For A Zombie Apocalypse Show...

CherryblossomLv5 द्वारा

284 29 32

Basically what it is. It was originally for a movie, but I decided to turn it into a show instead. But this i... अधिक

Dr. Kevin Milord
Shaun Croft
A.C.E (Arctic Crystaline Emerald)
Harlow Scott
Thorn Ryder
Lynise August
Rea Hargrove
Scene 2
Scene 3

Scene 1.

57 6 9
CherryblossomLv5 द्वारा

A guy and a woman were running from a herd of zombies. But the woman was a bit injured. There was an abandoned building up ahead, so they ran for it. It turned out to be an old pharmacy. They ran in, and slammed the door shut. After a few moments, they were able to catch their breaths. That's when the woman collapsed to the floor.

???? - [Panicking.] "Saya!"

He goes to her, and tries to wake her up.

???? "Saya! Saya! Come on! You need to wake up!"

She wasn't waking up. So he tried to slap her awake.

???? - "Shit! *Sigh* Sorry about this Saya. But you left me with no other choice."


She jumped awake. But she's now in a panic thinking she's back at The Lab again.

Saya - [Panicking.] "Wha-!"

She looks around in a panic, not seeing her partner at first. He doesn't want her to hurt herself even more, so he tries to calm her down.

???? - [Shoothing whispering.] "Hey, hey. Shh. It's okay. You're safe now. We're no longer at The Lab anymore. It's gone now. It's all gone. There's nothing left, okay? You burned everything down. Remember?"

She was slowly calming down as he was talking. After a few minutes, she finally did. She rubbed her head a bit to try and ease the pain.

Saya - [Graoning.] "Shit. What the hell happened? And I didn't hurt you, did I?"

She looks up at him In fear that she did, and sees the pure relief and some fear in his eyes. He shook his head.

???? - "No, you didn't hurt me. But you did almost give me a heart attack when you suddenly collapsed and wouldn't wake up though."

Saya - *sigh* "Shit, sorry James. I really didn't mean to." She tried to stand up, only to grunt in pain and falls back down. "Ungh!" James gets worried that she sprained her ankle when she fell on the way here.

James - "Saya!" He knelt down to check her over. That's when he found the bite wound on her left arm. He was Shocked that he never noticed it before. [Devastated Whispering.] "No." He started to cry thinking he was going to lose his partner, and secret crush.

Saya looks up when she heard him sniff, and felt him starting to shake. She saw what got him so upset. So she reached out to gently touch his cheek while smiling softly.

Saya - [Shoothing whispering.] "Hey hey. Shh. It's okay James. I'm fine. Really." He started to panic still thinking he's going to lose her. He gently, yet firmly grabbed her shoulders.

James - [Scared panic.] "No it's not! And you're NOT fine!" She rosed an eyebrow at that last part.

Saya - [Jokingly.] "Oh, so I'm NOT fine? And here I thought you really liked me too." She softly chuckled since it was starting to get a bit harder to breathe now. And her chest was starting to hurt and burn too. But she was still smirking so not to worry him anymore than he already was.

James stopped and blinked a few times in shock and confusion at her joking at a time like this. After a few seconds he relaxed.

James - [Exhausted sigh.] "Saya. This is NOT the time for jokes." He started to cry again. [Hurt Whispering.] "You're really hurt. Don't you know that you're DYING?" Her eyes and look softens.

Saya - *Soft sad sigh* "Yes James, I DO know that. But everything will be just fine. Just like always. Okay? And besides, I've been through SO much worse than this. And you know it just as well as I do too."

A few moments past as they both were remembering their time at The Lab. They both had dull vacant eyes for a few seconds before Saya blinked the memories away, while James shook his away. Afterwards he got up to go look for some medicine and bandage wraps.

James - "Okay. You stay here while I go look for some medicine and bandage wraps for you. And anything else we might need. Okay?" She just nodded and smiled softly.

Saya - "Heh, it's not like I'm going anywhere anyways. I can't exactly stand, now can I?" He just nodded once knowing what she really meant.

James - "Okay. I'll be back as soon as I can. Okay?" She nodded back.

Saya - "Okay."

As she watched him leave, she was slowly losing her composer. And as soon as he left the room, she finally broke. She quickly grabbed her chest breathing really hard in pain, and softly grunts so not to alert him.

As he was looking around for the supplies, he heard a noise that sounded like shuffling and a faint grunting. Thinking a Zombie got in somehow, he quickly pulled out his gun. Just as he took a couple of steps forward, a door suddenly opened. Out of reflex he fired, only to find he's out of bullets. So all you can hear is it clicking. But it's a good thing that it WAS empty cause what came through the door was no zombie, but a human. Though it did really scared him.

???? - [Shocked.] "What in the dickins!? Are you TRYING to scare me to death boy!?"

James - [Confused.] "Um, no sir. I heard some noises and I thought a Zombie somehow got in."

???? - "Well I'm clearly not a zombie. Now, put that gun away."

James - "Yes sir." Not taking his eyes off of him, he puts it away. Even though he was still really unsure and tensed just in case he tries anything. "Who are you? And what are you doing here?" As he asked that he got a better look at him. He looked like an old doctor, or scientist.

