Newsies One Shots

By davey_fvcking_jacobs

37.4K 632 1K

~Majority of ships are Javey or Sprace ~Requests closes ~Those marked without -[ship name] aren't ship relate... More

Sick Day - Javey
Soaked - Spromeo
Orange and Brown - Sprace
Just Nod and Agree - Ralbert
10 reasons why the Delanceys suck (but I still love them)
Dont Take Much to Be a Dreamer - Javey
Him - Morris/Crutchie (Part one)
Not Without a Goodbye - Javey
Namesake - Blush
Heat 'n' Smoke - Sprace
For the Record, This Means Nothing
The Kind of Cold - Elmer/Romeo
Pyjama Pants - Spromeo
How Hard Can it Be? - Spot/Davey
Suckers - Javey
Uphill Climb - Javey
Outsider (Vent)
Feb. 14th
Broken Boy - Javey
All Good Things
Him - Morris/Crutchie (Part 2)
Take Two
Hackles - Sprace
What's in a Name?
Three for Luck (OC's)
By the Angel - Sprace (Part one)
Penny For Your Thoughts - Javey
Art Dump (Adding too)
Sticks and Stones
Of First Dates and Engine Oil - Sprace
Pennies and Pounds (OC)
Merry Band of Misfits
Skeletons - Sprace
In Love and War - Sprace
Grass (Vent)
Group Chat
Group Chat (Part Two)
Under the Bridge (OCs)
distinctions of leaving

Newsies as things my friends have said

880 25 170
By davey_fvcking_jacobs

Not a one shot but it's really funny so here you go
Triggers - Swearing, sexual references


Jack: I'm trying to draw Davey but he looks like a crack addict

Davey: I'm awful at talking to people and I don't know if it's the social anxiety or the autism

Albert: It's a shame drinking and driving is illegal cause it would be so much fun

Davey: Did you just take paracetamol with day old coke?
Jack: I've taken antidepressants with whisky. Bite me

Race: You legally cannot stop me from eating this rock

Spot: I will stab you with this
Elmer: The pen?
Spot: You heard me

Albert: This acid is perfectly shot sized

Davey and Katherine: *discussing the metric size of Japan*
Jack: ???

Race: Seriously, what repercussions would come from me just biting this rock?

Crutchie: *gagging* don't eat straight rock salt

Buttons: Dessert spoons are bad. I've had bad experiences with dessert spoons

Specs: Well my glasses just fell off my face, which is nice

Davey: I've learned that whenever I think I've done well in something, Ive actually completely fucked it, but when I think I've messed something up I ace it. A horrible mentality for life but it's what I'm going with

Race: I've swallowed glass pebbles the rock cannot hurt me

Jack: I've been drawing when I was supposed to be revising and it doesn't even look good so what does that make me

Spot: If you put that penis looking rock next to me one more time I will shove it down your throat
Race: Kinky

Albert: Be honest, lava looks delicious
Davey: *visibly distressed* no-

Race: *holding crushed sandstone* If I snorted this what would happen?

Albert: That's a hench ass unicorn

Race: How fucking dare you look me in the eyes and tell me I would be Hitlers perfect person

Elmer: Dessert spoons. Are evil

Henry: How dare you swear in my god damn fucking Christian household

Romeo: I'm telling my therapist about this
Race: That we called you eighty?
Romeo: He won't be happy

Davey: I don't care if Hitler advocated against animal cruelty, he committed mass fucking genocide Susan

Crutchie: Hannibal Lecter is gay? We have peaked as a species

Specs: Just because something can be gay, doesn't necessarily mean it should
Romeo: Bet

Finch: My eyes feel loose

Race: I'm gonna wait until I'm 18 to off myself so I can legally fuck Satan

Albert: I'm here. No one wants me to be, but I'm here

Katherine: I'm not a bitch. Just a questionable person

Specs: Why's Race in the corner?
Spot: He's huffing at me cause I said his dick looks like Macca Pacca from In the Night Garden

Crutchie: With every other bug Im like 'omg a friend!' But then with spiders I'm just like 'you can burn in hell.'
Jack: Valid

Romeo: Did you just punch me with a fucking waffle?

