love you always

By user1680356777

40.9K 809 203

re-writing merder's love story for fun. I will add more detail then in the show and change more things as i g... More

one night stand
awkward encounter
on-call room
room service
secrets out
eating for two
positively miserable
welcome to the world
welcome home
what does it say
im fine
catch up
almost time
the big day
going away
birthday gift
its a...
hi baby


627 18 12
By user1680356777

After what felt like forever, we finally landed. We walked down stairs of the plane and looked around, it was hot and humid and not a single cloud in the sky. "This is beautiful" derek said, "hmnnn i know, let's go get our suitcase and then we have to take a boat to the island."

We found our way to the boat dock with our suitcases, the people there were lovely, we were ushered on to a white boat, "what do you want to do when we get there?" i asked, "we could test out the bed?" he suggested, "i want to go swimming and explore" i giggled. "Okay fine, we'll go to our villa, take a shower, get changed and look around the island" he smiled at me as we sat down, the water was crystal clear, we would defiantly have to come back one day.

The boat started to drive, we could see the small island ahead of us, it was full of palm trees and white sandy beaches. "This is gorgeous" i smiled, leaning against his shoulder, "i know, do you want to go diving?" he asked, "you mean like with oxygen tanks way under?" i replied, he nodded, "absolutely not, you can though i'll just watch you get eaten from the beach" i joked, "mer there is nothing harmful in these waters" he rolled his eyes, "you say that but isn't it only 5% of the ocean people have discovered" i told him, "whatever you say" he chuckled. I was never really a fan of the ocean, i always preferred pools, they seemed safer.

We were greeted by people on the boat dock that was also the entrance and exit of the island, everyone seemed so happy, it was refreshing, "i cant tell if i'm scared or excited" i whispered to derek, they had taken our luggage and followed us to our villa, we got the keys and walked down another long wooden pathway that stood on stilts above the water, "this is amazing" i smiled, we walked until we found the right number, the people gave us our suitcases and we unlocked the door and walked inside, thankfully there was good air conditioning, it was hotter than i assumed.

There was a gorgeous bathroom, a big bed in the middle of the room, and a deck which had steps to the ocean and a private infinity pool, we looked at each other knowingly, we would take advantage of that pool at some point. There was also a small glass area of floor inside, so when you looked down there was the ocean.

"We should make this a yearly thing and always stay here" i suggested, "not sure how much the cheif would like that" he pulled me closer to him "i need a shower, i smell like plane" i smiled suggestively, "thats convenient, so do i" he pulled me into the bathroom, the shower was massive and it had a built in bench, that would come in useful i smirked.

The water started running and we both took off our clothes, he lifted me up, he walked us into the shower, my legs still wrapped around him, our eyes locked, i put my lips on his, he took no time in pushing me against the tile wall and kissing me roughly, earning a deep moan, "bench" it came out as more of a moan than a suggestion, he put me down and he walked backwards, sitting on the tile bench, our hands still intertwined, i lifted my leg over his and straddled him, his hands around my waist, before travelling up to fondle my breasts, "mhn that feels good" i moaned, my eyes closed, "my wife is incredibly sexy" he smirked, i smiled, i like him calling me his wife. It sounded right. I kissed him before finding his hard member and guided it to my entrance, i elevated my hips and sunk down on his erection, we both moaned at the sensation, i rocked my hips up and down, one of his hands was supporting my back, the other slapped my ass, i yelped, spanking was never something we'd done, neither of us ever ventured into that kind of sex, we were more than okay doing what we always did. I started moving faster, practically bouncing, "fuck... meredith" his eyes locked on my breasts, which were also bouncing along, "shit" i whispered as i felt myself coming undone, i threw my head back and moaned as i felt him release. I sunk into his arms, our bodies still connected, "god, i'll never get tired of sex" i mumbled into his neck.

We finished off showering and got out to get dressed. "Is it appropriate to just walk around in a bikini?" i wondered, "nope" derek was quick to respond, "and why not?" i asked, "i don't want anyone staring at you" he replied, walking towards me, pulling me into a deep kiss, "stop it or else we'll never leave" i pulled away, "isn't that the point, it's our honeymoon we should just have sex the whole time and then take brakes for food and water" he suggested, "as much as i love the sound of that, we're here for a week so i plan on making the most of this gorgeous island we're on" i told him.

