Chapter 1

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I had woken with a start, my heart racing and I was sweating a little bit, Weird. I could remember my dream vaguely, a boy with a scar and glasses and very baggy clothes was sitting on the floor and making a birthday wish. I didn't think that much of it and checked the time August 30, 6:15 am. Ughhh. I tried going back to sleep, but my thoughts kept pulling me away. I was in and out of sleep, tossing and turning. 


I awoke slowly to the sound of birds chirping outside my window. I rolled onto my back and laid there for a second, my hand covering my eyes. I slowly peeled my hand back and was revealed to the bright light coming from the window. I winced slightly before my eyes adjusted to the light. I turned onto my side and looked at the clock. 1 o'clock p.m. I groaned and slowly got out of bed. I stood for a second and reached my hands up to the ceiling and stretched. My shirt came up slowly, showing part of my stomach, which caused me to shiver slightly. I slowly put on my glasses and opened the door of my room. I was met with a whiff of breakfast that was wafting from downstairs. I hurried down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Good afternoon sunshine." Mom said brightly. I smiled at her and took my spot next to dad. There was a coffee prepaid for me that I took and started to drink. Mom was making pancakes for breakfast, and dad was reading the newspaper. This was the usual Sunday at the Harpis' household. We sat talking about what the activities for the day were when we heard Thud, Thud. We all looked up startled at the noise and started laughing. Seeing as mom was making breakfast, I would assume she wouldn't get the mail that had just arrived.

"Come on dad. Best two out of three?" I smirked, putting one of my hands in a fist and laying it in the other hand.

"Alright, but be prepared to go down," he replied, and we both laughed.

"Rock, paper, scissor, shoot," I exclaimed. This went on a few more times until we were both tied. This is when the game got intense.

"I'll bet five bucks y/n wins," Mom said, looking interested and standing behind my chair.

"Ouch," Dad said holding his heart and he winked at me. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Ready... Rock, paper scissors, Shoot!" I held out a paper, whilst he held out a rock. "Wow dad, you're really losing your game," I said. He walked towards the door and opened the door to grab the mail. That's when it hit me.

"Hey, dad. Isn't it Sunday?" No answer came. "Post doesn't come on Sund--" I continued but was cut short.

"I CANNOT BELIEVE DUMBLEDORE" I heardDdad shout and run into the room "IT HAS COME DARLING" he looked at Mom. He dropped an old, fancy letter on the table and I scrambled to grab it, to see who Doubledork was. I paid no attention to what they were doing as they scrambled about. I took the envelope the letter was in and saw my name on it. It read

(sorry guys in advance I don't know how to get a different font, so this is what ur gonna get, lol, sorry again)

Ms. Harpis

The First Right Room Upstairs

2903 Private Lane

Upper Bird,


I placed the envelope down and grabbed the two pieces of paper that were on the table, that came from inside the envelope. The first one read:

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Dear  Ms. Harpis. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

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Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Then the second separate paper had a list of materials and books to get. I looked up at mom and dad who were smiling at me with excitement. I gave them a confused look. The thoughts in my mind were so loud. My head was thumping. Wizards are real. What's Hogwarts. How do mom and dad know about this? Why was it coming now? Who sent it? Who is Dumbledore? Why don't mom and dad look worried? 

"Sweetheart?" both Mom and Dad stared at me with a concerned look on their faces. I looked up not realizing I had drifted off. Stuck in my own thoughts. It seemed like five seconds but I looked at the time and 10 minutes had passed. Weird. Anyways you scratched that thought and continued to bombard your parents with questions 

 "What is Hogwarts?" They both laughed at my question. Then sat down and got more serious.

" this is going to sound a llliiittttlllle bit weird-" Dad started.

"-but we are wizards," Mom blurted out. My face turned into shock. 

"YOUR WIZARDS" I yelled. After they scrambled to explain that they both got the letter when they were kids, just like I did, I calmed down a bit. I became interested and asked them all sorts of questions. Turns out both Mom and Dad are very powerful wizards. We wound up talking about what to get for school and the classes and Hogwarts itself and I couldn't hide the excitement that sprung upon me. We talked for hours and soon it was 7 p.m. So, we ate dinner and conversed some more. 

There was a lot to talk about and when we were done I had learned a whole lot about the wizarding world. To be honest I was very excited to be going to a school to learn spells. Much better than being a muggle (see how I'm using muggle instead of people, Mom and Dad would be so proud) and learning maths and history and language arts. I went upstairs and got ready to bed and I couldn't stop thinking about wizards.

 I got into bed very happy that night, but I couldn't help but wonder why mom and dad hid this from me all their lives.

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