Av Eaglewoman20

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In a quest for an heir, Mr. Obed's daughter, Folakemi Obed became betrothed to Olamide Garba. Fola had a dist... Mer



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Av Eaglewoman20

Femi came back around half past 9p.m. He came along with 3 other officers and a backpack.

He instructed Mrs. Obed to lead Mrs. Balogun to the bedroom to get some sleep. Fola, Femi, Bolu and the three officers were the ones left in the living room.

Femi opened the bag and brought out some instruments Fola didn't know existed.

The only thing she was able to identify was a gun that was shinning due to the dim light of the room.

There were goosebumps all around her as Femi instructed her to take a hold of it. She took it with a shaky hand and it fell down.

Femi picked it up and gave it back to her. "Fola be calm. This isn't a real gun."

"Don't you think we should give her a real gun so she can use it to defend herself?", one of the officers asked.

"This isn't a real gun and she is this shaky. Who knows what would happen when she sees a real one", Femi said back.

"Fola, you need to do this for the man you love. I'm sure you don't want his mother to lose him nor do you want to lose him. This is the least you can do only if you will cooperate with us. I assure you that I won't allow anything to happen to you."

There were sweats all over her as she answered in a low tone "Ok."

"Good, so this is the plan. Bolu and I will go to the bank to get the money first thing tomorrow morning. A tracking device will placed on your body and also we will give you something we can use to communicate with you. When things are about to get out of hands, you will use it to notify us so we can strike. To give us a signal, you will have to use a language that is unknown to the criminals."

"Idris here is from Ivory coast so he will put you through some little words and sentences you can use to give us a signal", he said pointing at the officer opposite him.

"I will go with you to the place as your brother. You should tell them you are coming with your brother. If she agrees fine but if she doesn't, we will look for an alternative. We don't know whether they are in Kaduna, Zaria or Jaji but we have informed the police officers in Jaji and they are ready to give a helping hand. The distance will determine whether my colleagues from here will go with us or not. If it is here in Kaduna, the other police officers will follow us some minutes after our departure. Also, you will be given this gun for protection and a pepperspray if you can't make use of the gun. It isn't a real gun, but you have to use it the same way a real gun is used. The bullet in here is a poisonous one so when you pull the trigger, the victim will fall to the ground and sleep off", Femi explained in details.

"Won't she hide the gun and the pepperspray?", the other officer said.

"She will", he answered her then turn back to Fola.

"You have to wear a garment that will hide the gun and the pepperspray, and a trouser also. Do you get it?", he asked her and she nodded.

Fola asked all of a sudden, "Where is Biodun?"

Bolu turned back to look at her as she answered, "I went to drop him at my aunt's house before coming here. Why do you ask?"

Fola ignored her question and looked at Femi.

"Femi, what if she tries to escape? What if she isn't really the Rachel we thought? How do we get her?"

"What are you insinuating?", Fola was quiet. "Is it what I am thinking?", he asked and Fola nodded.

Femi studied her quietly and whirled around to look at his fiancee. "Bolu, Biodun has drawing skills. Maybe we should go......."

"Don't even go there. How can you think of such a thing?", Bolu yelled.

"Do you want to wake others?", Femi asked her.

"Fola, you of all people shouldn't have brought up such a lame and silly idea. I thought you loved him like your own brother. How could you even think of putting such a young boy in danger at this young age of his."

Fola replied: "Bolu it was just a suggestion. That doesn't mean I don't love him as a brother."

"Keep shut", Bolu ordered with anger.

"Bolu", Femi called too.

"Keep shut too", she said in tears. "You don't expect me to be calm when I am about to lose my mother and brother at the same time. That boy is my life. If anything happens to him, then I am good as dead."

"What do you mean by losing your mother?", they both inquired from her.

"My mum was diagnosed of cancer. I knew something was wrong all along. Her husband was just covering it up from us", she answered and wept in pain.

"How did you know and why didn't you tell me before now? We wouldn't have even asked dad for money since he is going through a hard time at the moment", Fola scolded.

"You know already?", Femi asked seeing the other officers already dozing off on the settee.

"What? Don't tell me you knew all along", he nodded. "And you refused to tell me?"

"I'm sorry. I promised them not to disclose it to you", he said trying to move closer to her.

"Goodness. I hate you all for doing this to me", she said rising up from his touch.

"Bolu, watch what you say", Fola warned.

