Cherchant (Kylo Ren x Reader)

Oleh Rabbit241Rat

18.7K 701 406

Kylo Ren x Reader Post TROS (New Planet, New Kylo, Lots of Explicit Content) Kylo and Rey part ways after the... Lebih Banyak

Thirsty Thirty
Thirty-Six (The End)


165 10 7
Oleh Rabbit241Rat

"Show me," Kylo Ren demands.

He had been obsessing over the subject of pyrokinesis all week. His questioning had become incessant to the point that you were relieved when you were pulled away to the Cherchant or to the station. It was frustrating to be scrutinized for something that felt very much out of your control.

In spite of your annoyance, you understand why he's being this way. You had woken up almost every night from intense and violent nightmares. Scared and seeking guidance, you had let him explore the frustratingly limited memories that persisted after sleep dissolved.

He seemed fixated on the disembodied voices that were haunting you each night. For the first few days he disappeared into books, researching the subject. Plucking up volume after volume and flipping through them, searching for passages that he had vague memories of reading previously. Each time he found something relevant he'd rush to your side, interrupting whatever you were doing around the house to read out loud. Then he'd sink into the overstuffed armchair by the fireplace and reread, lost deep in thought, sometimes closing his eyes to meditate on the subject.

What he was trying to accomplish, you weren't sure. His response to the entire thing seemed like an overreaction to you. When you had pressed him on why your dreams were so upsetting to him he reacted by snapping the text he held shut with a frustrated thunk. Responding only by asking you how you could be so dismissive while the dark bags under your eyes expanded with each passing day.

— — —

Against your protests, he had insisted on a sparring session today in the clearing. The weather is shifting, days shortening, brisk cool mountain air lingering, no longer burnt away by the heat of Edoterra's star.

You're on your back, catching your breath after a long exhausting bout of saber play. Fighting him was almost as much about keeping your mind blank so that he couldn't intuit your moves as it was about honing your physical skills.

You are accustomed to his fighting style now. Having adapted your own to utilize speed, you stay competitive by constantly switching up your attack. Because of this you had become pretty effective against his brute strength. To the untrained eye you may even appear evenly matched but your instinct tells you he's holding back. Always holding back.

When he first trained you, so much of his power seemed to stem from his deep well of anger and sorrow. Passing time, paired with his healing journey, has shifted his fighting style. Since the temple island incident, you both feel such easy access to the Force at all times. The need to overthink or draw on emotions to conjure power is gone. All the power in the universe seems to be at your fingertips allowing you to concentrate on experimentation.

"Show Me."

You fight the urge to roll your eyes at him. Maybe it's the lack of restful sleep but your emotions are running high and your patience thin.

"What do you want to see?"

He says your name slowly with a disapproving tone.

"Fine," you sigh, gathering up a handful of dry dead grass, balling it in your fist.

The place deep within you that you draw on to start fires is vastly different than what you've grown accustomed to when wielding the Force for any other purpose. It's unique and singular, as if it exists completely independently.

If only you could make out the words being whispered in your dreams, maybe they held the answers to this riddle.

You locate the source of your pyrokinesis and concentrate. It seems pretty clear to you that all you're doing is manipulating the molecules of the combustible source before you. If it were really that straightforward though, Kylo should be able to do it too. You levitate the balled up grass and watch it burst into flames. Kylo watches intently with dark eyes and a knit brow.

"Tell me again what it feels like," he says, failing to hide his frustration.

You explain it to him, struggling to find the right words. It's extremely difficult to articulate.

"Do you think you can do it while I'm inside your mind?" He asks.

You nod.

Kylo approaches and places his fingers on your temple. You lower your walls and invite him in, eliminating any risk of pain. You feel him in your mind, rooting around, getting comfortable, a completely different type of penetration altogether. He draws up the memories from your dreams and scans through them again. He gets frustrated when he doesn't find anything helpful, working hard to calm himself before he unintentionally hurts you with his unstable emotions.

