A Wonderful Adventure For Thi...

By ihavebecomepneuma

40.2K 658 896

What would happen when a metalhead guitarist reincarnates to a fantasy world? Read and find out. More

Registration, Introductions, And Amphibian Problems
Perverts, Panties, And Cabbage
Morning After, Practice, And A Dullahan
Gators, Tryhards, And Dullahan Again?
Alphonse, Floods, And A Layed Back Duet
Snow Sprites, Shogun, And Eris
Wiz, Restaurant, and Spirit House
Guy's Day, Sunset, And Succubus
1k Reads Special
Prison, Interrogation, And Justice For All
New Friends, Bath, And Duel
Gigs, Dungeon, And Party
Return, Proposal Problem, and Meeting
Vanir, Mind Control, And Solution
Inventions, Upgrades, And Lizards
An Unusual Duet, Fishing Buddies, And Roadtrip
Caravan, Cultists, And Split
Apology, Becoming One, And Angry Mob
Chase, Slime, And Final Battle
5k Special: Old Ties
Crimson Legend
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 1
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 2
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 3
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 4
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 5
Princess Of The Six Flowers: Chapter 6 and Epilogue
10k Special: Sick Day
The Ten Million Bride: Prologue and Chapter 1
The Ten Million Bride: Chapter 2
The Ten Million Bride: Chapter 3
The Ten Million Bride: Chapter 4


854 16 37
By ihavebecomepneuma

Aqua bolted out of the front door of the mansion, suitcases in hand.

Aqua: "Let's go, let's go, we need to go!"

(Y/N): "Go where?"

Aqua: "Somewhere far, far away!"

(Y/N): "Far! I don't care where, just far!"

Aqua: "Now's not the time for references! Didn't you hear?! The Destroyer is coming!"

While Darkness was already outside, Megumin had just followed Aqua out.

Kazuma: "No one has given me a real explanation on what the hell a Destroyer is."

Darkness: "An ancient weapon that went on an unstoppable rampage. They say that where it steps foot, not even the grass remains."

(Y/N): "Damn, that'd make a killer song."

Kazuma: "Aqua is right for once, now's not the time."

Megumin: "Fighting it...It's reckless at best. Suicide, more realistically."

Kazuma: "Alright then. We're heading to the guild."

Aqua: "What?!"

(Y/N): "Now I'm all for life on the road, but I'm with Kazuma this time. There's no way in hell I'm gonna sit by and let the house we worked so hard for just get destroyed."

Kazuma: "Somebody gets it."


The party, as well as all other adventurers in town were gathered together. They were watching a giant mechanical spider through a crystal ball.

Luna: "The Destroyer is heading towards us from the northeast, so we have about an hour until it arrives. You all are this city's last bastion of hope."

The adventurers watched the Destroyer obliterate a bird flying above it. Soon after, the crystal ball stopped working.

(Y/N): "Darkest color, blistered earth. True death of life."

Kazuma: "Consider the time and place. Please."

(Y/N): "They're right though. If we can't stop this thing, the world will be colored blackened."

Random Adventurer 1: "Um, the Destroyer was made by an ancient kingdom, right? Did they prepare any countermeasures?"

Luna: "They were the first to perish in it's rampage."

Random Adventurer 2: "If only Mitsurugi was here."

Random Adventurer 3: "I wonder where he went off to."

Kazuma started to avert his gaze, but (Y/N) stood tall.

(Y/N): "We can't worry about where that jackass-"

Kazuma elbowed (Y/N).

(Y/N): "What the hell was that for?!"

Kazuma started to frantically whisper to him.

Kazuma: "Listen, they basically treat him like a god amongst men. I agree with you, but if you want them to listen to a thing you say, you have to say it without insulting him."

(Y/N): ".....Fine."

(Y/N) stood up above the adventurers once again.

(Y/N): "We can't worry about what someone who isn't here would do. Right now is right fucking now, and if we have to rely on anyone other than ourselves, we'll lose our homes and even our lives. So I say we come up with a plan, and kick that Destroyer's mechanical ass!"

