The One Jokester That Stole Y...

By _l0vely-

10.8K 289 390

You, Harry, Ron and Hermione become best friends in first year and are inseparable . But, what happens when y... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 17

290 7 3
By _l0vely-

I walked back to the common room silently, thinking about what just happened. I mean I was just invited to the first party of the year!!! And to add, by someone hot.

The first party of the year usually rotates around. Last year we held it, the year before that Ravenclaw held it and the year before that Hufflepuff held it. I only knew this because Lee told me my second year that there were parties. Ever since that, I would always beg him to take me to one in second year. But, Lee being the dad he is, always said no.

I wondered about what this party would be like as my legs took me up, staircase by staircase. It was as if they were automatic in knowing where to go. As I started getting closer to the portrait about to turn a corner, someone sped around the corner and ran right past me. They grazed my side, causing a breeze of wind to slap my face.

Turning my head I screamed, "Watch where you bloody walk."

"Shove off," they replied, which caused me to turn around. Then I saw the back of Cedric's head and chuckled to myself.

"Aw! Ceddikins, were you just with Cho?" I teased.

He stopped abruptly in his place and turned to face me with a glare. I smiled at him in an innocent manner and winked. He rolled his eyes as he walked towards me, opening his arms. I ran up and hugged him, smiling into his chest.

He pulled back with his arms abruptly, yet still holding me in a bear hug. "Why are you heading back to your dorm now, everyone got settled a few minutes ago?" he asked.

"Why aren't you in your dorm?" I fired back, trying to avoid the question. I knew as soon as I told him I was going to a party he would freak and even more so after the fact that a boy invited me. I pushed away from him and crossed my arms.

"Nuh-uh, don't avoid my question," he muttered holding his pointer finger in my face. "Why didn't you go back to your common room when everyone else was going back?" He questioned, trying to figure out what I was hiding. "I mean, you look fine, you don't look like you were sneaking off," he continued to ponder, speaking his thoughts out loud. "Everything is intact, but then where could you have be-"

"I was behind because someone asked me to go to the party this weekend," I interrupted him, as I didn't know how much longer I would be standing there. His eyes went wide.

"Y/N it's only the first day, and you've been asked to a party!" he semi shouted.

"Tell the whole school why don't you," I snapped.

"Well they already know, do they not?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked out of shock at that sudden question, trying to lock eyes with him.

"Everyone knows you've been to parties before," he muttered, his eyes not meeting mine. My eyes went wide for a split second. I mean yeah, I did go to some parties but it would always be with George and Fred. And we would always go later than when the party started, so it would be darker and no one would really see me.

Usually you can't go to a party until you are in third year. It's some unspoken rule. But since George and Fred supply at almost every party, they have dragged me and even Mione to a few of them. Mione only went to maybe two, while I went to way more than she did, but she didn't know that.

I cleared my throat and looked down towards my feet. "How do you know?" my voice growing quieter.

" At one of my parties, you were shitfaced and started dancing on the table. I mean no one would've cared but then you started stripping so.." he drifted off. My hand clasped over my mouth.

No way I did that

"Yeah, you did it. I ran over and stopped you before you actually took anything off," he replied as if he read my thoughts.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Ced. I didn't even know I did that. That's so embarrassing," I grumbled, my hand transferring to my forehead. I usually never drank at parties, to try and avoid that situation. I would usually just go to dance around with Fred and George

"Yeah, your a real lightweight and a terrible drunk," he snorted. Chuckling as he did so.

"Oh gosh, I don't even remember that," I said.

We stood in silence for a few seconds, until he blurted out, "Who asked you?

"What do you mean?

"I mean, who asked you to the party?"

"Um, that's for me to know and you to find out" and with that, I stormed down the hall to the portrait. I turned back once more, seeing him smiling to himself. "Good night Ced, see you bright and early!" I shouted turning to face the portrait being greeted by the Fat Lady.

"Hi Y/N," the Fat Lady bellowed.

"Hi Elizabeth," I greeted back.