"Shut your trash. You are not an exception. I hate you too for wanting to put the only joy I have in danger. You must be insane for thinking of such. I am out of here", she marched out angrily and Femi ran after her.

Fola cried.


Femi was able to control Bolu's rage and convinced her to spend the night in Mrs. Balogun house.

The next day, she was still mad at them as she sneaked to the bank around 8 a.m to withdraw the money.

She also stole Femi's car which she drove to the bank.

She came back an hour later to see them getting prepared. She dropped the briefcase which was containing the ransom, Femi's carkeys and went home.

Fola was in a foul mood as they got prepared. She couldn't bear fighting with Bolu.

Bolu was a part of her life and she couldn't bear to cut her off just like that. They were in trying times and they need each other.

Bolu was stronger than Fola could imagine. Her mother was at the verge of dying and instead of staying by her bedside, she came all the way home just to be with her friend.

Fola wondered if this would be the end of their friendship.

She was confused, upset, hungry and angry. Angry at her father, angry at Ire for letting the kidnappers get a hold of him, angry at Bolu, angry at Femi, angry at Rachel and everyone.

She was tired and she felt like dying.

She was tired of crying and praying. She was tired of thinking.

It was almost 2p.m and Fola couldn't help but feel bad for not seeing her friend around her.

"What if this will be the last time we would see?"

She hurriedly picked her phone up and dialled Bolu's number. She picked at the fifth dial.

"I'm sorry. I am not selfish. This might be the last time we would ever talk again. I just want to make things right before I go. If anything happens to me, don't feel bad. Just take care of my parents for me and know that I love you. We are both going through trying times and only God knows if I would be able to come out of this alive", Fola uttered in one breath afraid that Bolu will cut the call without hearing her out.

"Don't go again Fola. I love you too. I am sorry. It was just a transfer of aggression", Bolu replied feeling guilty.

"I need to go. Bye. I love you", she ended the call.

Femi called: "Fola wear this trouser and wear a long garment over it to enable you conceal the weapon", showing her the piece of trousers in his hand.

The trouser was funny looking and Fola couldn't help but laugh.

"What kind of a trouser is this? Where did you get it from?", she questioned still laughing.

"You don't want to know. Just wear it", he instructed.

"You will be put the gun in the pocket of the trouser and in case they want to search you before giving you entry into the place, just shake your body a bit and the gun will fall down to your ankle but it won't come out because the down part of the trouser is tied. Also you will be given the pepperspray and you will also put it there. Then this tracking device will be attached to your veil. You need to tie a veil around your head", he explained further.

"I will go with you and then whenever things are about to go wrong, just say a word in French and we will come get you. Do you understand?", Femi concluded and asked while Fola nodded.

"The only thing which is not in our plan now is the address to know where they are."

"Let's just wait for their call", Fola responded.

"I hope you have eaten?", he asked.

"I'm not hungry. Don't worry about me, I will be fine."

"Where are the two moms?", Femi asked.

"My mum was persuading Ire's mother to go and take her bath. She has refused to take her bath ever since her son was missing. I guessed mum had succeeded in convincing her to take her bath", Fola answered.

"Alright", he said moving close to a seat.

Mrs Obed came out of Mrs. Balogun's bedroom with a ringing phone.

"Femi, Fola", she called. "I think it's the kidnapper's call. You should pick it", she said giving the phone to Fola.

"Where is Mrs. Balogun?", Femi asked.

"She is in the bathroom", her mother answered.

"Let me pick it so I can confirm the voice again", Fola said taking the phone from her mother and picking it.

"He...l..lo", she stammered into the phone with fear.

"Hello", a deep male voice answered. "Are you the lady who is supposed to bring the money", he asked.

"Yes I am", she said with a terrified voice.

"Good. You should start coming now. I will send you the address as sms now. When you get there and you haven't seen my call yet, just wait there. Also do not come with any police or else you will regret you did. Don't act smart."

"Alright sir. I will be on my way now", Fola told her.


"Sir, can I come with my brother?", Fola asked.

"Brother? You must be stupid. You are trying to act smart abi", he yelled from the other end.

"No sir. He's my cousin brother and I can't drive. I want him to drive me there considering the fact that I am coming with alot of money. I don't want to lose it", Fola said pitifully trying to gain his sympathy.

"Keep shut and start coming", he said and hunged up.

Fola puffed out air and looked at Femi shaking her head.

