¦shinobi and wizards¦ Naruto...

By dantedaeva

109K 4.3K 3K

After the events of the last school year, Dumbledore asks the Hokage for help to protect Hogwarts and Harry P... More

a letter from Dumbledore
an old man with lemon drops
Sasuke in gay panic
buying wands and stuff
the journey to Hogwarts
let me introduce you to...
meeting the trio
patrol and lessons
danger is near
health, fitness & feelings
home is not a place
don't jinx it
Dumbledore's Army
dreams and wager

you're my friend

3.1K 165 114
By dantedaeva

(italics also used to emphasize words or sentences)


"Say,", Hermione snapped her book shut and looked at her two friends, her gaze serious, "did you also notice something suspicious about the exchanges?"

"Come on, 'Mione. We've had this conversation before.", groaned the red head from his seat near the fireplace, burried in pargament and open books.

They were currently in the common room, Hermione having them make their homework early for once to spare them the stress of last minute submissions. The fire was crackling in the fireplace. Harry was starring at the dancing flames rather than finding solutions for his potion homework. The warmth and soft sounds nearly lulled him to sleep, his head falling against the armrest more than once but eyes snapping open as soon as his skin touched the soft cushion.

He was tired. Not necessearily the sleepy kind of tired (even if a good nights sleep was more than welcome), no, the concern about Sirius and the lies that were currently spread about him kept him up. Normally he wouldn't bother correcting any of the things written in the Daily Prophet (because it was the Daily Prophet and anyone smart enough did not believe any of the crap written in there), if it just wouldn't be about the serious issue of Voldemort's return. 

Harry never quite understood how people could be so close minded and stubborn to actually ignore the threat that hovered at the horizon. The ministry of the wizarding world was clearly useless, being the first to deny the rumors of the Dark Lord's return. It bugged Harry greatly and made his blood boil every time someone like Umbridge told him off (not that it only took her mere presence to make him a ticking time bomb ready to explode at any given moment).  

"I'm just saying, Ronald.", muttered Hermoine as if deep in thought, "It's like an itch that i can't scratch. They definitly do not speak the thruth at given times."

"So what about it. Everyone has secrets, don't they?", replied Ron, looking up from his homework for the first time and meeting the determinded gaze of his friend.

"Sure they do, but at these times, with all the threats hanging over our heads, secrets don't seem fitting.", she argued now standing up and pacing around the empty common room.

It was truly a blessing that none of the other students used the space and they had some peace and quite. Ron was ready to continue the conversation with the young witch, when a sudden movement followed by a low hissing from the fireplace catched the attention of the trio. The face of one Sirius Black formed itself in the orange flames, making the three Gryffindors huddle in front the fire, careful to not lean in too far.

"Sirius! What are you doing here?", hissed Harry in a low voice, hoping more than ever that no one came in and interrupted them.

"I just want to check in and hear how you doing. I heard about Umbridge, seems like the ministry does no half assed business.", he said with his face moving around with the fire,

"It's dangerous, what if someone catches you."

Harry felt anxious at the thought of his only remaining family getting taken away from him. Not again, he thought.

"Let that be my concern. Don't worry about me, i'm as safe as i can be, you should look out for yourself. Things do not look good Harry."

"What are we supposed to do?", questioned Hermione, "Umbridge has more and more control over the school as days pass by, Dumbledore's influcens is decreasing constantly and with the ministry trying to shut down any word about Voldemort, it is not helping our case."

"The order is doing what they can. Don't worry about the ministry, we will handle it, better find away to avoid Umbridge.", the frown on Sirius's face is increasing, "I must go, someone's coming."

With that the fire returned to it's original shape, right on time, as footsteps hurried down the stairs from the boys domitry. The kid, probably a first or second year, stopped at the sight of his seniors kneeling so close to the fire before walking towards the exit as fast as his little feet could carry him.

The three of them quickly stood up again. Outside thunder cracked the silence of the night and rain started to pound even harder against the window. Hermione's eyes were focussed on the darkness outside as a bolt of lightning iluminated her face. Harry wasn't sure what he was supposed to make out of her expression as she begann speaking.

"We've got to be able to defend ourselfs."

Ron and Harry locked eyes before turning towards the female once again.

"And how do you think we gonna do this?", asked Ron.

"Umbridge has eyes and ears everywhere in the castle.", reasoned Harry, "And she's not very fond of us Gryffindors. She is gonna hover over us like a hawk, waiting till we make a mistake."

"Then we find a place outside the castle", argued Hermione. She seemed to form the beginning of a plan in her head. "We can't just sit here and do nothing."

