Harry Potter and the Exchange...

By ridikkuluswriters

679 132 26

Book 1 - ✔ *** A new year at Hogwarts with surprises, Harry and their friends are in year #3 and the school i... More

Authors' Notes
Chapter #1 Welcome to Hogwarts!
Chapter #2 New Friends?
Chapter #3 Reconecting
Chapter #4 M.M
Chapter #5 Secrets
Chapter #6 Page 394
Chapter #7 Control it
Chapter #9 Those two
Chapter #10 Old Moon Mansion
Chapter #11 Ruined Roses
Chapter #12 Myles's Room
Chapter #13 Safe box
Chapter #14 Something there?
Chapter#15 Winter Ball
Chapter #16 Winter Ball (continued)
Chapter #17 Flowers and Wiggentrees
Chapter #18 Noom Sleym
Chapter #19 Secret Santa
Chapter #20 Chess and fainting
Chapter #21 Marauders Map
Chapter #22 Secret Godfather
Chapter #23 Happiest Memory
Chapter #24 Sirius is in Hogwarts
Chapter #25 Missing Rat
Chapter #26 Fights and Dog bites
Chapter #27 Peter Pettigrew
Chapter #28 The Moon is pretty isn't it?
Chapter #29 We can't be seen
Chapter #30 See you soon

Chapter #8 To Tell or not to Tell?

28 5 0
By ridikkuluswriters

"I thought it was water, oh well look at that... Now I'm not lying ask me anything."

Harry's perspective  

Winter break is coming and Audrie and Charlotte are already getting tested to see if they are going to stay in Hogwarts. Hermione, Ron, and I are hoping they stay but we are acting normal. Audrie came and sat with us and said

"I need to be calm because I know I passed right...RIGHT?"

"Yeah calm down, I'm sure we passed"

Charlotte said she seemed way calmer than Audrie. She seems to pass her mind off the trip, which clearly didn't happen to me so I said

"So that trip to Hogsmeade was weird wasn't it?"

"Ugh Harry leave it"

Charlotte grabbed her book and went away, Audrie rolled her eyes and said

"You shouldn't be asking about that much, besides after the test we are supposed to choose if we want to stay so perhaps you should stop stressing her out"

"Audrie is right mate, we should just be nice to her if we want her to stay" 

Ron said like he saw what I saw, I'm going to leave it for now.

Audrie's perspective

I have been thinking about what Charlotte said about professor Lupin being you know, a werewolf since it makes sense, but I'm a bit scared because as Hermione said they could even kill their best friend, who wouldn't be scared of that?

After class, I went looking for Hermione to help me search about it, Charlotte was too stressed to search as she literally shouted

"LEAVE ME ALONE, I'm trying to study for the stupid test!"

After that incident, I obviously went to the library because Hermione is always there, I believe that if she could, she'll buy a bed next to the history section, which I could do it myself as well... But sadly we can't. As I saw her I walked-ran towards the table and said


I sat next to her she later responded 


"Um I need your help"

"With what?"

"Char has this great theory that maybe... Professor Lupin is a werewolf because his boggart was a full moon and lots of other stuff that really helps the theory"

"So you need me to search if it might be true"

"YES, I mean yes"

"Sure I believe there might be something in the history section come"

After half hour of coming and going for books and then looking for werewolves, I finally found something that might help.

"Okay here it says many werewolves' boggart is the full moon because of their transformation, it scares them the thought of having to transform again"

"That makes sense, Audrie now that we know professor Lupin is a werewolf, what are we going to do with that are we going to rat him out, or what?"

What Mione was asking made sense, I believe Char's intention is to rat him out I bet it was just to make sure we didn't get hurt by him? I don't understand I better go ask.

"Let's go ask Char then, I bet she finished studying"

"Okay let's go"

We looked all the way from the Great Hall to outside, after a while we found Charlotte with 5 books all across her she was sitting meditation style on the floor but something looked off. I said

"Heeey Char"

"Charlotte, Charlotte, Charlotte"

Hermione kept saying until Charlotte woke up and said

"Merlin! Jeez hi sorry I haven't slept in like 2 days I'm not fine, I just need to figure out..."

"Weren't you studying?"

I asked since she said she was going to do that

"Yeah I was and I believe I studied a lot since I did right the expeliarmus and flipendo spells and the veritaserum potion and I drank it because I thought it was water, oh well look at that... Now I'm not lying ask me anything."

"Should I... Are you ok?"

Hermione asked and I just felt how this was going to be wrong.

