Zanvis || Colors

By fandom4lyf3

13.9K 270 164

[COMPLETE!] *AN: I wanna say the start of this books if cringe and slow, but i've been working on this book f... More



78 2 1
By fandom4lyf3

[ h e a r t   a t t a c k ]

I woke up suddenly when I heard the front door click shut gently. I sprung up and Demon was there immediately to tell me to change into him.
I know.
*changes into demon*
I didn't have anything to fight with yet, but I was headed to the kitchen to grab a knife. I was slinking around waiting for someone to appear and I would jump on them, scratching the hell outta them with my nails but I was relieved to see Gene.
"Oh- Demon jesus christ you scared me-"
"Whe- Where the hell did you go, Gene?! Did you seriously leave Travis and I by ourselves?!"
"I went to make sure Zane was okay- you heard what he said before he stormed out.." Gene gave me a look that I couldn't escape. He knew Travis and I heard every word of what Zane said. It got me thinking about how selfish it would make Travis feel, but Zane had a point. No one knew that we were just wasting away on pills, starting to take codeine once or even twice a day, while their energy is put into us getting better. "Yeah and? Yeah we heard him so what though? It doesn't change our mind at all about him." I let my guard down and slouched, starting to walk back to the bed.
"Now Demon, we both know that isn't true is it? You still love him.."
"Why would we love someone like him?"
Demon w-what are you saying? I heard sober Travis say confused in my head. I didn't want him to figure it out but this was a part of my plan to hopefully get him to realize how dependent we are on Zane, and how much saying hurtful things actually feels wrong... BECAUSE WE STILL LIKE HIM. Hopefully.. As much as I really hate Travis and I being stuck in the same body, he is my host, and if he dies so do I.. it's my job to take care of him whether i want to admit it or not. 
"What do you mean Travis? We broke up with Zane remember? It was your idea anyway. You don't need him anymore so why worry about him?" I said out loud. There was a loud bang on the wall next to me, causing Gene to jump and I to flinch back.
"W-Was that Terry.?" Gene asked nervous.
I nodded and changed back into Travis, know that is what dad would have wanted.
back to Travis being out
"It sounds like he's upset.." I said cowering down. As much as my dad and I were okay with each other he did still hit me a few times while drunk. He was a demon lord, his temper was terrifying.
"Well yeah.. let's be honest Travis, you said you didn't need Zane. He's done so much for you it's unreal. Ow- what the-?" I saw Gene grab his ear, "Im sorry Terry but it's true isn't it? Tell him. Zane has stayed here for days even though they fought, he stayed with him when he was attacked the first time, he's been here making sure you're okay and safe. He's stayed and done nothing but help you, and you don't trust him at all."
"Zane and I are done, Gene. I-I left because I thought he wanted you.. how could he ever take back a slut like me? I told him I wanted nothing to do with him.."
"Travis Valkrum don't you ever say that again! You are not a slut.. It was not your fault that any of this happened you hear me?"
"I guess.." I said going to my room. I shut the door behind me, locking it. I got in the drawer and took out the medicine bottle, I hadn't mentioned it much before but I was on my second one already. I moved on to two a day, or whenever I felt like dying because I felt like the phantoms of the werewolves were touching me constantly. I was never anxious when I took the pills now, I just did it. I flicked the lid open with my thumb, getting two in my hand ready to pop them in my mouth.. but a force of cold air, followed by my hand jerking down wards causing the pills to fall out of my hand startled me. "D-Dad what the hell-? Listen I know you probably don't approve but I don't care." I said picking them up and trying it again. It happened again. "Go away! If you weren't dead you could have stopped me but you aren't here anymore!" I yelled, I didn't give it a second thought, and with that the presence of my father felt missing. I got up, unlocking the door and walking to the kitchen. Gene was in the living room on his phone. I pulled out a beer from the fridge, still in there from my dad, and cracked it open. The noise caught Gene's attention.
"Woah woah woah, what the hell are you doing? Is that a beer?-" I didn't answer. I looked down at the can, ready to take a drink. He stood up shocked as I did. "Travis-- You cant be serious-!" Gene was stuck in his place out of shock. I took a sip and remembered the night I drank with my father. The memories piled in, taking over my head. I saw how we laughed, how he was there for me, how he hugged me when I was broken down at my lowest. I walked away from Gene, stumbling a bit.
"Are you alright-?"
"Im fine.." I said and shut the door behind me again.

a few minutes later I came back out for another one. Gene was still here. Now I was stumbling around because of the alcohol and the pills.
"We can take another one."
Are you sure?
"Why the fuck not?" Demon said, so I did for sure grab another can after Demon confirmed I should have another one.
"Travis are you so sure you should be drinking this much.?"
"Shut up, bro.. why do you even care?" I said with a slur.
"I just worry about you.. you're a tiny guy, your tolerance cant be high.."
"Im fi-ne.." I stuttered. "Now leave me be." I stumbled back to the bedroom.


gene's pov

As Travis left back to his room, I heard footsteps walking towards me. I started panicking because I did not mess with ghosts. A black shadow with glowing purple eyes formed in front of me and I straight up heard Terry's evil voice yell to me. I assumed this was his demon form, almost like Travis's.
"The boy will figure out his stupid mistakes on his own. If you wont be firm with him then leave!" He rushed me, pushing me back.
"W-Woah-! O-Okay okay ill go if that's what you want sir-!" but the front door swung open, and Terry pushed me out just after I grabbed my phone and charger off the counter. I was terrified, a demon lord's ghost just pushed me out of his house so of course I landed on my ass. The door slammed and I sat there for a second in the cold weather on the sidewalk. The only thing I could do now was wait until tomorrow and maybe send Dante over instead. I know Zane wont go over there in the state he's in. So I decided to go home and hope that I wasn't possessed now. I didn't even know if i should tell Zane. Maybe the idea of him knowing Trav was alone would set him off even more, or he wouldn't care and if he didn't there would be nothing i could do to change his mind. Or Terry's for that matter.. i mean he pushed me out. 
And to explain about the other night, i wasn't expecting Zane to kiss me.. It caught me off guard, i thought we had moved past how we hooked up while being under the influence. I had explained to him, as well as i had to Travis, that over sexualizing himself was not going to solve anything. The validation and love he wanted was not going to satisfied with lust.. If i could fix everyone's problems i would but i cant.. I ended up sitting in my bed thinking about everything, smoking a bowl to calm my nerves. Everything that was happening was a lot, for me now too. 


I ran back out of the room, grabbing onto the door frame because being intoxicated. I saw the dark shadow of my father next to the door.
"D-dad-? Holy shit- what's wrong with you? Did you just push Gene out the door?"
"If you dont want help, you don't get any." He said in his evil demon voice and vanished. It really felt like he left the entire vicinity. Now I was totally alone.. No one here to make me feel safe but myself. I went back to the bed and flopped down on it. I reached over for the drawer again and opened the orange bottle, and took another pill. That concluded my night because I got really sleepy and felt sick.
"ugh fuck- I feel like shit, Demon.. hehe" I chuckled after making a face that I was in pain.
"it's because you crossed drugs, idiot. lets go to sleep..."

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