Wrong Number- wdw

By rywwrites

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Kylie accidentally texts Zach when meaning to text her friend. She gets into an argument with her best friend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Quick PSA
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 12

44 2 9
By rywwrites


Corbyn stands in my doorway, frowning and looking like we're heading to a photo shoot. 

Except it's 6:15 in the morning.

"So you gonna tell me what's up with...this?" I gesture to his completely ready-for-the-day appearance, compared to my shirtless torso and basketball shorts. 

Corbyn blinks before looking down at himself. "Oh. Uh yeah, about that...I woke up early and couldn't fall back asleep so I thought why not get ready for the MTV interview early?" He ends the sentence as a question, possibly trying to convince himself that it was the real reason for his being all ready this early in the morning. His brows furrow back into their original frowning position. "Why are you awake Daniel? You usually sleep in unless you got a song inspiration."

I feel my eyes widen slightly. There is not way I'm telling him I've been up almost all night stalking Ibiza's social media accounts. 

I roll my shoulders and shake my head a little. "Just couldn't sleep. Been looking at random crap online." I shrug a little "you know how it goes."

 Corbyn looks at me, his features still positioned in a frown, and I'm sure he's going to call my bluff.

He nod his head. "Oh ok then." He looks at me for a second, his frown only relaxing a little. 

He starts to walk back toward his room before he stops and turns around, "you should get ready. We can take some sunrise pics together for Instagram." He smiles a little. "Might as well be up early and take advantage of gorgeous sunrises."

I return his smile. "Gotcha. Meet you downstairs in 30."

I close my door and lean against it, letting out a whoosh of air. 

Thank God he believed me.

I look over at my phone still laying discarded on my bed, it's screen glowing with a picture of the gorgeous girl I can't stop thinking about. 

Fuck I'm so whipped.



We're not even in the air ten minutes before Kylie is asleep.

I swear that girl can sleep anywhere, any time. 

Her head rolls down and hits my shoulder, pretty hard too. 

"Ow." I mutter, shifting into a more comfortable position, her head still on my shoulder. 

I roll my eyes a little before unpausing my favorite show that I'm rewatching for the 3rd time.

Hey it's really good ok.

I'm only a little obsessed.

It's not even 15 minutes later before I feel something wet in my shoulder.

"Oh no you don't" I say to the sleeping girl, pushing her head up and off my shoulder.

I'm not dealing with her drooling.

Like ew, no thanks. 

I love you but not that much Kylie.

Just kidding.

But seriously. No drooling on me in your sleep.

Wait. No drooling on me ever thank you. 


ANYWAY now I can watch my show in peace. Klaus is about to tell Caroline he fancies her and I can't miss that. 



I'm shaken awake by an enthusiastic blonde, her green eyes sparkling. 

Seeing my eyes open, she lets out a soft squeal and points to a seat a few rows back on the opposite side.

Sleepily I turn my head, trying to get a look at whatever the thing is. 

Probably a cute guy if we're being honest. 

Craning my neck, I lock eyes with one of the most adorable kittens I have ever seen. 

It was very small, curled up in the lap of a little girl, probably about 7 years old. It's fur was sleek and soft looking, a light brown and gray, with dark tabby stripes covering every inch of the small kitten's body, other than it's feet and tip of the tail, which were a bright white. The kittens bright blue eyes were sleepy, blinking open slowly. The little thing must've been given a chamomile treatment before we took off.

Suddenly I'm wide awake, and I let out a soft squeal and look at my best friend, who's eyes are shining. 

"Isn't it adorable??" She whisper screams to me, and I nod my head, resisting the urge to get out of my seat and ask to go hold the little cat.

A bald man in front of us turns to frown at my friend, probably annoyed by her for whatever reason.

Suddenly the little girl holding the cat snaps her eyes up to meet mine. 

She smiles at me, her green eyes glittering with excitement, before poking the woman next to her with matching green eyes, just a little more tired. 

I avert my gaze, not wanting to be a creepy person and go back to staring out the window, watching all the tiny houses beneath me.


I must've drifted off to sleep again because when I woke up it was already 9:30. And we had switched time zones. So it was actually 8:30.

Still basically another 2 hours. Ugh.

Kylie pokes my arm, a slight nervous look on her face. "Finally! You're awake! I forgot to tell you something earlier."

