Pokemon fanfic (Kanto Journey)

By SkyQueen0

15.1K 365 70

Ash(ley) Ketchum, a new Trainer from Pallet Town, aims to become a world-famous Pokémon Master who travels wi... More

The Start of Our Journey!
Pokémon Emergency!
Challenge of the Samurai!
Showdown in Pewter City!
Clefairy and the Moon Stone
The Water Flowers of Cerulean City
The Path to the Pokémon League
The School of Hard Knocks
Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village
Charmander - The Stray Pokémon
Here Comes The Squirtle Squad!
Mystery At The Lighthouse
Electric Shock Showdown
Battle Aboard the St. Anne
Pokemon Shipwreck, Island of the Giant Pokémon!
Beauty and The Beach
Tentacool & Tentacruel
The Ghost of Maiden's Peak
Bye-Bye Butterfree?
The Tower of Terror

Caterpie, you're Mine!

883 21 2
By SkyQueen0

It was the next day after our Heroine's first encounter with not only Misty Waterflower but three members of a criminal organization called Team Rocket, Jessie, James, and Meowth. And now, the two girls are seen walking through the woods of Viridian Forest.
It was the next day after our Heroine's first encounter with not only Misty Waterflower but three members of a criminal organization called Team Rocket, Jessie, James, and Meowth. And now, the two girls are seen walking through the woods of Viridian Forest.

"Hey Misty, not that Elly and I don't mind the company... But why are you following us?"

"Well, you see I-Aah!" Misty screaming had stopped her explanation. For it was after seeing a pokemon called a Caterpie that made Misty scream, causing a few bird pokemon to fly away.

"Misty, come down. It's just a Caterpie." Ashley tried pacifying the young redhead.

"See, Caterpie is harmless compared to other pokemon."

"Even if it is a pokemon, bugs are disgusting and I don't like them."

"But I think that it'll make a great addition to the team. Don't you think so, Elektra?"

("You betcha!")

"Alright then, Caterpie you're mine! Go Poke-ball!"

And so, the capture was a success. Making this Caterpie the third pokemon that Ashley has captured on her journey. With the addition of Aoi and Elektra, this makes five pokemon Ash has acquired in total.

"Alright! I caught, Caterpie! Isn't that great, Misty?"

"Yeah, great. Just keep it away from me will ya?"

"But Misty, Caterpie is inside the Poke-ball now."

"Bugs get me all bugged out! Even when they're in a Poké-ball. Just keep it away!" Said Misty, expressing her hatred towards bugs.

"Fine. Nevertheless, let's introduce Caterpie to the group. Shall we Elly?"

("We shall.")

"Right, come on out everybody! You too, Caterpie!"

"Everyone, I want to introduce you to the newest addition to our group, Caterpie. Caterpie, these are all my Pokemon. Welcome to the family."

Once introductions were made between Caterpie and Ashley's other Pokemon, the worm Pokemon notices a scared Misty hiding behind a tree and runs over, attempting to befriend her.

"Aw Misty, isn't that sweet? Caterpie wants to be friends with you."

"It's so gross. Ash, put that slimy thing back in the Poké-ball! Bugs are one of the three most disgusting things in the world!"

"Aside from Caterpie, what are the other disgusting things?"

"Carrots, peppers, and bugs. Everybody has something they don't like and I don't like bugs!"

"Point taken. I can't handle anything that involves the supernatural such as ghosts and horror stories alike. Although if we're talking about ghost Pokemon I tolerate that just fine. Nevertheless, Misty, you're hurting Caterpie's feelings. Don't you worry little guy, I don't think you're disgusting." Ashley tried to perk up her bug Pokemon as she let Caterpie climb onto her shoulder.

"Alright everyone, we'll be making camp here to train since Pewter City is our next stop with their Gym Battle being a rock-type. So we have to train really hard, especially you, Poliwag. Since rock and ground-type Pokemon are weak against water, you'll be the first runner-up. Can I count on you?"

("Just leave it to me!") The tadpole Pokemon shouted with determination in his eyes as his tail wagged rapidly.

