Mahabharat: What if

By MK_Williams

78.3K 2.7K 246

What if Duryodhan never helped Karn but instead insulted him? After Kunti abandoned Karn, Karn was taken by a... More

Getting ready
Maharthi Karn
About the Chakravyuh
Mata's secret
Mata's story
The welcoming feast
Pitamaha's story
Gurudev's gurudakshina
Mata's advise
Duryodhan's decision
Drupad's defeat
Yudhisthir's vow
Subhadra's prank on me
Rukmini's letter
Abducting Rukmini
Bhrata Yudhisthir's letter
The palace of mirrors
Escaping from the lakshagraha
Life as Brahmins
The birth of Dhrishtadyumn and Draupadi
Entering the illusory forest
Exiled from Kampilya!
Sacrificing myself
Nirjara AKA Hidimba
The return to Kampilya
Bhrata Bheem to be raja of the rakshaso
Bhrata Bheem's vivah
Birth of Ghatotkach
Bholenath ka varadan (Lord Shiva's boon)
Arjun's identity revealed to Draupadi
Draupadi's Swayamvar
Mata's impossible order
Narad Muni's advise
Govind's promise
Kaunteys in Hastinapur
Draupadi proves her innocence
Weapon raised in the court
Pitamaha's decision
We will take Khandavprasth and Ang.
Jyesht's truth revealed to Aryaverth. And the rajyabhishek.
Leaving to Khandavprasth and Ang.
Attack of the serpents and duel with pitashree Indr
Agni dev's gift and Indraprasth
Vrushali's return and her welcoming feast
Jyesht and My exile
Birth of Jagmohini and Janamejay
Jyesht and I arrive at Dwarka
Subhadra and Vrushali's wish
Subhadra and Vrushali marry Karn and Arjun
Panchali's objection and forgiveness
Happy Holi and good news
Madhav's suggestion
A challenge to Jarasandh
The decision of the Rajsuyyajna

Discovering the truth of the lakshagraha

1K 42 6
By MK_Williams

Nakul's P.O.V.

Jyesht, bhrata Yudhisthir, bhrata Bheem and Sahadev were putting on the jewellery. While I was setting my clothes, jewellery and hair but I couldn't see myself properly through the mirror as it was dark. I looked at another mirror, I went to it and changed its angle illuminating the whole chamber, I went back to my mirror and set my clothes, jewellery and hair

"Kul!" I heard bhrata Bheem call, I ignored him

"Which damsel awaits you at Varnavat that you are grooming yourself so much? I have heard that the rakshsiya are present in forests. Not the rajkumariya." he said and laughed, Sahadev laughed as well, Jyesht and bhrata Yudhisthir chuckled

"In fact, I suggest that you look into the mirror too, bhratashree. Have you ever thought what would happen if a rakshsi falls in love with you?" I said and laughed Sahadev laughed as well

"Nakul! I-"

"Bheem!" called Jyesht, we all looked at him

"Mata is waiting, we should get going." he said

"You always save him, Jyesht" said bhrata Bheem, he looked at me I stuck out my tongue

In the temple

Yudhisthir's P.O.V.

The priests finished the shlok. One of them gave me a pot of milk. I looked a Mata, she saw looking around for Arjun

"Maa." I called, she looked at me

"It's time for the puja." I said

"But Arjun isn't here yet. Let us wait a while for him." said she said I smiled

"Maa, Jun will be here soon. Let's just begin the puja." I said Mata looked at me

"Very well." she said, I stretched the pot on top of the shiv ling Mata, Bheem, Nakul and Sahadev stretched their hands and touched the pot

and the Arjun's hand touched the pot

We all looked at him he smiled, we smiled back. We poured the milk I put ghee on the shiv ling

after we finished the puja

"Long live the sons of Pandu! Long live the sons of Pandu! Glory to Maharaj Pandu! Glory to Maharaj Pandu! Glory to Maharaj Pandu! Glory to Maharaj Pandu! Glory to Maharaj Pandu!" yelled the citizens as we walked to pitashree's statue. We saw two das carrying a bag and a messenger from Hastinapur coming to us the das put the bag down, the messenger kneeled down

"Pranipat, yuvraj. Pranipat, Maharani ji." said the messenger and got up

"Yuvraj, the maha mantri has sent you all this present." said the messenger gesturing at the bag. We all looked at it confused

Arjun's P.O.V.