His presence in your mind shifts to the role of observer. You concentrate on thinking about each decision, each instinct, so that he can fully experience the process.

When it's done, he slips away and begins pacing the clearing.

"That place... I've never felt that. I can't recreate it or access it. It's like the Force is opening a door for you to walk through... only you."

He sits next to you.

"From in here," he says, pointing at your temple, "I could see the door and peer inside but I couldn't enter with you. It's the strangest thing."

The chill in the air makes you shiver. You scooch closer and wrap your arms around him. He hugs you close, rubbing your back and kissing your hair. You stay like this for a time in deep thought.

"I think we need to go see Rey," he says.

"Oh?" You ask.

"I spoke with her the other night... had her look up something in a text I gave her. She suggested that the voices in your dreams might be lingering essences of other Force users who had the same access. She said she would learn what she could, communing with the Jedi Masters."

You pick at the fabric of his shirt, fidgeting, wishing different words were flowing from him in his deep baritone. Wishing for soothing, sexy, or carefree words.

"I know you don't think this is serious but trust me, hearing voices isn't nothing. These dreams will get harder and harder to ignore and it's already taking a toll on you."

"I know," you acquiesce. "But can we just forget about it for the rest of the night? I miss just being with you. I miss the way you looked at me before you transformed me into some broken thing that needs fixing. A categorization that, by the way, I fully disagree with."

He lies back in the grass and pulls you onto his broad chest.

"Yes, I can do that," he says, relaxing beneath you.

— — —

Rey is waiting for you when Kylo lands the Silencer. The fissure in the ground next to her that you had caused on your last visit draws your attention. As you step out the ship you see a crawling weed with tiny blue flowers has already sprouted from the broken slab.

Without warning, surges of energy course through you like gusts of wind on a still day. The voices from your dreams speak, an unintelligible murmur on the wind. Staring at the ground, you run your fingers through your hair and listen. You are met with nothing but the sounds of the wind and birds.

Rey's concerned expression pulls you back into focus. She looks ethereal, glowing and powerful.

"Rey, you look so beautiful," you say, pulling her into an embrace.

"Thanks," she says, blushing. "You too."

She takes your hand a pulls you into the temple. You walk down the long corridor to the inner halls. The once dim and foreboding place is now well lit and sparkling clean.

Approaching the main hall, your pulse quickens at the memory of your assault at the hands of the Anzat. The sounds of children's laughter trilling, helps to calm you. Rey leads you past the circle of seated younglings, engulfed in their lesson, down a narrow corridor on the opposite side of the cavernous room and onward to her quarters.

Her living space consists of a bedroom and a study. The island still lacks conveniences such as running water but you see that she has set up a purifying tank and small basin sink in the corner. The walls are painted bright white to make the solar powered lighting more effective. Kylo has to duck to fit through the arched doorframe behind you.

Rey pulls up the only two chairs in the room for you and Kylo to take and moves gracefully to sit perched on her bed facing you.

"How are things in Okiwaan?" She asks.

"Great. Everyone is recovered and getting back into the swing of things after the Festival of the Sea. Business is booming at the Cherchant. Although some of the regulars are a bit put off by what they consider tourism by folks trying to get a glimpse of the former Supreme Leader Kylo Ren... as if he spends much time there. And I'm still on call with Laundsky but he's been avoiding me a bit I think due to these bags under my eyes."

"Handling the extra attention now that the story is out, Kylo?" She teases.

He groans in response, not even dignifying her with an answer. Of course he hates it. Maybe that's why he's been so focused on you and your so-called problem lately. It offers him an excuse to hole up at the villa under pretense of doing research.

"What about you? How's the Jedi school going?"

"Things are going well. I've had a lot of help. Some of these kids are picking up from where we left off on Ahch-To but others have joined us for the first time here. We've got a sort of mentorship system going on between he eldest and youngest. I love it but I have to admit its pretty exhausting work."

She stands and walks to the water purifier as she speaks, pouring you each a glass.