"Banana Fritters," I proclaimed. She opened the portrait door. "Have a good night Elizabeth!" I exclaimed as I stepped into the common room. I walked in to find absolute commotion. Multiple crowds of people gossiping about the Triwizard Tournament. That reminds me I have to ask Cedric if he is thinking of entering.

"What do you say Harpis, are you going to enter?" Seamus asked in a cocky manner as I walked past him on the couch. He probably overheard me and Ron talking after dinner.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him. I mimicked what he said in a childish voice and proceeded to head over to Harry, Ron, and Hermione, leaving Seamus and Dean to chuckle to themselves. Before I made it to them I spotted Fred. A wave of relief spread over me since I couldn't spot Angelina near them. I let out the breath I was holding in.

However, I knew my relief came too early. As I walked further, I eventually spotted her. She was sitting on Fred's lap, giggling at something he probably said to her. I rolled my eyes and did a visual ick and put on the most disgusted face. And just my luck, I caught Fred's eye mid-ick. I quickly looked away, chuckling slightly at the fact that he saw me make that face, and proceeded to walk towards my friends.

"Hey!" I huffed.

"Hi" they replied in unison.

"Why is everyone out here?" I asked.

"Talking about the tournament, I reckon McGonnagal is going to kick us out soon," Hermione replied. And just on time McGonnagal came in.

"Everyone back to their dorms. Shoo! Shoo!" she waved.

Hermione and I bid the boys goodnight and went back up to our dorm. Last year we shared a dorm with Ginny and Aurora. This year it was just going to be Hermione, Ginny, and I as Aurora graduated last year. Saying goodbye to her last year was the hardest thing for us to do, she was like a big sister to us.

Hermione and I walked arm to arm to our dorm, casually saying hi to our friends. We made it to our dorm just as Ginny was sitting on Hermione's bed. Her legs reclined and her feet stretched out.

"Hey, get your shoes off my bed!" Hermione yelled as I shut the door behind us. As Ginny and Hermione continued to argue, I headed over to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Once I was done and in my pajamas, I walked out to a more civil environment. "So, Y/N, tell us, why was some hot guy calling your name in the common room?" Ginny asked, trying to

"That would be Theo," Hermione corrected. I rolled my eyes at the both of them and hopped onto my bed.

"Why are you so nosy?" I asked Ginny.

"Oh come on, just tell us" Ginny proceeded. She and Hermione walked over and sat on my bed. Every time one of us would have drama we would usually all smush onto Aurora's bed and talk about it, she had some pretty good advice. Mostly every time we would stay up super late and all wind up falling asleep. It was quite nice actually.

"Hmm, well... Theokindaaskedmetigotoaparty," I spit out.

They both looked at me with shocked faces. "For fucks sake, what the hell was that, refresh and say it again," Ginny demanded.

I let out a deep breath and repeated slowly, "Theo kinda asked me to go to a party."

"No way! He asked you to go to a party? You? I mean he could've had all this," she gestured to herself. "Yet chose you?"

"Oh don't be rude Ginny," Hermione said, chuckling.

"Yeah, don't be rude," I mimicked Hermione and stuck my tongue out to Ginny who responded with an eye roll. "Anyways, I asked, and he said you and the boys could come too," I finished. At that Hermione and Ginny, both jumped up in excitement. "Oh, not you Ginny, only fourth years," I clarified. Her face automatically went down. Hermione and I giggled at this and looked at her with smiling faces.

"No fair. Why can't I go to parties in my third year," Ginny mumbled.

"I guess because it's a sort of rite of passage. I mean, we had to wait too," Hermione said, looking at me and winking. We continued chatting until all of us eventually fell asleep.

I woke up with a start. Hermione had poured water over Ginny and I to wake us up.

"What the bloody-" I shouted

"Shit" Ginny shouted, simultaneously.

"Get up, I've been trying to wake you guys for five minutes," Hermione whisper shouted.

"You couldn't have just yelled in our ears or something," I rolled my eyes at her. She gave me a look of annoyance and then stormed into the bathroom.

I eventually got out of bed and got ready for the first day of lessons. Hermione, Ginny, and I headed to the Great Hall 40 minutes after we were awoken. Hemione was skipping ahead as Ginny and I trailed behind, still tired.