I shrug sleepily "ok, what's up?"

"Um, well, so do you remember the guy I told you about? The one I accidentally texted?"

"Yeah... what about him?"

Kylie takes a deep breath before spilling the words quickly out of her mouth. "So apparently he lives in LA and we're planning to meet up as soon as we land at Chipotle." 

It takes me a second to register her words they came at me so fast, but when I did I immediately felt my facial features screw themselves into a judgmental frown.

"You're planning on meeting up with a complete stranger? And alone?" I ask her quizzically.

Kylie immediately gets defensive, "he's not a complete stranger Rheana. We've been talking for a while now and I really wanna meet him. Hell, he's one of my best friends other than you and Jo."

I let out a resigned sigh. When Kylie puts her mind to doing something it's close to impossible to talk her out of it.


My blonde friend squeals, a wide grin spreading onto her face.

"But I'm coming with you"


Ok well there's the chapter!

It's a little shorter than usual but I like where I ended it off.

Here's a scene I was going to add but couldn't figure out how to transition into the story very well but I couldn't not give to you guys.



The little girl with the kitten poked at her mother's elbow, trying to get her attention.

Her mom's tried eyes focus onto her daughter, who, bright eyed, tells her mom something while waving her and and pointing in mine and Kylie's direction.

I feel my eyes widen slightly and quickly avert my gaze from the two of them.

Kylie nudges my shoulder with hers. "When do you think the snack cart will come by again?" She asks wistfully, staring down the aisle.

"How would I know?" I shrug. "I don't fly all that often."

"There's a call button on your tray. You just need to push it and they will come as quickly as possible."

Surprised, both Kylie and I look up to see the little girl's mother, who was looking at us with a kind smile.

"Thanks!" Kylie says with a bright smile, immediately pressing the button.

I stifle a laugh and turn my gaze back to the woman, and I notice the little girl standing behind her, cuddling her kitten.

"My daughter noticed you guys looking over at us," the woman said with a smile. "She thought you might want to pet Loki, our new kitten."

The little girl pops her head out from around her mother, giving me and Kylie a bright smile. "He's very fluffy and petable!"

Kylie's face lights up. "Could we?" She asks the mother.

He woman laughs, "of course you can. I'm Mary, and this is my daughter Cheyenne. We're going on a mother-daughter trip to Disneyland for her birthday." She steps back to let the little girl carry her kitten forward, and plop him on Kylie's lap.

Kylie squeals, immediately scratching the tiny kitten's ears.

Loki almost smiles, and snuggles more into her lap, turning his belly up a little for some belly rubs.

"Oh happy birthday!" I look at Cheyenne, who thanks me, an excited grin on her face. "I'm Rheana, and this is my friend Kylie. We're visiting some friends in LA for a couple weeks" I respond to Mary with a smile.

I reach over to rub the soft gray and brown belly of the kitten, and a rumbling noise comes from the kitten.

Cheyenne looks at me with a smile. "He likes you."

Just then the small kitten attacks my hand, needle sharp claws latching into my hand, and tiny teeth grasping my thumb, a fierce look on his face.

Despite the jolt of pain, I laugh to myself a little. Cats can never just relax for more than a minute.

I gently remove my hand from Loki's grasp, and he then claws at Kylie, who teases him by wiggling her fingers at him and moving her a hand away when he bats at her.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry about that!" Mary exclaims, looking at the few drops of blood welling on the top of my hand.

I laugh, "no it's completely fine. I'm pretty used to it; I had a kitten when I was growing up too."

Just then a flight attendant comes over, bearing a snack cart. "There was a call?" The red headed attendant asks.

Kylie's attention shifts quickly from the kitten to the food, and Loki take the opportunity to sink his mostly harmless teeth and claws into her hand.

Kylie only frowns for a second before deciding to ignore the kitten. "What do you have?"

The attendant lists off a few items, and Kylie settles for some cookies and a bag of pretzels.

After handing her the snacks, the red haired attendant looks at Mary and Cheyenne. "I'm sorry but you will have to return to your seats now," She tells them.

Saying our goodbyes, the mother daughter duo takes back their adorably vicious kitten, and return to their seats.



Well there ya go.

Deleted scene

Hope you liked the chapter and the bonus material!

If you liked it, make sure to vote and comment, it really keeps up my motivation.


Love you all!

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