Albert: Kill all babies 2021

Specs: Where are my sight givers

Race: I was just deep throated by the shower water
Katherine: What.

Elmer: I've joined a cult, but like a happy cult. We have cool robes and shit. Sometimes we kill people but that's the important

Henry: Are you body shaming a fucking rock?

Buttons: The tiger from The Tiger who Came to Tea is a Nazi

Davey: I hate you all and the only reason I'm still here is because no one else likes me

Spot: If you're French I have to kill you. Don't ask me why

Race: My water bottle is releasing souls from hell right now :/

Race: *trying to do Algebra* Is it really still maths if it's nothing but letters because this is bullshit

Jack: I'm going to start screaming in a minute

Davey: Can you go do the dishes?
Albert: *staring at a wall* I'm building up to it

Elmer: *distressed* I'm being pressured into downloading a BMC dating sim via email

JoJo: I just sneezed myself into another dimension

Romeo: Get your ass inside I have pizza to eat

Albert: I just stuck my hand into a fire with no hesitation and I think that says a lot about me as a person

Katherine: Everything that could've went wrong in the last 30 seconds just went wrong and I don't know how to feel

Mush: I'm starving
Specs: It's 10am and you've already eaten?
Mush: I don't see how that's relevant

Spot: I'm going to commit arson purely to spite you

Jack: Who the fuck scheduled a zoom call at 5am tomorrow because that shit ain't on

Race: Every fibre of my being is telling me to chug that lemon juice

Spot: I'm a Satan apologist

Race: I'm going to shank you into next week

Romeo: The weirdest porn you could possibly read is the bible

Albert: I was going to talk to you about systematic racism and how how to end it but instead I'm gonna show you some white hot memes
Specs: ;-;

Henry: Yeah quick question, which circle of hell do you hail from

Jack: How's therapy going?
Davey: I paid 40 quid for some bitch to teach me how to breath how do you think?

Race: Why do you put up with me?
Spot: Because no one else will
Race: Oh.

Elmer: #satandidnothingwrong

JoJo: *trips on curb* You really just fucked me over like that huh

Finch: Why didn't Bill Gate name Windows Gates?
Buttons: I'm giving you one more chance to shut the fuck up

Mush: If consensual murder is assisted suicide does that mean sex is assisted masturbation
Davey: I want you know the thought process that led you to correlate those two things

Albert: I've decided to write a series of porn with Star Wars pun names
Crutchie: I hate you so much

Mike: *to Ike* You're my twin and all, but I've never once said I loved you and I don't intend to start now

Race: I was just caressed by a thorn branch

Mush: Strangle that bottle bitch
JoJo: Kinky

Spot: *To a branch* You fucking touch me again I'll fucking murder your whole fucking family

Crutchie: I don't vape because I am a ✨child of the law✨

Albert: For the record, I didn't walk into the hand dryer when I was buzzed. Just as an aside

Jack: Give me one good reason why I can't have a plain bap for lunch. I'll wait

JoJo: *gasps* I made a child!

Elmer: I'm wearing a My Little Pony sock to school and I'm not ashamed
Davey: Sock, singular?
Elmer: You heard me

Specs: If these fuckers walk any slower I'm going to punt them into outer space

Henry: Mick Jagger has a secret Trump supporting alter ego called Jick Magger. Discuss

Katherine: I will pay you any amount of money to not read that porn out loud

Romeo: Whoever invented honey roast ham needs to be burned alive

Finch: It's ok I've got some flesh to eat


Albert: I need to leave. Before the monsters gather

Katherine: Please. Stop existing

Mush: Give me your sweet corpse

Elmer: Bones. Where are my bones

Spot: Get in the hole before I slaughter your entire family

Davey: Why does my hand smell like coffee. I don't drink coffee what-

Crutchie: The bees don't get a friend

Jack: This sausage roll tastes like disappointment

JoJo: Fear me mortals, for I feast upon the flesh of your brethren

Henry: That is a flaming child right there

Romeo: I relate to endermen on a spiritual level because I too randomly move shit about and will scream and kill you if you look at me

Albert: Wedgies are more effective when you add emotional damage

Morris: You're a fetus
Race: If I'm a fetus I can legally be killed so thank you!