The guild cheered. (Y/N)'s motivational speech did just as intended, inspiring the adventurers.

(Y/N): "Alright, we need to come up with something as quickly as possible. Kazuma, any ideas?"

Kazuma: "Well, we could have Aqua try to break it's barrier to start. You can do that, right?"

Aqua: "I won't know until I try."

Luna: "You can break it's barrier?!"

Kazuma: "N-no, I was just suggesting-"

Luna: "Even so, could you try?"

Kazuma: "W-we could try it."

(Y/N): "Alright, assuming that Aqua breaks the barrier, we're gonna need some high firepower. Megumin's explosion might not be enough this time. Would waterlogging it work?"

Kazuma: "The rain would've washed it away by now if water affected it like that. It's not worth wasting our time to test the theory, so we need another heavy hitting spell."

As soon as Kazuma finished his sentence, Wiz started to come into view.

Wiz: "Excuse me! I'm the propieter of Wiz's Magic Shop. I'm a registered adventurer, so I've come to help."

(Y/N): "Wiz, you're a damn godsend!"

Wiz: "Wh-what?"

Random Adventurer 1: "With the shopkeeper here..."

Random Adventurer 2: "We have the destitute shopkeeper here! We can totally win!"

(Y/N): "Oi, don't call her destitute. She tries her best."

Kazuma: "How is she so famous anyway?"

Dust: "You haven't heard? She made a name herself as a master Arch Wizard way back when."

(Y/N): 'But she's really a lich. If I take her secret to the grave, I wonder if she'd reanimate me? I'd make Rob Zombie look like a cheap cosplay. Heh, (Y/N) Zombie.'

Kazuma: "Oi, I can tell you're making references by the look on your face. Cut that out."

(Y/N): "And now you sound like my dad."

Luna: "Alright everyone, the emergency quest will begin immediately!"


(Y/N), Megumin, and Wiz were all standing on one of the towns walls, awaiting the approach of the Destroyer.

(Y/N): "It's gonna be closing in soon. I hope you two are ready."

Wiz: "I'll do my best."

Megumin: "I am strong. I am strong."

(Y/N) looked over at Megumin. She was shaking, and gripping her staff tightly.

(Y/N): "Hey, we're gonna be fine."

Megumin: "B-but what if we aren't?! What if the explosions aren't enough, or Aqua can't break the barrier, or-"

Megumin was interrupted by (Y/N) leaning in and kissing her. She was stunned.

Wiz: "Oh my goodness!"

(Y/N): "That ought to put some sense back in ya. The girl I love isn't the type to back down so easily. She's the greatest mage I know, so that Destroyer is fucked six ways from sunday."

Megumin: "But if it doesn't-"

(Y/N): "Look, if worse comes to worst, I'm grabbing you, Kazuma, Darkness, and Aqua, and we're getting the hell out of dodge. This party is the closest thing I've had to family in while, and like hell I'm sacrificing family over buildings."

Megumin was red, but reassured.

Megumin: "Thank you. You always help me in these situations."

(Y/N): "I'd do anything for you. I swear, I love you too much."

Megumin: "As do I. You know, when we get through here, we need to go on another date."

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'd love to. But we can't afford that restaurant again."

Megumin: "I wouldn't mind just staying in for a date this time."

(Y/N): "I mean, my mom did teach me to cook a little. I could fix us some supper, and we could have a romantic dinner by candlelight."

Megumin: "That would be amazing. You're surprisingly good at coming up with date ideas."

(Y/N): "If you think that's good, what about we have dinner on the balcony of the mansion."

Megumin: "Why there?"

(Y/N): "It's really serene and peaceful under the night sky. The moon and stars always make happy when I look at them, you know. Just like when I look at you."

Megumin: "Keep up the sweet talking and I might just have to kiss you."

(Y/N): "Darling, I'll sweet talk you until you do."

Megumin: "I'm warning you, keep it up and we'll be face to face in no time."

(Y/N): "I wish we were face to face every second."

Megumin: "Alright that's it. Lean down some."

Kazuma: "Oi, you two are gonna burn Wiz to death."