???? - "I should be you the same thing lad. But if you most know, my name is Kevin. Dr. Kevin Milord to be exact. And you are?"

James - "My name is James sir. No last name. Never had one." He shook his head when asked.

Dr. Kevin - "Never? Well anyways, what are you doing here? And what's with all the noise?"

That's when James remember why he was back there and started to cry and panic a bit.

James - "I'm here with my friend, and we were running from a hoard of zombies when we found this what we thought was an old abandoned pharmacy. Please! You need to help her!" That got the doctor's attention.

Dr. Kevin - "Her?"

James - "Yes! Please, help her! She's dying!" He saw him go back in the room a grab what looks like an old and worn medical bag.

Dr. Kevin - "Now calm down. And tell me what happened."

James - [A bit calmer but nods.] "Okay. She fail on the way here, so she sprained her ankle. But I don't know how bad it is. And, And she has a few scratches and small burns here and there."

Dr. Kevin - "Well, that doesn't exactly call for dying. Now does it?" He started to walk to the front of the store, but stopped dead in his tracks at what he heard next.

James - [Panic/scared.] "She's also been bit on her left arm too!"

Dr. Kevin - [Shocked.] "What?"

James - [Crying a bit.] "Yes! Now please, can you help her!?"

Dr. Kevin - [Determined.] "I'll see what I can do. But I can't make any promises. Sorry."

James - "That's good enough for me. Now come on!" He grabbed the doctor's right wrist, and started to run while dragging him to where Saya was. Only to find her passed out and with blood coming from her mouth now. [Panics.] "Saya!"

He ran to her hoping she's still alive. He tries to wake her up, but it doesn't work. He starts to cry again with his hands on her cheeks and his head on hers.

James - [Devastated Whispering.] "No. No no no. Please don't leave me. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for not being able to protect you better again. Please... Please come back..."

The doctor doesn't know what to do, so he goes to her left to look at the bite mark. But as he does, her hand twitches a bit. He looks up as she weakly grabs James shirt and very Faintly groans. Thinking she's a zombie, he was about to stab her with his hidden knife, but stops when James looks at her.

James - [Hopeful Whispering.] "Saya?..."

They see her moving slightly with her eyes still closed.

Saya - [Groaning slightly.] "Ow... That really hurts.." She was breathing a bit Faintly and shallow. But he was happy and relieved none the less that she okay. Somewhat okay.

James - [Relieved/Whispering.] "What hurts?"

Saya - [Groaning weakly.] "My arm of course. It really hurts."

Dr. Kevin - "That's to be expected from a deep zombie bite." He was surprised and a bit taken aback when she suddenly tensed up and started to Growl deeply while weakly glaring at him. It was still fierce, it just didn't have any fire behind it. And was trying to position herself to try and protect James. Only to Growl deeper from the pain.

James was trying to calm her down.

James - [Soothing Whispering.] "Hey hey. Shh. It's okay Saya. This is doctor Kevin Milord. He apparently lives here. And he's here to help too."

She was still unsure about the so called doctor, and told James that in their own language.

Saya - "Sind Sie sicher, dass wir ihm vertrauen können? (Are you sure we can trust him?)"

James - "Ja. (Yes.)"

Saya - "Aber was ist, wenn er bei IHNEN ist? (But, what if he's with THEM?)"

James - "Aber er ist nicht. Zumindest glaube ich nicht, dass er es ist. (But he's not. At least, i don't think he is.)"

Saya - "Sehen? Sogar DU weißt es nicht! (See? Even YOU don't know!)" She started to cough some again, but this time some blood came out. Making them both panic a bit. Especially james.

James - [Panic.] "Saya!"

As they help her, they noticed her blood is tinted a bit black. It confuses Dr. Kevin, but it shatters James's heart.

Saya - [Breathing a bit harder Trying to catch her breath.] "I-I'm fine." *cough cough* She was about to say something else but had to quickly grab her chest and grunted in pain.

James had to grab her to keep her from hitting her head on the door. He starts to cry again really worried about losing her. Again.

Dr. Kevin - [A bit worried.] "What's going on? Why is her
blood tinted black? And what was that language?" He was really confused about what was going on, and to what's happening to her.

James was about to explain, but he suddenly felt Saya go limp in his arms. He quickly looks down and checks her pulse. Finding it very slow, and getting slower. That's when Dr. Kevin checks it just as James holds her closer to his chest while silently crying with his face buried on top of her head.

Dr. Kevin silently cursed under his breath, and got to work at cleaning and dressing her many injuries that he could reach for now. That's when he notices blood on the back of her head. Even though it was bleeding sluggishly, it was still concerning. So he tries to get James attention to tell him.

Dr. Kevin - "James. James, come on. You really need to snap out of it. She has a really bad head injury that needs to be properly looked at and treated."

After a few seconds he finally does. He wipes the tears away and nods while sniffling a tiny bit. He then very carefully and gently picked her up and follows the doctor to the back. Both never noticing a red flower petal and a black edged white feather where she was laying.

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