I ended up wearing a white bikini with a pair of white flowy trousers, so at least not all of me was on show, but it was hot outside and i needed something easy to get in and out of. I grabbed a pair of sunglasses and waited for derek.

"Are you going to put a top on?" he asked, "der it's boiling and besides, everyone hear is wearing a bikini" i opened the door and was hit with the hot air from outside, "come, let's go" i grabbed his hand and we walked outside, "i want to go swimming" i smiled, "okay then let's go to the beach" he suggested, "what about the pool" i replied, "we should take advantage of the ocean while we're here" he said as we arrived at the beach.

The sand looked more like snow it was so white, luckily there were no children, and barley anyone else on the island. Not that i was a bitch who hates kids, i mean i have one, and maybe another sometime soon, but it was so nice to feel like a wife, not just 'mama'

We walked towards the ocean after taking off everything but swimwear, "look at the fish!" derek exclaimed like a 5 year old at the aquarium, i then stopped when we got to the end of the sand, the thought of fish touching me or going anywhere near me made me want to hurl, "ew maybe we should go swim in a pool where there are no slimey things" i suggested, derek laughed and picked me up, walking into the water, "der no put me down!" i practically screamed, when we got deeper i started hitting his back, trying to get him to stop, he then stopped and placed me in the water, "no pick me back up now" i shouted, "mer calm down" he laughed, "why didn't we go to Paris or London, somewhere with no fish" i mumbled, "meredith just breathe your find i promise" he smiled, "god we are so going in the pool next time" i rolled my eyes, "the pool is less private, besides otherwise i can't do this" he kissed me, pulling me onto his lap, "no way am i having sex in the sea" i said between kisses, "why not?" he asked, "your kidding right, there's fish, the water is salty and a boat cold show up any minute" i explained, "just pretend we're in a bath" he mumbled, i giggled before pulling away, "enough, you got me in the sea, be happy about that, we can have all the sex in the world in the villa" i smirked, "fine, i'm just glad i get to call you my wife" he pulled me onto him, my body hugged around his, "i really fucking love you" i smiled, and kissed him, "i really fucking love you too" he just held me close to his chest.

When we got back to the villa to change and get ready before we went to eat, i made sure he wasn't around and emptied the plastic bag of the tests i had bought, i really wanted to know. Should i tell him before or after i take the test? After, defiantly after.

I slid the boxes under a towl and walked to the bathroom, suddenly i bumped into him, managing to keep the tests secure, "hello" he smiled kissing me, i kissed him back, not wanting to act suspicious. Before i knew it he undid the towl and took it off me, when it fell to the ground the boxes all fell out too.

"What are these?" he asked, bending down to pick them up, "they're just girl stuff" i tried to pick them up before he did, but he beat me too it, he turned over one of the boxes "pregnancy tests?" he asked confused, "mer are you?" questioned, "i'm late, but i haven't take a test, and i- was going to tell you i- just wanted to wait until i knew" i stammered.

He looked up and grinned at me, i smiled back, "go take them then" he hugged me, memories from last time flashed in my head, not realising tears fell down my cheeks he kissed my forehead and wiped them away. "Are you worried?" he asked concerned, "i can't loose another baby" i whispered. "You won't, just... if you are okay with it... take the test, and then we'll know" he gave a soft smile, trying to hide his excitement.

We walked into the bathroom, "do you want some privacy?" he asked, "der you've seen me through everything it's fine" i opened the box's "how do i pee on all 3?" i wondered, "i'll hand them to you and then put them on the counter, you don't need to hold it under for long right?" he questioned, "okay" i breathed out.

It was slightly weird sitting in silence while i was handed sticks to pee on, but it didn't take long. "I wish it could be you who had to do all this, it's unfair how women have periods, pregnancy, childbirth and then menopause" i washed my hands. "Men aren't exactly 'built' for childbirth" he grimaced.

The timer went off, "shit that scared me" i whispered, "you ready?" he asked, "no, can you look first" i asked, "sure" he responded, i looked in the mirror as he turned all three over, "so... what does it say" i exhaled, "what does two lines mean?" he asked, "that means it's positive" i replied, "well then... we are going to have another baby" he smiled, "i'm pregnant?" i gasped, looking at the tests, making sure he was right. "We're pregnant" i jumped into his arms, he twirled me around, "el is going to have a sibling" he smiled.

Surprise! she's having baby number 2 ;)

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