The Maze Runner | BTS AU

By jiminctxt

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"Just follow me and run like your life depends on it. . . because it does." Jungkook and Amara were both anom... More

↢ Prologue ↣
01 | Welcome to the Glade
02 | Shocking revelations
03 | Tour time with Hope
04 | Sweet like Suga
05 | Meet V
06 | Cooking with Jin
07 | Tension Arising
08 | Nightly Celebrations
09 | Runner Material?
10 | Damaging Memories
11 | New Arrival
12 | Secrets Revealed
13 | Curious Jungkook
14 | Monster Unleashed
15 | Dead Griever
16 | Glader Exile
17 | The Last One
18 | Beginning of problems
19 | Trapped Inside
20 | Overnight in the Maze
21 | Welcome Back
22 | New Runner?
24 | Namjoon Remembers
25 | The Jeon Twins
26 | Night in the Slammer
27 | Release the Beast
28 | Training in the Maze
29 | She awakens
30 | The Beginning of the End
31 | The Grievers Attack
32 | Another one bites the dust
33 | Dreams gone up in smoke
34 | Cracking the code

23 | Psycho's get punched

632 48 90
By jiminctxt

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[ Chapter 23 ]
❛Psycho's get punched❜
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COMPLETE SILENCE FILLED THE ROOM, as if the world had been frozen, and every member of the Council stared at Jay. Jungkook too, sat stunned, waiting for the runner to burst out laughing and say he'd been joking.

Gally was the first one to break the spell, standing up. "That's ridiculous!" He faced Hope and pointed back at Jay, who had taken his seat again. "He should be kicked off the Council for saying something so stupid."

Any pity that Jungkook had felt for Gally, however remote, completely vanished at that statement.

Amara arose from her seat once more, her anger and hatred for the boy getting the best of her— how dare he even consider such a thing about Jay of all people. "I think you should be kicked off the council for all the nonsense you've spewed all meeting!"

Some keepers seemed to actually agree with Jay's and Amara's recommendations— like Jin and Suga, the two clapping loudly to drown out Gally, clamouring to take a vote. Others didn't. V, however, sat with his head buried in his hands, clearly appearing done with this whole meeting and everyone in it— Jungkook didn't blame him.

When everyone started talking at once, Jungkook copied V's actions and put his head in his hands to wait it out, terrified and awed at the same time. Why had Jay said that? 'Has to be a joke,' he thought, 'Hope said it takes forever just to become a runner much less the keeper himself'. He looked back up, wishing he were a thousand miles away.

Finally, Hope put his notepad down and stepped out from the semicircle, screaming at people to shut up. Jungkook watched on as at first, no one seemed to hear or notice Hope at all. Gradually, though, order was restored and everyone sat down.

"Shuck it," Hope scoffed. "I've never seen so many shanks acting like tit-suckin' babies. We may not look it, but around these parts were adults. Act like it, or we'll disband this bloody Council and start from scratch." He walked from end to end of the curved row of sitting keepers, including Amara and Suga, looking each of them in the eye as he spoke. "Are we clear?"

Silence had swept across the group. Jungkook expected more outbursts, but was surprised when everyone nodded those heads in consent, even Gally.

"Good." Hope nodded before he walked back to his chair and sat down, putting the notepad in his lap. He scratched out a few lines on the paper, then looked up at Jay. "That's some serious klunk, brother. Sorry, but you need to talk it up more before we move it forward."

Amara was eager to hear what Jay had to say, and by the expression on Jungkooks face, she could tell he was too.

Jay looked exhausted, but he started defending his proposal and stood from his seat, yet again. "It's easy for you shanks to sit here and talk about somethin' you're stupid on. I'm the only runner in this group, if we exclude Amara of course, and the only other one here who's even been out in the maze is Hope."

Gally interjected: "Not if you count the time I—"

"I don't!" Jay shouted. "And believe me, you or nobody else has the slightest clue what it's like to be out there. The only reason you were stung is because you broke the same rules you're blaming Jungkook for. That's called hypocrisy, you shuck-faced piece of—"

"Enough," Hope interrupted Jay before he got carried away, well aware of the boys temper. "Defend your proposal and be done with it."

The tension in the room was palpable; Jungkook felt like the air in the room had become glass that could shatter at any second. Both Gally and Jay looked as if they were going to strangle the life out of each other at any second, if given the chance— but they finally broke their stare down.

