talking with the elves. They were already dressed and, as I expected, totally ready for the party.

"Look who's finally here," Blaise smirked when he noticed us, "How did the shopping go?"

"Very good, we got what we wanted." I showed them the bag I was holding in my hand.

"So, now if you excuse us, we're going to make ourselves look like goddesses." Pansy waved at them and we headed to my room.

Each of us took a shower, did our make-up, as well as our hair and got dressed. I put on the red dress, admiring how it brought all my curves out. A black choker was resting around my neck and I wore some black ankle-strap heels to it. My hair was curled, as it fell on my shoulders and my make-up was a bit heavier than usual.

I looked into the mirror, truly pleased with what I saw. I felt so confident and couldn't wait to go out to people.

"Are you ready, Pans?" I called from the bathroom.

"Hold on a second!" she walked into the bathroom to put on her silver earrings. "Now, I'm ready."

I couldn't take my eyes off her. She wore a dark green, open-back dress with silver jewellery and black lace-up heels. Her hair was straightened, and her make-up? Absolutely gorgeous.

Before we got to notice, it was nearly seven, so we decided to head down. We walked down the stairs and the minute we stepped into the foyer, Blaise's and Draco's jaws dropped.

"Told you," Pansy whispered to me.

"How are we doing, my loves?" I smirked at them, their eyes popping out.

"You weren't joking, Pansy," Draco admitted making Pansy and me giggle.

"Of course, I wasn't," she smiled seductively at them.

"Are you all ready?" I looked at everyone and they all cheered loudly.

Soon people started appearing and after an hour, most of the guests were at the Malfoy Manor, partying as if there was no tomorrow. Nothing better than hormonal teenagers, screaming out the lyrics of so well-known songs, with alcohol running through their veins, am I right?

Welcome to our world.

The party was in full swing. The taste of alcohol, burned within our tongues made us feel as if everything was possible. All the hurt was forgotten– at least for a while. This was our time, our night, and nothing else mattered. I mean, why would we care about anything, when illusions provided us with happiness and this divine feeling of infinity? After all, carelessness and recklessness were some old friends of ours. That's just how we were.

I squeezed through the crowd and stepped outside to the garden. I found my friends seating near the pool, thus the Weasley twins and the Golden Trio, as well as Draco, Blaise and Pansy. I handed them their drinks, which were soon poured down our throats. We all sat in the circle, deciding to play spin the bottle.

"Ron, truth or dare?" George asked after the bottle landed on his brother.

"Truth, I would say," he replied, a bit nervous about what his siblings might've come up with.

"Let's start easy, yeah? How's it going with Granger?" the twin winked at his brother.

"Oh, it's really good." he proudly wrapped an arm around Hermione, who left a peck on his cheek. 

I looked at them, melting how adorable they looked together.

Ron spun the bottle, which landed on Pansy. She didn't hesitate much and picked the truth as well.

"What's the riskiest thing you've ever done?" he looked at her, as she wondered for a while.

"Hmm.. Maybe sneaking alcohol past McGonagall and Snape. If they caught me, I would've been fucked," she laughed, then spun the bottle which landed on Draco.

"Since you all losers choose truth, I'm picking dare. Let's have some fun, shall we?" he acted all cocky, making an idea pop into my head.

I looked at Pansy, who felt my gaze straight away and peeked at Harry.

"Alright, I dare you to kiss Potter," she challenged him, as Draco almost choked on his drink.

"What?" a small blush crept on his cheeks, "Don't be ridiculous."

"I'm serious. Go and kiss Potter," she repeated and looked at Harry, who was in deep shock.

I don't think he truly understood what was about to happen.

"Oh, come on.. Cass?" he peeked at me, hoping I would somehow save him.

"Dare is a dare, Malfoy," I shrugged. "You said it yourself. Have some fun!" I mocked him with his words.

"Go on, Potter," Pansy encouraged Harry, who looked at his friends.

Hermione wasn't as enthusiastic about the dare but Ron patted his chest twice and pointed on Harry, showing him he got his back.

"Let's do it." Harry rose from his seat.

Draco followed soon after. They stood like that for a while in total silence, not having any idea how to start.

Fred decided to help them. He grabbed two shots of vodka from the table and handed the glasses to them.

"Something to ease the tension, boys," he sent them a smirk.

They drank the shots immediately, Fred taking the glasses from them.

"Okay, you know what? Fuck that," Draco grabbed Harry by his jaw and pulled him into a deep kiss.

We all started clapping and cheering since everybody knew that these two wankers have been into each other for quite some time now, but none of them wanted to admit it.

After a while, they pulled away, while staring into each other's eyes for a moment, when Harry cleared his throat.

"I need something stronger than vodka," Draco admitted and left the garden.

We all decided to stop the game there for now and headed back to the Manor as well.

The loud music echoed in our heads, making us jump and fool around immediately.

"Oh my god, I love this song!" I yelled excitedly, as Mr. Saxobeat started playing, "Pansy, dance with me!" I grabbed her hand and we started swinging into the beat, which soon turned to dirty dancing.

Our chests were brushing against each other, sending butterflies to my stomach. Our hips moved in sync, as our hands explored our bodies.

We felt people's eyes on us and soon a crowd formed around, applauding us. We also noticed our friends there, thus Hermione and Ron, as well as Blaise and the twins. Most of them were shocked at how easily we brought the attention to ourselves, but they went on with the cheering and clapping.

