The princess of parties

By MistressRoyal

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Adora is what some people will call "the perfect student" during the day. But what if she's the farthest thin... More

First day
Fire drill
Dress up
The problem!
The Freak & The Kiddo
Magical eyes
Declaration Of Love?
Screw up
Feelings and Cookies


596 34 42
By MistressRoyal

Adora POV:

School, School, School, SCHOOL! If I go to school today then I will have to face Angella, glimmer, bow, and.....Catra.

I'm no baby so I will. I will go to school and........ avoid them! That's the only option.

I stand infront of the building wonder if I should enter or not. What if I just left. No! I can't! I have a team who needs me. But I can just come back for practice.... then I heard it.

A motorbikes engine pulling into the parking lot. Catra's here. If I leave she would see me. So I walk into the building.

School is supposed to be a safe place for students. An escape from home. Now it feels like I want to escape from here into my play pretend.

Why can't everything go back to normal. The normal where me and Mara got black out drunk on my room floor with her friends. The normal when I ate properly. The normal when I wasn't confused about my silly feelings. The normal when I didn't fall for-

"The fuck Adora" I was shoved against a nearby locker. I look up to see Lonnie. "Don't touch me Lonnie and I won't touch you" I growled trying to walk past her. She walked right infront of me blocking my exit.

"Yeah but when you don't show up to practice twice in a row its a problem" she yelled catching people's attention. Gods! Lonnie is so petty. Yeah I didn't show up but it's none of her business.

"That's none of your business" I glared at her. "Um yes it is" she came closer to my face.

"Don't let anyone degrade you. You have money, power and glory. This makes you better than all of this. Don't let those kids pick on you anymore" horde primes voice echoed in my head.

Maybe that triggered something in me because I said some things I wish I could take back.

"No it's not. We may be co-captains but we all no that I'm captain and your my assistant" I whispered in her ear.

Her eyes widened with anger. "Your not as perfect as you think you are, Adora" she shouted throwing a punch at me.

I did something stupid again......
I let her punch me.

As soon as her fist came in contact with my noes it began to bleed. Yelling was heard all around us by students ready to watch a fight. But they were wrong. I'm not going to fight Lonnie. At least not yet.

"Thank you" I sweetly smiled leaving the crowd of people. Everyone was shocked that the altercation didn't get more physical. Then I notice a set of Mitch-match eyes linger on me. Disappointment? Sorrow? Apologetic? Disgusted? I couldn't read her emotions but I quickly walked away.

If I'm behind honest I deserved it. I deserved to be punched, kicked, beat and bruised. So I let it happened. I let Lonnie get her anger out.

I guess it's to the nurses office.

"Fuck, Adora why didn't you fight back" a voice came from beside me. It was Mara's. "I didn't want to. Didn't feel like it" I shrugged. It was true I didn't feel like fighting. I had fought a lot this week already. "Well let's take you to the nurses office babe"

Mara took me to the nurses office. My noes was just bruised and luckily not broken. The nurse gave me a princess 3 bandages for the "road".

Now I was being walked to class by Mara since she doesn't even go to class much.
"-and than razz kept calling me Adora. I think she misses you" Mara laughed.

Razz is Mara's grandmother with Alzheimer's diseases. Due to her state, she wasn't allowed to take custody of Mara. Razz is a great person who I consider as my grandma. She also mixes up Mara and I a lot but makes the best pies.

"Maybe I'll swing by soon" I smiled. "You should" we stopped in front of my class. "Well this is my stop" I said open the door to a noisy classroom.

"Mara don't you have a class to be in" Ms. Hopper scolded her. "Oh class started I didn't know. I was just delivering this amazing package" she shoved me into the classroom. "Stay out of trouble Adora" she ran down the halls, heels clanking with every step.

I walked over to my seat where my friends? I don't know if there my friends or not but my seat was there and sat. "OMG. Adora are you okay. That was a hard punch" bow voiced cracked. Beside me I could hear Catra bluff as she leaned back on her chair.

"Oh I'm fine. It wasn't that hard" I shrugged. "But why didn't you fight back like you always do" glimmer grunted. "If I'm being honest....I deserved it. Doesn't matter anymore. Let's just drop the subject" I bypassed the problem.

Bow and glimmer exchanged worried glances and Catra......she didn't seem to care. Not even sparing us a look off her phone.

The only way I could explain class was awkward. Little conversation with glimmer and bow, Catra pretend like she wasn't even here and me doing my work. Until my phone binged.

Prime👽🖕🏾💀: tonight 8:00pm at the horde hotel a man wearing a black suit with a red tie named Zachary will take you to dinner. You know what to do after. (Wear red!) Swift wind will pick you up.
~Don't Fail me. My She-ra!

"Shit" I muttered. I hate men and the horde hotel. I hate men because they just want to get in my pants. I hate the horde hotel because hordak owns it. "Who was it" glimmer questioned. "Oh ummmm- no one. I MEAN it was Mara. Yeah" I attempted to lie which totally failed.

Glimmer particularly teleported my phone into her hands as her and bow read the message. With a bitter look on her face glimmer passed the phone to Catra. "Adora I thought you were done this" bow said full of worry. "This is rich! You do this shit" Catra joked. She handed me my phone not even sparing me a glance.

"It's not funny. Catra" I groaned at her immaturity. "Pretty funny to me" she smirked. "It's not FUNNY Catra it's serious" I glared at her. "Don't forget your wear red. Zachary like red it seems like" she continued leaning back on her chair laughing like this was a joke.

"Not everything is a joke. You just think everything is that It's rude" I growled. Giving me a death glare Catra turned to me. "I wonder what Zachary looks like" she placed her index finger on her chin pretending to think.

This is what made me mad. All our lives Catra never knew when to stop. She didn't know when to not cross boundaries. She thinks everything is gages and giggles

"Fuck you catra" I snapped.


"Why would I when Zachary can" she smugly said with a shit eating grin on her face.

She didn't just say that. I hand no words. Silence filled the table. "What" she smiled. "Like your boss said. You know what to do......... fuck Zachary-" Catra spit out the last line.

Boundaries. Catra crossed a boundary. Maybe it was all the built up anger but Catra deserved it.

I pounces on her as we tumble onto the floor in the middle of class. I pinned her to the ground as she still had that toothy grin on. I hated how she was so smug but loved it at the same time. But now was wasn't the time.

I punched her. I punched Catra. She seemed taken aback. Fear flooded her eyes but was soon replaced with rage. Then all hell broke loss......

Catra punched me back. And again. And again. Blood ran down my already bruised nose. I wasn't going to let her win this after what she just said. I sent a punch right into her eye. Which made her fall back.

It was a fight. Kicks and punches were sent around. Class mates cheered on like it was a joke.

"That's enough!" A voice yelled beside me. Angella stood their in the class scowling.

"In my office NOW! ADORA" she yelled. Did I just hear that right. "ME" I shouted. "Yes you Adora" she sharply said exiting the class. My head was throbbing while I exited the class. Leaving Catra there on the floor. Before exiting a spared another glance at her.....

She was crying? Quickly wiping away her tears before anyone can notice.

What have I done!


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