"The hardest thing for me is deciding on the course of training and making sure they get a well rounded education. I've been able to persuade a few invaluable minds to join us as teachers. And I mediate on the best path forward every chance I get."

"I'm happy for you, Rey," Kylo says softly, voice edged with sadness.

Her choice had wounded him and he still grapples with the pain of it. She takes his hand and squeezes it, understanding.

Turning to you, she says, "Kylo filled me in about what you're going through. It seems to me that what went on that day with the UNR awoke something in you. I spoke with the Jedi Masters about their understanding of pyrokinesis. I think Kylo's instincts are correct and that you are being connected to others who once held that power. Whether it's an echo of them or something more concrete similar to my experience with communing with the masters, I don't know. But, I hope we can find out while you're here."

"I wish you wouldn't waste your time worrying about me. It's not that bad, honestly," you answer. "I mean sure the nightmares are terrible but when I'm awake I feel fine. I've grown quite used to adapting to whatever life throws my way."

You shift uncomfortably in your seat, avoiding eye contact.

"There is something about this place though that makes me feel..."

You lose your train of thought, unable to come up with adequate descriptors for the amplified rushing energy that vibrates through your body on a cellular level. strange.

"Let's hope you're right, and that it's no big deal," she says.

You watch Kylo and Rey engage in a silent conversation that dances behind their eyes. Nervous energy, anger chasing at its heels, flows through you. Their rude behavior is the catalyst. Sensing your change in demeanor, they immediately break their connection and feign nonchalance. But it's too little too late. You need to get out of this room before you rage at them.

"I'm going for a walk."

They don't protest as you storm out of her quarters, easily retracing your steps outside. You ignore Chewbacca who calls to you as your feet carry you quickly from the temple, leading you down a path of jagged stone steps to the shore. Each step you take builds distance between you and the annoying scrutiny that you're under, allowing you to begin to relax.

The sounds of the sea seep in as you clear your mind, letting your eyes shift out of focus. The definition of individual waves melts into a uniform mass of blues and greens bathed in sparkling light.

After a time of peaceful mediation, a shuffling in the brush behind you brings you hurtling back to the present. Based on the position of the sun, maybe an hour or so had passed. You feel Kylo without looking to confirm that it's him. He tries to stay quiet as he gingerly squats to sit at your side. He drapes his arm around you. You gaze up at him, watching the sea and light reflect off of his eyes as he loses himself for a moment to the same peace that had claimed you.

Your staring draws his attention.

"I'm sorry about all that, we shouldn't have left you out of the conversation. We are just worried, that's all. Let's not talk about it anymore tonight," his deep velvety voice caresses you like the sea breeze against your skin.

"Dinner's ready."

You meet a few of the younglings on your way to the dining hall. They had already eaten and are on their way outside to play. Their excitement at being released from their studies is palpable in the air. Meals are eaten in shifts here, giving the adults and children much deserved time to themselves.

A beautiful spread awaits you accompanied with large pitchers of wine, giving the table setting a regal and timeless appearance.

You chat happily through the meal, copious amounts of food and wine, drowning any remaining apprehension you may feel. When it's over, no one is quick to leave. Conversations linger as you lounge back in your seats, comfortable. Everyone seemed to have thoroughly enjoyed the mealtime except for one petit woman whose eyes kept darting to Kylo and back to her plate.

Can we go now? You privately ask.

He nods, pushing back his chair. The loud sound of the furniture scraping the tiled floor draws the attention of the table. You both thank your hosts for the hospitality and take your leave, pausing when you realize you don't know where you're staying.

Chewie's massive hirsute frame rises from his seat with a series of colorful noises. Though you don't speak his language you understand that he is offering to show you the way to your room.

The wookiee has to stoop low as you wind through the narrow corridor leading to the spare room that had been prepared for you. All of the corridors and rooms that snaked outward from the main halls were tunneled and carved into the landscape below the island's surface. This gives off the impression that the rooms are very private, maybe soundproof, and a bit claustrophobic. You had grown quite used to sweeping vista views, making this translation to a dark, slightly damp, soil scented hollow feel extreme.