JoJo: I will continue to berate meerkats until they change their ways

Crutchie: From now on, when anyone inconveniences me I'm going to accuse them of a hate crime

Davey: Jack can see Jacobi's from the lodging window. He is delighted by this and points it out everyday as if it might disappear if he doesn't. It's been three months

Race: Someone's not living up to their reputation of being a whore

Finch: Are you a pineapple pizza? No. So I like you

Katherine: If I get a migraine tomorrow I will be suing

Elmer: Shrek haunts me. Every time I close my eyes he's there. Waiting

Spot: Dear lord, give the the strength I need today to not punt a child

Mush: I have had several traumatic incidents involving mayonnaise

Jack: Listen up fuck llamas

Specs: If you interrupt me one more time I will beat you with a paper clip

Race: It's a Beyoncé murder crab!
Davey: A...a what?
Race: You heard me

Jack: Is it still murder if I consent?

Albert: The bathroom has no door so technically this entire building is a bathroom. Think about it
Henry: Albert. Shut the fuck up

Jack: Never trust anything that sits in your lap. People, babies, dogs. They're all trying to harvest your love. And then kill you

Spot: I would murder your entire family for a single slice of cheese

Elmer: I have an affinity for goats. That's why I sacrifice them for my crepe cult

Race: Can you make crystal meth?
Davey: Wh- that's illegal
Albert: Not the point can you do it
Davey: Yes but-
Romeo: Great lets go
Davey: ...where are you coming from??

Katherine: I'm sexist. That's reality. Deal with it

Blink: Shhh I'm having a staring contest with Hitler

Jack: Whats a rational person? Not me

Crutchie: I don't have any money so if you buy me food I will be loyal to you forever

Race: Can we get a baby goat? I really want a baby goat

Katherine: I'm a lesbian, I trump all of you

Albert: In conclusion, I have the shiniest meat bicycle

Davey: Anxiety has just become a permanent part of my personality which is nice

Race: I really want to be a pterodactyl when I grow up

Jack: Every time I take an art class I feel another piece my soul leave my body

Crutchie: I need my friends. Without you guys I just turn into a depression puddle right about there. Ask anyone

Race: I have a squashed fly in my eye :)
Davey: Are you...are you going to get it out...?
Race: Nah he's chilling

Elmer: And why do we like dogs? Because dogs are better than people in every way

Henry: Neo-pagan? Isn't that just spicy necromancy?

Davey: *about Race* He's my friend and all but he is so, so stupid

Specs: *walks into the lodging after everyone else missing a shoe* Someone filled my shoe with pasta...

Henry: *crawls around on the floor pretending no one can see him, hissing*

Crutchie: *to any minor inconvenience* I'm crippled you can't do this to me

Race: *is offended when another newsie walks the same path home as him even though they live in the same place and started walking from the same position* Why are you following me??

Albert: *maintains aggressive eye contact with Jack as he drags his sketchbook away from him to draw a penis on it*

Jack: If one more person asks me to draw something for them...I will lose it

Katherine: *staring into space* I'm this close to killing all of you

Crutchie: *refusing to sit on an empty seat on a moving bus because someone took the one he usually sits in to spite him* I'm disabled and it hurts to stand but this isn't about the seat anymore. It's about principle.

Davey: You *gestures to all the newsies* give me so much anxiety

Albert: *after stealing a beer a stranger hid under a bride and drinking it in two minutes* This is why I'm dying before I'm twenty

Jack: Thanks for the encouragement but I really need to cry right now so fuck off

Les: *talks about murder in a terrifyingly happy voice*

Katherine: I went into the bathroom and cried because someone mentioned writing a speech. So I have that going for me

Spot: *after seeing any other newsie* Ew.

Race: *strangled screaming*

Romeo: I'm a twink I can't do this

Mush: *earnestly explains why printers are gay*

Sniper: I don't like going outside this is peer pressure and I'm going to cry

Davey: I have a reputation as the smart one but I'm really just anxious. I blame you *points to Jack*

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