We arrived in the Great Hall, being the first people there. "Hermione," I whined. She quickly turned her head and glared at me as we sat down at the table. "Why did we have to be the first ones here?"

"We still have to get our timetables, I didn't want us to be stressed," she defended. I rolled my eyes and buried my head into my arm, dozing off to sleep.

Fifteen minutes later, I woke to Hermione talking to McGonagall. I rubbed my eyes and turned my attention to them.

"Good morning Ms.Harpis," she greeted. I responded with a sleepy smile. "Here are your timetables, and I saw that last year you were above exceptional in defense against the dark arts, am I correct?" I nodded. "Well, it took a whole summer of convincing, but I was able to move you up. So, now you will be attending defense against the dark arts with the sixth years." she proclaimed.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much professor McGonagal!" I exclaimed. I never liked to admit it but Defense Against the Dark Arts is my strong suit. I mean I do pass my other classes but I always manage to do exceptional in DADA. I would say I'm better than Hermione at it, but she doesn't like to admit it. "So what will I be taking when my year goes to Defense Against the Dark Arts?" I questioned.

"Well, that's up to you really. You can either go to the class with them or simply catch up on any assignments," she replied. I nodded at her and took my timetable from her grasp, seeing Harry and Ron enter the Great Hall. They marched up to me and sat down on either side. They grabbed their timetables as well and looked them over.

"Today's not bad . . . outside all morning," said Ron, who was running his finger down the Monday column. "Herbology with the Hufflepuffs and Care of Magical Creatures . . .damn it, we're still with the Slytherins. . . ."

"Double Divination this afternoon," Harry groaned, looking down. I looked down at mine and saw that I had Divination in the afternoon as well, accompanied with Defense against the Dark Arts. I groaned just as he did, as divination was my least favorite subject and an absolute waste of time.

"You should have given it up like me?" said Hermione. "Then you'd be doing something sensible like Arithmancy." Hermione briskly, buttering herself some toast. "

"Yes, I know Hermione," I replied.

"You're eating again, I notice," said Ron, as we watched Hermione adding liberal amounts of jam to her toast.

"I've decided there are better ways of making a stand about elf rights," said Hermione haughtily.

"Yeah . . . and you were hungry," said Ron, grinning. I laughed at this exchange and continued to eat. Once we were finished we headed over to the Greenhouses as we had our first class with Professor Sprot in Greenhouse 3. We walked in just as Professor Sprout began talking.

"Late, like always," she muttered under her breath,

"Sorry Professor, but we had to walk slower," Ron clarified.

"And why is that Weasley?"

"The sun. It was too hot. We could've died if we walked any faster ," he whined. This caused the whole class to laugh. Professor Sprout shook her head in a disapproving manner, but let us set down nonetheless.

"As I was saying, Bubotubers," Professor Sprout told us briskly. "They need squeezing. You will collect the pus —"

"The what?" said Seamus Finnigan, sounding disgusted.

"Pus, Finnigan, pus," said Professor Sprout, "and it's extremely valuable, so don't waste it. You will collect the pus, I say, in these bottles. Wear your dragon-hide gloves; it can do funny things to the skin when undiluted, bubotuber pus."

Squeezing the bobotubers was oddly satisfying. I held mine to the side of me and squeezed. I heard a pop sound and a yelp come from behind me. I turned around to see that some of the pus landed on Seamus's robe.

I stifled a laugh as he was getting frantic to get it off of him. "Bloody hell Harpis," he yelled.

"So-sorry" I stuttered as I couldn't help but start laughing. I continued to squeeze and collect the pus in the bottle I was handed. After everyone had filled theirs, Professor Sprout collected the bottles from everyone. As soon as she collected the bottles the bell that signaled for lessons to be over sounded. I grabbed my things and headed out the door with Harry, Ron, Hermione and Seamus.

"That was disgusting," Seamus exclaimed. Ron and Harry were laughing at him, since some pus was still on him.

"I wonder what Hagrid is going to have us do?" I spoke my thoughts.