"Anyway, listen to me," Jay continued as he took his seat, he failed to miss the way Amara had pushed her chair closer to his own and he fought a smile as he spoke. "I've never seen anything like it. He didn't panic. He didn't whine and cry, never seemed scared— even when we left him alone, by accident of course. Dude, he'd been here for just a few days. Think about what we were all like in the beginning. Huddlin' in corners, disoriented, crying every hour, not trusting anybody; refusing to do anything. We were all like that, for weeks or months, till we had no choice but to shuck it and live."

Jay stood back up and pointed at Jungkook— it seemed he couldn't sit still today. "Just a few days after this guy shows up, he steps out in the Maze to save three shanks he hardly knows. All this klunk about him breakin' a rule is just beyond stupid. He didn't get the rules yet. But plenty of people had told him what it's like in the maze, especially at night. And he still stepped out there, just as the door was closing, only caring that three people needed help." He took a deep breath, seeming to gain strength the more he spoke.

"But that was just the beginning. After that, he saw me and Amara give up on Joon, leave him for dead. And I was the veteran— the one with all the experience and knowledge. So when Jungkook saw me give up, he shouldn't have questioned it. But he did. Think about the willpower and strength it took him to push Namjoon up that wall, centimetre by centimetre. It's psycho. It's freaking crazy."

"But that wasn't it. Then came the grievers. Amara and this shank outsmarted those buggers, though it probably doesn't take much, they both not only managed to escape four of the creatures— they had killed one each, whilst the others we sent flyin' off a cliffs edge! It was impress—"

"We get the point," Gally snapped, cutting Jay off. "Kookie here is a lucky shank."

Jay rounded on hun. "No, you worthless shuck, you don't get it! I've been here three years and I've never seen anything like it. For you to say anything. . ." Jay paused, rubbing his eyes, groaning in frustration.

Jungkook realised his own mouth had dropped wide open. His emotions were scattered: appreciation for Jay standing up to everybody on his behalf, disbelief at Gally's continuous belligerence; fear of what the final decision would be.

"Gally," Jay said in a calmer voice, "you're nothin' but a sissy who has never, not once, asked to be a runner or tried out for it. You don't have the right to talk about things you don't understand. So shut your mouth." He smiled sarcastically.

Oh no. . .

Gally stood up again, fuming. Amara could've sworn she saw steam erupting from his ears. "Say one more thing like that and I'll break your neck, right here in front of everybody." Spit flew from his mouth as he spoke.

Jay laughed, amused, then his face suddenly fell as he drew his fist back and punched Gally square in the face. Gasps erupted, everyone rising from their seats as they watched the builder crash down into his chair, tipping it over backwards, cracking it in two pieces. Gally sprawled across the floor, then scrambled to try and stand up, struggling to get his hands and feet under him. Jay stepped closer and stomped the bottom of his booted foot down on Gally's back, driving his body flat to the ground.

Amara watched the scene with wide eyes. Never had she ever seen Jay so furious, so aggressive, so. . . hot. Meanwhile, Jungkook plopped back into his seat, stunned by Jay's brute strength— he didn't realise he was that strong.

See, the others weren't so shocked as they were used to this side of Jay, there was a reason they never dared cross him. . . not even Namjoon.

"I swear, Gally," he sneered, leaning down closer to the squirming; pathetic boy on the ground. "Don't ever threaten me again. Don't ever speak to me again. Ever. If you do, I'll break your shuck neck, right after I'm done with your arms and legs. I suggest you stay away from me. . . Amara too."

Hope and V were rushing forward and grabbing Jay, holding him back before he could do any more damage, before Jungkook even had a chance to process what was going on. They pulled him away from Gally, who jumped up, his face a ruddied mask of rage and embarrassment. But he made no move towards Jay, he wouldn't dare, he just stood there with his chest out, heaving ragged breaths.

Finally, Gally backed away, half stumbling towards the exit behind him. His eyes darted around the room and it was clear to everyone in the room the blood oozing from his, probably broken, nose. His eyes were lit with a burning hatred.

Amara recognised the look, feeling sick to her stomach as Gally mirrored the look of someone about to commit murder and so despite her sudden fear for the crazed boy, she stook a stand beside Jay, with V and Hope, willing to offer her help if he stupidly dismissed Jay's warning and tried something.

Everyone watched with cautious eyes as he backed towards the door, reaching behind himself to grab the handle. "Things are different now," he hissed, spitting on the floor. "You shouldn't have done that, Jay. You should not have done that." His maniacal gaze shifted to Hope. "I know you hate me, that you've always hated me. You should be banished for your embarrassing inability to lead this group. You're shameful, and any one of you who stays here is no better. Things are going to chance. This I promise."