"I'm afraid you can't come with me Femi", she muttered softly.

"No Folake, you can't go alone. I won't allow that", her mother shouted after her.

"Mum, I will be fine. I promise. Femi pass me the briefcase."

"You haven't used the veil I ask you to make use of. Are you sure you can take care of yourself?", Femi asked giving her the briefcase.

"Don't know but I will be fine", she assured ignoring her mother's sob and taking the briefcase from Femi.

She wrap a black veil around head and wore her sneakers.

Then she stood up and moved out as her mother trailed behind her.

Mrs Obed stopped few distance away from the gate and watched her daughter go.

Fola got out of the gate and was hurrying to the park with different thoughts tumbling in her mind when she got a message from the kidnappers and then a call came in.

"You said you can't drive?", T-boy asked her.

"Yes", she answered.

"How do you want to get here considering the distance", he asked her.

"I intend to take a public transport."

"A public transport can't bring you here. Does your cousin brother have a car?", he asked again.

"Yes he does."

"Come along with him. But he won't come with you down here. He has to wait for you on the high way, understood?"

"Yes sir."

"You have to be here in the next 30-40 minutes or else your boyfriend will be killed", he remarked and hunged up.

Fola turned and ran back to the house in excitement holding the briefcase firmly. She got inside and saw her mother still crying. She ignored her and faced Femi.

"Femi, you can come with me."



"I hope she isn't trying to play smart. If she does, I won't hesitate to kill every member of her family", bosslady sworn.

"I'm sure she won't. She's not as strong headed as you claim", T-boy told the bosslady. "I think sending those boys off was the best instead of trying to kill them all. Its too much of a big deal and it can arouse suspicious from even the boss."

"Yes. That's why I changed the plan by telling them we've killed him already and changing the location."

"So what is the next step now?", T-boy asked her.

She shrugged. "Just be prepared to welcome the iron lady. I won't be suprise if she comes well prepared. But I will give her the greatest shock of her life."

"Maybe we should just take our money from them and let them go", T-boy advised.

"We can't", bosslady insisted.

"They can't do anything if we threaten to kill every member of their family if they spill the beans and then we will use the money to go abroad. You and I. We need a vacation from all the hustle and bustle of life and working for a politician."

I already told you I can't go with you to anywhere", she replied.

"Why?", he questioned.

"I told you I am........"
She was interrupted by a call.

"The boss is calling", she said to T-boy with a fright.

"Why didn't you put your phone off?", he asked her.

She ignored his question and picked the call trying to sound calm.

"Rachel, where the hell are you?", the boss said.

"Sorry boss for not coming around. Mum sent me on an errand to the village."

"I have been trying to reach you since I came back all to no avail."

"Yes boss, my phone was out of charge", she responded acting all innocent.

"Whatever. That is not the reason why I called. I want to ask you a question now and I want a sincere answer."

"Of course boss, what is it?", she asked as her heart was beating twice the normal rate.

"My son told me you are pregnant for him. Is that true?", he asked but was met with silence. "Hello", he said again and Rachel disconnected the call. Then, she switched off her phone.

She was confused and unsure of how to go about her situation. She told Olamide she was pregnant just so he would give her the attention she had ever wanted after she got to know of his relationship with Fola. But the problem is, she doesn't even know if he is truly the father of the baby.

The pregnancy was 4 weeks gone and she remembered having sex with Olamide a day after spending the night at T-boy's home. She also had sex with T-boy the next day in the bathroom.

She couldn't figure out whose child was growing inside of her and she was scared of lying to Olamide's father.

She knows he detest lying and he wouldn't hesitate to kill her for lying to him.

As much as she wanted to be his daughter-in-law, she was scared of his every move.

She knew he was a dangerous man.

She wanted to have Olamide to herself, more reason why she needs to get rid of what was disrupting their affair. And that disruption was Folake.

She smilled and muttered to herself, "Very simple. I don't need to know the father. I will kill Folake and marry Olamide."

"Bosslady, your greatest enemy is here....", T-boy announced jerking her out of her reverie.

".... And she is here with the police", he completed.

"What?", Rachel exclaimed as her smile vanished.

Finally, chapter 20 is down.

Kasala Don burst o.

The truth is revealing itself bit by bit. I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you do, applaud me with a vote and a comment.

God bless you and much love💓

*Written By: Olawoore Nafisat Eniola*

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