{2}The Other Archer (PjoxDC)

By Reed_Pebble

67.2K 2.1K 436

**Read book 1 first (The other Todd) Percy has finally found herself a new family, and it seems like everythi... More

1. Unanswered Questions
2. A Day Of Torture
3. Bronze Bullets
4. An Old Ally
5. Yee Of Little Faith
6. An Unlikely Saviour
7. The Plot Thickens
8. A Day In The Library
9. Old Memories
New Book

10. Two Siblings

3.5K 107 23
By Reed_Pebble

See notes at end of chapter


"Percy, I hardly think this counts as 'training'." The demigod in question shot the teen a half-smile, swinging her Xiphos sword downward to block the young teen's quick attack.
"Nah Dami..."
Sidestepping as the assassin brought his blade up in a powerful slash. "...I never said this was training..." Percy blocked his next attack as well before sliding the blade of her sword to the hilt of Damian's Xiphos sword. With a quick twist, his sword was soaring through the air.
"...This is just me beating your ass."

The Tatar Tot just shook his head at the demigod, before sullenly walking off to collect his sword.
Percy watched as the young teen sulked off the mat and towards his fallen weapon.
"You know you don't have to use a Xiphos right?"

Damian only grunted. "I am aware."
"Why do you?" Percy carefully studied the teen, her curiosity increasing as Damian awkwardly shifted on his feet.
Sure it wasn't uncommon for an assassin to master more than one blade, heck it was probably expected. However, it was still...odd.
Percy had never quite seen a mortal this dedicated to learning more about the godly world as Damian.

Besides Rachel.

"I would like to be able to defend myself properly while in the company of demigods." He glanced down at the leaf-shaped blade, his stoic expression unmoving. "If I were to provide aid in the next war I may not have access to my katanas."
Percy was left stunned by his words, although she really shouldn't have. All along she was expecting her brother and by extension Bruce and Dick to help with... whatever this new threat was.

She was expecting Tim and Damian to stay out of it for the most part, maybe on the sidelines but never in the line of danger. But looking at the serious expression on Dami's face Percy now knew that it wouldn't be just one of her mortal brothers that would be fighting by her side.
But both.

Percy realized with a start that she had come to see Damian as not only her brother's brother, but hers as well. Because if anyone were to say to the demigod that Damian was any less her brother than Jason she would have to point out that she is an aunt to countless winged horses.
Screw genetics.

Motioning for Damian to follow her to the bench, the two sat in silence for a good minute. By the way, Damian shifted Percy could tell he was uncomfortable by the silence, so Percy quickly pieced together the words she wanted to say. "Dami... you don't have to fight in this war or whatever this ends up being, I want you to know that I'm-" Damian stood to his feet and glared furiously at the demigod. "I'm helping. And that's final. I will assist you in any way I can Sea-spawn and nothing you can say to change that. I—why are you laughing?"

Percy couldn't help but chuckle at the way the little demon's face was scrunched up as well as the words that were coming from him. "You didn't let me finish." The small lad raised his eyebrows in confusion, Percy took this as her sign to continue. "You don't have to fight, yet you are choosing to...I want to thank you for--what?" It was Percy's turn to question the wee lad, as Damian's expression was still one of pure confusion.

"Why would you think I would not fight for you Percy?" The demigod opened her mouth to respond but Damian interrupted her, switching to Greek. "You are... my teacher as well as blood to Todd, who father considers a son. If anyone were to target you it would be my duty as well to decimate the coward."  Percy could only smile at the young boy, she knew that was as close as he could get to saying he cared and she was fine with that.

"Thank you little demon."


Percy stretched as she stepped out from her room, today she planned to do nothing related to figuring out her mysterious fan, she needed a break. Letting out a long yawn the demigod begun to make her way down the hall, then paused.

Sure Percy hadn't been at the manor long, but she knew that it was quiet, too quiet. So what did Percy do? Pulling out Riptide Percy stealthy made her way down the hall, taking the steps two at a time.

Where was everyone?

Did something happen? Had she slept through an attack? Were the boys--

"Well well well, I think I discovered the way to get my dear sister sprinting down for breakfast."

