
By malfoyssbaby

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When two enemies sharing a complicated childhood start living together. Will Davina and Draco learn how to co... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 10

51 2 0
By malfoyssbaby

This is how their dorm looks like ,you can imagine it anyway you like but this is how i see it.

Davina was eating that book like it's the best meal she has ever had,letting the words consume her ,they take their place in her mind as her brain is a book and the words are being printed right through.

Time was passing and she didn't even feel like it had been hours sitting on the same oak wood chair with off-white cushions ,Until the dorm door was being shut.

Her head shoots up ,looking at the time it was half past midnight ,a lot after curfew .She didn't really know if it was the whole pot of caffeine she drank or the amount of information-even though it was common knowledge- in the book between her small yet gentle hands. No, she didn't feel tired but she felt in need of someone to talk to ,someone to hear her talk about everything and nothing ,someone who will listen about how much she loves these muggle bands or just simply someone there.

There are a lot of people she considers friends, even good friends but it feels like there is no one at the same time , she is scared to drive her friends away by telling them about her childhood or relationship with her father.

But instead, she puts on this tough face like no one has ever crushed her soul ,her bubbly spirit .She didn't know who to blame for that Niklaus Claire or... Draco Malfoy.

She wishes she could go back to simpler times where she could laugh and not feel like the whole world is dying beneath her finger tips or having a deep conversation with someone without holding in too much about herself , oh the pain she feels when she has to pretend everything is okay all the time.

Even in this little room she is in ,she still puts on that face .Scared to face herself with the reality of the broken soul she holds in her fragile body , So much she is holding on and for what? She think.

Why am I scared of opening up? Why can't i be like Hermione happily sharing memories of her childhood or like Ron who curses his siblings left and right but still smiling when he talks about his family or like Harry not letting the death of his parents keep him from living , breathing at least .He shares so much and without worry that he will drive his friends away.

This isn't living Davina ,she tells herself.

Im merely just surviving at this point ,in need of something to numb the pain she is feeling, she tried all the fucking healthy coping mechanisms people talk about ,she really did.

She tried painting ,it turned out like shit .She tried playing the piano but it wasn't for her, She tried writing in a diary but whenever she looks at the couple of pages she wrote ,it's all filled with curse words and hate towards her upbringing.She tried Quidditch ,it's simply no. She even tried a soothing bath with bubbles but she ended up crying for hours in that tub .She tried hanging around people but it brought her even more misery.

So she gave up on these so called fucking healthy coping shits.

She snaped back from her trip down fucking failurs at fixing herself ,when she heard the water kettle boiling out in the kitchenette,and Malfoy is looking for a mug but he is just too loud.

Merlin help her, she needs a drink. She put on her grey robe over her night wear and headed out to enjoy a cup or ten of firewhiskey , she didn't even care that Malfoy was there.

She opened her door her eyes fell upon the blond wizard trying to make himself a cup of tea , she stood by her bedrooms door scanning the whole place , She steps out to the kitchenette where Malfoy notices her but doesnt say anything , she picks up a bottle of firewhiskey not even bothering with a cup.

She sits on the couch with her little blanket wrapping around her torso with the bottle in hand and takes a big sip ,letting the alcohol fill her up ,it burns her throat but that is the fun in it , she then takes another one and another one until the bottle is half empty.

"Slow down Claire" Malfoy looks at her ,trying to find what is going on with the girl he once called his best friend.

"Calm your tits Malfoy i'm not a little kid!" she spat ,she doesn't want to talk ,all she wants to do is drown in the numbness the alcohol gives.

She takes another swing at the bottle and laughs loudly then she sobs, "Make it stop Draco", she cries even more.

"Claire what's going on?" His voice was filled with worry ,he started fidgeting with his finger but he heard another loud cry leave the petite girl's mouth . He hears desperation , need and sadness.

"I SAID MAKE IT STOP" she pushes her knees to her chest and hugs them tightly so that her fingernails leave prints ,she cries but she hates herself for crying so she cries even more.