Jungkook's heart sank. As if things hadn't been awkward enough already.

Gally yanked the door open and stepped out into the hall, but before anyone could react, he popped his head back in the room. "And you two," he spat, glaring at Amara and Jungkook— surprise, surprise. "The Greenbeans who think they're friggin' God. Don't forget I've seen you before— I've been through the changing. What these guys decide doesn't mean jack."

He paused, looking at each person in the room. When his malicious stare fell back on Amara and Jungkook, he had one last thing to say. "Whatever you came here for— I swear on my life I'm gonna stop it. Kill you both if I have to."

The two who were threatened, found themselves being blocked from Gally's line of view suddenly. "You're not gonna lay a finger on them, Gally. Not with us here. Not with me still around to knock you on your ass again. . . or worse." Jay contradicted, his eyes narrowed and prideful smirk on his thick lips.

Now, Jay, Hope, V, Jin and Suga all stood in front of Amara and Jungkook, showing Gally physically and not just verbally what he had to get through if he so tried to mess with the thinnest strands of hair on each of their heads— they had each other's backs.

Knowing he stood no chance right now, he turned and left the room, slamming the door shut behind him.


Jungkook sat frozen in his chair, the feeling of nausea growing in his stomach like an infestation. He'd been through the whole gamut of emotions in the short time since he'd arrived at the Glade. Fear, loneliness, desperation, sadness, even the slightest hint of joy. But this was something new— to hear a person say they hate you enough that they want to kill you . . . it had a heavy toll on the mind.

'Gally's crazy', he told himself. 'He's completely insane'. But the thought only increased his worries. Insane people could truly be capable of anything.

The council members stood or sat in silence, seemingly as shocked as Jungkook at that they had just witnessed. Hope and V finally let go of Jay; all three of them suddenly walked to their chairs and sat down, as well as Amara, Jin and Suga— Jungkook was surprised that they seemingly moved like what just happened. . . never happened?

Jay was still tense, his anger still having yet to subside. However, the boy felt most of the tension dissipate from his body when he felt a smooth hand connect with his own. He looked down to see Amara holding his hand in both comfort and thanks, hoping she could make him feel better— little did she know, her presence alone made him feel on cloud-9. He flashed her his award-winning smile in appreciation.

"He's finally whacked for good." Jay muttered, almost in a whisper. Amara couldn't tell if he'd meant for the others in the room to hear or not.

"Well, you're no bloody saint." Hope scoffed. "What were you thinking? That was a little overboard, don't ya think?"

Jay squinted up his eyes and pulled his head back, as if he was baffled by Hope's question. "Don't give me that klunk. Every one of you loved seeing that slinthead get his dues, and you know it. It was about time someone stood up to his klunk. Shame none of you had the balls to do it first. The shank got what he deserved."

"He does have a point," Amara interfered, raising her hand up slowly. "I enjoyed it."

Hope halted at her and her unhelpful comments, before he focused back on Jay. "He's on the council for a reason." He argued.

Jay rolled his eyes. "Brother, he threatened to break my neck and kill Amara and Jungkook! The guy is mentally whacked, and you better send someone right now to throw him in the Slammer. He's dangerous."

"Jay is right," Jin spoke up for the first time in a while— he was too busy enjoying watching the drama to actually interfere earlier. "His actions against Gally were necessary, the boys off his rocker— we need to keep a close eye on him, or better yet, lock him up like he said."

Suga nodded. "None of us would actually miss his presence in the Glade if he was to be locked away."

"Maybe he had a good point, though." Zart said, almost too quietly.

"What?" Jay asked, mirroring Jungkook's and probably everyone else's thoughts exactly.

Zart looked surprised at the acknowledgment that he'd said anything. His eyes darted around the room before he explained himself. "Well. . . he has been through the changing— griever stung him in the middle of the day. That means he has memories, and he said the Greenie looked familiar. You can't forget all the things Amara remembers about him, which is suspicious. Same team or not he still was one of them. Why would Gally or Amara make that up?"

Amara likes to think of herself as a non-regretful person, before and during her time in the Glade, believing every choice you make in life was for a reason, but damn— she was really regretting telling the boys about the letter Jungkook wrote her and her memories of him. . . it was just being used against him, and he couldn't even defend himself, because he had no recollection or memories of his life before arriving here.

"Zart, did you not see what just happened?" Jin asked, looking incredulous. "Gally's a psycho. You can't put too much thought into his rambling nonsense. What, you think Jungkook here is a griever in disguise?"