Both boys sighned. She was obviously right. Sitting still while the world around them burned to ashes was never an option but it was easier said than done. They were students and while Harry was sure that many others would welcome the idea of protests against Umbridge's system, the risk was high and the garauntee of success slim. He voiced his concern to his friends, the people he could trust to have his back.

"We're gonna need help.", Ron said and directed a knowing look at them.

"Rebelling against Umbridge? Sounds wicked.", the blonde sat on his bed and looked at the two boys infront of him with interest before nodding to himself, "Count me in."

"Wait really?", Harry wanted to know. He was sure that Naruto would be supportive but-

"That was easy.", voiced Ron his exact thoughts.

"How you guys planning on doing it.", asked Naruto curious. He had very little thoughts against their plan, it was in his blood to fight for what was right and doing absolutly nothing while the enemy gathered forces did not sit right with him.

"Well, 'Mione's talking with Sakura right now."

"That won't be a problem. I'm positive that Sakura-chan will not back down from this challenge."

"Great. We want to collect as many students as we can, from different houses and years. If we want this to be successful we can't cut short in numbers. The more the merrier."

"I'm gonna talk with Sasuke tomorrow, if you don't mind." It was no question, Naruto's tone let them know that no was not an answer for him. Still, Ron voiced his concern.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? Not because i don't trust him or anything, it's just that Slytherins never back down from a chance to, y'know-", Ron gestured around with his hand, clearly uncomfortable with what he was saying before shutting his mouth.

Naruto just chuckled at the others reasoning, "Believe me when i say that any secret is save with Sasuke. I know that he looks far from trustworthy and can behave like a real dick, but he is one of the realest friends you'll ever get. Bringing him in is the right thing to do."

"Then we'll do it like that.", said Harry after shacking himself out of shock at the others sincern words, "We should head to bed now. It's been a long day."

Ron instantly let himself fall on his bed and stretched across the cushions while letting out a big yawn that seemed to swallow all matter within a radius of thirty centimeters. Harry just begann changing out of his uniform while Naruto, already in t-shirt and sleeping pant, burried himself under the warm duvets. A long night lay before him, consisting of walking up and down the school grounds and checking in with Sasuke. While the amount of shadow clones he creates is quite helpful for the task of patrolling, the loss of chakra in combination with early rising and lessons the next morning make him grumpy and so-not-ready for anything.

"Not even a few weeks into the mission and you're already starting a rebellion. Shouldn't really be suprised now, should i?"

The question was obviously rhetorical and Sasuke one hundred percent didn't want to hear an answers as he turned away from the younger and begann stalking down the dark corridor. Naruto still decided to shrug, not counting it as a real reply before following the moody teen on his task.

"I know that you agree with this, do not dare pretending otherwise."

"Didn't say i wouldn't do it. Someone has to look out for your dumb ass, dobe.", the Uchiha kept his tone indifferent which had Naruto roll his eyes.

"Oh please, we all know you love my ass."

It was meant to be a joke, obvisously. What else could it possibly mean. Sasuke wouldn't even try to understand the others reasoning behind saying this. Yet, the pink dust on the tip of his ears made him swear mentally, all while the reason for his embarrassment strutted past him, continuing the walk towards the stair case.

"Stop saying stuff like this, usuratonkachi.", grunted and tried to inconspicuos fix his hair so it covered parts of his still blushing ears.

For a while they both walked in silence. From time to time one of the many moving portraits complained about the two of them marching by, supposingly waking them up from their slumber. Sasuke asked himself how they were sleeping if they, theoretically, weren't even alive, but left it in the unknown. The one time he started a conversation with someone who wasn't one of his teammates, made him regret his choice immediately. He just couldn't stand the blond prick drilling his eyes into Naruto.

"You know,", Naruto hesitatingly broke the silence between them, "come to think of it, i never thanked you."

Sasuke haltered in his steps. Where did that come from?, he asked himself. Naruto was never one to get sentimental too often and with the choice of words and the way he said them so carefully while his eyes were down casted made something pull at his heart strings.

"What you could possible thank me for?", he didn't mean for it to come out as a sneer, yet Naruto did not seem to care when he straightened his prosture as if to prepare himself and looked him directly in the eyes.

Holding eye contact never was a problem of his. His mother used to do it every time she suspected him of telling a lie, as if she could look into his very  soul to find the truth there. Come to think of it, she probably could. But with the way the blue eyes seemed to hypnotize him, made him look away. Was this how people felt when i used the Sharingan on them?