Draco went next to her ,sitting down on the floor "Hey tell me what happened" ,she wants to tell him but she is scared that he will leave too,


"J-just st-ay" she looks at him with buffy red ,swollen eyes ,her fingers trembling lightly from the whiskey but all she needs to calm down is another presence in the room ,a voice to calm down her fried soul.

"T-talk about anything" she puts down her head on her knees "please" ,she would do absolutely anything to feel okay ,happy ,content but nothing seems to do it for her except her little friend.

The fire whiskey.

What a great creation it was,she could go and kiss that bloody creator and thank him for such divine whiskey.

"Alright,well did you know ,In 1398 the wizard Zacharias Mumps set down the first full description of the game of Quidditch. He began by emphasising the need for anti-Muggle security while playing the game: "Choose areas of deserted moorland far from Muggle habitations and make sure that you cannot be seen once you take off on your brooms. Muggle-Repelling Charms are useful if you are setting up a permanent pitch. It is advisable, too, to play at night."

Draco recites the content of quidditch through the ages ,as if he was ready for the day this information will be used .Davina listens closely to every word he says "Continue".

"the popularity of the game was increasing rapidly, for the Council found it necessary to amend the ban in 1368, making it illegal to play within a hundred miles of a town ,can you fucking believe that they banned it?"

Davina lets out a small laugh, "T-that is c-crazy how cou-ld they-y ban it? even I am not a fa-n and i feel off-en-ded" ,she adjusts herself on the couch ,letting her head rest on the small pillow ,her face is near Draco's ,he had a tight smile on his face.

"Yeah well then, Adequate security measures were not enforced until the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy of 1694 made every Ministry of Magic directly responsible for the consequences of magical sports played within their territories. This subsequently led, in Britain, to the formation of the Department of Magical Games and Sports. Quidditch teams that flouted the Ministry guidelines were henceforth forced to disband."

She smiles on the mistake the wizard made "I-its actually 1692" ,he looks at her with one eyebrow raised and a small smirk on his pale face ,the moonlight reflected on his skin making it look almost translucent but his eyes ,merlin his eyes were shining like stars ,his grey pupils with a ring of light blue surrounding them like a prisoner.

What a beautiful place to be imprisoned at.

"Aren't you a know it all Claire, yeah?"

"S-shut up-p" ,she pushes her head deeper into the pillow and focuses solely on the blond kneeling next to her.

"The quaffles that chasers hold are twelve inches in diameter and seamless. It was first coloured scarlet in the winter of 1711"

"T-tell me-e abo-out the g-golden sn-i-itch Draco" she whispers.

"Hmm The Golden Snitch is walnut-sized, as was the Golden Snidget. It is bewitched to evade capture as long as possible, there is a tale about it if you like"

There is silence,he looks at the brunette and he finds her sleeping,so peacefully with a little smile stuck on her face ,the whiskey bottle is tucked between her back and the sofa ,he gently grabs it and vanishes it with a swift move of his wand.


Davina woke up with a banging head , she looked at her surroundings ,it was not her room.She found herself tucked by a big bed cover ,she looks around the living room but no one is there ,Malfoy's room was open but she could swear that nobody was in there.

She gets up, fixes the couch and folds the bed cover neatly, it was not hers because this one was light gray with emerald green polka dots ,it held that same intoxicating aroma and she knew that it was Malfoy's.

She smiles at the gesture ,she did not know why he did it he could've just left her drunk and miserable on the couch.

"Hello" His voice sent shivers down her spine , "Hi", she refuses eye contacting , too embarrassed.

"You're a shit drinker" he smirks leaning on the wall with a tea mug in his big hands, his rings drumming softly against the edges of the mug.

"Don't ever talk about it" She smiles at him and moves to the kitchen for some coffee "Thanks for the blanket".

She knew he wouldn't answer her, but the realization that he actually didn't hurt a little. She couldn't place why she felt that way but she told herself it was because of the close relationship they had one day before everything turned to dust.

She took her coffee and went back to her room ,thanking Merlin that it is the weekend and there is no class today.

She wanted even needed to avoid Malfoy and she had to continue her research. She picks up the book and rereads it to make sure she did not miss anything too important.