The ravenette felt her cheeks heat up as her brother's voice sounded from behind her, whirling around Percy stuck her trusty sword back into her pocket, "Where is--"

"Dick took demon out for some 'bonding' before he leaves for Bludhaven, apparently it is take your kid to work day so Bruce brought the replacement, and Alfred is taking this chance to do a deep clean of the cave. Everyone is banned from entering for the next twelve hours unless it's an absolute emergency." Percy let out a little chuckle at the old butler's antics.

"So what do you want to do?" At his sister's raised eyebrows Jason let out a sigh. "It's just... us...in the manor..do you want to hang out?" Jason trailed off awkwardly.
She smiled brightly up at her brother, "I'd love to."


"When did you learn to cook?" As a kid, Percy wasn't...gifted when it came to working in the kitchen, granted they never had a working kitchen growing up. Their parents had been otherwise occupied so the bills weren't always paid, and things only grew worse when his dad was sent to the slammer.

"Sally taught me."

It made sense, who else would have taught her to cook other than her adoptive mother who also made blue food?

So Jason hummed in response.

"What about you?" The anti-hero couldn't help but smile at the question, a flood of good memories causing him to pause in his stirring. "Alfred taught me."

"You and he seem really close." It was more of a statement than anything but Jason still nodded. "Yeah, when I first came here I wasn't.." He cut off with a laugh, "I wasn't really making things easy for Bruce, hell I was so wracked with guilt...Alfred took me under his wing put up with my shit." Realizing he was becoming sentimental, Jason made a face. "Ah fuck, I'm sounding like Dick."

His sister laughed at him for a moment before staring down at the batter with a sombre expression. "You... you felt guilty?"

Setting down the wooden spoon, Jason turned to look Percy in the eye.  "Of course I felt guilt...that night that you got taken..." He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, "I planned on selling tires in order to bribe one of the workers into letting you go."

"What tires?" He smirked at the question, "The wheels of the Batmobile."

Percy let out a breath in disbelief, "you did...what for me?"

"How else do you think ol'Brucie found me? Anyway, he brought me back to the cave revealed himself and asked me to be Robin in one go." Jason said. " I saw the kind of danger bring Robin brought and I didn't want you dragged into it, once Bruce taught me how to hack I checked in on you while you were in the orphanage...I may have been the one to pull a few strings and get you placed with Sally... Bruce never once checked to see if I had a sister, so after erasing you from the system he was never the wiser."

He searched his sister's face but found it unreadable. "I felt guilty for sending you away but after Joker I didn't regret it."

"And when I called you four years ago?"

Jason glanced down at his hands, "That was my first year after the pit, you called and I didn't want you to see what I'd become." He shuddered, "but you sounded so frantic I-I thought about that phone call everyday."

Percy bowed her head, her unkept hair hiding her face and making her impossible to read. "I called...there was a prophecy that I would die on my sixteenth birthday...." she rung her hands together nervously, "I was scared and a coward...I thought-I thought if I left it wouldn't fall to me...I was stupid and selfish, if it wasn't me it would be my little cousin, I couldn't have done that to him." Her ears were red with shame as her voice trembled, "I couldn't."

Jason stared down at his little sister, his eyes wide. Sure he had died before, but he hadn't had his inevitable death looming over him like an impossible cloud of demise.
He shuddered despite himself, that was the most detailed Percy had gotten about her demigod life. Sure it was still hella strange, her being a demigod and all, but what scared Jason was the things she hadn't told him yet.
The reasons for her PTSD, the reason for her nightmares, the reason she had a patch of gray hair, and the reason for her scars.

Jason's terrors came in the shape of the forever stark white patch of hair on his head and the small scar that would never heal resting on his lower lip, the cause being a crowbar to the face.

But he was good now, yes he was still healing but his terrors were in his past and as much and Jason liked to deny it, his family had his back.
Percy's appeared to be starting up all over again. For not the first time, Jason wanted to question his sister, demand to know what had happened in nine years.

Before he could stop himself, Jason wrapped the brave demigod he was lucky enough to have as a sister into a tight hug. He held on to her as if she could disappear at any moment and with the way things were going...it was an honest fear.