The couple in question jumped at Kazuma's voice. The turned and saw Wiz with her hands over her face. Her face was burning up after they did all that in front of her. (Y/N) and Megumin both went as red as Wiz.

(Y/N): "H-hey, we're allowed to be affectionate to each other."

Kazuma: "I've told you a million times. Time and place."

Megumin: "H-he's right. We should be focusing on the matter at hand."

Aqua joined them on the wall, and they all looked off into the horizon.

(Y/N): "So, I saw you talking to Darkness earlier. Is she alright?"

Kazuma: "She's fine. She's acting as a final wall, just in case the plan fails."

(Y/N): "Is that the masochism or the nobility coming out?"

Kazuma: "I think it's a little of both. More nobility this time, surprisingly. She acted as if it were her duty."

Aqua: "Hey, this'll work, right?"

Wiz: "I hope so."

Aqua: "What's with that lackluster answer?"

Wiz: "Aqua, should this fail, let's return to the soil together on good terms."

Aqua: "Hey, I don't like that you're accepting this!"

In the distance, a unlucky mountain crumbled to the ground. A giant mechanical spider cut through the cloud of dust, and kept on it's path towards the town. (Y/N) played a song to set the mood.

Dust: "I-it's huge."

(Y/N): "Alright everyone, This is what we've been waiting for! Aqua, bust that thing up for us!"

Aqua: "Alright...Sacred Spell Break!"

Aqua fired a blast of colorful magic towards the Destroyer. As the beam closed in, it was stopped by it's barrier. It began to crack, and Aqua pushed harder into the spell. The Destroyer's barrier was shattered.

(Y/N): "Where's my Dragonator?! I mean, ready the explosions!"

Wiz and Megumin began to chant in unison.

Wiz & Megumin: "Darkness blacker than black and darker than dark, I beseech thee, combine with my deep crimson. The time of awakening cometh. Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary, appear now as an intangible distortion! EXPLOSION!"

(Y/N) skipped to the solo of the song as they finished chanting. He felt every note, and let his lightning fly free. Bolts of bright light pierced the heavens as (Y/N) put every bit of strength he had into making them faster, thicker, stronger. As two pillars of flames rocketed through the sky, bolts of lightning condensed, and coiled themselves around both of the pillars. As the explosions connected, so did the lightning. The electrified inferno rained down onto the mechanical arachnid, and it was given no room to breathe as (Y/N)'s lightning invaded. The Destroyer was brought to the ground.

Kazuma: "What the hell was that?!"

(Y/N): "Something that took more mana than I expected. Holy shit, I'm lightheaded."

The depleted Megumin spoke up.

Megumin: "(Y/N), you didn't say anything about joining the attack!"

(Y/N): "Hah, I didn't plan on it at first. But it was pretty cool, right?"

Megumin: "It wasn't just pretty cool, it was awesome! We have to give our team attack an fearsome name to suit it's fearsome power!"

(Y/N) thought for a moment, then snapped his fingers.

(Y/N): "What about Crimson Hellstorm?"

Megumin: "I fell in love with the right person!"

(Y/N): "Hehe, I'm glad to hear that."

Random Adventurer 1: "Once we're finished, I'm getting married."

Aqua: "Come on, let's get out of here! We've worked hard, so let's claim our rewards!"

Kazuma: "You moron! You're bound to trigger a flag!"

Just then, the Destroyer's eyes glowed red, and a voice resonated from within.

Destroyer: "Warning: Due to extreme damage, the self destruct sequence will now initiate. All crew, please evacuate immediately. All crew, please evacuate immediately."

(Y/N): "We're so fucked."

Kazuma: "We can still figure something out!"

(Y/N): "Shit out of luck."

Kazuma: "Wait a second, you're making a reference, aren't you?"

(Y/N): "Hardwired to self destruct!"

(Y/N) then played the riff for good measure.

Kazuma: "We're all could die and you're making stupid jokes!"

(Y/N): "If I go out, I'm going out doing what I love!"

Kazuma: "No one's going out! Grab Megu-"

Kazuma looked over at where Megumin was sitting against the wall, but saw that she wasn't there. He looked at (Y/N) to see that he was already giving her a piggyback.