As the song ended, we stopped dancing to hear thunderous applause. We decided to grab something to drink since our mouths felt like deserts. It didn't just end on one drink, of course. Malfoy Manor had numerous of exquisite alcohol, and the bartender at the party made such colourful drinks, you couldn't just say no.

Hours passed, more people became drunk and high, but the night didn't seem to end. The alcohol flowing in our blood could've kept us up all night if it only didn't make us forget about everything in the morning. Oh, what a perfect memory it could be. As I finished another shot, I felt the sudden rush of heat take over me.

"It's so– so hot," I spoke to myself and started squeezing through the crowd.

I headed wobbly upstairs and started walking down the dark halls. I stopped for a moment to take off my heels, since they injured my feet more than I thought they would. I exhaled relieved and took the shoes in my hand, then continued walking.

I wasn't even sure where I was heading. The halls looked practically identical.

"Cassiopeia?" I heard a familiar voice behind me.

I turned around and saw Narcissa with a concerned look on her face. I had no idea if it was me or the alcohol, but she looked breathtaking.

She quickly rushed to me, noticing how wobbly I was moving.

"Are you an angel?" I placed my hand on her cheek, "Am I in heaven?"

"How much did you drink?" she asked and wrapped her arm around my waist, helping me to keep my balance.

"Just a little tiny bit," I pinched my fingers and giggled.

"Come on. I think it's enough alcohol for you," she sighed and we headed to my bedroom.

We walked inside, as Narcissa closed the doors behind us and I threw the shoes on the floor.

"Why.. Why is it so fucking hot?" I complained and went to the bathroom, hearing Mrs. Malfoy's steps behind me.

I turned the shower on as the cold water started running from the showerhead. I pulled the dress over my head, exposing my bare chest since I wasn't wearing a bra and threw the dress on the floor. Narcissa scanned my body, but then quickly looked away.

"Merlin– Please put your dress back on," a soft blush decorated her cheeks.

"But it's so hot!"

It truly felt as if my body were on fire.

"I don't care, just– put it on," she tried to convince me yet again.

The look on her face was rather adorable. She tried to keep her eyes on the floor while still peeking at me to make sure I was still standing. The pink in her cheeks was even more visible with every minute.

"What if I don't?" I cocked an eyebrow and smiled at the sudden flow of adrenaline.

"Cassiopeia, I don't enjoy repeating myself." she picked up my dress from the floor and handed it to me, "Get dressed, now," her patience slowly started to fade.

"No." I grabbed the dress from her and then tossed it back on the floor, causing Narcissa to look at me already irritated with my attitude.

"Sweetheart, I'm trying to be nice but you're clearly testing my patience," her tone got a bit harsh, letting me know she wasn't joking anymore.

I giggled drunkenly and started backing up to the shower. An icy drop of water wandered down my back. Goosebumps appeared on my skin and a shiver ran down my spine, making me melt in the glorious feeling.

"This feels so good," I smiled at her evilly while stretching my neck out and almost entering the shower.

Narcissa was so fed up with me and my childish behaviour, yet I didn't give a single fuck. Making her mad was so hilarious to me to the point where I couldn't seem to care less about the consequences– if they were to occur.

"Cassiopeia," she spoke through gritted teeth and looked at me with a cold look in her eyes. "You will step out of this goddamn shower and get dressed, understood?" her jaw clenched.

I forgot about this coldness she possessed since she was being nice to me. Her warmth was the only thing I felt, until now.

My smile began to disappear until it dropped for good, feeling her intense glare slowly strip me from confidence. But giving up wasn't a plan of mine. I could've listened to her and been polite, but I just had to show her I wasn't some little girl who would blindly obey every word coming from her.

Was it a good move? I don't think so.

"Go fuck yourself," I hissed, not breaking eye contact.

If it wasn't for the alcohol, I wouldn't have been so bold. I knew I wouldn't remember my words in the morning. My anger mixed with jealousy, causing me to act recklessly, but I didn't regret my words.

"What did you say?" she stepped closer to me.

"I said, go fuck yourself," I repeated my words. "Isn't the message clear enough?"

"Aren't you forgetting who you're talking to, foolish girl?" she stopped right in front of me, not giving a damn anymore that I was almost completely naked.

"Did I upset you?" I pouted and took a step back, only for her to grab my arm.

"You have no idea what you're getting yourself into," she growled, while I tried to jerk her hand off of me.

I placed my hand on hers, still trying to somehow fight, but my muscles were way too weak to release myself from her grip.

Before I could notice I slipped on the floor, pulling Narcissa with me. We both landed under the shower, where the icy water held us in its embrace.

I opened my eyes and realised she was lying on top of me with her arms on both sides of my head. She scanned my whole body while breathing heavily and shifted her eyes to my face.

I didn't think much. I cupped her face and pulled her into a kiss. She was shocked for a moment, but surprisingly, she went in with the kiss after a while.

Our lips moved in sync, making my cheeks burn. Her lips tasted like mint with a mix of wine and I couldn't seem to get enough of them, while alcohol on my tongue was the only thing she could taste. We pulled away from each other and our eyes locked.

"That felt good.." I could barely feel my lips moving with those words.

Everything around me went pitch black and before I could notice, my eyes closed and I blacked out.

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