"Yuvraj, the maha mantri has sent you all a present." said the messenger gesturing at the bag. We all looked at it confused. Why has Kakashree sent a gift here? I thought

"What is this, messenger?" asked bhrata Yudhisthir

"This is a bag of rice." said the messenger

"Did he not send jaggery and ghee along?" asked bhrata Bheem, we all looked at him,

"I could have made an excellent kheer if he did." he said, we all chuckled shaking our heads

"If you soak the rice overnight, and fry it in the ghee in the morning and then add jaggery to it, it makes for an excellent kheer, Mata." he said, we all smiled and then stopped smiling as we a something moving in the rice bag. I walked forward and opened the bag to see what it was. And a mouse came out.

We all smiled again, we all had gotten scared for no reason. But it seemed the mouse was more scared than us it immediately jumped into Nakul's hands; he loved all kinds of animals and kinds of animals loved him. He stoked the mouse

"Ha! There was a mouse in the bag of rice. Bhrata Bheem's kheer became impure even before it was made." said Sahadev, bhrata Bheem frowned

"Nothing becomes impure because of an innocent creature, Dev. Only human can make things impure, with their deeds." said Nakul we smiled and nodded

"But why did Kakashree send this mouse as a gift?" I asked

"I don't think he meant to send us a mouse." said bhrata Bheem I looked at him

"It must have stumbled into the bag." he said I looked at bhrata Yudhisthir and Mata, they both looked worried

"Yes. I'm sure that rice is not available here, hence, this was sent from Hastinapur, for the rajkumar." I said Mata smiled. I looked at bhrata Yudhisthir and I shook my head slightly telling him Don't worry them. He nodded slightly

"Is there any message, messenger?" he asked

"He told to keep in mind that even if one grain of rice falls to the ground it can manifest itself in hundreds in the future." said messenger

After sunset

Nakul was looking at himself in the mirror stroking the mouse. Jyesht, bhrata Bheem and Sahadev were playing chausar. I was telling bhrata Yudhisthir about Madhav

"Madhav shaved Rukmi's head with his chakra. Now he won't try to mess with Dwaraka." I said looking at bhrata Yudhisthir he was looking at Nakul stroking the mouse

"What's the worry, bhratashree?" I asked

"Not worried. I was wondering why Kakashree sent a mouse. What is he trying to tell us?" asked bhrata Yudhisthir, bhrata Bheem got up then Jyesht and Sahadev got up.

"I'm sure he's trying to tell Kul, that no matter how much the mouse stands in front of the mirror it won't become any beautiful." said bhrata Bheem, we all laughed even Jyesht and bhrata Yudhisthir laughed

"Leave the mirror alone. Don't you get tired, looking at yourself." said bhrata Bheem, Nakul turned around

"What's there to get tired, bhratashree?" he chuckled

"Even you look at yourself in the mirror, when you have the time." he said stoking the mouse

"I look at my arms." said bhrata Bheem showing his muscles

"Han, tho jeske pas jo dekne yogya hota hai, wo ussi ko to dektahe(Yes, one looks at what he possesses.)" said Nakul, bhrata Bheem lowered his hands

"Ub aap ka mook tho dekhne yogya hai nahi(Now your face is not worth looking at.)" said Nakul we all laughed other than bhrata Bheem he looked at me

"Jun's face was worth looking at," he said, I stopped laughing

"when he dressed up as a girl." he said they all laughed

"Our Mata will be sad, to know that the one who is known as the strongest man in the world," I said, bhrata Bheem put ing his hand on his hips smirking proudly

"he sits in the kitchen and cooks." I said, he stopped smirking

"Just like a beautiful and graceful bahu. (Daughter-in-law)" I said, we all laughed other than bhrata Bheem

"Arjun!" snapped bhrata Bheem and walked towards me I made a scared face

"Bhrata Bheem... bhrata Bheem! bhrata Bheem! bhrata Bheem! bhrata Bheem!" I said, he interlocked his and mine trying to wrestle.