Kazuma: "How'd you already- You know what, we don't have time! Let's get Darkness and leave!"

(Y/N): "Plan B it is."

Wiz: "Plan B?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, get the fuck out of here."

(Y/N) began to sprint after Kazuma, who had already started towards Darkness. They found her in front of the collapsed Destroyer.

Kazuma: "Come on, Darkness! We gotta go, now!"

Darkness: "I cannot withdraw until the end. A knight can't flee before her countrymen."

Kazuma: "That's stupid! Everyone is already evacuating!"

Darkness: "Besides, exposing myself to a bomb that can level an entire city..."

(Y/N): "Oh no."

Darkness: "What is this rising excitement? Will I be able to withstand it? No, it doesn't matter how sturdy I am, I won't emerge unscathed. I can't take it anymore! Kazuma!"

Kazuma: "I'm Kazuma."

Darkness: "I'm charging in!"

Darkness, obviously aroused by potential pain, charged straight at the Destroyer.

Random Adventurer 1: "Hey, Darkness is charging in!"

Random Adventurer 2: "I owe this city too much to let it be destroyed!"

Wiz: "Kazuma, (Y/N). If we find the control room, we should be able to stop the sequence."

Kazuma: "Darkness definitely ran in without that knowledge."

(Y/N): "I guess we're not done yet. Alright everyone! We're not cowards! We'll laugh at death once again! Now onward, my brothers, to our glorious end! Charge!"

Adventurers: "CHAAARGE!"

(Y/N) was about to charge in with them, but remembered something important first.

(Y/N): "Almost forgot."

He sat Megumin down against a rock. He took off his jacket and layed it behind her to cushion the stone a little.

Megumin: "What are you doing?!"

(Y/N): "Leaving you here."

Megumin: "I can see that! But why?"

(Y/N): "I don't want to have two highly volatile materials in close proximity."

Megumin: "(Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "That was a joke, alright. But in all seriousness, it's better for you to stay here."

Megumin: "I'm an adventurer too, (Y/N)! This is a part of my duty!"

(Y/N): "I don't give a flying fuck about duty at the moment."

Megumin: "I'm perfectly capable of handling myself-"

(Y/N): "No, you're not!"

Megumin's eyes widened. (Y/N) was showing how distraught he was about this all of a sudden.

(Y/N): "You're not! Right now, you can't do anything! How do you expect to take care of yourself when you can barely move a finger? Who knows if some monsters are taking shelter in this thing? If I have to carry you, then I won't be able to do anything either!"

The girl's eyes slowly filled with tears.

Megumin: "...Am...A-am I that u-useless?"

(Y/N) saw the error he'd made immediately.

(Y/N): "No, not at all! You aren't useless, that's not what I was trying to say. What I'm saying is that if I have to carry you, there's no guarantee that you'll be safe. If there's monsters, or booby traps, then I have no way of protecting you. You know by now, but I care about you a lot. Out here, at least for the moment, you're safe. I'll even get someone to stay behind with you, if you want. But I can't take you in there right now, because if you got hurt, and I could've done something to prevent it, I would never forgive myself. So please, just stay put."

(Y/N) wiped Megumin's tears, and she smiled at him.

Megumin: "I got it. But if anything happens, you better get out of there as fast as you can."

(Y/N): "Thank you. And you can bet I will."

(Y/N) turned and started to walk into the Destroyer. Before he went in, he looked back one last time.

(Y/N): "I love you, Megumin."

Megumin: "I love you too, (Y/N)."

With that, (Y/N) turned and walked inside.

(Y/N): 'I hope to Eris that's not the last time I tell her that.'


(Y/N) had just joined back with everyone. They were making good progress on finding the control room.

Taylor: "Found it!"

They all rushed and saw a lone skeleton seated in the middle of the room.

(Y/N): "Why do I hear Bonetrousle? If he wakes up and gives me spaghetti, I will not hesitate to eat it all."

Aqua: "He's long gone. He passed on without any regrets."

(Y/N): "You sure about that?"

