Sleepless nights

By Ilovefanfics344

2.5K 83 51

Professor McGonagall had had enough. The fights will stop, even if it's the last thing she does. These three... More

2 - Mary and Daphne
3 - First nightmare
4 - Sleeping together
5 - Scared, Weasley?
6 - Bleville
7 - Theansy
8 - Oh, Dray... You're in love! How disgusting.
9 - Old Hory-Dory
10 - A wuss?
11 - Chicken or treacle tart?
12 - Mate?
13 - Truth or Dare

1 - The dorm

471 7 11
By Ilovefanfics344


All characters belong to J.K.Rowling. I own nothing except the plot. On that note, I DO NOT support Rowling and what she now stands for.

In this AU, Voldemort never existed. Therefore, Harry's parents are still alive. However, Harry, Ron and Draco still had their rivalry. Wolfstar is a thing, and they live on the same street as the Potters. It takes place in their 7th year, their last year at Hogwarts. Dumblewhore had died in the fourth year. Hermione isn't dating anyone, as she's aromantic and asexual. Ginny and Luna are dating since Linny superiority. Pansy and Theo are going to be in a relationship. Blaise and Neville are also (secretly) rendezvousing. I think that's all. I hope you enjoy it!

"Enough!" Professor McGonagall screamed, at her wit's end. This was the fifth time this week that the rivalling teenagers were fighting each other, destroying everything in sight. The corridor looked as though a war just occurred. Students were taking cover wherever they could. The hallway was littered with paper and stationery that wasn't secured. At her screech, the steady stream of curses and hexes stopped, and three panting boys emerged from the fog of magic.

Noticing the enraged teacher, they all felt that they had overstepped a line. Taking a glance around them, all three men inspected the damage that they had caused without noticing. Looking back at their headmaster, they almost regretted their fight. The elderly woman's hair almost stood up from her anger, and her face was red. She looked like the epitome of rage. However, the keyword is 'almost', as when they scowled at each other again, each felt as though their contribution was perfectly acceptable.

Parents were called, and currently, all of the wizards and witches were residing in McGonagall's office. Over the years, this had become a common occurrence. While at first, they had all (except Lucius) tried to speak with their son and attempted to get him to realise why this was stupid, after the third year the enthusiasm died down. All of the fathers had gotten used to it, and were allowing their minds to wander back to their teenage years. Back to when they had also had to listen to their headmaster lecture them about 'friendship' and 'responsibility' and all the other motivational yet guilt-tripping monologues every teacher always says. 

Arthur and Lucius had had to be present because of each other, of course. After all, both men had taken great pride in keeping the family feud alive. But now, they were starting to regret it. This was the umpteenth time this year that they were already here, and it was only November. At one point during their son's fifth year, both adults had even thought about seeking the other out to stop having to come back to their childhood school, thus interrupting their work. But the next time they accidentally crossed paths in the Ministry, they were both filled with such anger, hatred and pettiness regarding the other. Therefore, that thought was quickly discarded.

James, of course, was often found in both Dumbledore's and McGonagall's office. He had had to sit through lecture after lecture because of Snape and the many pranks he had gotten up to with his friends. However, much like Arthur and Lucius, when James was a boy, his parents were never called into school. 

This was because Albus had deemed it unnecessary to involve the parents to such a level. The deceased man always believed that the teens should sort it out and that their guardians should never be bothered with such trivial information. Minerva, of course, realised how stupid this was. The moment she was elected principal, that was one of the things she changed. And it was for the better. In the past three years that she had been headmaster, a lot of ongoing fights were resolved very soon after the adults were called in. Except for this one, unfortunately. But Minerva was certain that with her newest plan, this silly problem would be resolved.

Once McGonagall had decided that the annoyed adults had to wait long enough, she began her monologue, "Good afternoon, everyone. I wanted to apologise for dragging you in at such short notice. As I'm sure you can all guess, it has to do with your sons. While normally I would just tell you what the issue is, I have thought of a different way. This will hopefully not only appropriately punish them for the way they have been behaving but, eventually, fix the issue."