"Bhrata Bheem!" I yelled as he pushed me down and laughed

"Bheem," said bhrata Yudhisthir we all looked at him bhrata Bheem stopped laughing

"Go and see whether the food is cooked or not." he said. Jyesht, Nakul, Sahadev and I started laughing again

"Bhratashree, you too?!" said bhrata Bheem, bhrata Yudhisthir smiled

"No, no, It's nothing like that. It's time for dinner, that's why I asked you. Go." he said

"C'mon Dev" said bhrata Bheem

"I'll come too" said Jyesht

"Go, bhrata Bheem, cook the food." I said and laughed as I got up to my feet

Time skip

Karn's P.O.V.

We went into the kitchen and saw Purochan pouring something in a vessel

"Purochan!" said Bheem, Purochan looked up alarmed, Bheem, Sahadev and I exchanged looks

"What... What is it, rajkumar?" asked Purochan

"What are all of you doing?" I asked

"W-We are..." Purochan trailed

"We are preparing tonight's meal." said his wife

"Y-Yes." said Purochan, we walked in

"It is way past dinner time. And you are still preparing?" said Bheem

"Indeed, Prince. We shall serve the meal right away. You proceed to the dining chamber." said Purochan, we exchanged looks again. What is he hiding? I thought, we walked forward

"You do not follow any order given to you, Purochan." said Bheem

"W- What, rajkumar?" asked Purochan

"We had told you to construct a kitchen inside the rajbhavan but you have not yet done it." said Bheem

"I made a mistake. I made a mistake, rajkumar. I shall have one made tomorrow without fail." said Purochan, we walked to the door then I stopped remembering, Nakul's mouse will have kheer let's take some for it. I thought

"Bheem, Dev, wait." I called they turned around

"Let's take some kheer, for Kul's mouse." I said

"Yeah, or else he'll bring it with him to the dining chamber and Mata won't have her meal." said Sahadev

"Yes," they said agreeing we turned back around

"Purochan, bring a small bowl, and give us some of the khee..." I stopped as we saw the kheer there was some green liquid

Bheem, Sahadev and I touched it and smelt it, It smelled like poison. I thought, we three exchanged looks again

"What on earth is this?!" asked Bheem angrily

"This substance is excellent for digestion, rajkumar. That is why it is used while preparing kheer." said Purochan mixing it with the kheer

"The meal shall not stink. Not one bit." said Purochan's wife

"Alright. Make sure the taste is not bad." said Bheem

"Purochan, bring a small bowl, and give us some of the kheer." I said

"Yes. mahrthi Karn" said Purochan

"Purandiri." he said

"What? Oh yes." said Purochan's wife, she took a small bowl and took some kheer and filled the bowl and gave it to Purochan

"Here you go." he said giving it to me

In the hallway

I looked at Sahadev he looked tensed

"What happened, Dev? Why are you so tensed?" I asked, Sahadev didn't reply

"Are you hungry like me?" asked Bheem

"No bhrata Bheem, No one can ever have an appetite like yours." said Sahadev, Bheem laughed, I chuckled.

"But... But something ashubh is going to happen. I have such a poorva-bhas." said Sahadev, I looked at him worried

"Purochan's wife prepares the meals. It is bound to be ashubh. Who knows what, what, she adds to the meals. I feel Purochan's entire family is ashubh. What kind of rajbhavan have they constructed? It looks stunning, but, the entire rajbhavan reeks." said Bheem

"We should ask Purochan about it." said Sahadev turning around, Bheem held him by the shoulder stopping him

"After having our meal. Once I see the meal, I cannot control myself." said Bheem

"Come, Dev. let's go and call Sthir, Jun and Kul." I said

"And if you do not reach on time, I shall begin eating, Jyesht." said Bheem

"Avashya, bhratashree. You may begin eating. Besides, you eat for ek prahar. (three hours) And we end up just sitting there waiting for you." said Sahadev and Bheem laughed, I chuckled.

In the dining chamber

Bheem's P.O.V.

