(Never) forget you

By animekpop_nerd

736 29 7

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Aesthetic/main cast
20: Him, her, the unforeseen


69 2 0
By animekpop_nerd

A/n: Hello again!

I have no idea what to say in these lol

First of all, Happy birthday to Zero Two, the baddest bitch in the whole universe

And to my grade school teacher (even though I didn't really like her)

Also, something related to the actual story, Y/n calls her mom by her name (Yui-san) because she feels more comfortable that way

Im so excited about this chapter hehehe but I also hate school and don't want to finish my homework:(

Yeah that was all. Happy reading!


You sighed as you stopped your alarm clock from ticking. Mornings were never your thing, especially when you had nothing to look forward to in the coming day.

Except that wasn't going to be the case anymore.

You let yourself smile a little as you remembered where you were going. It was exciting. A completely new life.

"Y/n, wake up, you have to go to school!" the muffled voice of Yui-san could be heard from the kitchen.

You rubbed your eyes and got up, heading to the bathroom.


"SHOUTO! Wake up!" the number 2 hero's voice rang through the whole house.

Shouto groaned while forcing his eyelids to open. What a way to wake someone up. His father always did this.

Every. Single. Day.

Didn't even let him set an alarm. Said that he was the one to wake his son up.


The last thing Shouto wanted to hear first thing in the morning was that dumb old man's shout.

He got out of bed and went to brush his teeth. For some reason, he hadn't slept well last night. The thought of a certain classmate was bothering him.

He would never admit that though.

Not even to himself.

His top priority was becoming the number 1 hero after all.

He went downstairs to eat breakfast, while saying good morning to his siblings and completely ignoring Endeavour, who was holding the usual lecture which Shouto didn't listen to.

After eating, he got up and started walking to school.

As UAs gates were starting to come into vision, Shouto's mood lifted up a little. He was kind of excited for his high school journey. For becoming a hero.

Without using that old man's power of course.

As he reached the corridor where classroom 1A was, Shouto stopped.

Just in front of a door, there was a person. She was staring at the door, a hand on her chest, taking a few breaths in.

If it were someone else, Shouto would've probably gone and asked them to move, so he could enter the classroom. However, since it was you, he couldn't bring himself to do it.

He somehow... empathized with you.

He knew what it was like, being nervous to have new people in your presence. Having to take a moment to calm down before you went there and socialized.

Well, he usually didn't care much about others and what they thought, but he would still get slightly nervous in the presence of too many people.

A few more seconds passed before you pushed the door open. After you had entered and closed the door behind you, Shouto made his way to the classroom as well.


"Hey, Y/n!" as you entered the classroom and sat down, you heard Mina's cheerful voice.

"Hi!" you gave her a smile.

While she was telling you about her day with Denki and Kirishima casually joining in, your attention was caught by someone heading to the seat behind you.

You had noticed Todoroki enter the classroom. You had learnt his and Yaoyorozus names and quirks yesterday, but something about him made you uneasy.

You couldn't quite put your finger on the feeling though.

As he sat down, you shrugged, your attention going back to the three who were chatting in front of you.

"I heard that today they will be giving us our costumes. I can't wait to try mine on!" Kirishima excitedly said, flexing his arms.

"Y/n, what does your costume look like?" Mina asked you, probably curious since she figured your quirk didn't really need equipment.

"Oh, mine is just a black two-piece bodysuit, since I don't really need anything in particular" you answered as the classroom door opened again, revealing the number 1 hero.

"I AM HERE!" he beamed in his loud voice. "Hello there, class 1A! As you've probably heard, today you will be getting your costumes!" his constant smile became larger. "And we will be doing a very interesting activity to getcha started!"

All of you started wondering what he was talking about, but your attention was immediately caught by the costumes that arrived.

You put them on and went outside, a little bit further away from the place Aizawa had brought you the day before.

"So, today we will be doing combat training! I have randomly picked teams of three, and now we will pick two teams at a time, who will be battling each other!"

All Might then explained that one of the teams would be the "heroes" and the other would be the "villains", who will have to protect a bomb from the heroes.