Kazuma: "Yeah, he looks totally lonely. Even as a skeleton."

Aqua: "What's this?"

Aqua leaned over and picked a dusty book up off the ground. She blew on it to clear some of the dust.

Aqua: "Is this his diary or something?"

(Y/N): "Read it then! He might have written down how to disarm this thing!"

(Small Timeskip)

After reading the diary, they found out that creator of the Destroyer was not only Japanese, but he was also a complete idiot. He forgot to make an off switch.

(Y/N): "I've said it before but, we're so fucked."

(Small Timeskip)

Kazuma: "So we've evacuated everyone else, but what are we supposed to do with this thing?"

Wiz: "The coronatite is out of control."

(Y/N): "Yikes, I'm gonna need a mask."

A blazing mineral was the source of the Destroyer's power. It was also the source of the problem, being all explosive and whatnot.

(Y/N): "Can't you do something about it, Aqua?"

Aqua: "Why me?"

Kazuma: "Don't goddesses seal away ancient powers? Couldn't you do that for this?"

Aqua: "What's with that self serving wild proposition? Wiz, do something."

Wiz: "I suppose I could teleport-"

Aqua: "Yeah, that one! Do that!"

Wiz: "B-but I don't have enough magic! Um, Kazuma? I have a request."

Kazuma: "What is it?"

Wiz put her hands on Kazuma's face.

Wiz: "Would you let me suck it out?"

Kazuma: "Absolutely."

(Y/N) began to drag Aqua out of the control room.

Aqua: "What are you doing?!"

(Y/N): "I don't care if it's the end of the world or not, if a homie is getting some action, I'm not interrupting."

(Y/N) and Aqua waited patiently out of the room.

(With Kazuma and Wiz.)

Kazuma: 'I'm not the dense type. I'm not gonna get embarrassed and play dumb in these situations.'

Wiz: "Thank you."

Kazuma: "No, thank you."

Kazuma watched Wiz's lips as she moved closer to him.

Kazuma: 'It's finally time. I'm about to become an adult in this parallel-' "YAAAAH!"

Wiz: "I'm sorry! Drain Touch!"

After Wiz finished, and Kazuma stopped screaming, (Y/N) and Aqua walked back in.

Aqua: "Look! Kazuma's all dried up!"

(Y/N): "That good, huh?"

Wiz: "I should be able to use teleportation magic now!"

(Y/N): "Then come on, this thing went from red to white!"

Wiz: "But I have limited control over it's destination. I can send it away immediately with a random teleport, but if it gets sent somewhere densely populated..."

(Y/N): "Whatever we do, we need to do now."

Kazuma: "It's alright. It's a big world out there, and I'll take responsibility if something goes wrong. It may not seem so, but I have good luck."

(Y/N): "I'll take responsibility too. I have confidence enough in his luck already."

Wiz: "Alright then. Tele-"

(Y/N): "Wait!"

Wiz: "H-huh?!"

(Y/N): "Aqua, go stand outside."

Aqua did as asked, and waited outside the room.

(Y/N): "Proceed."

Wiz: "Alright, Teleport!"

The coronatite was teleported away, so the Destroyer had nothing to self destruct. They found Aqua and regrouped with Darkness on the head of the Destroyer.

(Y/N): "So this is where you got off to."

Darkness: "The smell of danger in the air is strongest here. So naturally, as a Crusader, I came to, um, investigate."

(Y/N): "Sure you did, ya horndog."

Darkness moaned at the insult.

(Y/N): "I really should watch my mouth around you. But that reminds me. Kazuma, can we get a dog?"

Kazuma: "Where in the hell did that come from?"

(Y/N): "Well, I've always wanted one, but my family never got one. Plus we have a huge mansion, and the threat of impending doom is gone now. It's perfect circumstances-"

Kazuma: "Goddammit! You've killed us all!"

(Y/N): "What- Oh...I triggered a flag, didn't I?"

Steam began to pour out of the Destroyer's eyes. Everyone began to distance themselves.

Kazuma: "We removed the coronatite, so what is it now?!"