I saw dishes full of delicacies. Purochan, his wife and one of his sons were standing at the door

"Purochan." I called

"W-What is it, rajkumar?" he asked

"Come on. Quickly serve the meal." I said licking my lips

"But rajkumar, the yuvraj and Maharani are not yet here." said Purochan

"They will be here. Just serve the meal." I said

"But rajkumar, forgive me. How can you begin eating without Maharani?" said Purochan

"She has ordered me to begin eating without her." I said

"But rajkumar, we have prepared quite a feast today. If you eat with your family, it will give us great joy." said Purochan's wife, I frowned, got up and walked to Purochan

"Give me that. I will eat not only with her but also after she is done." I said taking the bowl kheer from Purochan I smelled it to see if the green liquid's smell was still there I sighed in satisfaction

"Place the other vessels over there." I ordered pointing at a corner

"Yes, rajkumar." said Purochan

"Mata! Jyesht! I am waiting for all of you!" I yelled

Nakul's P.O.V.

I was stroking my mouse, he really restless

"How odd." I said bhrata Yudhisthir and bhrata Arjun looked at me

"Every animal feels calm in my presence, but, why is he so restless?" I said

"Kul." called Jyesht as he and Sahadev entered our chamber

"Maybe your mouse is hungry. Here, we got some kheer for him." said Jyesht handing me a bowl of kheer.

"Bhrata Jun, Mata must be waiting for us to come and have our meal." said Sahadev, bhrata Arjun stood up

"Why? Bhrata Bheem, won't wait for us?" he asked, Jyesht, bhrata Arjun, Sahadev and I laughed

"Kul." called bhrata Yudhisthir we all looked at him

"Come for dinner after feeding your mouse." he said I nodded, Jyesht, bhrata Yudhisthir, bhrata Arjun and Sahadev started walking to the chamber door I brought the bowl closer to my mouse mouth he smelled it and looked away

"But he refuses to eat! How odd!" I said Jyesht, bhrata Yudhisthir, bhrata Arjun and Sahadev stopped walking

"Where do you wish to go, little guy?" I asked my mouse, Jyesht, bhrata Yudhisthir, bhrata Arjun and Sahadev turned around

Arjun's P.O.V.

"Where do you wish to go, little guy?" Nakul asked his mouse, Jyesht, bhrata Yudhisthir, Sahadev and I turned around

"Maybe he is restless to fulfil the task it came here for." I said

"Then we will know why Kakashree sent us a mouse." said bhrata Yudhisthir

"Kul, let him go. Let's see where he goes." I said Nakul let the mouse go, it crawled to what looked like paint and Nakul's mouse walked over it. I walked to it, bent and touched it. It is wax! I thought in shock, Nakul walked over and looked at it

"What is this, bhrata Jun?" he asked I stood up, Jyesht, bhrata Yudhisthir and Sahadev walked over to us

"Wax has been used in this rajabhavan instead of bricks." I said looking at Jyesht and bhrata Yudhisthir they looked shocked. I looked at Nakul and Sahadev, they looked confused.

"Do you not know Kul? That wax is extremely flammable. Along with wax, this bhavan is made with dried grass, ghee and cotton. If this bhavan catches fire everything will get burnt within dou prahar." I said

"But why?" asked Nakul

"This is a shadayantr." I said, Jyesht, bhrata Yudhisthir, Nakul and Sahadev looked shocked


Kunti's P.O.V.

"Pranipat, Maharani ji." said Purochan joining his hand and bending as I entered the dining chamber.

"Kalyan ho." I said raising my hand, I walked to a stool and sat down

"Pranipat, Mata," said Bheem joining his hand

"Kalyan ho, Bheem." I said and sat down

"Where are Karn and your brothers?" I asked

"Mata, instead of having a meal with me, my brothers find feeding their mouse more interesting." said Bheem and laughed clapping his hands I chuckled

"Bheem, you may begin eating. I shall wait for the rest of them." I said

"Alright, Mata." he said and had some jalebi

Arjun's P.O.V.

"This is a shadayantr." I said, Jyesht, bhrata Yudhisthir, Nakul and Sahadev looked shocked

"This is a scheme to burn us alive in the bhavan." I said

Kunti's P.O.V.

"Purandiri, seek permission from Maharani to go and get more food from the kitchen." said Purochan

"You have my permission. You may go and get it." I said they left the chamber

Arjun's P.O.V.