If in 15 minutes, the heroes were able to touch the bomb or immobilize all the villains, they would win. Otherwise, the win would go to the villains.

He brought you to a three-floor building, in front of which he told you the teams. You were team D, along with Bakugou and Iida.

Truly a great combo.

After announcing the other teams, All Might blindly picked the heroes and villains for the first round.

You were the villains, while team A were the heroes.

Since you weren't really paying attention, you looked around to figure out who your opponents were.

You saw Bakugou look at Midoriya, Uraraka and Todoroki, an arrogant smirk on his face.

There were your opponents.

"Alright!" All Might said. "Let us begin the first round! If you are not fighting now, follow me! Team A and team D, please go to your positions!"

You followed Bakugou and Iida, wanting to come up with a plan.

Eventually, throughout Bakugous "tch" sounds and how he was going to "crush Deku", you managed to decide what to do.

Bakugou was going to be in the front line, while you were going to stay near the bomb, and Iida was going to accompany Bakugou, but also help you if you needed it.


Midoriya, Uraraka and Todoroki walked into the building after All Might's signal. They had already come up with some kind of a plan; Midoriya would try and handle Bakugou for... obvious reasons. Uraraka kind of got to know Iida and so she was to fight him.

And for Todoroki... well... you were the only one that was left.

That was benefiting, since he knew your quirk relatively well. The others didn't need that information though.

As the three of them took a turn, Bakugou appeared and tried to hit Midoriya with one of his explosions. He dodged.

Bakugou then tried again, this time succeeding, and the fight went on in his favour.

Iida looked at them with a bit of a frown. Sure, they were doing what they were supposed to do -fight- but something just didn't sit right with him.

He was thinking about trying to stop them. But that would defeat the whole purpose of the exercise, and he had two more people to deal with, who were watching the fight as well.

You were sitting near the bomb, tapping your foot. You had heard the explosions underneath, and you were almost sure they were Bakugous, probably against Midoriya.

That was normal. They were fighting. But from what you could hear, Midoriya hadn't had many chances to fight back.

There were also Iida, Todoroki and Uraraka who were there, but Bakugous explosions masked the sounds of the possible fight they could be having.

All of you had devices through which you could communicate with your team mates, and you were sure Iida would announce you if anything went wrong.

But you couldn't just calm down.

Leaving the bomb with no one to watch it wasn't really an option, so you decided to try and contact Iida to make sure everything was ok.

As you turned the device on, you said a few words. In response, you got a few muffled sounds as the building shook, making a few rocks fall from the ceiling.

You heard a muffled "shine" through the device. Iida was probably trying to handle Todoroki and Uraraka, so you had to do something.

Bakugou seemed to be having a little too much fun, and from what you were hearing, Midoriya didn't have many chances to fight back.

Feeling the building shake yet another time, you got up and started running in the direction the sounds were coming from.

You were lucky to have good hearing, and after going down one floor, with every turn you took, the sounds seemed to become louder.

As you were about to reach them, you had to stop and lean onto the wall, a hand on your chest, panting a little too hard for the distance you'd run.

You furrowed your brows. Was your asthma coming back?

Sure, you did encounter a few breathing problems during your usual training sessions in the park near where you lived, but the doctor had told you that it would go away.

Oh well. The possibly serious fight Bakugou and Midoriya were having was more important.

After a few moments, you regained your breath and continued running.

You turned to a corner, and the scenery before you made you gasp a little. Midoriya was on the floor, a bunch of scratches and bruises all over his body, a small puddle of blood next to him.

Something about his figure laying there, almost helpless, reminded you of times you didn't want to be reminded of. It made your chest clench in pain and your breathing go up again.

Bakugou was standing in front of him, a few bruises covering his body too, but not nearly as many as Midoriya. His fists were clenched, the smirk on his lips wide, as another explosion was about to form.

Iida and Todoroki had a few bruises too, probably from fighting each other, but were now watching Midoriya and Bakugou with shocked expressions.

Uraraka was nowhere to be seen.

None of them noticed you.

"Im going to crush you, Deku!" Bakugous voice rang in your years as his hands flickered.