Wiz: "This must be the internal heat escaping! If we don't act quickly, the city will become a sea of flames!"

(Y/N): "We have to stop it! I don't wanna be a shepherd of fire!"

Aqua: "Enough!"

(Y/N): "Well excuuuuuuse meeee princess. I'm gonna go pick up Megumin so we can get ourselves the fuck out of here."

Kazuma: "Hurry!"

(Y/N) jogged off to get Megumin, and Aqua looked like she remembered something.

Aqua: "Wait, if the city burns down, my debt will be cleared."

Kazuma: "Oi, Blue thing."

Kazuma then used Drain Touch on the back of her neck.

Aqua: "AAAH! What are you doing, you shut in neet?!"

Kazuma: "Wiz needs more mana to use explosion again. Cough it up."

Aqua: "But if you infuse her with my holy energy, she'll disappear!"

Kazuma: "Stop lying just cause you don't-"

Wiz: "She's telling the truth."

Kazuma: "This isn't looking good."

Megumin: "The star takes the stage."

(Y/N): "Yo, check out what I found."

Megumin: "This time I shall show you true explosion magic!"

Wiz: "Drain Touch is most effective when it's used close to the heart."

(Y/N): "Kazuma, if you even think-"

Kazuma: "Jeez, I wasn't planning to!"

Megumin: "What a great opportunity, I get to use explosion twice in one-AAAAH!"

Kazuma grabbed the back of Megumin's neck, and began transferring mana from Aqua to Megumin.

Megumin: "What are you doing, you pervert?! Sexually assaulting me?! In a time like this, you're sexually assaulting me?!"

(Y/N): "Calm down!"

Megumin: "(Y/N), stop him!"

(Y/N): "He's not assaulting you! He's just giving you mana, with efficiency in mind. Besides I trust Kazuma. He knows boundaries."

Kazuma: "Do you really think I'd assault you?"

Megumin: "...No, I guess not. You just act pervy, like when you took my panties. Or a bath with Darkness."

Darkness: "H-hey!"

(Y/N): "I'm not gonna justify harassment, that just don't fly with me. But one thing you gotta learn, is that all guys are pervy. Some are just more outgoing."

Megumin: "That can't be true, you aren't perv-"

(Y/N): "More than one time when I was carrying you, I gripped your thighs a little more than necessary."

Megumin: "Wh-wh-what?!"

(Y/N): "I know that's probably made you uncomfortable, but it was also some payback. You know, for when you stared at my shirtless body as I slept?"


Kazuma: "Just blow this thing up!"

Megumin: "Oh, blackness shrouded in light... Frenzied blaze clad in night... All else aside, I don't want to be outdone by anyone else when it comes to explosion magic! Here I go! My ultimate destructive magic...EXPLOSION!"

And with Megumin's explosion, the threat of the Destroyer was blown sky high. The town was saved.


The day after defeating the Destroyer, (Y/N) was walking to the guild. There were adventurers on the street calling out to him.

Random Adventurer 1: "Hey (Y/N), we beat the Destroyer yesterday, so when's the show?"

(Y/N): "As soon as I walk in!"

Random Adventurer 2: "Hell yeah! Let's go already!"

(Y/N): "Let's go get fucking hammered! If I remember today, I'm calling it a failure!"

(Y/N) began to walk towards the guild, with more and more Adventurers coming along as they got closer. The rest of the party were already at the guild, so they weren't surprised to see (Y/N) walk in. What they were surprised about, was the massive crowd following him. Once inside, (Y/N) sprinted to the bar, reached over, and chugged the biggest bottle of whiskey he could see. He slammed some eris on the bar, and sprinted towards the tables, guitar in hand. He jumped on a table and got everyone's attention.

(Y/N): "I don't care if you're ready or not! I am, and this song's called Travelling Band!"

Kazuma: "That's one way to make an entrance."

The playing stopped, and (Y/N) looked at the crowd. His eyes shifted for a moment, and then squeezed shut.


The furious playing resumed, and guild was stunned at first. But as (Y/N) screamed, they quickly settled into the groove. The guild was bumping, and near everyone was drinking.


