Tessa and Hardin and everythi...

By Afterstorys

57.8K 1.3K 126

One shot collection following the life's of Hardin ,Tessa,Emery and Auden following their crazy life's in New... More

New story


4.1K 98 1
By Afterstorys

Today is the day I have been dreading all week Tessa is going for a spa weekend with Kim and I'm going to be home with our 7 year old and 1 year old baby "Il be back before you know "she gives me a kiss "bye baby"she says to Auden in my arms and he puts his arms out to Tessa he is such a mommy's boy "Auden your going to be with dada"Tessa says and Auden turns to look at me and we both laugh"Emery come say goodbye to your mum"I call out for our daughter and I hear footsteps running out "bye mommy"she hugs Tessa than run backs of to play what ever game she is playing "Kim is downstairs"she says heading for the door "please don't destroy the apartment"she says "I'll try my best"I tell her "ok I really have to go I love you see you Sunday"she hurry's out the door

"What are we going to do buddy"how am I ment to keep the kids entertained for a whole weekend "mama go"

"Mama is gone for a break"I walk into our room laying him on the bed and he whines a bit "Auden buddy don't cry" and his lip trembles he probably having with drawls from Tessas boob Emery comes running in dressed in a fairy costume "I'm a magical fairy"she spins jumping on to the bed "Auden I'll give you one wish"she waves the and in his face and he laughs Emery is just full of energy today "dad I want to listen to music"she tells me waving the wand at me "what do you want to listen to"I turn the tv on "but some frozen on"she tells me I knew she was going to say that I couldn't even tell you how many times I have heard this soundtrack she jumps of the bed and starts singing and dancing and Auden try's to join in he is just leading to walk so he is really just bouncing up and down

"Let it go let it go"Emery spins around the room and I can't help but laugh "the cold never bothered me anyway" The song ends thank god "Auden come here"she puts her hands out and he attempts to walk to her "good boy"she pats his head "Em he is not a dog"

"He is he is my pet dog Auden bark"she says and Auden makes some sort of dog noise "see told you he is my dog let's go my little dog"Emery say mad Auden crawls behind her that girl is crazy

It is a pretty nice day out and I don't want to be stuck inside and bringing them out will take their energy away so hopefully they sleep tonight I walk out to the living room Auden is half crawling around barking and Emery has a skipping ropes tied to him "I think that's enough playtime"I untie Auden form the rope "aw dad you can't take Rufus away"

"Who is Rufus"I ask and she points to Auden "get dressed we are going to the park"

"Can I bring my scooter"she asks me "yes of course"I tell her and she skips down to her room luckily Tessa already dressed Auden because they both get up early  he big blue eyes stare up at me "I know your missing your mummy but I'm here"I say to him and he giggles "dad"he wraps his little arms around me he is such an affectionate baby I get Auden's coat on and stroller ready

We make our way outside and of course Emery flys past me "Emery slow down we are on a busy street"I call and she puts her thumb in the air I can see her waiting at the traffic lights for me and catch up with her and we cross the road  "dad did you bring any snacks I'm hungry"

"Oh no I forgot"I tell her "wait did yous have breakfast"I ask "No I didn't have anything today"she tells me than I realise I haven't had anything Jesus she must be starving it's 11 o clock  "let's go to have breakfast first"we make our way into a small cafe I strap Auden into a high chair and Emery sits up beside me "Can I have bacon and toast and I cup of orange juice please"Emery ask the waiter "I'll have the same and some toast for the baby and a black coffee for me"

"Daddy you will never guess what I found out"Emery says she is so nosey just like her mother actually she reminds me a lot of Kim she knows everything about everybody you have to be careful when talking about certain things "So Addy told me that grandpa Ken is moving from his big house because he got another job"

"He is"I didn't even know that "how does Addy know"

"She heard her dad and him on the phone I think it's Arizona he is moving to"she tells me and the sister comes back with our food "here you go buddy"I puts Auden's toast in front of him "do you have any news you want to share daddy"

"I'm not a busy body like you"I say and she rolls her eyes playfully

Once where done we make our way towards the park thankfully it is not that full "push me on the swing"Emery says "I want to go super super high"she tells me and I start to push her "higher"she squeals and I push her higher and Auden laughs at his sister I let him out of his stroller so he can move around  "I'm just going to the slide"She runs over and I put Auden in the baby swing "ahhh"he laughs as I push him "is this fun"I say and he laughs some more "let's go find your sister"I take him out and I see her running around probably bossing the other kids around

After about and hour both kids look like their ready to fall asleep I strap Auden into his stroller and Emery asks to go on my shoulders I can feel her rest her head on my head as her feet dangle at my side I have the scooter in one hand and the stroller in another

We get into the apartment Emery is still awake so is Auden I put them both into the couch with a blanket and with in minutes their both alseep Auden resting his head on Emery's lap

It's been two hours and both kids are still asleep I kinda want to wake them up because I'm board but at the same time I'm want to enjoy the only peace I have my phone starts to ring and it's Tessa

"Hey love how is you spa weekend going"I ask her "it's going good I miss yous"she tells me smiling "it's very quiet where are my kids I hope there still alive"she jokes "don't worry their fine"I walk out to the living room turing the camera onto them and I see her eyes soften "I miss them and I miss you even though I have only been gone a few hours"

"Well you have two more days of peace before you come home to the mad house"we both laugh I talk with Tessa some more but than his what's to go and I can hear little voices "yous are up"I say to them and they both turn to look at me "dada"

"Did you have a good sleep buddy"I say and he lays his head on me


It's Sunday and I have successfully survived a weekend alone with the kids but I can't wait for Tessa to get back and I know the kids are missing her I wake up before them both Auden slept in the bed last night because he kept waking up crying with his teeth so I put him in beside me"Auden baby"I generally shake him "time to get up"I say and he opens his eyes yawing and I see him look around for Tessa

I take him out of bed making my way out to the kitchen I put on some bacon and scramble egg for us and Emery comes out her hair sticking up all different directions "morning"I say to her and she puts her head onto the kitchen table "Em"Auden says and Emerys head flys up "what did you say"she say to him "Emm Emery"he points to her "oh my god dad he said my name"she squeals Auden has never said her name before she is so happy right now "well done buddy"I put my hand up and he gives me a little high five smiling obviously has no idea why me and Emery are so excited "Auden who is that"I point to Emery "Emery"he says and we both clap our hands and Auden does the same

Tessa tells me she is on her way up and I know the kids are so excited to see her he'll I'm excited to see her she opens the door and Emery runs over Auden crawls after her "mommy you home"she jumps up and down "mama"Auden puts his hands up to her "give her a second she only got in I walk over taking her bags of her "hi love"I give her a kiss "I missed you"she says and the moment is ruined by Emery taking her hand pulling her to the couch she lifts Auden up onto her lap and he had the biggest smile he just adores her so much his eyes light up when he sees her he snuggle up against her and she wraps her arms around him

"Mommy you will never guess what Auden did"Emery says with excitement in her eyes "Auden what's my name"she points to herself and he lifts his head up "Emery"

"He said your name Auden are you getting to be a big boy now"she says and he just puts his head back down shyly Tessa kissed the top of his head "I missed you mommy"Emery sits up beside her "I missed you to sweetie"

"I also missed you"I join in on the family hug "I'm getting squished"I hear Emery say and we all pull away "I'm only joking I just wanted to hug mommy myself"she says

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