Chapter 17

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I walked back to the common room silently, thinking about what just happened. I mean I was just invited to the first party of the year!!! And to add, by someone hot.

The first party of the year usually rotates around. Last year we held it, the year before that Ravenclaw held it and the year before that Hufflepuff held it. I only knew this because Lee told me my second year that there were parties. Ever since that, I would always beg him to take me to one in second year. But, Lee being the dad he is, always said no.

I wondered about what this party would be like as my legs took me up, staircase by staircase. It was as if they were automatic in knowing where to go. As I started getting closer to the portrait about to turn a corner, someone sped around the corner and ran right past me. They grazed my side, causing a breeze of wind to slap my face.

Turning my head I screamed, "Watch where you bloody walk."

"Shove off," they replied, which caused me to turn around. Then I saw the back of Cedric's head and chuckled to myself.

"Aw! Ceddikins, were you just with Cho?" I teased.

He stopped abruptly in his place and turned to face me with a glare. I smiled at him in an innocent manner and winked. He rolled his eyes as he walked towards me, opening his arms. I ran up and hugged him, smiling into his chest.

He pulled back with his arms abruptly, yet still holding me in a bear hug. "Why are you heading back to your dorm now, everyone got settled a few minutes ago?" he asked.

"Why aren't you in your dorm?" I fired back, trying to avoid the question. I knew as soon as I told him I was going to a party he would freak and even more so after the fact that a boy invited me. I pushed away from him and crossed my arms.

"Nuh-uh, don't avoid my question," he muttered holding his pointer finger in my face. "Why didn't you go back to your common room when everyone else was going back?" He questioned, trying to figure out what I was hiding. "I mean, you look fine, you don't look like you were sneaking off," he continued to ponder, speaking his thoughts out loud. "Everything is intact, but then where could you have be-"

"I was behind because someone asked me to go to the party this weekend," I interrupted him, as I didn't know how much longer I would be standing there. His eyes went wide.

"Y/N it's only the first day, and you've been asked to a party!" he semi shouted.

"Tell the whole school why don't you," I snapped.

"Well they already know, do they not?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked out of shock at that sudden question, trying to lock eyes with him.

"Everyone knows you've been to parties before," he muttered, his eyes not meeting mine. My eyes went wide for a split second. I mean yeah, I did go to some parties but it would always be with George and Fred. And we would always go later than when the party started, so it would be darker and no one would really see me.

Usually you can't go to a party until you are in third year. It's some unspoken rule. But since George and Fred supply at almost every party, they have dragged me and even Mione to a few of them. Mione only went to maybe two, while I went to way more than she did, but she didn't know that.

I cleared my throat and looked down towards my feet. "How do you know?" my voice growing quieter.

" At one of my parties, you were shitfaced and started dancing on the table. I mean no one would've cared but then you started stripping so.." he drifted off. My hand clasped over my mouth.

No way I did that

"Yeah, you did it. I ran over and stopped you before you actually took anything off," he replied as if he read my thoughts.

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