(Y/N) held out his hand, and someone in the crowd handed him another bottle of whiskey. He drank as much as he could in one go, and placed the half empty bottle on the table.


Darkness: "I wish someone would scream at me like that."

The adventurers quickly found their groove with this song. They did as asked, and tables were moved to make room for dancing, and even just getting closer. With the end of the song, (Y/N) downed the rest of the whiskey, and called for more.

(Y/N): "Fuck these tiny bottles! Bring me something bigger!"

A waitress brought him a large mason jar filled to the brim with whiskey. He drank about a quarter of its contents, and saved the rest for after the next song. What alcohol he'd already ingested was beginning to take effect.

(Y/N): "Listen to the fuckin lyrics...you'll figure out the meaning. It's called CAT SCRATCH FEVER!"

With lyrics like "Make the pussy purr with a stroke of my hand", it didn't take long for the guild to figure out what the song was about. The riffs were raunchy, and everyone was grooving. At the end of the song, (Y/N) picked up the massive mason jar.

Guild: "Chug, chug, chug, chug!"

(Y/N): "Well I can't back down now!"

(Y/N) tipped the jar back, and gulped down quite a large amount of alcohol.

(Y/N): 'With this on top of all I had before, I shouldn't remember much after this moment.' "Alright motherfuckers! I wanna see...a fucking...uh...circle pit! Right here in front! Run in a circle...fuckin, bump into each other. This song's called. BURY! ME! IN! SMOKE!"

Everyone was watching as (Y/N) chugged along. He saw an opportunity to imitate one of his favorite frontmen. The music stopped.

(Y/N): "Alright...wait. There's too many people fuckin looking at me. I wanna see you bang your fuckin heads! Don't you look at me, motherfucker, less you wanna fight, and you'll lose. One more time, BURY ME IN SMOKE!"

Hundreds of banging heads gathered around the table (Y/N) was standing on. Seven or eight people even caught on to the idea of moshing, and started a circle pit in the center of the guild. (Y/N) used his volume knob to fade the volume out at the end. Before the guild could cheer, (Y/N) held a finger to his lips.

(Y/N): "Shhhh. Do you hear that?"

Everyone stopped everything to listen, and as they did, (Y/N) began playing again, and fading the volume in. Before the song was over though, the guild doors burst open.

???: "Satou Kazuma! (Y/N) (L/N)! You two are coming with me!"

Kazuma: "What?!"

Kazuma's face drained of color, but (Y/N) just kept playing.

???: "You two are wanted for subversion of the state. The coronatite teleported at your command destroyed Lord Aldarp's estate."

At this point (Y/N) had finished the song. He looked at the woman who'd ruined his show.

(Y/N): "What the fuck did you think a Destroyer is supposed fuckin do? Brew a goddamn pot of coffee?"

Unexpectedly, the guild laughed at the drunk (Y/N)'s sarcastic attitude. They went into an uproar after hearing that (Y/N) and Kazuma, the heroes of the town, we're being called criminals. But resistance soon died out as the woman told them that they were welcome to stay in a prison cell with them. Kazuma complied and was cuffed. (Y/N) was very, very intoxicated, and wasn't going down easy. Two knights closed in on him, and one got on the table to apprehend him. He grabbed (Y/N)'s wrist, but (Y/N) yanked his arm away.

(Y/N): "Get your *burp* fuckin paws off of me!"

(Y/N) leaned back and sent the knight crashing to the ground with a spartan kick. The kick threw him off balance though, so he fell off the other side of the table, passed out before he even hit the floor. The second knight cuffed (Y/N), and the two were sent to jail.

That's this chapter done. This one took longer than I wanted it to, so I apologize for the delay. Side note, I may be becoming an addict. Vinyl collection is starting off strong. Now I have Ride The Lightning - Metallica, Overkill - Motörhead, The Blue Album - Weezer, Abbey Road - The Beatles, and ...And Justice For All - Metallica in that order. I drove like an hour and a half away to a Walmart looking for the colored vinyl. Found the very last Justice record in green, so that's pretty cool. With that out of the way, I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next chapter

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