"This is a scheme to burn us alive in the bhavan." I said

"Let's go. We need to discuss this with Mata." said Jyesht

"But I do not understand, Jyesht. What must have Duryodhan thought about this bhavan? If this bhavan is torched, will we not be able to escape? Is he a fool?" said Nakul

"You and bhrata Jun can extinguish an entire forest fire using a single Varunastr." he said I looked at Nakul's mouse. It had died after eating the kheer Kul is going to be sad. But I have to tell him. I thought

"He might not have thought about it." said Jyesht

"He did." I said they all looked at me

"He has thought of everything, Jyesht." I said

"Look." I said gesturing at Nakul's dead mouse, Jyesht, bhrata Yudhisthir, Nakul and Sahadev looked at it Sahadev walked to it

"The mouse died after eating the kheer." he said I looked at Nakul he had teared up I put my hand on his shoulder and hugged him

"It's not your fault, Kul." I said comforting him, he hugged me back

"No, bhrata Jun, it is my fault. I should've tried the kheer before giving it to him" he said I suddenly pulled away

"No! If you tried the kheer before giving it to him then you would've died." I said

"Wait." said Jyesht

"Bheem and Mata are in the dining chamber what if they eat it they don't know it is poisoned." said he

"It won't affect bhrata Bheem but it will affect Mata." I said we started running to the dining chamber.

Kunti's P.O.V.

"Mata," called Bheem I looked at him

"begin eating. They must be on their way." he said with his mouth full

"No, let them arrive." I said

"At least, allow me to feed you some kheer, Mata." he said I smiled

"No, Bheem. You have it. Besides, a Mata eats only after her children are done eating." I said

"No, Mata. You must allow me to feed you some kheer." said Bheem with his mouth still full

"Alright. feed me." I said he smiled and took some kheer in a bowl and then in his hand and stretched his hand I opened my mouth and he took his hand back

"But I have a fear, Mata. When you feed me, I feel satiated. What if I feel satiated upon feeding you?" he asked, I laughed

"That is impossible, my Vrikodar. If that happens, I shall not be able to eat when you feed me. And I have committed no sin that I should be punished this harshly. Now, feed me!" I said, he smiled and took some kheer in his hand he stretched his hand, I opened my mouth

Arjun's P.O.V.

I saw bhrata Bheem was going to feed the kheer to Mata. I rushed to them and pushed bhrata Bheem's hand. He and Mata looked at me angrily

"Arjun!" Mata exclaimed standing up

"Why did you do that?!" scolded Mata loudly slapping me, Jyesht, bhrata Yudhisthir, Nakul and Sahadev ran into the dining chamber

"That kheer has been poisoned, Mata!" said Jyesht, Mata looked at him horrified

"Yes, Mata. Kul's mouse died upon eating it." said Sahadev, then Mata looked back at me with tears in her eyes I lowered me head

"Arjun... I'm so sorry... I raised my hand at you... I'm so sor-" I put my hand on Mata's mouth stopping her

"No, Mata you didn't know." I said and hugged her she hugged me back, I pulled away.

"Mata, we have to leave. This bhavan can get torched any moment." I said

"I don't understand!" exclaimed bhrata Bheem

"Bhratashree, this bhavan is made with wax This is a Lakshagraha. Poisoning all of us first and then torching this bhavan was all part of a scheme! So that everyone thinks that we died in an accident." I said


"This is not the time to talk, bhrata Bheem. We must first catch that Purochan!" I interrupted bhrata Bheem

"And then we will take him to Hastinapur." I said he nodded

"Let's go. Let's go, Mata." I said

In the hallway

"Never imagined that bhrata Duryodhan would try to kill us!" said Sahadev

"You couldn't imagine such a thing, Dev?! Then your power of imagination is very weak! Did you forget?! He had poisoned me!" said bhrata Bheem we came into a chamber exiting the hallway.

"But we were children back then. Children do many things without thinking straight. How could he do it now?" said Sahadev

"Dev, he planned to crush me under falling rocks. Do you think he was a child then?!" I said

"I will crush that Duryodhan's head, Jyesht, It is said that when death approaches a deer, it makes its way to a lion's den on its own. I think, Duryodhan's death is very near to him." said bhrata Bheem

"Bhrata Bheem is right, Jyesht. If we do not draw our weapons even now then we will be termed as cowards and weaklings." said Nakul

"Just give us the order, Jyesht! we await it!" said bhrata Bheem

"Do not give them any order, Karn." We heard Mata say, we stopped and turned around saw that she had stopped walking with us, we walked forwarder

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