Like your feet had a mind of their own, you unconsciously ran in Midoriyas direction.

At that moment, nothing mattered anymore. Comrade or opponent, what Bakugou was doing wasn't right. He had already left Midoriya almost unconscious. He should've tried to get the bomb. That was his task.

But he let his emotions take control, which was a mistake.

Bakugou headed in Midoriyas direction, while you positioned your body in front of him, your arms spread wide, trying to protect him from the explosion.

Then, everything went dark.


"What should we do? Should we try and wake her up, or just wait for All Might?"

"I don't know... why would she be so reckless? Doing something like that to protect me... I'm basically the enemy"

"Todoroki, how is it?"

"Im cooling it down, but it will definitely scar."

You let out a quiet grunt, as you opened your eyes. You were laying on the floor, three people looking down at you, while another was on your right side, a hand on your stomach, coldness coming from it.

You also saw a certain spiky haired boy in the corner with his arms crossed and eyes wide, staring at the ground.

"She's awake!" a high pitch voice exclaimed.


"I will take the responsibility of carrying her to the infirmary, since All Might has yet to arrive" Iida said, adjusting his glasses with one hand and flicking the other in a weird way.

You tried getting up, but were immediately pushed back down by Todorokis arm that wasn't on your stomach.


"Quiet. I'm not done"

You widened your eyes for a bit, but then laid back down, your body leaning on your elbows, watching his concentrated expression for a few seconds.

"Young folks, what happened here? The cameras got blurry and we couldn't see." All Mights voice was heard from your left.

"She... took on Bakugous explosion that was supposed to be for me... and it somehow burnt her stomach area..." Midoriya told him, looking at you worriedly. He was barely standing from the wounds all over his body, yet he was worried about you.

"She'll be fine, I put some coldness on the burn. It's not that bad, but it will take a couple of weeks to fully heal" came Todorokis calm voice, his eyes not leaving your stomach, his hand still on it.

You stared at him for a moment. He was surprisingly concentrated, careful to not let his hand form ice, but still keep the coldness going.

"So, what in the world happened?"

It was weird. Everyone seemed... worried. It had been long since someone had been genuinely worried for you. It felt good.

After Iida explained what happened, All Might told you that Midoriya's team had won.

You looked in Bakugou's direction. He hadn't moved one inch, his expression still shocked, looking straight at the ground.

From the looks of it, he was trying to keep his composure, keep from destroying the whole building with his anger more than his explosions.

"I think that's enough for now" your attention was caught by Todoroki, who was now standing next to Iida, an arm extended in your direction. "Can you get up?"

You quietly nodded while taking his hand and frowning a little as he helped you to your feet.

"You'll be fine, but you should put some ice on it when you get home" he said again, letting go of your hand.

You nodded once again and followed him and the others out of the building.

You insisted that you were okay and wanted to watch the other matches too, so All Might let you be, while taking Midoriya to the infirmary.

You went to the room where the others were waiting for their turn. As you followed Iida, Todoroki and Uraraka in, you were approached by Mina and Kirishima.

You assured them you were ok, while your eyes diverted to Bakugou. He had taken his place in the corner of the room, his expression now blank, looking in the monitors direction, but basically through it, his mind probably miles away.

From what you had learnt in the few days you had known him, he had a rivalry going on with Midoriya, but it seemed like it was more than just a competition between the two.

You wanted to go yell at him for acting so reckless as to hit Midoriya so many times even after leaving him immobilized, but you figured you had time for that later.

You slowly touched your stomach area. It still stung a little, even more when you touched it, but you could tell Todoroki's coldness helped.

Turning your head to the left, you saw and approached him.

He was wearing his usual emotionless expression, watching the screen.

"Hey umm... thank you"

He turned his head to you. You noticed his eyes widen for a bit, a slight sparkle in them.

But, after what seemed like not even half a second, his face went back to normal and he slightly nodded, turning his head back to the screen.


You smiled a little, putting your hands behind your back and turning your attention to the screen, but remaining beside Todoroki.


You tried to unlock the front door as quietly as you could.

