Dear Winter

By MisfitHell

1.5K 39 9

When Rileigh Laouer's family moves into the house next door to The Metzger family, her life will be forever c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Love, Winter

Chapter 7

117 3 1
By MisfitHell

Jack P.O.V

About halfway through dinner Rileigh stood up tapping her spoon in the side of her glass to get everyone's attention I stood up next to her

"Well guys we don't just invite people over for no reason so I bet you're wondering why you're here" she giggled "we're expecting!" She just couldn't wipe that beautiful smile off of her face "a little boy due in June!"

"Oh honey that's wonderful" her mom stood up hugging her


"Rileigh?" I yelled into the seemingly empty apartment I crept up the small flight of stairs walking into our bedroom seeing my now very visibly pregnant fiancé laying in our bed hugging my pillow fast asleep I walked over setting my things down on the floor next to the bed taking my shoes off and climbing into bed next to her she automatically snuggled into my side still asleep, by the time she woke up I'd been scrolling through TikTok for almost an hour

"Morning baby" she said sleepily

"Hate to burst your bubble babe but it's 9pm" I chuckled

"9pm what the hell" she said shocked "how long was I asleep?"

"No idea you were asleep when I got home at 7:45" I said kissing her forehead she yawned "feel free to go back to sleep I don't mind"

"The baby wants Taco Bell" she said looking at me with puppy dog eyes

"The baby wants Taco Bell? More like mommy wants Taco Bell" I chuckled reaching on the nightstand for my keys sitting up to put shoes on she didn't move from where she was laying "well are you coming?"

She sat up putting on her shoes that were beside the bed before taking off down the hallway as fast as she could waddle trying to beat me to the garage...

*a few months later*

"Hey Jack" I could hear the smile on her face through the phone the boys and I are on tour which in reality could end any day now depending on when she goes into labor

"Hey beautiful" her breathing picked up "are you okay Ri?"

"Yeah I'm fine my stomach just hurts"

"Are you going into labor?" I asked both excited and worried because I'm 4 states away

"N-" she was cut off as she groaned in pain "m-maybe" she said trying to breathe through it

"I'm on the next flight out of Indianapolis" I said "I love you baby I'll be there soon I'll call your mom and tell her you need to go to the hospital" I hung up the call

"Adam! Ryan!" I yelled from the back of the tour bus

"What Jack?" They both piped up from the bunk area

"She's in labor" I said hastily

"No way are we gonna make it back in time?"

"I sure fucking hope so" I said calling Claire she picked up quickly "Claire, Rileigh is in labor I'm in Indiana trying to get the next flight back to New York can you get her to the hospital?"

"Absolutely I'm on my way to get her now" she hung up

"I called the airport the next flight to new York leaves in 3 hours"

"Mark!" I yelled not meaning to as I ran to the front of the tour bus to find our tour manager Mark

"Yes Jack?"

"Rileigh is in labor we have to cancel the show tonight" I said out of breath as I raced to grab my suitcase and atleast a change of clothes I felt my phone vibrate it was a notification from Twitter

@ajrbrothers tweeted: Sorry to let all you Indiana fans down but our show in Indianapolis tonight has been postponed until January 2022 refunds will be issued to those who request them sorry for the inconvenience

The retweets and replies were already rolling in some people were mad but most were just throwing around rumor and speculation about Rileigh being in labor

*skip the airport and flight*

6 hours and 15 minutes later I'm running breathlessly into the hospital

"Ri- Rileigh Laouer" I said as I ran to the desk

"Are you Jack Metzger?" The secretary asked


"6th floor room 624" she said "she's pretty far along last I heard about an hour ago she's almost 10cm"

I took off sprinting to the elevator leaving my brothers in the dust

Ryan P.O.V

Jack took off running leaving Adam and I to talk to the secretary

"And you two are?" She asked

"Ryan and Adam Metzger we're the uncles" I chuckled as she gave us directions to the 6th floor waiting room

Rileigh P.O.V

"You're ready to push Rileigh" the nurse said

"N-no not until Jack gets here" I said between breaths

"Well he'd better hurry because this baby is coming now wether his daddy is here or not" she said suddenly a breathless Jack burst through the door "just in time"

"Ri" he sighed as he walked to my bedside picking up my hand squeezing it "you've got this" he whispered looking into my eyes while kissing my knuckles

*20 minutes later*

"Come on one more good push mama" the doctor said

"I- I can't" I stuttered out of breath and in the most pain I've ever been in

"Look at me Rileigh" Jack said I looked over locking eyes with him "you are the strongest woman I know you can do this, one more push and you get to meet your little boy... our little boy Rileigh you've got this " with that I gave all my strength to push one more time and our little boys cries filled the room "Ri you did it" he said kissing my forehead As the nurse wrapped him in a blanket placing him on my chest

"What's his name?" She asked We looked at eachother knowing we were absolutely thinking the same thing

"Winter Evan Metzger" I smiled

"I love that name it's so unique" she said writing it on a tiny hospital bracelet "how did you come up with it?"

"He and his brothers wrote a song called Dear Winter a few years ago and he fell in love with the name" I said pointing to Jack "and he shares a middle name with his dad as well" Jack smiled kissing my cheek

"I love you Babygirl you did so good" he said

"You guys are so cute how long have you been together?" The nurse asked

"Well we've been friends for 16 years..." I started trying to add up how long we've been a couple "we were together for 2 years after we graduated highschool got engaged at 20, due to have our first baby that year, broke up 6 months later after losing our first baby, we were spilt up for 4 years and 9 months ago we got back together and are now once again engaged and now we have our perfect little rainbow baby" I smiled

"Childhood friends?" She smiled

"Yup my family moved in next door to his when we were 8, he hit me in the back of the head with a kickball on accident and 16 years later he's the love of my life" I smiled looking at Jack

"That's adorable" she said handing Winter back to me "this chunky boy here is 9lbs 2.5oz 22inches long"

I could help but stare in awe at the perfect little boy in my arms "he's perfect" I said finally letting tears of joy flow freely down my cheeks "Jack..." I said looking up locking eyes with him and as if he could read my thoughts

"I know baby girl, I know" he smiled "it's gonna be hard to think about but guess what he's here now and his brother or sister hugged him and talked to him long before we did"

"I just wish we could've known them"

"I know baby but we've got Winter now" he sighed "and I love you both so much that I can't even form the words to describe it" he stood up kissing my forehead before bending down and doing the same to Winter them asking the nurse to take a picture of us all together which was then posted across all his social media the notifications started rolling in on my phone as I'd been tagged in all the posts:

@jackajrbrothers: Say hello to the newest Metzger boy, Winter Evan born early early this morning 6/24/21

@ajrbrothers: There's a new Metzger boy, everyone day hello to Winter.

"This is absolutely the best day of my life" I smiled down at Winter sleeping peacefully in my arms everything is falling into place and I couldn't be happier.


I think this chapter came out super cute, let me know what y'all think!

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