Council rules or no council rules, Jungkook had finally had enough. He couldn't stay silent for another second— he had obeyed long enough.

"Can I say something now?" He asked, raising his hand up. The frustration he felt was clear in his tone. "I'm sick of you guys talking about me like I'm not ever here."

Hope glanced at him and nodded. "Go ahead. This bloody meetin' can't be much more screwed up than it already is."

Jungkook quickly gathered his thoughts, grasping for the right words inside the swirling cloud of frustration, confusion and anger in his mind. "I don't know why Gally hates me. I don't care. He seems psychotic to me now. As for who I really am, you all know just as much as I do, even you Amara," he glanced at the girl as he spoke. "I don't know what you remember, but whoever that is in your memories— it's not me. I'm different now and I want you to trust me." he smiled before glancing around at everyone in the room. "I want you all to trust me."

"We do trust you Jungkook." Amara affirmed without hesitation. The nods of most of the boys around them confirmed they thought the same.

Jungkook couldn't deny the feeling of relief, instantaneously feeling lighter in himself. However, he had yet to finish speaking. "Now, if I remember correctly, we're here because of what I did out in the maze, not because some idiot thinks I'm evil."

Someone in the room sniggered and Jungkook stopped talking, hoping he had got his point across.

Hope nodded, looking satisfied— almost proud. "We hear you, Kookie. Let's get this meeting over with and worry about Gally later."

"We can't vote unless all of the members are here," Zart insisted. "Unless they're really sick, like Namjoon."

"For the love of God, Zart." Jay groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "I'd say Gally's a wee bit ill today, too, so we continue without him."

Hope nodded. "Agreed. Jungkook, defend yourself and then we'll take the vote on what we should do with you."

Jungkook realised his hands were squeezed up into fists on his lap. He relaxed them and wiped his sweaty palms on his pants. Then he began, not exactly sure about what he'd say before the words came spilling out. . .

"I didn't do anything wrong. All I know is I saw three people struggling to get inside these walls and they couldn't make it. To ignore that because of some stupid rule seemed selfish, cowardly, and. . . well, stupid. If you want to throw me in jail for trying to save someone's life, go ahead. Next time I promise I'll point at them and laugh, then go and eat some of Jin's delicious dinner without a single guilty thought."

Jungkook wasn't trying to be funny. He was just dumbfounded that the whole thing could even be such an issue in the first place— they wouldn't have their leader back if it weren't for him.

"Here's my recommendation," Hope spoke out. "You broke our bloody number one rule, so you get one day in the Slammer. That's your punishment. I also recommend we elect you as a runner, effective the second this meeting's over. You've proven more in one night than most trainees do in weeks. You and Amara show real potential— I have hope."

The literal embodiment of 'hope' then turned to look at Jay. "What ya saying, Jay? Think you can handle two trainees?"

The Raven-haired boy wrapped his arm around Amara, pulling her into his side despite both still sitting. He wore the widest grin on his face. "I think I'll manage just fine, brother."

Jungkook had to refrain himself from jumping up and down in excitement or shouting out in glee, instead only sighing in relief. He still wanted to be a runner— which surprised him, considering everything he endured out in the maze that night. However, his wish had come true and he was struggling to fight away his smile.

Hope glanced around the room. "Okay, we had several recommendations, so let's go round everyone—"

"Oh, come on," V interrupted. "Just vote. I vote for yours."

"Me too." Jay vouched for Hope's idea.

"Me three." Amara voted.

Everyone else chimed in their approval, filling Jungkook with relief and a sense of pride. Zart, which was weird because he was all for Jungkook prior to Gally's uproar, seemed to be hesitant on agreeing with Hope's idea.

Hope rose an eyebrow at the gardener. "We don't exactly need your vote anyway since you'd be outvoted if you say no, but tell us what's bonkin' around your brain."

The blonde gazed at Jungkook carefully, then back to Hope. "It's fine with me, I agree with you. But I think we shouldn't totally ignore what Gally said. I mean he's right, ever since Jungkook got here, everything's been shucked up."

"Fair enough," Hope tilted his head. "Everyone put some thought into it— maybe when we get bored we can have another Gathering to talk about Jungkook and Amara's memories of him and the people that put us here. Got that?"

Zart nodded, happy they had heard out what he had to say and actually considered it without jumping on him and believing he's 'siding' with Gally.

Jungkook groaned at how invisible he had become, again. "I love how you guys are just talking about me like I'm not here still."