The room itself is much cozier than you imagined it would be with leather furniture, a modest sized bed and colorful tapestries lining the walls. Kylo speaks with Chewie for a few minutes in the hallway while you wander through the space, taking it in.

"There's a quicker route outside to the latrine," Kylo says as he reenters the room. "Very rustic."

He looks massive in this space. You wonder if Chewie has enough room to stand in his own quarters. A lot of work had been done on this place since you had been involved in the earliest stages of renovation. A majority of the tunnels had been collapsed and in need of major repair. All of it was a labor of love on Rey's part, you are sure of it. The place oozed with the care put into it by those whose mission they took to be far greater than their own existences.

"Do you think if I screamed at the top of my lungs right now anyone would hear me?"

He turns to you, lips curling into a smirk.

"I don't know. Try it. Better yet, you could let me draw a scream out of you with my face against that pussy of yours," he flirts.

You blush. Watching the pink rise in your cheeks, knowing his words were the culprit, excites him.

He steps closer.

"How about I fuck you until you don't have any energy left for pesky dreams?" He purrs.

His hand wanders down your back as he speaks his dirty words causing your body to shiver and quake. The wine from dinner and the pulsing Force energy of this place mix with his sultry voice and suggestive language positively melting you under his touch.

"I would like that quite a lot," you manage to whisper, looking up at him, voice quaking through pouted lips.

You want his hands on you. You want to lose yourself completely to his touch, to disappear from reality and reappear immersed in lust filled bliss. Something about the way this place affects you makes you feel like anything is possible.

Kylo hears your wordless pleas but instead of giving in to the desire to scoop you up in his arms and smash his mouth against yours, roughly devouring you in the kiss to end them all, he pushes the urge aside and surprises you both by stepping back.

"What are you doing?" You ask, disappointment thick as honey in your throat.

"Do you trust me?"

"Of course. But Kylo, please..."

Before more words have time to escape you, the floor drops out from below your feet. No, that's not right. Your body is rising, levitating until you match Kylo's height. Your eyes widen with understanding as you notice the way his fingers are reaching toward you, turning every so slowly, willing your body to move through space, guided by the Force energy that has never been so readily available at his fingertips than now.

You stop fighting against his actions and let your head fall back, floating, weightless... free. An excited laugh laced with apprehension tumbles from your lips. You haven't fully recovered from the disappointing lack of skin on skin contact but your mind has already begun running wild.

"Be patient," he responds to your open booked thoughts.

You lock eyes with him as he keeps you lofted above the mattress, floating free and unencumbered by limitations of gravity.

You'd been on a shuttle once that momentarily lost its artificial gravity. Take away the panic that you felt during that situation and the feeling was almost identical to this. As your mind wanders the memory you feel a tugging at your ankles as Kylo slips off your boots one at a time. You watch the fabric belt of your burgundy tunic shift and slide open at Kylo's willing from where he stands. The fabric falls away from your body and floats languidly down to the surface of the bed below. The clasp of your bra opens and the garment slips down your shoulders and off. To your delight, your breasts remain perky and round without pesky gravity allowed to drag them down.

Next, Kylo uses the Force to strip your underwear down your thighs, so very slowly. He's drawing out your undressing, reveling in the pleasure of letting his eyes wander your newly exposed skin.

A low hiss laced with hungry desire slips from his lips.

He's savoring these quiet moments as he studies your pristine tattooed skin. The same skin that he deviously plans to litter with bite marks, handprints, and hickeys. His deep-set amber eyes on your body do their work, drawing out heat and causing slick wet to pool at your entrance. All he ever had to do was look at you for your body to respond.

Kylo lowers his hand and as he does, your naked body glides down to settle on the bed. You welcome gravity back even as you ache to relinquish control once more. Sighing loudly, you recline back on the mound of pillows behind you and watch Kylo remove his clothing, the normal, boring way. You aren't complaining though, you'd never tire of watching him peel away his clothing so that you could study his muscular and scarred, gorgeous body.