Lily and Narcissa instantly perked up at the idea. While both were stay-at-home mums, therefore being called in was not an issue to them, they would much rather their sons finally learned their lessons. Nothing they had tried ever worked. All women had conversed together and eventually built a comfortable friendship. While only James knew about this, as well as Sirius, they were forbidden to tell anyone. Anyway, the three wives had slowly come together to discipline their children. They were incredibly awkward together at first, not only because of family feuds but because they weren't familiar with each other. But they overcame that and were now often found at each other's houses for tea.

Letting the students and past students take in the idea, Minerva continued, "Yes. I plan to have them live in one dorm until-"

"What!" Instantly, McGonagall was cut off by all three boys indignant cries. While they usually just ignore the headmaster, they immediately honed in on what was being said when it included them living together. Desperately looking to their parents for some sort of comfort that they wouldn't allow this, their scowls grew when they noticed the small smiles on their faces.

"As I was saying," the Transfiguration professor continued, giving them a pointed look, "I plan to have them live in one dorm. This should hopefully settle this, as 'familiarity breeds normalcy', as I'm sure you know. I was thinking of starting it on Monday, but I did want to alert you of my thoughts. If you have any objections, please speak now."

Seeing Harry, Ron and Draco all open their mouths, she quickly continued, "Not you three. Your parents." Watching in satisfaction as all adults avoided their child's eyes and nodded in confirmation, "Wonderful. That's all, thank you for coming here." Ushering the adults out, before sending the students on their way, McGonagall collapsed into her seat. Taking a biscuit and making tea, she sighed heavily. Hoping to any gods above that she won't regret her choice, she sent a Patronus to Poppy. Right now, all McGonagall needed was her wife's soothing words.

Elsewhere in the castle, all three boys were ranting to their friends about how unfair the headmaster was being. Hermione was listening to Harry and Ron's complains, all while silently agreeing with the professor. They needed to learn their lesson, and if that meant taking such a giant step, then that's fine. Blaise and Pansy were on the same thought process as Hermione. Both had enough of Draco's continuous lectures and endless pranks. They just wanted one peaceful year. However, unlike Hermione, they vocally told their blonde friend that this was for the better. This left a pouting Draco in a mood, which meant that more fighting is going to occur with the Gryffindors.

As expected, the atmosphere was tense wherever Harry, Ron and Draco went. But all three held off of starting a brawl. None wanted their punishment to arrive sooner than Monday. Eventually, the dreaded day arrived. While the teens were attending classes, the house-elves were instructed to move all of their belongings to an unmarked dorm. It was originally designed to be for any students who were uncomfortable with sharing a dorm with others, or if a student got pregnant. Thankfully, neither occurred often, so a lot of these unknown rooms were scattered around the castle.

All three boys were notified that they were to report to their headmaster's office the moment their classes ended. Doing so, the lads were gathered in the spacious chamber. They were escorted to the dorm, with all of them opting for silence. Once McGonagall had given them the password (dimitteur illi), they were left alone. 

Opening the door, Draco went in first. Looking around, his only saving grace is that the place was incredibly neat and gorgeous. The walls were white, with a window overlooking the grounds. There were three beds, although none had tell-tale signs of which house they belong to. There were splashes of red, green, blue and yellow dotted about the place, which showed that it was Hogwarts themed. Throwing his bag down on the bed farthest from the others, Malfoy got to work organising his belongings. Choosing a closet, the blonde started packing away all of his neatly folded clothes. Small trinkets were placed on his bedside table and any other things were put on the desk closest to him. 

Following in his lead, although with less skill, Harry and Ron also assembled their objects. Once they were finished, both Gryffindors quickly left the room, rushing back to their Common Room. They spent the rest of their afternoon there, only returning when the curfew was just around the corner. While both would have gladly just slept on the couches, Hermione forced them to leave. Arriving at the portrait and absolutely butchering the Latin words that were chosen as the password, they got in. Unsurprised to see Malfoy already hidden in his bed, with the curtains drawn, Ron went to get showered. Harry went soon after him, and both men retired for the night fairly quickly after that.

The last thought on those occupying the dorm was, 'Let's hope that this ends soon enough.'


I hope you enjoyed it. This would be the third book I start, so if you like it, please check the others out!


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