Today, Yui-san was home. She had a night shift at work and was going to leave in about half an hour, which meant that she would see you, and the state you were in.

The bottom of your shirt was shredded, and even though you put your bag over it, trying to make it seem like you just coincidentally wanted to hold it right over your stomach, it would still raise suspicion.

You tried to tiptoe to your room.

"What are you doing, Y/n?!"

You stopped and turned to the direction her voice was coming from.

Her eyes went down to your bag over your stomach. She sighed, trying to stay calm.

"Y/n. I told you it was going to be like this, didn't I?" she stopped for a second, studying your body. "It's only the second day and you come home like this? What is going to happen in the next three years you will be going to that school?"

You saw her expression start giving her mood away. It wasn't a good one.

"Do you want to end up like Akira? Do you want to leave me alone? Is that what you want?!" she was now a couple of feet away from you, her face almost crazy.

It had been like this ever since you'd told her you wanted to be a hero. Even though you didn't remember that moment, you were sure that's what had triggered it.

At first, you just dealt with it. Kept silent until she finished and walked to her room, slamming the door. But you weren't going to do that forever.

You took a breath in and a breath out.


She opened her mouth, wanting to say something, when you spoke up again.

"I know what I'm doing. I'm not a kid anymore, nor  am I stupid. I know what lays out there. I know my priorities. Nothing you say will make me change my mind." You pointed to your stomach. "This was just an accident."

You turned to the stairs next to you, ready to go up to your room.

"Please don't try to make me give up my dream for your sake"

With that, you started walking up the stairs.

She didn't say anything, nor did she come after you.

She just took her bag and headed to work early.

After you heard the front door close, you went to the kitchen, and, remembering Todoroki's words, took a pack of ice from the freezer and placed it on your stomach after sitting down on a chair.

You knew you had been a little harsh, but you also knew you did the best thing.

The ice felt good on your stomach. It made Todoroki pop into your mind.

You wondered why he didn't use his other side. From what you heard, he was the son of Endeavour, so his other side must have been fire.

The scar on his left eye also came to your mind. From the few glimpses you had gotten of it, it seemed like hed had it for several years.

From the little experience you accumulated today, it looked like a burn scar. How could he have gotten it?

You sighed. That wasn't any of your business. Nor was it why he didn't use his fire. He must have his reasons.

You heard your stomach growl. Making a bit of effort, you got up, put the almost melted ice pack back in the freezer and opened the fridge, looking inside.

Two bottles of water, some spinach in a bag, a beer and some randomly placed fruit.

You then opened the counter. It only showed several cups of instant ramen, which you were sick of.


Now you had to go to the grocery store. You sighed once again, went to change, and headed to buy yourself some food.


Shouto was walking home. Even though he hadn't fought a lot given the circumstances, he was exhausted, and in a bad mood.

He just wanted to lay on the ground right where he was and sleep for a few days.

But he couldn't do that. So he continued walking.

Every time he was alone in his own thoughts, they would go to all kinds of places.

He was mostly thinking of ways to improve, be able to use his ice for longer without his body starting to freeze, but he would think about random things too; like what to eat for dinner, or how to make the most annoying emotionless expression when Endeavour was talking to him about things Shouto didn't give two shits about.

But today, during his walk, you came to his mind.

While still at the training exercise, when you placed yourself in front of Midoriya, he didn't know what to do.

Why would you even do something like that for someone you just met?

He couldn't understand that.

Ugh... this was really annoying. Everything pissed him off.

And the fact that childhood memories popped up in his head every time he saw you didn't help. Nor did the fact that you seemed to not remember him.

Like, at all.

Not that he cared about you or anything. But he would've preferred it if he had forgotten just like you did.

It would've been so much better if he hadn't cared either.

Shouto sighed as he approached his house.

He got in, kicked his shoes off, said hello to his sister and went to his room.

Now he was close to angry.


He had no idea.

As he was going down for dinner, he heard Endeavour's voice, which made his nerves come again.

However, he somehow managed to keep them under control and when dinner finally ended, he went to sleep with a slight headache.

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