A couple of hours later she finishes it for the third time,that book was filled with known facts about the use of dark magic and the way it changes the abuser of such magic but something caught her eyes at the end of it,

'Check out Hogwarts First Wizarding War Book ,It gives a better description of the rise of Voldemort and His Right Hand Witch.'

Bloody hell ,I have to go and get this book..

It was eleven a.m ,she got put on black leggings and a baby blue sweater ,it was made of thin material so she wouldn't feel hot.

She rushes out of her room, Theodore Nott was sitting in the living room with Malfoy,she paid no mind to the two Slythriens in the dorm.

She quickly opened the door and shut it and ran to the library,to her luck Hermione was sitting there doing her homework in her usual table. "Hermione we need to find this book it's called Hogwarts First Wizarding War"

"Slow down did you find something?" Hermione started to look around to see if anyone heard what they were talking about, she got up from her seat and grabbed Davina by her wrist and walked to a more quiet place ,she casted a silencing charm.

"Yeah I read that book about dark magic and in the end there was this hand-written note that says 'check out Hogwarts First Wizarding War,It gives a better description of the rise of Voldemort and His Right Hand Witch' Crazy right?" Davina ran out of breath from how fast she was speaking.

"Alright let's find it"

After a long search at Hogwarts library, the two Gryfindorrs snuck into the restricted section at the back to look for that book that may pull them closer to discovering Bellatrix's plans for the wizarding world.

Davina found three versions of it,one was worn out with a broken spine from the amount of uses ,and the other two were relatively newer,Hermione hid two under her cloak and Davina stuffed the older one in her sweater.

It was quite the adventure to sneak out of the restricted section but they made it out without disturbing the wards ,They chuckled at their achievement.

"I'll read it tonight and I will update you on the finds" Davina said on their way out of the library.

"Okay meet me at my dorm tomorrow before breakfast" Hermione smiled at the witch next to her, she told her farewells and walked the opposite direction from where Davina was headed to get to her dorm.

Davina looked down on her wrist to find that it was past dinner time,how long have they been looking for that book?

What a fucking exahusting day , Im starving..

There were loud noises coming for the inside of her dorm, loud chatting that's what it was.

She opened the door with a quick 'Alohomora' ,she found Malfoy ,Blaise ,Theodore ,Pansy and Daphne sitting around and drinking.

"Look who's here" Blaise smiles and stands up to greet the witch, Every single eye in that room was at her,she got nervous and hid it under a tight smile.

"Hello Blaise ,Hello everyone" She waves her hand at them ,and they all wave back except the Malfoy heir,he sends her a glare.

"What a lovely roommate you got Malfoy" Pansy smiles.

"Yeah bloody amazing" He spat and rolled his eyes.

"Enjoy your night" , She went in her room and dropped the book on her bed then went out again into the kitchenette to make herself a meal of whatever she got in the cabinets.

She found some pasta and chicken so she decided on some Fettuccine,its a muggle recipe she learned when she was younger,and it always stuck with her.

She took out the pasta and heated up some water ,she sparked it with some salt and a little bit of oil so the pasta doesn't stick, then with some magic the water was boiling and ready for the pasta, she dropped two handfuls of pasta it makes a serving of one but then she looks behind her and says "Anyone wants to eat?"

"What are you cooking?" Theodore looks at her , "Pasta" she answers him.

"Oh that sounds amazing" Theodore smiles , "Alright Theodore" she smiles back at him.

"Just call me Theo" The dirty blond haired wizard ,with a beautiful smile and honey-like eyes said.

Davina nodded her head and turned around to continue with her cooking when some voices said "Count me in" "Me too" "I want some too" ,Blaise ,pansy and Daphne all announced.

She laughed lightly at all of them "Okay Okay ,should I count you in too Malfoy?".

"Sure just don't poison us" He smirked at her and looked at her in a challenging way. "Thanks for the suggestion Malfoy, I will make sure to mess with your plate" she raised one eyebrow at him and smirked.

"I like her" Pansy came and joined Davina "Want help?"