"Looks like we're about to see," Hermione said, pointing to Hagrid's hut. We walked down there quietly, seeing as he just finished up with the sixth years. Once we got down there, Hagrid was talking with Fred, George and Lee. They were talking in whispers and dispersed as soon as we got near them.

"Hey George!" I called him over.

"Yeah," he said, running over to me with Lee, Fred decided not to come.

"What do we do today?" I asked.

"Oh, you are going to have to wait and see," he laughed. I chuckled too. I quickly glanced at Fred who was uncomfortably waiting for Lee and George. They both saw me glance at him and saw him abruptly look away from me. "Maybe you should apologize to him," George suggested.

"Who? Me?" I asked, acting like I didn't know what he was talking about. I mean, I should have assumed Fred would tell George, but I didn't expect him to say anything about a petty argument. George nodded at me.

"No way I'm apologizing," I stated.

"Come on Harpis, he is miserable. Look at him!" Lee pointed out. I turned back again to Fred, seeing as he was now kicking his feet aimlessly at the grass.

"He looks the same, Lee. Nothing different about him," I held firm to what I said. I know I went off on him yesterday, but I wasn't going to apologize for it. I mean he did look kind of sad, but I don't even know if what I did need apologizing. I mean he was also mean back to me, right?

I honestly don't know why I really snapped at him yesterday. It's still a mystery to me. Seeing him with Angelina, I don't know I guess it just sparked something in me.

Lee rolled his eyes at me. "Ugh, you are unbelievable Harpis," he frowned. George and Lee then stormed off. I watched them walk up the steps with Fred, back up to school.

I took a second to recollect myself. I closed my eyes and took in a meditative, cleansing breath then turned on my heels and headed over to Hagrid. By the time I got to him, he had already started class.

I didn't really pay attention that class. We were dealing with Blast-Ended Skrewts in pairs Obviously, I was partners with Hermione, but I let her do all the work. The Skrewts were very small, so I thought she could handle them by herself.

After class was over, it was time for me to leave Harry, Ron, and Hermione and go to Defense Against the Dark Arts. "Bye guys. Oh and Ron save me a good seat for Trewlany's class, I'll be there for the second half." He gave me a thumbs up and then we parted our ways and that is when I was alone with my thoughts. I mean, this class was going to be difficult, I knew that. All the people were two years ahead of me and on top of that, I had it with him. Fred.

I walked up the spiral staircase, counting the steps as I went, trying to think of anything but the fact that I was going to have to actually come face-to-face with Fred. I glanced upwards, seeing as I was almost to Moody's room, and groaned. I ran up the remaining stairs and entered the classroom. I opened the door and a chill ran through my body. I was so used to seeing Professor Lupin's decorations that the empty walls caught me by surprise. A shiver crept down my neck as I looked around at the empty walls.

Turning my attention to the students I saw that this class only held a handful of Ravenclaws, the majority of the class being Gryffindors. I instantly spotted two redheads near the front of the class, which were obviously the twins as they were towering over everyone. I saw that George sat with Lee and Fred sat next to an empty desk.

I frantically looked around to find any spot to sit in. The only other empty seats to sit in was the very front row. I anxiously played with the book in my hand, biting my lip, as I was searching for a spot, any other spot. And just my luck, I couldn't find any.

I huffed in defeat and waddled towards the front. This is when Lee and George spotted me. They waved their hands to get my attention to which I smiled. I walked up to the front of the class faster, looking at my feet, trying to avoid eye contact with Fred.

But the closer I got to the front of the class, I caught Fred's eye. Shit. I peered to the seat next to him and pondered the possibility of me sitting there. His face look sort of relieved when he saw my eyes shift to the seat next to him.

But I just couldn't do it. There was some sort of unspoken tension between us ever since that encounter on the train ride yesterday. A tension that I would rather not address this second. So took the easy way out and instead of putting my stuff down next to Fred, I put it down on the desk in front of him. I could feel Geroge and Lee's frustrated looks lock onto the back of my head. I chose to ignore it and start to take my supplies out.

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