Chapter 13

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I opened my eyes, taking in the darkness that surrounded me. I was cold and oddly thirsty. I felt around in search for my blanket, which wasn't there. 

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I saw that Ginny was wrapped in the blankets, including mine. I chuckled quietly as I got up and walked to the bedroom door. I opened it and slowly made my way towards the stairs, being weary, making sure I wouldn't make a sound.

It took me five minutes to tiptoe down to the first floor, where I knew the coast was clear. I hopped off my tiptoes and started to walk towards the kitchen. I walked into the room to see that the fridge was ajar. I stopped where I was and thought for a second. I decided to crawl under the table in hopes of catching what I assumed to be an intruder. I crouched under the table for a good five minutes until I saw two feet walk past me and towards the fridge. Once I made sure their back was to me I slowly got out from underneath the table. I cautiously walked, slowly towards the figure. I was inches away when all of a sudden they turned around and screamed in my face.

"AHHHH!!" I screamed back to the figure. It took me a second to process that it was Fred because I kept screaming. He proceeded to scream back in an obnoxious, over the top way. I stopped screaming and hit him in the chest.

"Not cool," I muttered at him. He continued laughing. "And did you think your little, um, plan through because we just screamed in a house full of a million bloody people," I whisper- yelled at him.

"Mhm, I put a silencing charm on you when I walked past you under the table," he said, taking two glasses and filling them with water. He handed me one and I eagerly took it and downed the whole thing.

"Damn," he whispered to himself, yet I heard it.

"You should see me at a Party," I joked as he poured me another glass.

"Would love to," he replied and winked at me. I rolled my eyes at him as heat rose to me face. He grabbed my cup and made his way to the sink as he began washing them

"Hey, what's the time?" I asked him, wrapping my arms around myself, as shivers started up my body.

"I would say it's early," he said, shrugged. I walked next to him and peered out the window. I was on my tip-toes looking out into the semi-darkness, wonderstruck by the beauty. I felt as if I was being watched and got off my toes and turned towards Fred. I smiled shyly and he returned it. I then fixed my gaze on my feet

"Y/N?" he asked softly. I looked up and nodded at him. "You look a bit cold," he stated.

"Oh do I? Do I really? I didn't notice," I said sarcastically. I looked down to reveal that my arms were tucked under my shirt, hugging to my body.

"Here take this," he said a hint of a smile still lingering on his face. He reached both his arms over his head, grasped his shirt, and smoothly pulled it over his head. This revealed a toned six-pack, leading to a V-line. I looked him over for a second before I shot my gaze up instantly. Heat rose to my cheeks, in hopes that he did not see me looking at his body. He handed me his shirt and I took it reluctantly, my hand grazed his fingers as I did. My breath quickened as I threw the oversized shirt over my head. I instantaneously felt warm.

"Thanks, Freddie," I said, my voice just below a whisper.

"Um.. yea sure," he replied, his voice the same as mine. I looked up at his eyes, which were staring at me. He reached his hand up to the back of his neck in an uncomfortable manner as I returned my gaze to the floor. We stayed like this for a few minutes, until I felt my eyelids start to get heavy.

"Maybe we should, um, get some more rest," I suggested. He nodded and followed me up the stairs. We made it to Ginny's room, not making a sound. "Okay goodnight Freddie," I said. I turned to open the door when I felt him grab my hand and spin me around towards him. I sort of fell into him and noticed my hands landing on his abs. "Oh, um, very toned there Freddie," I said flustered at what he did. Oh God, Why Did I Say That? He chuckled as he watched me wince at my own words and pulled me into a tight hug to which I returned, feeling his warmth. My head was nuzzled into his chest and we stayed like this for a while, not one word was spoken. I must have fallen asleep there because the next thing I know Hermione was shaking me awake.

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