"No it's alright ,You can sit on the countertop if you want" ,Davina returned to the making of the sauce and grilled some chicken ,she made sure that it was enough to feed all six people sitting comfortably at the couches.

When the food was done Davina asked Pansy if she could pick the plates from the cabinet behind her , she took out six identical plates and accioed some spoons and forks which were pulled from the drawer next to Davina's body, shaking the whole kitchen from the fast move.

She jumped almost dropping the sauce pan and gasped at the sight then her and Pansy laughed at what happened.

She and Pansy served the food ,Davina sat with the group and ate ,they talked and laughed much to Malfoy's annoyance.

"Neither me nor Pansy are cleaning the dishes" Davina winks at Pansy.

"We made the food so we won't clean" She sends a wink back to the giggling witch.

The connection she felt with the Slytherin girl was surreal,it was as if they knew each other for ages and she was nothing like how she was described to her. She was funny ,beautiful and fiesty.

"Not like you actually did something other than resting that arse of yours on the countertop" Malfoy smirked wipping his mouth with a napkin every bite he takes.

"Theo will help me" Daphne poked Theo's arms, "Merlin woman okay", The two stood up and walked together to the kitchenette, they were the first two to finish their dishes.

Once they all finished their food and drinks ,Theo and Daphne levitated the dishes into the sink and went to clean them , while Malfoy,Davina sat watching the heated conversation between the other two.

"How come you can't see all the red flags Pans?"

"What red flags?"

"He doesn't care about you ,he is just bloody using you"

"Oh sod off ,I'm not taking advice from someone like you!"

"Someone like me? All I see is that you are taking that arsehole back and I'm sitting enjoying my firewhiskey" Blaise takes a sip from his drink, and Daphne and Theo come back and sat next to Malfoy.

"They're talking about Graham Montague," Malfoy says in a low voice and chuckles at the sight of these two burning each other.

"What is Pansy doing with someone like him?" Davina looks with her big eyes at Malfoy who is sitting near her on the side couch.

"Exactly!" Blaise says "Even Davina gets it" He flashes Davina with a smile so bright it can light up a dark room.

"UGHH!" Pansy flips all of them off.

"I'm gonna head back to my room" Davina stands up "I'll see you all around" She smiles at them and starts walking back to her room.

"Goodnight Davina" Pansy almost yelling then Blaise and Theo say in unison "Night" and lastly Daphne says "Nice to meet you love".

Malfoy says nothing but he lifts his eyebrows up at Davina which means in his book 'Goodnight',Davina probably knows all the meanings behind Malfoy's facial expressions.

She smiles at them and gets in her room,that was a nice evening very well needed ,it took her mind of all the crappy things she always has running around.

Malfoy with his friends is a completely different person than the Malfoy with her alone , he was talking and laughing at the stupidest jokes Theo says,he even included her in a couple of conversations they were having.

Blaise and Theo were the highlight of the evening with their witty yet funny jokes ,the way both of them kept hyping up Davina's pasta ,saying embarrassing stuff about all of their friends including themselves,luckily for her they didn't bring up what happened a couple of weeks ago.

She could guess who was behind that.

Pansy has a charming personality,the way her eyes start tearing up from laughing too hard ,or how her perfect short,straight hair bounces when she gets excited.

Daphne was the quiet,shy one out of the group but really sweet ,the way her smiles widens at every single thing Blaise says, it was obvious she likes him, it was adorable,even her friendship with Theo was really heartwarming,they include one another in each conversation.

Davina never thought she would fit in with their group but they welcomed her with open arms and wide smiles ,she couldn't help but wish she would grow closer to them, they brought out the best of her personality and filled her up with compliments about literally everything about her in such a short time but it was better than all of the hours she has spent with her own group of friends.

The trio were amazing and all but they never offered to know more about her nor let her show the best of what she had hidden inside of her, but with Malfoy's friends she felt more alive,more like her old self.

She forgot about the book she is supposed to read and had one of the most relaxed sleeps in ages.


A/N this is one of the longest chapters i have ever written ,i hope you enjoy it <3

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