"That's great. Now let's see about the moves that everyone knows. For Poliwag it's Bubble Beam... Water Gun... And Double Slap. Then for Shelly, it's Bone Club... Headbutt... Leer... Focus Energy... And Bonemerang. Next, is Caterpie, String Shot... Shield Dust... And Tackle. That's good you guys. And I know the right kind of training for you all. Let's get to it!"   

And so, the training begins with Shelly and Poliwag having mock battles since one has a disadvantage over the other. With Aoi and Elektra helping Caterpie to achieve his dream of evolving into a Butterfree.After witnessing one flying through the sky, which became his inspiration. Such as practicing his String Shot and Tackle Attack. Whereas Ashley and Misty are making lunch.

"I got to say, Ash, your pokemon look like they're in great shape."

"Thanks for the compliment, Misty. I try my very best to make sure that Aoi and Elektra have all the time, love, and care they need. Especially with Poliwag, Shelly, and now Caterpie introduced into the group."

"Spoken like a true Pokemon Master."

"You think so? Haha. Alright, we've finished with the food. You should bring out your pokemon too, Misty. I even have an inflatable pool for them since they're water-type."

"Right you are. Come on out everyone!" Misty exclaimed as her three poke-balls unleashed Goldeen, Starmie, and Staryu.

"Wow! What a haul you got there." Ashley commented as she finished examining Misty's Pokemon with her Pokedex.

"Thanks. But Ash, if you're planning to train out here does that mean we're camping outdoors with all these bug Pokemon?" Misty questioned in fear.

"Not exactly. You see, my mom and I bought a few Dino Capsules. These little guys are originally from the Galar Region, created to make objects compact and easy to transport. And a few of them are great for camping."

To demonstrate, Ashley utilized one of her capsules which unleashed a house-wagon motorhome.

"It's established with a kitchen, bathroom, and a few bedrooms. That way, Misty, you won't be scared of the bug Pokemon."

"Thank goddess!" Misty sighed in relief.

And so, once everyone's bellies were full. Training for Ashley's Pokemon continued until the sun started to set. Announcing that now it's time for every human and Pokemon alike to get some rest.
However, Misty, after waking up, witnessed Caterpie who was no longer in his poke-ball, was sleeping beside her and screaming as she rushed out of the motorhome. Which startles/wakes Ashley and Elektra up as they run out to see what's wrong.

"Misty, what is it?! What's wrong!?" Ashley questioned with worry for her friend.

"What is this thing sleeping near me and out of its Poke-ball?" Misty asked with fright.

"Processor Oak did say once a Pokemon is determined enough, it'll willingly come out of its Poke-ball. I guess Caterpie here wanted to try and become friends with you, Misty. And wanted you to realize that he's not scary."

"If that thing wants to be my friend it can stop bugging me already! If you're a Pokemon, get out of my face and into your Poke-ball!"

"Misty, Caterpie means you no harm."

Nevertheless, the damage was done as a depressed Caterpie did as Misty wished, and returned to his Poke-ball. While Ashely and Pikachu attempt to make Caterpie feel better, a Pidgeotto flies down and begins pecking the ground searching for food.

"Okay then, time to test out a new move. Shelly, I choose you!"

("What do you need?") The female Cubone asks.

"Shelly, you see that Pidgeotto there? We're going to catch it, but I'm going to need your help along with Elektra."

"Wait, what do you mean, Ash?" Misty questioned.

"I've always been creative about combining Pokemon moves that'll make a big bang. And I thought about this move last night. I call it the Electric Boomerang. Basically, Shelly will utilize her Boomerang move while Elly here will coat it with her electricity. It's perfect since flying Pokemon are weak against the rock, steel, ice, and electric types. So what do you say, girls?"

("We're all for it!") The two female Pokemon agreed with determination in their eyes.

"That's great! Okay Shelly, use Boomerang on Pidgeotto! Then Elektra, use Thunderbolt to glaze the bone!"

Once the improvised attack was established, it hit Pidgeotto, as Ashley quickly throws her Poké-ball and captures the bird Pokemon.