Your gaze lingers on the pulsing veins of his neck and where they disappear into the mass of his thick shoulders and chest and back up to his plush pink lips and angular nose. A memory of his nose pressed up into your pussy fills you with a rush longing.

As he climbs onto the bed, he scoops you up off of the mattress, pulling you tight against his chest. You regularly forget how big he is, particularly how big his hands are until they are on your body, dwarfing you under their contradictorily soft and calloused touch. He stares into your welling eyes, his breath tickling your cheek and making your eyelashes flutter. He smells of wine, vanilla, and dark chocolate you notice as his lips press down on yours. He slowly parts them to invite your tongue to better taste him. Kissing him is more satisfying than the most decadent dessert.

"I want to try something with you," he says low and soft, lips hovering near your ear.

You smile to yourself, if only you had a credit for each time he asked to try something new with you. His experimentation tended to pay you in moans and climaxes, far better than anything credits could buy. You are a rich woman in his arms, needless but so very needy, wantless but overcome with wanting.

"Yes," you finally answer as your fingers wind through his silky hair, face buried in that muscular neck that you'd adored from a distance only moments before.

"What is it?"

"I want to try fucking while we levitate. I want to feel nothing but you. Your body... your skin against mine. Let's remove the intrusiveness of place and just feel each other."

You nod into his neck, tongue tracing a line up his throbbing vein to his jaw as you find your way back to his lips.

The kissing intensifies even as you feel the bed disappear from underneath you. It's hard to tell if he's doing it all himself or if you're helping. Your minds are open and bridged, allowing the intentions and desires to flow back and forth on the mysterious current that inspired the experiment to begin with.

It's working.

With the bed out of the picture, your body has nothing to respond to outside of his touch. His huge hand spans your lower back as he keeps you pressed against him. Your legs explore his, moving up and down, intertwining and wrapping around him while you continue to kiss, moaning into each other, nipping and wrestling.

You feel Kylo's erection pressing against you, needy and twitching as your greedy mouths delve. You reach down and wrap your hand around his length causing him to moan into your mouth at the contact. You stroke him slowly as his hands make their way to your ass pulling you firmer against him. You hold on to one another tightly. It feels as though you might go spiraling out into space if you were to let go.

You aren't sure how you're going to fuck with nothing to brace against but you're dying to try and so is Kylo. You shimmy up his body and line your entrance up with his cock, winding the fingers of your free hand through his hair. You silently agree that he should push up into you as you sink down onto him, drawing on the Force to propel your bodies through space. You gather a handful of his hair in your fingers. You feel his hand clutch the top of your shoulder, ready to pull you down.

Your eyes flutter closed and you silently count to three, yanking his hair back as his cock plunges deep inside of you. You both cry out at the contact, panting, while you find your bearings. It takes you several moments of mental gymnastics to figure out how to will your bodies into motion. You have to work together to stay suspended in space while exploring how to work off of each other's bodies. The motions are deep and slow and all consuming.

This sex is completely new, different than anything either of you had ever experienced. You both shake with the effort of maintaining the act through the building pleasure as you continue to create friction and explore each other's bodies, unencumbered by gravity itself. Building speed and working off of the room are not options so you switch tactics, eliciting the same pleasure sensations by funneling Force energy where it's needed.

Kylo's hands firmly grip your shoulders and yours cup his face as you lock eyes, shaking and moaning, ready to burst apart at the seams.

All at once you find yourselves cresting the mountainous pleasure that you scale together. You feel the beginnings of your orgasm flutter through you. A loud groan fills your ears as Kylo begins spurting and filling you up while your walls pulse and crush down around him.

The orgasm is intense and all consuming, stealing your ability to remain levitating. You crash back down onto the bed in a tangle of limbs, sweat, and heavy breathing. You giggle through your tears as you clutch onto Kylo while mourning the loss of weightlessness. 

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