"Everything." The sincernity in Naruto's words nearly knocked the air out of his lungs. Sasuke had no idea how to reply and as if sensing his friends struggle he set himself to speak again.

"You came back. After you left, everybody told me that it had no use to chase after you. Told me it was a waste of time and that, even if i were to find you, i could not give you a change of heart.", his voice was barely above a whisper now. 

"I never understood why you would bend the skies just to get me back to the village.", Sasuke admitted. His throat suddenly felt like sand paper, too raw and dry, like a thirsty man in the desert.

"I told you before, you are my friend. One of the only people who never saw me as a  monster. You saw who slumbers inside me with your own eyes, yet you never treated me like an outcast because i'm a jinchuuriki."

"It is quite difficult to see you as a threat when you can't even remember a simple code word."

The rarety of this moment was what made Sasuke regret the words in an instant. They were not meant to be rude. For the first time, his words weren't supposed to cut but the uncertainty was what made him fidgy. And he didn't like it, not one bit. The Uchiha was used to being in control over his own emotions and action. 

But Naruto just chuckled at his words, not denying them, knowing that he was forgettable at times.

"That is what i have you for. And Sakura-chan and Kakashi-sensei. Even if you don't say it or show it, i know that you care about me." The smile that accompanied his words made Sasukes mind go all fuzzy. It was all teeth, the whiskers bending on his cheeks as his eyes turned into crescents.

Sasuke could not take it any longer and turned his black bottomless eyes away from him. All of a sudden the stones of the wall seemed fascinating and he seriously considered punching himself for the vulnerability he felt right now. He was never good at holding conversations, especially the type they were having at the moment. The baring of Narutos feelings, something about the way he could read between the lines of Sasukes actions and words, made him content.

What would i do if he would not be by my side?

 Sasuke had asked himself this question before, on the many sleepless nights he spent back in his bare apartment in Konoha. With most of the furniture still the same, the Uchiha crests on the wall above his bed and the old framed dusty picture of team 7 on his half filled drawer. He felt haunted, every time he lay alone, by the terrors that were his life. He thought about the what if's, unhealthy to do but better than confronting the sights his nightmares held ready for him. 

More than often he strolled down the empty streets of the village with the moon and few street lights being the only sources of light. And even more often than he would ever admit, Sasuke found himself standing infront of a familiar building. Most of the windows were dark but the one that mattered the most nearly always had it's light on. Shining brightly and guiding.

He never went up the flight of stairs to knock on Naruto's door. He felt like he shouldn't without a reasonable explaination for his visit other than the 'I can't sleep and wanted to see you because you are the only reason i'm staying' type of shit.

"You are are my best friend, of course i care."

Sasuke didn't say it loud, it was merely a whisper under his breath, but he knew that Naruto heard every word by the way his breath seemed to hitch before he giggled. "Just when i think i figured out the complex mind of yours, you come and suprise me once again."

"My mind is a dark place, you don't want to be there."

"I believe that is my decision to make, don't you think?", the innocent and care free tone made Sasuke lift the corners of his mouth.

"Let's go, dobe. The castle ground won't patrol itself." That seemed to pop the little bubble they were in and made Naruto groan in response.

"I would trade my kidney to be able to lie in my bed right now.", the blonde whined as he rubbed his eyes.

"Stop your dramatics. Now go before i tell Kakashi that you thought about ditching."

"You wouldn't dare.", gasped the younger at his companion, "Where is the sentimental Sasuke from seconds ago. I would like him back, he's so much nicer than you, teme."

Instead of replying to the shinobis obvious provocation, the raven haired teen turned away and vanished down the hallway towards his operation zone.

"Bastard.", muttered Naruto with no real bite in his voice before also taking off.

A yawn escaped his mouth before he could stop himself. The sound of his loud intake of air overtuned Professor Snapes monotonous voice as the potion master rambled on and on about the ingredients of a potion Naruto already forgot the name of. Who the hell gives them these weird latin names anyway. 

"Mr. Uzumaki, if you would kindly shut your mouth. I do not desire to look down your oral cavity.", interrupted Snape his lesson to turn towards the blue eyed boy.

"I'm sorry, professor.", he declared and tried to muster all the sincerity he could find within his body.

The professor merely sneered at him and his apology before continuing with todays lesson. Potions was not one of Naruto's strengths, he knew that by the time the first half of their first ever potions class was over and he understood exactly nothing the teacher spoke about. But he didn't really mind. To balance his absent knowledge in potions, he bloomed in transfiguration and charms, even in divination he wasn't half bad and the teacher took a liking to him, maybe a bit crazy but genuine.