"No, I'm not, I almost hurt my friend, because of my curse, a few days ago.."

"What? What curse? You like h-have a c-curse?"

"Yes yes, every time I get really mad I get crazy, psycho mode"

"Hermione would you come with me, yes over here"

I dragged Mione away enough from Charlotte, and I said

"Look you can't say it to anyone, please I know it's crazy but you can't"

"But Harry and Ron they need to know"

"I know and they will but you can't say anything"

"Fine but promise you'll say it to them"

"I can't say it to them! but I'll tell Charlotte to tell them"

"But why didn't she tell us about it? We could help"

"She's scared that you might think she dangerous and all that stuff.... Cause like werewolfs, when the curse activates, she can hurt one of us in a very severe way"

"I understand... She needs to explain when she is ready"

"Good... Now we need to go and ask her the question we came here to ask her"

"Your right... But I want my answers soon though!!"

"Totaly, I'll make sure of that"

We both laughed and then we went back to Charlotte... Who apparently fell asleep again... Sitting up... On the floor.

This girl really needs to sleep.

"Char? Char! CHAR!"


"Hermione and I need to ask you something..."

"Ok, ask away."

"Well... We did some research about werewolves and everything leads that Professor Lupin is indeed a werewolf."

"I knew it!! But... What's the question?"

"Right! Um... so now that we have that information... What do we do with it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well... now we keep this to ourselves or do we tell?"

Charlotte stood silent for a second, then you can imagine what her response was.

"Why would you even ask that? I think that answer is a bit obvious but I'll answer anyway.... I say tell."

"But why?"

"Cause Professor Lupin may be a threat, we need to tell before something happens."

"I don't know, I'm sure Dumbledore knows about it. If he thought he was dangerous, he wouldn't have given him the professor spot. Don't you think?"

Charlotte was thinking a lot about this. Hermione and I exchanged worried looks. Then finally Charlotte said

"Well... You two are right. Dumbledore surely knows this and he let Professor Lupin be a teacher here so...."

Right after that Hermione said

"Exactly! If Dumbledore thought it was dangerous Professor Lupin wouldn't be here."

"Well... I can't argue with that. But if something happens I'm telling."

"Fine. Now Hermione and I are going to the Great Hall to go meet up with Luna... Wanna come?"

"Sure why not? I was bored here anyways"

We exchanged laughs, we picked up Charlotte's books and left for the Great Hall.

When we got there we immediately spotted Luna's blond hair.

"Hey guys glad you could make it"


The three of us said at the same time.

"Charlotte you look like you got hit by a Griffin! Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine... I have just been having a hard time sleeping"

"Well, have you had tea or something?"

"Actually no... i'll try it tonight to see if it works. Thanks"

"No problem. Anything for my friends"

Everyone stood silent, but not an awkward silence, a comfortable one. They could be there for hours without talking and steel feel comfortable sitting there with each other.

But then I said

"What have you been up to Luna?"

"Nothing much, just spending time with the creatures"

"Cool... So, Luna, we need your opinion on something, please give us an honest answer"

"Always, what do you need?"

"Well, what would you say if I told you that we know someone is a werewolf, and we need your opinion if we should tell or keep this information"

"Who? Professor Lupin?"

"How did you know?!"

"I have my ways, but anyway if he was a threat Dumbledore wouldn't have given him the position of being a professor"

"See, I told you Charlotte!"

"Why would you ask?"

Then Hermione said

"It's just that Charlotte thinks we should tell to avoid problems, but Audrie thinks like you do, to trust Dumbledore's decision to trust Professor Lupin"

"Well Charlotte, Audrie is right, but are also right for being concerned of the danger of the situation"

"Thanks Luna, you always know what to say"

"You're welcome"

And she gave us a big smile, that we happily returned, then we started talking about other stuff.
Then it was getting late so Luna and I were heading back to the Ravenclaw common room, while Charlotte was going to the greenhouse for a minute and Hermione to the Griffindor common room.

We were both talking, then I asked the question

"Do you think any of us could be in danger thanks to Professor Lupin's condition?"

"I don't think so, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be careful. Especially on the full moons"

"You are right, we don't need to worry about that right now. We need to worry about sleeping to have energy for tomorrow"

"Yeah, but tomorrow I think we need to talk to Professor Lupin, don't you think?"


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ March 08, 2021 - 1523 words - A/N: Hey guys! So this chapter was a little shorter than the others. But we hope you still enjoyed it. Soon they will be going to the Moon Mansion so don't miss it.

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