"Alright! We've caught a Pidgeotto!" Ashley cheered with glee along with her Pokemon.

However, Jessie, James, and Meowth of Team Rocket show up and perform their song/motto.

"Oh, what do three want?" Ashley asked with annoyance.

"What we want is your Pokemon little girl." Jessie clarified Ashley's question.

"Hand them over." Stated James.

"No way. Not in a million years, I'll allow you to have my Pokemon. Why would you even want them in the first place?"

"Your Pikachu's powers impressed even me! And then there was that Lucario everyone saw. Like James said before, it's a rare and valuable Pokemon. Not to mention that I really got a charge out of Pikachu's incredible attack the last time we met."

"Make things easy, and hand over your Pokemon!"

"Not a chance!"

"Then a pokemon battle it is!" Jessie exclaimed as she and James brought out their pokemon; Ekans and Koffing.

And with Koffing taking Elektra out of the action by using a Sludge attack.

"Misty, I need you to watch Elly for me," Ashley asks as she sends out newly acquired pokemon; Pidgeotto and Shelly in this battle. Nevertheless, Koffing attempts to use Sludge again but Pidgeotto dodges it and Shelly uses Bone Club to attack Koffing. And so, Pidgeotto attempts to use Quick Attack against Ekans, who unfortunately goes underground to avoid the assault. Koffing attempts to use SmokeScreen, which Pidgeotto disperses by flapping its wings as Shelly utilizes Boomerang once more.

Then Ashley's two pokemon dodge the Sludge attack and Ekans' attack from underground. Pidgeotto flies away with Shelly on her back but they're followed by Koffing and Ekans. And so, Pidgeotto attempts to use Gust attack to get rid of Koffing, who dodges and uses a Tackle attack, quickly followed by Ekans.

"Shelly, Pidgeotto, return! The two of you did great. Alright Caterpie, I choose you!"

"What's that?" A surprised Jessie asked.

"It's a bug. A messily little bug." Meowth commented as he, James, and Jessie laughed at Caterpie.

Ashley, however, had Caterpie use his String Shot to cover Koffing completely and Ekans' head, before using Tackle on Koffing, which flew into Ekans.

Caterpie then uses his String Shot on Meowth. And with Team Rocket, having no other Pokémon available to battle, they run off but threaten to return.

"Come back anytime we'll be glad to beat you!" Misty called

"Hate to burst their bubble, but my little bug has a lot of spunk on him. Congratulations Caterpie, on your first victory."

"You're stronger than you look, Caterpie."

"Well Misty, since you now think differently about Caterpie, why don't you two make up? Just pet him on the head and congratulate Caterpie for a good job." Ashley asked as she held the worm Pokemon towards Misty.

However, just as she was about to touch Caterpie, he continuously began using String Shot. Making his appearance more cocoon-like. And so, Caterpie was no more because he evolved into Metapod.

"Way to go, Metapod! We're one step away from fulfilling your dream of becoming a Butterfree." Ashley explained with glee as she hugged her Metapod.

"Now don't forget Misty, you were just about to be friends with Caterpie. Or should I say Metapod, hahaha?"

"I-I didn't forget but-Ahhhhh!" Screamed Misty as a Beedrill passed her by.

"I'll do anything, let's just get out of this forest!" Misty expressed with earnest emotions, having to witness enough bug-type Pokemon in one day.

"Alright, I understand. Let me just put away the house wagon. Good thing I also have a scooter, we'll ride it together."

"Wait, if you have a scooter then why didn't you just use it to navigate through the forest?"

"I'll never be able to catch Pokemon if I don't go to secluded places like the forest where they're most frequently visited," Ashley explained her reasoning.

"You got me there. Alright, let's go!" Misty states as she and Ashley ride on the path through the Viridian Forest.
The future looks bright for our heroes now, but up ahead the Viridian Forest is deeper and darker than they know. And a dangerous new challenge is waiting.
Ashley's Pokemon:

Elektra (female Pikachu)

Aoi (Female Lucario)

Poliwag (Male)

Shelly (Female Cubone)

Metapod (Male)

Pidgeotto (Female)

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