"Hell Percy, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, I'm sorry I wasn't the big brother you needed, but I promise you I will be right there with you kicking ass from now on." Percy's hands wrapped around him as she shook slightly, her hands gripping the back of his shirt.
His sister mumbled something too quiet for him to hear.


Pulling away from him, she smiled up at him cheekily with tears in her eyes. "It's Hades."

He raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What?"

"Hades, not hell."

Somehow he had found that redundant remark so funny and Jason burst out laughing. Only moments later Percy joined and the two siblings stood over a batter of blue pancakes as they chuckled hysterically.
Jason had never felt so happy in a long time.

Moments like these with his sister was what he had truly missed over the years

"And Jason..."

He let out one last small burst of laughter before looking down at his sister with a sincere smile. "What?"

"I've already forgiven you."

Somehow, his smile grew even wider.


"...and then Thalia said, 'I want a dam T-shirt'!" Percy burst out laughing as she shoved another blue pancake in her mouth, her eyes lit with laughter as she recounted the tale of one of her many adventures. Jason may not have quite understood it/found it as funny as his little sister, yet he chuckled away.

When her giggles had finally died down, Percy let out a deep sigh, her gaze now carried a far-off look.
"I miss them."

"They could visit you know."

She nodded at his words, leaning forward against the counter. "I know."

They were silent for a moment, Jason giving her time to collect her thoughts. "It's just...after Annabeth...she was there for it all... it's not the same." Her gaze met his and Jason was surprised to find shame in the depths of her green-eyes. "Does that make me a coward? Not being able to face my own friends?"

"Oh Percy..." He pulled her into a mildly awkward half-hug, it was no where near as great as Dickie's but it would have to do.
"You are one of the bravest people that I know and I've met most of the Justice League."

Jason took a deep breath, pulling together every once of wisdom he possessed—which frankly wasn't a lot—to attempt to form a meaningful sentence for his sister.
"You're facing an unknown threat, yet you still thought of your friends first, you don't want to put them in danger." Percy opened her mouth to interject and for once Jason was perfectly able to guess what she was about to say. "We're heroes Percy, all of us have been trained, we chose this life unlike your other family. We have your back, whether you want us to or not."
Whatever this new threat is we will face it head on, together." Pulling away, Jason picked up his fork and shoved more pancake into his mouth, not quite sure what else to do.

"Thank you."

Smirking at her he leaned in close yet again. "Just do one thing for me."


"Never tell anyone I said that, especially dick."

"Of course."

Jason hid a smile by talking a sip of his coffee. Sure, an unknown-mythical-threat after his sister was, to put it simply, terrifying.
Yet somehow, Jason had a good feeling about the future.
After all, whoever or whatever it was, wasn't just dealing with Percy, no, they were messing with family, so they were dealing with the Bat Family.

And the Bat Family never lost.


I'm sorry to say that this book has come to an end, everything that I had planned for this book fell through and I honestly have no idea how the hell to fix it.
Plus I never really had a passion for writing this book to begin with

This was originally going to be a story of an unknown villain sneakily grooming Percy into becoming a villain and her having to decide between her new fam (the bat fam) or what felt right to her. Haha obviously that didn't happen and suddenly I was left with something different, the plot changed so many times that I completely lost sight of it.

Haha yes Dolion was going to be our villain, Dolion is a Greek name meaning deceit and he was going to cause quite a bit of trouble.

Again I'm sorry, but at least I kinda attempted finishing it

Peek at what I was planning.
( I wrote this months ago)
The big villain reveal

"You know Percy I really did enjoy our little talks." Nothing came out of her mouth when she opened it, every single conversation she ever had with Dolion came rushing back. "You were so... enthusiastic about living your pathetic mortal life with your mortal family." With experienced hands he twiddled a knife between his fingers, his voice was light almost as though he wasn't threatening her family.

The knife came to rest just an inch from her brother's chest. She forced herself to remember the godly metal would do him no harm.
As if reading her thoughts he leaned forward, an almost feral glint to his eyes.

"Do you really think it's simply a coincidence that both you and your brother are named after demigods of old?" He stopped his pacing to look at Percy, the beginnings of a sneer on his face. "Or are you just that dumb?"

Once again sorry, but this is my story and I do what I want. My other stories will be continued.


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