Chapter 18

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I started taking out my scroll of parchment paper, books, and ink and placed it onto my desk. I heard shuffling from behind me before I heard Lee next to me.

"What the hell was that!" Lee whisper shouted into my ear as he slid into the seat next to me. I ignored him and continued taking out my things. "You can't ignore him your whole life you know that right?"

I shrugged. "Well, I can for now," I responded.

"You are so-" he started but was cut off by Professor Moody.

"Professor Moody. That is what you will call me," came a sharp, demanding voice from behind the chalkboard. "Anything else and you'll be out of this room faster than you can say Hogwarts. Got it?"

There was a moment of silence before Fred disturbed it. "Well Professor Moody-" he started.

"It takes one second to say the word Hogwarts-" George continued.

"-We've timed it before-" Fred interjected.

"Are you saying that you can expel someone faster than one-second sir?" George and Fred questioned. I turned quickly in my chair and glared at both of them. They both stuck their tongues out at me and laughed. I rolled my eyes as I turned back to face Moody again.

"I was informed that having a class with the Weasley twins and Harpis over here would be a right mess," Moody sighed. He then stepped out from behind the chalkboard with a piece of parchment paper and began to read the list of names. His one eye moving to each person, studying them.

"Right then," he looked over everyone. "You won't be needing those," he said, nodding towards our books. Everyone scuffled and hid them away in their bags. "Now I heard a lot from Professor Lupin and it seems like you lot are all caught up on animals, is that correct?" he asked while walking up and down the rows.

Again, everyone nodded, too scared of him to say anything.

"But, what Professor Lupin did not teach you is dealing with curses," then he stopped abruptly at the back of the classroom. "You might want to find another place to put your chewing gum other than the underside of your desk Mr. Jordan! " he yelled.

Lee was surprised as he was caught in the act. His face turned a slight shade of bright red as he leaned back and whispered to the twins, "Bloody hell, the old codger can see out the back of his head."

Professor Moody then threw the piece of chalk in his hand at Lee and yelled, "And can hear across classrooms!" Everyone ducked as the chalk soared across the room. An eery silence filled the room until he spoke again "So, today we are going to learn about what other wizards can do to each other," he finished. My hand instinctively reached up towards my abdomen. I thought about what that woman did to me a few days ago and what Professor Quirrel did to me too back in my first year.

"Okay! Unforgivable curses. Name em'," he pushed. He walked back towards the front of the room to the chalkboard and grabbed another piece of chalk. "Raise your hands, come on," he spoke louder. I saw a few hands shoot up behind me.

"Mr. Davis!" he called.

"I-I've heard of one from my dad... I-I think it's c-called the Imperious Curse," he stuttered.

"Ah, yes," Moody said. "Your father would know about that one. Gave the Ministry quite the trouble one time." Moody aggressively wrote it down on the chalkboard and walked over to his desk that held three spiders. He took one out of the jar and held it in his hand. He walked back over to the front of the class and placed the spider in front of me and Lee.

"Imperios!" he muttered. The spider's legs became rigged. It started squealing as Moody was making it do cartwheels and handstands in the air. I closed my eyes and winced at the piercing sound that was coming from it. Some people were giggling behind me, but I couldn't help but feel bad.

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