So with no interest in the class and a sluggish mind he tried his best to keep his eyelids from dropping shut and letting himself lull to sleep with low voices and bubbling cauldron on the teachers desk. With the patrol ending a bit later than planned after a fall out with a ghost named Peeves, who drove the Uzumaki up the wall, he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the soft pillow. And while the bed was quite nice, he missed his own back in his apartment in Konoha. It may be not as big as the one here but he had it since the beginning of time and it brought him a sense of comfort.


The sudden shout of Harry's name snapped Naruto out of his sleepy mindset and back to reality, where he still sat in the muffy classroom down in the dungeons. He quickly turned his head towards his new friend to see what made Snape so furious, only to meet a sheepish looking Harry with an overflowing cauldron in front of him.

"Did i say to use the cauldron, Potter!", Snape didn't even say it as a question.

"No, professor. I'm sorry, i don't know how it happend."

Snape obviously didn't buy any of it and while he kept his face as passive as possible, the rest of his body was tense and ready to pounce at Harry and strangle him as soon as he dared to speak another word.

"You are going to stay behind and clean that up. And while your at it, you can do the other desks too. Maybe that will be a lesson for you.", Snape snapped and turned back to the board where a list of the ingredients was written down by a floating piece of chalk.

Today was most definitly not Harry's day. First he overslept and didn't manage to make it to breakfast on time and while he was grateful for the small amout of food Ron stuffed into the pocket of his cloak to give it to him before the lesson begann, it was not enough to keep him running till lunch. And now not even that will work out as he was too busy scrubbing the remains of the insides of his cauldron from the desk. 

As much as he dragged to sponge over the surface, the stuff was persistent and it made him scrowl.

"Why don't you just use a spell to clean this up. Aren't you supposed to be a wizard, Potter?"

Harry prided himself in not flinching when the voice of Draco Malfoy sounded from the classroom door. He turned his head towards the platinum blonde Slytherin and gave him the most unimpressed look he could muster.

"And tell me how exactly i am supposed to do that without my bloody wand, Malfoy."

Snape confiscated his wand till he was finished with his punishment (for something he didn't even do but it's not like the professor would listen to him). He really tried not to think about his friends sitting in the Great Hall (after getting kicked out of the classroom for wanting to help), eating delicious food while he was playing maid. 

Harry signed as he realised that Malfoy did not plan on saying something soon and decided to ask instead, "What do you want, Malfoy? If you will just stand there and watch for your amusement than you can kindly sod off."

"No, that's not-", he cleared his throat and looked everywhere exept Harry, "That's not why i'm here."

"And why are you then? Because i can not think of any other logical reason for you to be here.", Harry replied before turning back to the desk and the troublemaker stain and started scrubbing again. He was so concentrated when he noticed that the stain slowly became less, that he didn't see Malfoy suddenly standing next to him before it was too late. Harry flinched violently and accidently knocked over the bucket standing beside him, resulting in all the insides emptying on the desk and floor.

"Bloody hell!", he cursed and quickly kneeled down to soak up as much water as he could. It nearly reached his bagpack sitting beside the desk and Harry already saw himself begging Hermione for drying charms, too scared that he sets them on fire by accident. But before any of that could become reality, the water vanisched inside the bucket again as if nothing happend.

Harry looked at the bucket and then at Malfoy who had his wand out, previously outstretched hand now hanging losely by his side.

"Thanks.", Harry mumbled, still shocked by the act of kindness from none other than Draco Malfoy.

"No problem. That was my fault, shouldn't have startled you.", he explained while scratching the back of his neck nervously. He then seemed to remember something because he quickly searched through his cloak pockets. Finding what he wanted, he extracted a small paper bag and handed it to Harry with a hesistant smile on his lips.

Harry just looked at Malfoys hand with the paper bag in wonder before taking it slowly. As soon as the bag left Malfoy's hand, said boy hurried out the classroom not once looking back.

The Gryffindor curiously looked inside the paper bag and found a small ration of todays lunch inside, still warm probably thanks to a charm. He looked from the bag to the door, where he had last seen Malfoy, and back at the food again. His mind was a big mess, many thoughts swirling around but none of them making sense.

It took the chatter of some students passing by to snap Harry out of his thought and make him realise the smile stretching across his lips.

What's this? Me being back with an update after so long?

I really wanted to write a scene between Naruto and Sasuke. i hope it's not too obvious that i have no idea how to express feelings and hold a conversation.

Anyway, i hope you liked this chapter!


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