"Look, Kookie," Hope sighed. "We just elected you as a buggin runner. Quit your cryin' like a baby and get out of here. Jay has a lot of training to give you."

Amara suddenly groaned loudly, making all eyes turn to face her in wonder. "I thought we didn't have to go running today because of the gathering." She moans.

"Council meetings don't last all day, sweetheart." Jay replies coyly, amused by her distaste for running— unlike Jungkook, she didn't want to be a runner. She groaned again.

It hadn't really hit Jungkook until then. He was going to be a runner; exploring the maze with Jay and Amara. Despite everything, he felt a shiver of excitement; he was sure they could avoid getting trapped out there at night again. Maybe he'd had his one and only turn of luck, and if he found himself out there again, he wouldn't make it back alone this time.

"What about my punishment, though?" He asked Hope.

"Tonight," Hope answered. "After dinner till sunrise."

'One night' Jungkook thought. 'That won't be so bad'.

The meeting was dismissed and everyone except Hope, Jay and Amara left the room in a hurry, having stayed back with Jungkook. Hope hadn't moved from his chair, where he sat jotting notes down still. "Well, that was good times." he murmured.

Jay walked over and playfully punched Jungkook in the arm. "It's all this shank's fault."

Jungkook punched him back. "Runner? You actually want me to be a runner? You're nuttier than Gally by a long shot."

Jay faked an evil grin. "Worked, didn't it? Aim high, hit low. Thank me later. I just made all your dreams come true."

"Not all of them. We've yet to escape this place." Jungkook frowned.

Jay patted him on his back. "Well, I can only do so much. I may be amazing, but I can't shit miracles all the time." He snorted.

Jungkook couldn't stop smiling at Jay and his conniving ways— he was a mastermind. He knew now, without a doubt, that he and Jay were gonna be a force to be reckoned with and that he'd enjoy ever moment spent with the Keeper. He was excited for what life had in store for him now after tonight in the Slammer. . . things were finally looking up for him.

"Two minutes he's been elected a runner and suddenly I don't exist." Amara mumbled as she made her way to the door.

"You'll get used to it, Amara," Hope spoke up from where he sat in the middle of the room, not looking up from his notes. "I was the same when V showed up, the two hit it off and became the bestest of friends and soon I was a distant memory."

Amara would've thought he was being serious and was genuinely upset, however, the mocking smile on his face told her otherwise— she should've known. The relationship, friendship and brotherly bond some of them share was admirable. But, obviously some hung around with others more. . . everyone has favourites.

"Oh, stop being dramatic," Jay rolls his eyes, pointing his finger at Hope before swivelling around to direct at Amara. "The both of you."

The four inside the room all laugh, even more so when Jay approaches Hope and ruffles his hair with his knuckles before kissing him on the cheek, playfully. Hope let out a noise of dismay, but his red cheeks shown his flustered stare making them laugh even more. Jay then approached Amara, doing the same, but wrapping his strong arms around her middle and hugging her from behind as he did so— Amara smiled at the fluttering feeling he caused inside of her.

A sudden knock on the opened door caught their attention— all turning to see who it was, their laughs fading. Chuck was stood there, looking like he had just been chased here by a griever or two.

"What's wrong?" Hope asked, standing up. The tone of his voice only heightens the concern inside of Amara and Jungkook.

"Chuck was playing with his hands. "Med-Jacks sent me."

"Why?" Jay asked.

"I guess Namjoon's thrashing around and acting all crazy, telling he needs to talk to somebody." The youngest boy explained.

Hope instantly made a run for the door, but Chuck held up his hand to stop him. "Uhm. . . he doesn't want you."

"What?" Hope frowned.

Chuck pointed at Jungkook. "He keeps asking for him," he then moves his finger towards a stunned Amara. "And her."


There is a BIG revelation next chapter which I think you all may know what it is already lol, I think I've made it pretty obvious. . . but can you guess??

Right! There is only one more chapter left of all this Jungkook madness because your boy has been stirring the pot and causing a lot of trouble lolll we love that ;) Then we dive more into the escaping the maze rubbish, Amara and Jungkook's past/ life before the Glade and then cute Jayra moments because they're endgame <3

Also, this was my reaction whilst writing Jimin kicking Gally's ass and being a bad ass bitch that no one would ever dare mess with! Because let's be honestl, our boy in reality and fiction. . . is a baddie I mean he's a master at basically all martial arts (don't mess with Jimin guys he would beat your ass up) :

(He is still a softie though </3)

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